view android/dw.cpp @ 2510:f54051c3f2a5

Android: Implement MLE functions. Fix issues with checkboxes and sliders. Started enabling all notebook tabs in the test program... but a number of controls still missing, so functionality is still spotty at this point.
author bsmith@81767d24-ef19-dc11-ae90-00e081727c95
date Fri, 07 May 2021 09:35:14 +0000
parents a149dabf6a1f
children 0945d0428dfe
line wrap: on
line source

 * Dynamic Windows:
 *          A GTK like GUI implementation of the Android GUI.
 * (C) 2011-2021 Brian Smith <>
 * (C) 2011-2021 Mark Hessling <>

#include "dw.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/utsname.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#if defined(__ANDROID__) && (__ANDROID_API__+0) < 21
#include <sys/syscall.h>

/* Until Android API version 21 NDK does not define getsid wrapper in libc, although there is the corresponding syscall */
inline pid_t getsid(pid_t pid)
    return static_cast< pid_t >(::syscall(__NR_getsid, pid));

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#define DW_CLASS_NAME "org/dbsoft/dwindows/DWindows"

static pthread_key_t _dw_env_key;
static HEV _dw_main_event;
static JavaVM *_dw_jvm;
static jobject _dw_obj;
static jobject _dw_class_loader;
static jmethodID _dw_class_method;

JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL JNI_OnLoad(JavaVM *pjvm, void *reserved)
    JNIEnv *env;
    jclass randomClass, classClass, classLoaderClass;
    jmethodID getClassLoaderMethod;

    /* Initialize the handle to the Java Virtual Machine */
    _dw_jvm = pjvm;
    _dw_jvm->GetEnv((void**)&env, JNI_VERSION_1_6);

    randomClass = env->FindClass(DW_CLASS_NAME);
    classClass = env->GetObjectClass(randomClass);
    classLoaderClass = env->FindClass("java/lang/ClassLoader");
    getClassLoaderMethod = env->GetMethodID(classClass, "getClassLoader",
    _dw_class_loader = env->NewGlobalRef(env->CallObjectMethod(randomClass, getClassLoaderMethod));
    _dw_class_method = env->GetMethodID(classLoaderClass, "findClass",

    return JNI_VERSION_1_6;

jclass _dw_find_class(JNIEnv *env, const char* name)
    return static_cast<jclass>(env->CallObjectMethod(_dw_class_loader, _dw_class_method, env->NewStringUTF(name)));

/* Call the dwmain entry point, Android has no args, so just pass the app path */
void _dw_main_launch(char *arg)
    char *argv[2] = { arg, NULL };
    dwmain(1, argv);

/* Called when DWindows activity starts up... so we create a thread
 *  to call the dwmain() entrypoint... then we wait for dw_main()
 *  to be called and return.
 * Parameters:
 *      path: The path to the Android app.
Java_org_dbsoft_dwindows_DWindows_dwindowsInit(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jstring path)
    static int runcount = 0;

    /* Safety check to prevent multiple initializations... */
#if defined(__arm__) || defined(__aarch64__)
    if(runcount == 0)
    if(runcount == 1)
        char *arg = strdup(env->GetStringUTFChars((jstring) path, NULL));

        /* Save our class object pointer for later */
        _dw_obj = env->NewGlobalRef(obj);

        /* Save the JNIEnv for the main thread */
        pthread_key_create(&_dw_env_key, NULL);
        pthread_setspecific(_dw_env_key, env);

        /* Create the dwmain event */
        _dw_main_event = dw_event_new();

        /* Launch the new thread to execute dwmain() */
        dw_thread_new((void *) _dw_main_launch, arg, 0);

typedef struct _sighandler
    struct _sighandler   *next;
    ULONG message;
    HWND window;
    int id;
    void *signalfunction;
    void *discfunction;
    void *data;

} SignalHandler;

static SignalHandler *DWRoot = NULL;

SignalHandler *_dw_get_handler(HWND window, int messageid)
    SignalHandler *tmp = DWRoot;
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key))) {
        /* Find any callbacks for this function */
        while (tmp) {
            if (tmp->message == messageid && env->IsSameObject(window, tmp->window)) {
                return tmp;
            tmp = tmp->next;
    return NULL;

typedef struct
    ULONG message;
    char name[30];

} DWSignalList;

/* List of signals */
#define SIGNALMAX 19

static DWSignalList DWSignalTranslate[SIGNALMAX] = {
        { 1,    DW_SIGNAL_CONFIGURE },
        { 2,    DW_SIGNAL_KEY_PRESS },
        { 3,    DW_SIGNAL_BUTTON_PRESS },
        { 4,    DW_SIGNAL_BUTTON_RELEASE },
        { 5,    DW_SIGNAL_MOTION_NOTIFY },
        { 6,    DW_SIGNAL_DELETE },
        { 7,    DW_SIGNAL_EXPOSE },
        { 8,    DW_SIGNAL_CLICKED },
        { 9,    DW_SIGNAL_ITEM_ENTER },
        { 10,   DW_SIGNAL_ITEM_CONTEXT },
        { 11,   DW_SIGNAL_LIST_SELECT },
        { 12,   DW_SIGNAL_ITEM_SELECT },
        { 13,   DW_SIGNAL_SET_FOCUS },
        { 14,   DW_SIGNAL_VALUE_CHANGED },
        { 15,   DW_SIGNAL_SWITCH_PAGE },
        { 16,   DW_SIGNAL_TREE_EXPAND },
        { 17,   DW_SIGNAL_COLUMN_CLICK },
        { 18,   DW_SIGNAL_HTML_RESULT },
        { 19,   DW_SIGNAL_HTML_CHANGED }

int _dw_event_handler(jobject object, void **params, int message)
    SignalHandler *handler = _dw_get_handler(object, message);

            /* Timer event */
            case 0:
                int (*timerfunc)(void *) = (int (* API)(void *))handler->signalfunction;

                return 0;
                /* Configure/Resize event */
            case 1:
                int (*sizefunc)(HWND, int, int, void *) = (int (* API)(HWND, int, int, void *))handler->signalfunction;
                int width = DW_POINTER_TO_INT(params[3]);
                int height = DW_POINTER_TO_INT(params[4]);

                if(width > 0 && height > 0)
                    return sizefunc(object, width, height, handler->data);
                return 0;
            case 2:
                int (*keypressfunc)(HWND, char, int, int, void *, char *) = (int (* API)(HWND, char, int, int, void *, char *))handler->signalfunction;
                char *utf8 = (char *)params[1], ch = utf8 ? utf8[0] : '\0';
                int vk = 0, special = 0;

                return keypressfunc(handler->window, ch, (int)vk, special, handler->data, utf8);
                /* Button press and release event */
            case 3:
            case 4:
                int (* API buttonfunc)(HWND, int, int, int, void *) = (int (* API)(HWND, int, int, int, void *))handler->signalfunction;
                int button = 1;

                return buttonfunc(object, DW_POINTER_TO_INT(params[3]), DW_POINTER_TO_INT(params[4]), button, handler->data);
            /* Motion notify event */
            case 5:
                int (* API motionfunc)(HWND, int, int, int, void *) = (int (* API)(HWND, int, int, int, void *))handler->signalfunction;

                return motionfunc(object, DW_POINTER_TO_INT(params[3]), DW_POINTER_TO_INT(params[4]), DW_POINTER_TO_INT(params[5]), handler->data);
            /* Window close event */
            case 6:
                int (* API closefunc)(HWND, void *) = (int (* API)(HWND, void *))handler->signalfunction;
                return closefunc(object, handler->data);
            /* Window expose/draw event */
            case 7:
                DWExpose exp;
                int (* API exposefunc)(HWND, DWExpose *, void *) = (int (* API)(HWND, DWExpose *, void *))handler->signalfunction;

                exp.x = DW_POINTER_TO_INT(params[3]);
                exp.y = DW_POINTER_TO_INT(params[4]);
                exp.width = DW_POINTER_TO_INT(params[5]);
                exp.height = DW_POINTER_TO_INT(params[6]);
                int result = exposefunc(object, &exp, handler->data);
                return result;
                /* Clicked event for buttons and menu items */
            case 8:
                int (* API clickfunc)(HWND, void *) = (int (* API)(HWND, void *))handler->signalfunction;

                return clickfunc(object, handler->data);
                /* Container class selection event */
            case 9:
                int (*containerselectfunc)(HWND, char *, void *, void *) =(int (* API)(HWND, char *, void *, void *)) handler->signalfunction;

                return containerselectfunc(handler->window, (char *)params[1], handler->data, params[7]);
                /* Container context menu event */
            case 10:
                int (* API containercontextfunc)(HWND, char *, int, int, void *, void *) = (int (* API)(HWND, char *, int, int, void *, void *))handler->signalfunction;
                char *text = (char *)params[1];
                void *user = params[7];
                int x = DW_POINTER_TO_INT(params[3]);
                int y = DW_POINTER_TO_INT(params[4]);

                return containercontextfunc(handler->window, text, x, y, handler->data, user);
                /* Generic selection changed event for several classes */
            case 11:
            case 14:
                int (* API valuechangedfunc)(HWND, int, void *) = (int (* API)(HWND, int, void *))handler->signalfunction;
                int selected = DW_POINTER_TO_INT(params[3]);

                return valuechangedfunc(handler->window, selected, handler->data);;
                /* Tree class selection event */
            case 12:
                int (* API treeselectfunc)(HWND, HTREEITEM, char *, void *, void *) = (int (* API)(HWND, HTREEITEM, char *, void *, void *))handler->signalfunction;
                char *text = (char *)params[1];
                void *user = params[7];

                return treeselectfunc(handler->window, params[0], text, handler->data, user);
                /* Set Focus event */
            case 13:
                int (* API setfocusfunc)(HWND, void *) = (int (* API)(HWND, void *))handler->signalfunction;

                return setfocusfunc(handler->window, handler->data);
                /* Notebook page change event */
            case 15:
                int (* API switchpagefunc)(HWND, unsigned long, void *) = (int (* API)(HWND, unsigned long, void *))handler->signalfunction;
                unsigned long pageID = DW_POINTER_TO_INT(params[3]);

                return switchpagefunc(handler->window, pageID, handler->data);
                /* Tree expand event */
            case 16:
                int (* API treeexpandfunc)(HWND, HTREEITEM, void *) = (int (* API)(HWND, HTREEITEM, void *))handler->signalfunction;

                return treeexpandfunc(handler->window, (HTREEITEM)params[0], handler->data);
                /* Column click event */
            case 17:
                int (* API clickcolumnfunc)(HWND, int, void *) = (int (* API)(HWND, int, void *))handler->signalfunction;
                int column_num = DW_POINTER_TO_INT(params[3]);

                return clickcolumnfunc(handler->window, column_num, handler->data);
                /* HTML result event */
            case 18:
                int (* API htmlresultfunc)(HWND, int, char *, void *, void *) = (int (* API)(HWND, int, char *, void *, void *))handler->signalfunction;
                char *result = (char *)params[1];

                return htmlresultfunc(handler->window, result ? DW_ERROR_NONE : DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN, result, params[7], handler->data);
                /* HTML changed event */
            case 19:
                int (* API htmlchangedfunc)(HWND, int, char *, void *) = (int (* API)(HWND, int, char *, void *))handler->signalfunction;
                char *uri = (char *)params[1];

                return htmlchangedfunc(handler->window, DW_POINTER_TO_INT(params[3]), uri, handler->data);
    return -1;

 * Entry location for all event handlers from the Android UI
Java_org_dbsoft_dwindows_DWindows_eventHandler(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jobject obj1, jobject obj2,
                                                      jint message, jstring str1, jstring str2,
                                                      jint inta, jint intb, jint intc, jint intd) {
    const char *utf81 = str1 ? env->GetStringUTFChars(str1, NULL) : NULL;
    const char *utf82 = str2 ? env->GetStringUTFChars(str2, NULL) : NULL;
    void *params[8] = { (void *)obj2, (void *)utf81, (void *)utf82,
                        DW_INT_TO_POINTER(inta), DW_INT_TO_POINTER(intb),
                        DW_INT_TO_POINTER(intc), DW_INT_TO_POINTER(intd), NULL };

    return _dw_event_handler(obj1, params, message);

/* A more simple method for quicker calls */
Java_org_dbsoft_dwindows_DWindows_eventHandlerSimple(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jobject obj1, jint message) {
    void *params[8] = { NULL };

    _dw_event_handler(obj1, params, message);

/* Handler for notebook page changes */
Java_org_dbsoft_dwindows_DWindows_eventHandlerNotebook(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jobject obj1, jint message, jlong pageID) {
    void *params[8] = { NULL };

    params[3] = DW_INT_TO_POINTER(pageID);
    _dw_event_handler(obj1, params, message);

/* Handlers for HTML events */
Java_org_dbsoft_dwindows_DWindows_eventHandlerHTMLResult(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jobject obj1,
                                               jint message, jstring htmlResult, jlong data) {
    const char *result = env->GetStringUTFChars(htmlResult, NULL);
    void *params[8] = { NULL, DW_POINTER(result), NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, DW_INT_TO_POINTER(data) };

    _dw_event_handler(obj1, params, message);

Java_org_dbsoft_dwindows_DWWebViewClient_eventHandlerHTMLChanged(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jobject obj1,
                                                         jint message, jstring URI, jint status) {
    const char *uri = env->GetStringUTFChars(URI, NULL);
    void *params[8] = { NULL, DW_POINTER(uri), NULL, DW_INT_TO_POINTER(status), 0, 0, 0, 0 };

    _dw_event_handler(obj1, params, message);

Java_org_dbsoft_dwindows_DWindows_eventHandlerInt(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jobject obj1, jint message,
                                               jint inta, jint intb, jint intc, jint intd) {
    void *params[8] = { NULL, NULL, NULL,
                        DW_INT_TO_POINTER(inta), DW_INT_TO_POINTER(intb),
                        DW_INT_TO_POINTER(intc), DW_INT_TO_POINTER(intd), NULL };

    _dw_event_handler(obj1, params, message);

/* Handler for Timer events */
Java_org_dbsoft_dwindows_DWindows_eventHandlerTimer(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jlong sigfunc, jlong data) {
    int (*timerfunc)(void *) = (int (* API)(void *))sigfunc;

    pthread_setspecific(_dw_env_key, env);
    return timerfunc((void *)data);

/* This function adds a signal handler callback into the linked list.
void _dw_new_signal(ULONG message, HWND window, int msgid, void *signalfunction, void *discfunc, void *data)
    SignalHandler *newsig = (SignalHandler *)malloc(sizeof(SignalHandler));

    newsig->message = message;
    newsig->window = window;
    newsig->id = msgid;
    newsig->signalfunction = signalfunction;
    newsig->discfunction = discfunc;
    newsig->data = data;
    newsig->next = NULL;

    if (!DWRoot)
        DWRoot = newsig;
        SignalHandler *prev = NULL, *tmp = DWRoot;
            if(tmp->message == message &&
               tmp->window == window &&
               tmp->id == msgid &&
               tmp->signalfunction == signalfunction)
                tmp->data = data;
            prev = tmp;
            tmp = tmp->next;
            prev->next = newsig;
            DWRoot = newsig;

/* Finds the message number for a given signal name */
ULONG _dw_findsigmessage(const char *signame)
    int z;

        if(strcasecmp(signame, DWSignalTranslate[z].name) == 0)
            return DWSignalTranslate[z].message;
    return 0L;

 * Runs a message loop for Dynamic Windows.
void API dw_main(void)
    /* We don't actually run a loop here,
     * we launched a new thread to run the loop there.
     * Just wait for dw_main_quit() on the DWMainEvent.
    dw_event_wait(_dw_main_event, DW_TIMEOUT_INFINITE);

 * Causes running dw_main() to return.
void API dw_main_quit(void)

 * Runs a message loop for Dynamic Windows, for a period of milliseconds.
 * Parameters:
 *           milliseconds: Number of milliseconds to run the loop for.
void API dw_main_sleep(int milliseconds)

 * Processes a single message iteration and returns.
void API dw_main_iteration(void)

 * Cleanly terminates a DW session, should be signal handler safe.
 * Parameters:
 *       exitcode: Exit code reported to the operating system.
void API dw_exit(int exitcode)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID dwindowsExit = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "dwindowsExit",
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, dwindowsExit, exitcode);
    // We shouldn't get here, but in case JNI can't call dwindowsExit...

 * Free's memory allocated by dynamic windows.
 * Parameters:
 *           ptr: Pointer to dynamic windows allocated
 *                memory to be free()'d.
void API dw_free(void *ptr)

 * Returns a pointer to a static buffer which contains the
 * current user directory.  Or the root directory if it could
 * not be determined.
char * API dw_user_dir(void)
    static char _dw_user_dir[MAX_PATH+1] = {0};

        char *home = getenv("HOME");

            strcpy(_dw_user_dir, home);
            strcpy(_dw_user_dir, "/");
    return _dw_user_dir;

 * Returns a pointer to a static buffer which contains the
 * private application data directory.
char * API dw_app_dir(void)
    static char _dw_exec_dir[MAX_PATH+1] = {0};
    /* Code to determine the execution directory here,
     * some implementations make this variable global
     * and determine the location in dw_init().
    return _dw_exec_dir;

 * Sets the application ID used by this Dynamic Windows application instance.
 * Parameters:
 *         appid: A string typically in the form:
 *         appname: The application name used on Windows or NULL.
 * Returns:
 *         DW_ERROR_NONE after successfully setting the application ID.
 *         DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN if unsupported on this system.
 *         DW_ERROR_GENERAL if the application ID is not allowed.
 * Remarks:
 *          This must be called before dw_init().  If dw_init() is called first
 *          it will create a unique ID in the form: org.dbsoft.dwindows.application
 *          or if the application name cannot be detected:
 *          The appname is only required on Windows.  If NULL is passed the detected
 *          application name will be used, but a prettier name may be desired.
int API dw_app_id_set(const char *appid, const char *appname)
    return DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN;

 * Displays a debug message on the console...
 * Parameters:
 *           format: printf style format string.
 *           ...: Additional variables for use in the format.
void API dw_debug(const char *format, ...)
    va_list args;
    char outbuf[1025] = {0};
    JNIEnv *env;

    va_start(args, format);
    vsnprintf(outbuf, 1024, format, args);

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // Construct a String
        jstring jstr = env->NewStringUTF(outbuf);
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID debugMessage = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "debugMessage",
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, debugMessage, jstr);
    else {
        /* Output to stderr, if there is another way to send it
         * on the implementation platform, change this.
        fprintf(stderr, "%s", outbuf);

 * Displays a Message Box with given text and title..
 * Parameters:
 *           title: The title of the message box.
 *           flags: flags to indicate buttons and icon
 *           format: printf style format string.
 *           ...: Additional variables for use in the format.
 * Returns:
 *       or DW_MB_RETURN_CANCEL based on flags and user response.
int API dw_messagebox(const char *title, int flags, const char *format, ...)
    va_list args;
    char outbuf[1025] = {0};
    JNIEnv *env;

    va_start(args, format);
    vsnprintf(outbuf, 1024, format, args);

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // Construct a String
        jstring jstr = env->NewStringUTF(outbuf);
        jstring jstrtitle = env->NewStringUTF(title);
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID messageBox = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "messageBox",
        // Call the method on the object
        return env->CallIntMethod(_dw_obj, messageBox, jstrtitle, jstr, flags);
    return 0;

 * Opens a file dialog and queries user selection.
 * Parameters:
 *       title: Title bar text for dialog.
 *       defpath: The default path of the open dialog.
 *       ext: Default file extention.
 *       flags: DW_FILE_OPEN or DW_FILE_SAVE.
 * Returns:
 *       NULL on error. A malloced buffer containing
 *       the file path on success.
char * API dw_file_browse(const char *title, const char *defpath, const char *ext, int flags)
    return NULL;

 * Gets the contents of the default clipboard as text.
 * Parameters:
 *       None.
 * Returns:
 *       Pointer to an allocated string of text or NULL if clipboard empty or contents could not
 *       be converted to text.
char * API dw_clipboard_get_text()
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        const char *utf8 = NULL;

        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID clipboardGetText = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "clipboardGetText",
        // Call the method on the object
        jstring result = (jstring)env->CallObjectMethod(_dw_obj, clipboardGetText);
        // Get the UTF8 string result
            utf8 = env->GetStringUTFChars(result, 0);
        return utf8 ? strdup(utf8) : NULL;
    return NULL;

 * Sets the contents of the default clipboard to the supplied text.
 * Parameters:
 *       str: Text to put on the clipboard.
 *       len: Length of the text.
void API dw_clipboard_set_text(const char *str, int len)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // Construct a String
        jstring jstr = env->NewStringUTF(str);
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID clipboardSetText = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "clipboardSetText",
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, clipboardSetText, jstr);

 * Allocates and initializes a dialog struct.
 * Parameters:
 *           data: User defined data to be passed to functions.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a dialog or NULL on failure.
DWDialog * API dw_dialog_new(void *data)
    DWDialog *tmp = (DWDialog *)malloc(sizeof(DWDialog));

        tmp->eve = dw_event_new();
        tmp->data = data;
        tmp->done = FALSE;
        tmp->result = NULL;
    return tmp;

 * Accepts a dialog struct and returns the given data to the
 * initial called of dw_dialog_wait().
 * Parameters:
 *           dialog: Pointer to a dialog struct aquired by dw_dialog_new).
 *           result: Data to be returned by dw_dialog_wait().
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE (0) on success.
int API dw_dialog_dismiss(DWDialog *dialog, void *result)
    dialog->result = result;
    dialog->done = TRUE;
    return DW_ERROR_NONE;

 * Accepts a dialog struct waits for dw_dialog_dismiss() to be
 * called by a signal handler with the given dialog struct.
 * Parameters:
 *           dialog: Pointer to a dialog struct aquired by dw_dialog_new).
 * Returns:
 *       The data passed to dw_dialog_dismiss().
void * API dw_dialog_wait(DWDialog *dialog)
    void *tmp = NULL;

    tmp = dialog->result;
    return tmp;

 * Create a new Box to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       type: Either DW_VERT (vertical) or DW_HORZ (horizontal).
 *       pad: Number of pixels to pad around the box.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a box or NULL on failure.
HWND API dw_box_new(int type, int pad)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID boxNew = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "boxNew", "(II)Landroid/widget/LinearLayout;");
        // Call the method on the object
        jobject result = env->NewWeakGlobalRef(env->CallObjectMethod(_dw_obj, boxNew, type, pad));
        return result;
    return 0;

 * Create a new Group Box to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       type: Either DW_VERT (vertical) or DW_HORZ (horizontal).
 *       pad: Number of pixels to pad around the box.
 *       title: Text to be displayined in the group outline.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a groupbox window or NULL on failure.
HWND API dw_groupbox_new(int type, int pad, const char *title)
    /* TODO: Just create a normal box for now */
    return dw_box_new(type, pad);

 * Create a new scrollable Box to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       type: Either DW_VERT (vertical) or DW_HORZ (horizontal).
 *       pad: Number of pixels to pad around the box.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a scrollbox or NULL on failure.
HWND API dw_scrollbox_new(int type, int pad)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID scrollBoxNew = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "scrollBoxNew",
        // Call the method on the object
        jobject result = env->NewWeakGlobalRef(env->CallObjectMethod(_dw_obj, scrollBoxNew, type, pad));
        return result;
    return 0;

 * Returns the position of the scrollbar in the scrollbox.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the scrollbox to be queried.
 *          orient: The vertical or horizontal scrollbar.
 * Returns:
 *       The vertical or horizontal position in the scrollbox.
int API dw_scrollbox_get_pos(HWND handle, int orient)
    return 0;

 * Gets the range for the scrollbar in the scrollbox.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the scrollbox to be queried.
 *          orient: The vertical or horizontal scrollbar.
 * Returns:
 *       The vertical or horizontal range of the scrollbox.
int API dw_scrollbox_get_range(HWND handle, int orient)
    return 0;

/* Internal box packing function called by the other 3 functions */
void _dw_box_pack(HWND box, HWND item, int index, int width, int height, int hsize, int vsize, int pad, const char *funcname)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if(box && item && (env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID boxPack = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "boxPack", "(Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/View;IIIIII)V");
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, boxPack, box, item, index, width, height, hsize, vsize, pad);

 * Remove windows (widgets) from the box they are packed into.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Window handle of the packed item to be removed.
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE on success and DW_ERROR_GENERAL on failure.
int API dw_box_unpack(HWND handle)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if(handle && (env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID boxUnpack = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "boxUnpack", "(Landroid/view/View;)V");
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, boxUnpack, handle);
        return DW_ERROR_NONE;
    return DW_ERROR_GENERAL;

 * Remove windows (widgets) from a box at an arbitrary location.
 * Parameters:
 *       box: Window handle of the box to be removed from.
 *       index: 0 based index of packed items.
 * Returns:
 *       Handle to the removed item on success, 0 on failure or padding.
HWND API dw_box_unpack_at_index(HWND box, int index)
    JNIEnv *env;
    HWND retval = 0;

    if(box && (env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key))) {
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID boxUnpackAtIndex = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "boxUnpackAtIndex",
        // Call the method on the object
        retval = env->CallObjectMethod(_dw_obj, boxUnpackAtIndex, box, index);
    return retval;

 * Pack windows (widgets) into a box at an arbitrary location.
 * Parameters:
 *       box: Window handle of the box to be packed into.
 *       item: Window handle of the item to pack.
 *       index: 0 based index of packed items.
 *       width: Width in pixels of the item or -1 to be self determined.
 *       height: Height in pixels of the item or -1 to be self determined.
 *       hsize: TRUE if the window (widget) should expand horizontally to fill space given.
 *       vsize: TRUE if the window (widget) should expand vertically to fill space given.
 *       pad: Number of pixels of padding around the item.
void API dw_box_pack_at_index(HWND box, HWND item, int index, int width, int height, int hsize, int vsize, int pad)
    _dw_box_pack(box, item, index, width, height, hsize, vsize, pad, "dw_box_pack_at_index()");

 * Pack windows (widgets) into a box from the start (or top).
 * Parameters:
 *       box: Window handle of the box to be packed into.
 *       item: Window handle of the item to pack.
 *       width: Width in pixels of the item or -1 to be self determined.
 *       height: Height in pixels of the item or -1 to be self determined.
 *       hsize: TRUE if the window (widget) should expand horizontally to fill space given.
 *       vsize: TRUE if the window (widget) should expand vertically to fill space given.
 *       pad: Number of pixels of padding around the item.
void API dw_box_pack_start(HWND box, HWND item, int width, int height, int hsize, int vsize, int pad)
    /* 65536 is the table limit on GTK...
     * seems like a high enough value we will never hit it here either.
    _dw_box_pack(box, item, -1, width, height, hsize, vsize, pad, "dw_box_pack_start()");

 * Pack windows (widgets) into a box from the end (or bottom).
 * Parameters:
 *       box: Window handle of the box to be packed into.
 *       item: Window handle of the item to pack.
 *       width: Width in pixels of the item or -1 to be self determined.
 *       height: Height in pixels of the item or -1 to be self determined.
 *       hsize: TRUE if the window (widget) should expand horizontally to fill space given.
 *       vsize: TRUE if the window (widget) should expand vertically to fill space given.
 *       pad: Number of pixels of padding around the item.
void API dw_box_pack_end(HWND box, HWND item, int width, int height, int hsize, int vsize, int pad)
    _dw_box_pack(box, item, 0, width, height, hsize, vsize, pad, "dw_box_pack_end()");

 * Create a new button window (widget) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       text: The text to be display by the static text widget.
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a button window or NULL on failure.
HWND API dw_button_new(const char *text, ULONG cid)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // Construct a String
        jstring jstr = env->NewStringUTF(text);
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID buttonNew = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "buttonNew",
        // Call the method on the object
        jobject result = env->NewWeakGlobalRef(env->CallObjectMethod(_dw_obj, buttonNew, jstr, (int)cid));
        return result;
    return 0;

HWND _dw_entryfield_new(const char *text, ULONG cid, int password)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // Construct a String
        jstring jstr = env->NewStringUTF(text);
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID entryfieldNew = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "entryfieldNew",
        // Call the method on the object
        jobject result = env->NewWeakGlobalRef(env->CallObjectMethod(_dw_obj, entryfieldNew, jstr, (int)cid, password));
        return result;
    return 0;
 * Create a new Entryfield window (widget) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       text: The default text to be in the entryfield widget.
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to an entryfield window or NULL on failure.
HWND API dw_entryfield_new(const char *text, ULONG cid)
    return _dw_entryfield_new(text, cid, FALSE);

 * Create a new Entryfield (password) window (widget) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       text: The default text to be in the entryfield widget.
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to an entryfield password window or NULL on failure.
HWND API dw_entryfield_password_new(const char *text, ULONG cid)
    return _dw_entryfield_new(text, cid, TRUE);

 * Sets the entryfield character limit.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the spinbutton to be set.
 *          limit: Number of characters the entryfield will take.
void API dw_entryfield_set_limit(HWND handle, ULONG limit)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if(handle && (env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID entryfieldSetLimit = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "entryfieldSetLimit",
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, entryfieldSetLimit, handle, (jlong)limit);

 * Create a new bitmap button window (widget) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       text: Bubble help text to be displayed.
 *       id: An ID of a bitmap in the resource file.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a bitmap button window or NULL on failure.
HWND API dw_bitmapbutton_new(const char *text, ULONG resid)
    return 0;

 * Create a new bitmap button window (widget) to be packed from a file.
 * Parameters:
 *       text: Bubble help text to be displayed.
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
 *       filename: Name of the file, omit extention to have
 *                 DW pick the appropriate file extension.
 *                 (BMP on OS/2 or Windows, XPM on Unix)
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a bitmap button window or NULL on failure.
HWND API dw_bitmapbutton_new_from_file(const char *text, unsigned long cid, const char *filename)
    return 0;

 * Create a new bitmap button window (widget) to be packed from data.
 * Parameters:
 *       text: Bubble help text to be displayed.
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
 *       data: The contents of the image
 *            (BMP or ICO on OS/2 or Windows, XPM on Unix)
 *       len: length of str
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a bitmap button window or NULL on failure.
HWND API dw_bitmapbutton_new_from_data(const char *text, unsigned long cid, const char *data, int len)
    return 0;

 * Create a new spinbutton window (widget) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       text: The text to be display by the static text widget.
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a spinbutton window or NULL on failure.
HWND API dw_spinbutton_new(const char *text, ULONG cid)
    return 0;

 * Sets the spinbutton value.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the spinbutton to be set.
 *          position: Current value of the spinbutton.
void API dw_spinbutton_set_pos(HWND handle, long position)

 * Sets the spinbutton limits.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the spinbutton to be set.
 *          upper: Upper limit.
 *          lower: Lower limit.
void API dw_spinbutton_set_limits(HWND handle, long upper, long lower)

 * Returns the current value of the spinbutton.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the spinbutton to be queried.
 * Returns:
 *       Number value displayed in the spinbutton.
long API dw_spinbutton_get_pos(HWND handle)
    return 0;

 * Create a new radiobutton window (widget) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       text: The text to be display by the static text widget.
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a radio button window or NULL on failure.
HWND API dw_radiobutton_new(const char *text, ULONG cid)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // Construct a String
        jstring jstr = env->NewStringUTF(text);
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID radioButtonNew = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "radioButtonNew",
        // Call the method on the object
        jobject result = env->NewWeakGlobalRef(env->CallObjectMethod(_dw_obj, radioButtonNew, jstr, (int)cid));
        return result;
    return 0;

 * Create a new slider window (widget) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       vertical: TRUE or FALSE if slider is vertical.
 *       increments: Number of increments available.
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a slider window or NULL on failure.
HWND API dw_slider_new(int vertical, int increments, ULONG cid)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID sliderNew = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "sliderNew", "(III)Landroid/widget/SeekBar;");
        // Call the method on the object
        jobject result = env->NewWeakGlobalRef(env->CallObjectMethod(_dw_obj, sliderNew, vertical, increments, (jint)cid));
        return result;
    return 0;

 * Returns the position of the slider.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the slider to be queried.
 * Returns:
 *       Position of the slider in the set range.
unsigned int API dw_slider_get_pos(HWND handle)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if(handle && (env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID percentGetPos = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "percentGetPos",
        // Call the method on the object
        return env->CallIntMethod(_dw_obj, percentGetPos, handle);
    return 0;

 * Sets the slider position.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the slider to be set.
 *          position: Position of the slider withing the range.
void API dw_slider_set_pos(HWND handle, unsigned int position)
    dw_percent_set_pos(handle, position);

 * Create a new scrollbar window (widget) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       vertical: TRUE or FALSE if scrollbar is vertical.
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a scrollbar window or NULL on failure.
HWND API dw_scrollbar_new(int vertical, ULONG cid)
    return dw_slider_new(vertical, 100, cid);

 * Returns the position of the scrollbar.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the scrollbar to be queried.
 * Returns:
 *       Position of the scrollbar in the set range.
unsigned int API dw_scrollbar_get_pos(HWND handle)
    return dw_slider_get_pos(handle);

 * Sets the scrollbar position.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the scrollbar to be set.
 *          position: Position of the scrollbar withing the range.
void API dw_scrollbar_set_pos(HWND handle, unsigned int position)
    dw_percent_set_pos(handle, position);

 * Sets the scrollbar range.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the scrollbar to be set.
 *          range: Maximum range value.
 *          visible: Visible area relative to the range.
void API dw_scrollbar_set_range(HWND handle, unsigned int range, unsigned int visible)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if(handle && (env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID percentSetRange = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "percentSetRange",
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, percentSetRange, handle, (jint)range);

 * Create a new percent bar window (widget) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a percent bar window or NULL on failure.
HWND API dw_percent_new(ULONG cid)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID percentNew = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "percentNew",
        // Call the method on the object
        jobject result = env->NewWeakGlobalRef(env->CallObjectMethod(_dw_obj, percentNew, (jint)cid));
        return result;
    return 0;

 * Sets the percent bar position.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the percent bar to be set.
 *          position: Position of the percent bar withing the range.
void API dw_percent_set_pos(HWND handle, unsigned int position)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if(handle && (env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID percentSetPos = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "percentSetPos",
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, percentSetPos, handle, (jint)position);

 * Create a new checkbox window (widget) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       text: The text to be display by the static text widget.
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a checkbox window or NULL on failure.
HWND API dw_checkbox_new(const char *text, ULONG cid)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // Construct a String
        jstring jstr = env->NewStringUTF(text);
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID checkboxNew = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "checkboxNew",
        // Call the method on the object
        jobject result = env->NewWeakGlobalRef(env->CallObjectMethod(_dw_obj, checkboxNew, jstr, (int)cid));
        return result;
    return 0;

 * Returns the state of the checkbox.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the checkbox to be queried.
 * Returns:
 *       State of checkbox (TRUE or FALSE).
int API dw_checkbox_get(HWND handle)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if(handle && (env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID checkOrRadioGetChecked = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "checkOrRadioGetChecked",
        // Call the method on the object
        return env->CallBooleanMethod(_dw_obj, checkOrRadioGetChecked, handle);
    return FALSE;

 * Sets the state of the checkbox.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the checkbox to be queried.
 *          value: TRUE for checked, FALSE for unchecked.
void API dw_checkbox_set(HWND handle, int value)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if(handle && (env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID checkOrRadioSetChecked = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "checkOrRadioSetChecked",
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, checkOrRadioSetChecked, handle, value);

 * Create a new listbox window (widget) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
 *       multi: Multiple select TRUE or FALSE.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a listbox window or NULL on failure.
HWND API dw_listbox_new(ULONG cid, int multi)
    return 0;

 * Appends the specified text to the listbox's (or combobox) entry list.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the listbox to be appended to.
 *          text: Text to append into listbox.
void API dw_listbox_append(HWND handle, const char *text)

 * Inserts the specified text into the listbox's (or combobox) entry list.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the listbox to be inserted into.
 *          text: Text to insert into listbox.
 *          pos: 0-based position to insert text
void API dw_listbox_insert(HWND handle, const char *text, int pos)

 * Appends the specified text items to the listbox's (or combobox) entry list.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the listbox to be appended to.
 *          text: Text strings to append into listbox.
 *          count: Number of text strings to append
void API dw_listbox_list_append(HWND handle, char **text, int count)

 * Clears the listbox's (or combobox) list of all entries.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the listbox to be cleared.
void API dw_listbox_clear(HWND handle)

 * Returns the listbox's item count.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the listbox to be counted.
 * Returns:
 *       The number of items in the listbox.
int API dw_listbox_count(HWND handle)
    return 0;

 * Sets the topmost item in the viewport.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the listbox to be cleared.
 *          top: Index to the top item.
void API dw_listbox_set_top(HWND handle, int top)

 * Copies the given index item's text into buffer.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the listbox to be queried.
 *          index: Index into the list to be queried.
 *          buffer: Buffer where text will be copied.
 *          length: Length of the buffer (including NULL).
void API dw_listbox_get_text(HWND handle, unsigned int index, char *buffer, unsigned int length)

 * Sets the text of a given listbox entry.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the listbox to be queried.
 *          index: Index into the list to be queried.
 *          buffer: Buffer where text will be copied.
void API dw_listbox_set_text(HWND handle, unsigned int index, const char *buffer)

 * Returns the index to the item in the list currently selected.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the listbox to be queried.
 * Returns:
 *       The selected item index or DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN (-1) on error.
int API dw_listbox_selected(HWND handle)
    return DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN;

 * Returns the index to the current selected item or -1 when done.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the listbox to be queried.
 *          where: Either the previous return or -1 to restart.
 * Returns:
 *       The next selected item or DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN (-1) on error.
int API dw_listbox_selected_multi(HWND handle, int where)
    return DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN;

 * Sets the selection state of a given index.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the listbox to be set.
 *          index: Item index.
 *          state: TRUE if selected FALSE if unselected.
void API dw_listbox_select(HWND handle, int index, int state)

 * Deletes the item with given index from the list.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the listbox to be set.
 *          index: Item index.
void API dw_listbox_delete(HWND handle, int index)

 * Create a new Combobox window (widget) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       text: The default text to be in the combpbox widget.
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a combobox window or NULL on failure.
HWND API dw_combobox_new(const char *text, ULONG cid)
    return 0;

 * Create a new Multiline Editbox window (widget) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a MLE window or NULL on failure.
HWND API dw_mle_new(ULONG cid)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID mleNew = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "mleNew",
        // Call the method on the object
        jobject result = env->NewWeakGlobalRef(env->CallObjectMethod(_dw_obj, mleNew, (int)cid));
        return result;
    return 0;

 * Adds text to an MLE box and returns the current point.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the MLE to be queried.
 *          buffer: Text buffer to be imported.
 *          startpoint: Point to start entering text.
 * Returns:
 *       Current position in the buffer.
unsigned int API dw_mle_import(HWND handle, const char *buffer, int startpoint)
    JNIEnv *env;
    int retval = 0;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // Construct a String
        jstring jstr = env->NewStringUTF(buffer);
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID mleImport = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "mleImport",
        // Call the method on the object
        retval = env->CallIntMethod(_dw_obj, mleImport, handle, jstr, startpoint);
    return retval;

 * Grabs text from an MLE box.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the MLE to be queried.
 *          buffer: Text buffer to be exported.
 *          startpoint: Point to start grabbing text.
 *          length: Amount of text to be grabbed.
void API dw_mle_export(HWND handle, char *buffer, int startpoint, int length)
    if(buffer && length > 0) {
        char *text = dw_window_get_text(handle);

        if (text) {
            int len = strlen(text);

            if (startpoint < len)
                strncpy(buffer, &text[startpoint], length);
                buffer[0] = '\0';

 * Obtains information about an MLE box.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the MLE to be queried.
 *          bytes: A pointer to a variable to return the total bytes.
 *          lines: A pointer to a variable to return the number of lines.
void API dw_mle_get_size(HWND handle, unsigned long *bytes, unsigned long *lines)
    char *text = dw_window_get_text(handle);

    if(bytes) {
        if(text) {
            *bytes = strlen(text);
        } else {
            *bytes = 0;
    if(lines) {
            int count = 0;
            char *tmp = text;

            while((tmp = strchr(tmp, '\n'))) {
            *lines = count;
        } else {
            *lines = 0;

 * Deletes text from an MLE box.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the MLE to be deleted from.
 *          startpoint: Point to start deleting text.
 *          length: Amount of text to be deleted.
void API dw_mle_delete(HWND handle, int startpoint, int length)

 * Clears all text from an MLE box.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the MLE to be cleared.
void API dw_mle_clear(HWND handle)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID mleClear = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "mleClear",
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, mleClear, handle);

 * Sets the visible line of an MLE box.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the MLE to be positioned.
 *          line: Line to be visible.
void API dw_mle_set_visible(HWND handle, int line)

 * Sets the editablity of an MLE box.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the MLE.
 *          state: TRUE if it can be edited, FALSE for readonly.
void API dw_mle_set_editable(HWND handle, int state)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID mleSetEditable = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "mleSetEditable",
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, mleSetEditable, handle, state);

 * Sets the word wrap state of an MLE box.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the MLE.
 *          state: TRUE if it wraps, FALSE if it doesn't.
void API dw_mle_set_word_wrap(HWND handle, int state)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID mleSetWordWrap = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "mleSetWordWrap",
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, mleSetWordWrap, handle, state);

 * Sets the current cursor position of an MLE box.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the MLE to be positioned.
 *          point: Point to position cursor.
void API dw_mle_set_cursor(HWND handle, int point)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID mleSetWordWrap = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "mleSetWordWrap",
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, mleSetWordWrap, handle, point);

 * Sets the word auto complete state of an MLE box.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the MLE.
 *          state: Bitwise combination of DW_MLE_COMPLETE_TEXT/DASH/QUOTE
void API dw_mle_set_auto_complete(HWND handle, int state)

 * Finds text in an MLE box.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the MLE to be cleared.
 *          text: Text to search for.
 *          point: Start point of search.
 *          flags: Search specific flags.
 * Returns:
 *       Position in buffer or DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN (-1) on error.
int API dw_mle_search(HWND handle, const char *text, int point, unsigned long flags)
    return DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN;

 * Stops redrawing of an MLE box.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the MLE to freeze.
void API dw_mle_freeze(HWND handle)

 * Resumes redrawing of an MLE box.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the MLE to thaw.
void API dw_mle_thaw(HWND handle)

HWND _dw_text_new(const char *text, ULONG cid, int status)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // Construct a String
        jstring jstr = env->NewStringUTF(text);
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID textNew = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "textNew",
        // Call the method on the object
        jobject result = env->NewWeakGlobalRef(env->CallObjectMethod(_dw_obj, textNew, jstr, (int)cid, status));
        return result;
    return 0;

 * Create a new status text window (widget) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       text: The text to be display by the static text widget.
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a status text window or NULL on failure.
HWND API dw_status_text_new(const char *text, ULONG cid)
    return _dw_text_new(text, cid, TRUE);

 * Create a new static text window (widget) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       text: The text to be display by the static text widget.
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a text window or NULL on failure.
HWND API dw_text_new(const char *text, ULONG cid)
    return _dw_text_new(text, cid, FALSE);

 * Creates a rendering context widget (window) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       id: An id to be used with dw_window_from_id.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to the widget or NULL on failure.
HWND API dw_render_new(unsigned long cid)
    return 0;

 * Invalidate the render widget triggering an expose event.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: A handle to a render widget to be redrawn.
void API dw_render_redraw(HWND handle)

/* Sets the current foreground drawing color.
 * Parameters:
 *       red: red value.
 *       green: green value.
 *       blue: blue value.
void API dw_color_foreground_set(unsigned long value)

/* Sets the current background drawing color.
 * Parameters:
 *       red: red value.
 *       green: green value.
 *       blue: blue value.
void API dw_color_background_set(unsigned long value)

/* Allows the user to choose a color using the system's color chooser dialog.
 * Parameters:
 *       value: current color
 * Returns:
 *       The selected color or the current color if cancelled.
unsigned long API dw_color_choose(unsigned long value)
    return value;

/* Draw a point on a window (preferably a render window).
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
 *       pixmap: Handle to the pixmap. (choose only one of these)
 *       x: X coordinate.
 *       y: Y coordinate.
void API dw_draw_point(HWND handle, HPIXMAP pixmap, int x, int y)

/* Draw a line on a window (preferably a render window).
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
 *       pixmap: Handle to the pixmap. (choose only one of these)
 *       x1: First X coordinate.
 *       y1: First Y coordinate.
 *       x2: Second X coordinate.
 *       y2: Second Y coordinate.
void API dw_draw_line(HWND handle, HPIXMAP pixmap, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)

/* Draw text on a window (preferably a render window).
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
 *       pixmap: Handle to the pixmap. (choose only one of these)
 *       x: X coordinate.
 *       y: Y coordinate.
 *       text: Text to be displayed.
void API dw_draw_text(HWND handle, HPIXMAP pixmap, int x, int y, const char *text)

/* Query the width and height of a text string.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
 *       pixmap: Handle to the pixmap. (choose only one of these)
 *       text: Text to be queried.
 *       width: Pointer to a variable to be filled in with the width.
 *       height: Pointer to a variable to be filled in with the height.
void API dw_font_text_extents_get(HWND handle, HPIXMAP pixmap, const char *text, int *width, int *height)

/* Draw a polygon on a window (preferably a render window).
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
 *       pixmap: Handle to the pixmap. (choose only one of these)
 *       flags: DW_DRAW_FILL (1) to fill the polygon or DW_DRAW_DEFAULT (0).
 *       npoints: Number of points passed in.
 *       x: Pointer to array of X coordinates.
 *       y: Pointer to array of Y coordinates.
void API dw_draw_polygon( HWND handle, HPIXMAP pixmap, int flags, int npoints, int *x, int *y )

/* Draw a rectangle on a window (preferably a render window).
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
 *       pixmap: Handle to the pixmap. (choose only one of these)
 *       flags: DW_DRAW_FILL (1) to fill the box or DW_DRAW_DEFAULT (0).
 *       x: X coordinate.
 *       y: Y coordinate.
 *       width: Width of rectangle.
 *       height: Height of rectangle.
void API dw_draw_rect(HWND handle, HPIXMAP pixmap, int flags, int x, int y, int width, int height)

/* Draw an arc on a window (preferably a render window).
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
 *       pixmap: Handle to the pixmap. (choose only one of these)
 *       flags: DW_DRAW_FILL (1) to fill the arc or DW_DRAW_DEFAULT (0).
 *              DW_DRAW_FULL will draw a complete circle/elipse.
 *       xorigin: X coordinate of center of arc.
 *       yorigin: Y coordinate of center of arc.
 *       x1: X coordinate of first segment of arc.
 *       y1: Y coordinate of first segment of arc.
 *       x2: X coordinate of second segment of arc.
 *       y2: Y coordinate of second segment of arc.
void API dw_draw_arc(HWND handle, HPIXMAP pixmap, int flags, int xorigin, int yorigin, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)

 * Create a tree object to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       id: An ID to be used for getting the resource from the
 *           resource file.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a tree window or NULL on failure.
HWND API dw_tree_new(ULONG cid)
    return 0;

 * Inserts an item into a tree window (widget) after another item.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the tree to be inserted.
 *          item: Handle to the item to be positioned after.
 *          title: The text title of the entry.
 *          icon: Handle to coresponding icon.
 *          parent: Parent handle or 0 if root.
 *          itemdata: Item specific data.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a tree item or NULL on failure.
HTREEITEM API dw_tree_insert_after(HWND handle, HTREEITEM item, const char *title, HICN icon, HTREEITEM parent, void *itemdata)
    return 0;

 * Inserts an item into a tree window (widget).
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the tree to be inserted.
 *          title: The text title of the entry.
 *          icon: Handle to coresponding icon.
 *          parent: Parent handle or 0 if root.
 *          itemdata: Item specific data.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a tree item or NULL on failure.
HTREEITEM API dw_tree_insert(HWND handle, const char *title, HICN icon, HTREEITEM parent, void *itemdata)
    return 0;

 * Gets the text an item in a tree window (widget).
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the tree containing the item.
 *          item: Handle of the item to be modified.
 * Returns:
 *       A malloc()ed buffer of item text to be dw_free()ed or NULL on error.
char * API dw_tree_get_title(HWND handle, HTREEITEM item)
    return NULL;

 * Gets the text an item in a tree window (widget).
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the tree containing the item.
 *          item: Handle of the item to be modified.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a tree item or NULL on failure.
HTREEITEM API dw_tree_get_parent(HWND handle, HTREEITEM item)
    return 0;

 * Sets the text and icon of an item in a tree window (widget).
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the tree containing the item.
 *          item: Handle of the item to be modified.
 *          title: The text title of the entry.
 *          icon: Handle to coresponding icon.
void API dw_tree_item_change(HWND handle, HTREEITEM item, const char *title, HICN icon)

 * Sets the item data of a tree item.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the tree containing the item.
 *          item: Handle of the item to be modified.
 *          itemdata: User defined data to be associated with item.
void API dw_tree_item_set_data(HWND handle, HTREEITEM item, void *itemdata)

 * Gets the item data of a tree item.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the tree containing the item.
 *          item: Handle of the item to be modified.
 * Returns:
 *       A pointer to tree item data or NULL on failure.
void * API dw_tree_item_get_data(HWND handle, HTREEITEM item)
    return NULL;

 * Sets this item as the active selection.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the tree window (widget) to be selected.
 *       item: Handle to the item to be selected.
void API dw_tree_item_select(HWND handle, HTREEITEM item)

 * Removes all nodes from a tree.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window (widget) to be cleared.
void API dw_tree_clear(HWND handle)

 * Expands a node on a tree.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the tree window (widget).
 *       item: Handle to node to be expanded.
void API dw_tree_item_expand(HWND handle, HTREEITEM item)

 * Collapses a node on a tree.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the tree window (widget).
 *       item: Handle to node to be collapsed.
void API dw_tree_item_collapse(HWND handle, HTREEITEM item)

 * Removes a node from a tree.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window (widget) to be cleared.
 *       item: Handle to node to be deleted.
void API dw_tree_item_delete(HWND handle, HTREEITEM item)

 * Create a container object to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       id: An ID to be used for getting the resource from the
 *           resource file.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a container window or NULL on failure.
HWND API dw_container_new(ULONG cid, int multi)
    return 0;

 * Sets up the container columns.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the container to be configured.
 *          flags: An array of unsigned longs with column flags.
 *          titles: An array of strings with column text titles.
 *          count: The number of columns (this should match the arrays).
 *          separator: The column number that contains the main separator.
 *                     (this item may only be used in OS/2)
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE (0) on success.
int API dw_container_setup(HWND handle, unsigned long *flags, char **titles, int count, int separator)
    return DW_ERROR_GENERAL;

 * Configures the main filesystem column title for localization.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the container to be configured.
 *          title: The title to be displayed in the main column.
void API dw_filesystem_set_column_title(HWND handle, const char *title)

 * Sets up the filesystem columns, note: filesystem always has an icon/filename field.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the container to be configured.
 *          flags: An array of unsigned longs with column flags.
 *          titles: An array of strings with column text titles.
 *          count: The number of columns (this should match the arrays).
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE (0) on success.
int API dw_filesystem_setup(HWND handle, unsigned long *flags, char **titles, int count)
    return DW_ERROR_GENERAL;

 * Allocates memory used to populate a container.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the container window (widget).
 *          rowcount: The number of items to be populated.
 * Returns:
 *       Handle to container items allocated or NULL on error.
void * API dw_container_alloc(HWND handle, int rowcount)
    return NULL;

 * Sets an item in specified row and column to the given data.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the container window (widget).
 *          pointer: Pointer to the allocated memory in dw_container_alloc().
 *          column: Zero based column of data being set.
 *          row: Zero based row of data being set.
 *          data: Pointer to the data to be added.
void API dw_container_set_item(HWND handle, void *pointer, int column, int row, void *data)

 * Changes an existing item in specified row and column to the given data.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the container window (widget).
 *          column: Zero based column of data being set.
 *          row: Zero based row of data being set.
 *          data: Pointer to the data to be added.
void API dw_container_change_item(HWND handle, int column, int row, void *data)

 * Changes an existing item in specified row and column to the given data.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the container window (widget).
 *          column: Zero based column of data being set.
 *          row: Zero based row of data being set.
 *          data: Pointer to the data to be added.
void API dw_filesystem_change_item(HWND handle, int column, int row, void *data)

 * Changes an item in specified row and column to the given data.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the container window (widget).
 *          pointer: Pointer to the allocated memory in dw_container_alloc().
 *          column: Zero based column of data being set.
 *          row: Zero based row of data being set.
 *          data: Pointer to the data to be added.
void API dw_filesystem_change_file(HWND handle, int row, const char *filename, HICN icon)

 * Sets an item in specified row and column to the given data.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the container window (widget).
 *          pointer: Pointer to the allocated memory in dw_container_alloc().
 *          column: Zero based column of data being set.
 *          row: Zero based row of data being set.
 *          data: Pointer to the data to be added.
void API dw_filesystem_set_file(HWND handle, void *pointer, int row, const char *filename, HICN icon)

 * Sets an item in specified row and column to the given data.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the container window (widget).
 *          pointer: Pointer to the allocated memory in dw_container_alloc().
 *          column: Zero based column of data being set.
 *          row: Zero based row of data being set.
 *          data: Pointer to the data to be added.
void API dw_filesystem_set_item(HWND handle, void *pointer, int column, int row, void *data)

 * Sets the data of a row in the container.
 * Parameters:
 *          pointer: Pointer to the allocated memory in dw_container_alloc().
 *          row: Zero based row of data being set.
 *          data: Data pointer.
void API dw_container_set_row_data(void *pointer, int row, void *data)

 * Changes the data of a row already inserted in the container.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the container window (widget).
 *          row: Zero based row of data being set.
 *          data: Data pointer.
void API dw_container_change_row_data(HWND handle, int row, void *data)

 * Gets column type for a container column.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the container window (widget).
 *          column: Zero based column.
 * Returns:
 *       Constant identifying the the column type.
int API dw_container_get_column_type(HWND handle, int column)
    return 0;

 * Gets column type for a filesystem container column.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the container window (widget).
 *          column: Zero based column.
 * Returns:
 *       Constant identifying the the column type.
int API dw_filesystem_get_column_type(HWND handle, int column)
    return 0;

 * Sets the alternating row colors for container window (widget) handle.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: The window (widget) handle.
 *          oddcolor: Odd row background color in DW_RGB format or a default color index.
 *          evencolor: Even row background color in DW_RGB format or a default color index.
 *                    DW_RGB_TRANSPARENT will disable coloring rows.
 *                    DW_CLR_DEFAULT will use the system default alternating row colors.
void API dw_container_set_stripe(HWND handle, unsigned long oddcolor, unsigned long evencolor)

 * Sets the width of a column in the container.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to window (widget) of container.
 *          column: Zero based column of width being set.
 *          width: Width of column in pixels.
void API dw_container_set_column_width(HWND handle, int column, int width)

 * Sets the title of a row in the container.
 * Parameters:
 *          pointer: Pointer to the allocated memory in dw_container_alloc().
 *          row: Zero based row of data being set.
 *          title: String title of the item.
void API dw_container_set_row_title(void *pointer, int row, const char *title)

 * Sets the title of a row in the container.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to window (widget) of container.
 *          row: Zero based row of data being set.
 *          title: String title of the item.
void API dw_container_change_row_title(HWND handle, int row, const char *title)

 * Sets the title of a row in the container.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the container window (widget).
 *          pointer: Pointer to the allocated memory in dw_container_alloc().
 *          rowcount: The number of rows to be inserted.
void API dw_container_insert(HWND handle, void *pointer, int rowcount)

 * Removes all rows from a container.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window (widget) to be cleared.
 *       redraw: TRUE to cause the container to redraw immediately.
void API dw_container_clear(HWND handle, int redraw)

 * Removes the first x rows from a container.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window (widget) to be deleted from.
 *       rowcount: The number of rows to be deleted.
void API dw_container_delete(HWND handle, int rowcount)

 * Scrolls container up or down.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window (widget) to be scrolled.
 *       direction: DW_SCROLL_UP, DW_SCROLL_DOWN, DW_SCROLL_TOP or
 *                  DW_SCROLL_BOTTOM. (rows is ignored for last two)
 *       rows: The number of rows to be scrolled.
void API dw_container_scroll(HWND handle, int direction, long rows)

 * Starts a new query of a container.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window (widget) to be queried.
 *       flags: If this parameter is DW_CRA_SELECTED it will only
 *              return items that are currently selected.  Otherwise
 *              it will return all records in the container.
 * Returns:
 *       Pointer to data associated with first entry or NULL on error.
char * API dw_container_query_start(HWND handle, unsigned long flags)
    return NULL;

 * Continues an existing query of a container.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window (widget) to be queried.
 *       flags: If this parameter is DW_CRA_SELECTED it will only
 *              return items that are currently selected.  Otherwise
 *              it will return all records in the container.
 * Returns:
 *       Pointer to data associated with next entry or NULL on error or completion.
char * API dw_container_query_next(HWND handle, unsigned long flags)
    return NULL;

 * Cursors the item with the text speficied, and scrolls to that item.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window (widget) to be queried.
 *       text:  Text usually returned by dw_container_query().
void API dw_container_cursor(HWND handle, const char *text)

 * Cursors the item with the data speficied, and scrolls to that item.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window (widget) to be queried.
 *       data:  Data usually returned by dw_container_query().
void API dw_container_cursor_by_data(HWND handle, void *data)

 * Deletes the item with the text speficied.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window (widget).
 *       text:  Text usually returned by dw_container_query().
void API dw_container_delete_row(HWND handle, const char *text)

 * Deletes the item with the data speficied.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window (widget).
 *       data:  Data usually returned by dw_container_query().
void API dw_container_delete_row_by_data(HWND handle, void *data)

 * Optimizes the column widths so that all data is visible.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window (widget) to be optimized.
void API dw_container_optimize(HWND handle)

 * Inserts an icon into the taskbar.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Window handle that will handle taskbar icon messages.
 *       icon: Icon handle to display in the taskbar.
 *       bubbletext: Text to show when the mouse is above the icon.
void API dw_taskbar_insert(HWND handle, HICN icon, const char *bubbletext)

 * Deletes an icon from the taskbar.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Window handle that was used with dw_taskbar_insert().
 *       icon: Icon handle that was used with dw_taskbar_insert().
void API dw_taskbar_delete(HWND handle, HICN icon)

 * Obtains an icon from a module (or header in GTK).
 * Parameters:
 *          module: Handle to module (DLL) in OS/2 and Windows.
 *          id: A unsigned long id int the resources on OS/2 and
 *              Windows, on GTK this is converted to a pointer
 *              to an embedded XPM.
 * Returns:
 *       Handle to the created icon or NULL on error.
HICN API dw_icon_load(unsigned long module, unsigned long resid)
    return 0;

 * Obtains an icon from a file.
 * Parameters:
 *       filename: Name of the file, omit extention to have
 *                 DW pick the appropriate file extension.
 *                 (ICO on OS/2 or Windows, XPM on Unix)
 * Returns:
 *       Handle to the created icon or NULL on error.
HICN API dw_icon_load_from_file(const char *filename)
    return 0;

 * Obtains an icon from data.
 * Parameters:
 *       data: Data for the icon (ICO on OS/2 or Windows, XPM on Unix, PNG on Mac)
 *       len: Length of the passed in data.
 * Returns:
 *       Handle to the created icon or NULL on error.
HICN API dw_icon_load_from_data(const char *data, int len)
    return 0;

 * Frees a loaded icon resource.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to icon returned by dw_icon_load().
void API dw_icon_free(HICN handle)

 * Create a new MDI Frame to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id or 0L.
 * Returns:
 *       Handle to the created MDI widget or NULL on error.
HWND API dw_mdi_new(unsigned long cid)
    return 0;

 * Creates a splitbar window (widget) with given parameters.
 * Parameters:
 *       type: Value can be DW_VERT or DW_HORZ.
 *       topleft: Handle to the window to be top or left.
 *       bottomright:  Handle to the window to be bottom or right.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a splitbar window or NULL on failure.
HWND API dw_splitbar_new(int type, HWND topleft, HWND bottomright, unsigned long cid)
    return 0;

 * Sets the position of a splitbar (pecentage).
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: The handle to the splitbar returned by dw_splitbar_new().
 *       percent: The position of the splitbar.
void API dw_splitbar_set(HWND handle, float percent)

 * Gets the position of a splitbar (pecentage).
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: The handle to the splitbar returned by dw_splitbar_new().
 * Returns:
 *       Position of the splitbar (percentage).
float API dw_splitbar_get(HWND handle)
    return 0;

 * Create a bitmap object to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
 * Returns:
 *       Handle to the created bitmap widget or NULL on error.
HWND API dw_bitmap_new(ULONG cid)
    return 0;

 * Creates a pixmap with given parameters.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Window handle the pixmap is associated with.
 *       width: Width of the pixmap in pixels.
 *       height: Height of the pixmap in pixels.
 *       depth: Color depth of the pixmap.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a pixmap or NULL on failure.
HPIXMAP API dw_pixmap_new(HWND handle, unsigned long width, unsigned long height, int depth)
    return 0;

 * Creates a pixmap from a file.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Window handle the pixmap is associated with.
 *       filename: Name of the file, omit extention to have
 *                 DW pick the appropriate file extension.
 *                 (BMP on OS/2 or Windows, XPM on Unix)
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a pixmap or NULL on failure.
HPIXMAP API dw_pixmap_new_from_file(HWND handle, const char *filename)
    return 0;

 * Creates a pixmap from data in memory.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Window handle the pixmap is associated with.
 *       data: Source of the image data
 *                 (BMP on OS/2 or Windows, XPM on Unix)
 *       len: Length of data
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a pixmap or NULL on failure.
HPIXMAP API dw_pixmap_new_from_data(HWND handle, const char *data, int len)
    return 0;

 * Sets the transparent color for a pixmap.
 * Parameters:
 *       pixmap: Handle to a pixmap returned by
 *               dw_pixmap_new..
 *       color:  Transparent RGB color
 * Note: This is only necessary on platforms that
 *       don't handle transparency automatically
void API dw_pixmap_set_transparent_color( HPIXMAP pixmap, ULONG color )

 * Creates a pixmap from internal resource graphic specified by id.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Window handle the pixmap is associated with.
 *       id: Resource ID associated with requested pixmap.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a pixmap or NULL on failure.
HPIXMAP API dw_pixmap_grab(HWND handle, ULONG resid)
    return 0;

 * Sets the font used by a specified pixmap.
 * Normally the pixmap font is obtained from the associated window handle.
 * However this can be used to override that, or for pixmaps with no window.
 * Parameters:
 *          pixmap: Handle to a pixmap returned by dw_pixmap_new() or
 *                  passed to the application via a callback.
 *          fontname: Name and size of the font in the form "size.fontname"
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE on success and DW_ERROR_GENERAL on failure.
int API dw_pixmap_set_font(HPIXMAP pixmap, const char *fontname)
    return DW_ERROR_GENERAL;

 * Destroys an allocated pixmap.
 * Parameters:
 *       pixmap: Handle to a pixmap returned by
 *               dw_pixmap_new..
void API dw_pixmap_destroy(HPIXMAP pixmap)

 * Copies from one item to another.
 * Parameters:
 *       dest: Destination window handle.
 *       destp: Destination pixmap. (choose only one).
 *       xdest: X coordinate of destination.
 *       ydest: Y coordinate of destination.
 *       width: Width of area to copy.
 *       height: Height of area to copy.
 *       src: Source window handle.
 *       srcp: Source pixmap. (choose only one).
 *       xsrc: X coordinate of source.
 *       ysrc: Y coordinate of source.
void API dw_pixmap_bitblt(HWND dest, HPIXMAP destp, int xdest, int ydest, int width, int height, HWND src, HPIXMAP srcp, int xsrc, int ysrc)

 * Copies from one surface to another allowing for stretching.
 * Parameters:
 *       dest: Destination window handle.
 *       destp: Destination pixmap. (choose only one).
 *       xdest: X coordinate of destination.
 *       ydest: Y coordinate of destination.
 *       width: Width of the target area.
 *       height: Height of the target area.
 *       src: Source window handle.
 *       srcp: Source pixmap. (choose only one).
 *       xsrc: X coordinate of source.
 *       ysrc: Y coordinate of source.
 *       srcwidth: Width of area to copy.
 *       srcheight: Height of area to copy.
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE on success and DW_ERROR_GENERAL on failure.
int API dw_pixmap_stretch_bitblt(HWND dest, HPIXMAP destp, int xdest, int ydest, int width, int height, HWND src, HPIXMAP srcp, int xsrc, int ysrc, int srcwidth, int srcheight)
    return DW_ERROR_GENERAL;

 * Create a new calendar window (widget) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
 * Returns:
 *       Handle to the created calendar or NULL on error.
HWND API dw_calendar_new(ULONG cid)
    return 0;

 * Sets the current date of a calendar.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: The handle to the calendar returned by dw_calendar_new().
 *       year, month, day: To set the calendar to display.
void API dw_calendar_set_date(HWND handle, unsigned int year, unsigned int month, unsigned int day)

 * Gets the year, month and day set in the calendar widget.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: The handle to the calendar returned by dw_calendar_new().
 *       year: Variable to store the year or NULL.
 *       month: Variable to store the month or NULL.
 *       day: Variable to store the day or NULL.
void API dw_calendar_get_date(HWND handle, unsigned int *year, unsigned int *month, unsigned int *day)

 * Causes the embedded HTML widget to take action.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
 *       action: One of the DW_HTML_* constants.
void API dw_html_action(HWND handle, int action)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if(handle && (env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID htmlAction = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "htmlAction",
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, htmlAction, handle, action);

 * Render raw HTML code in the embedded HTML widget..
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
 *       string: String buffer containing HTML code to
 *               be rendered.
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE (0) on success.
int API dw_html_raw(HWND handle, const char *string)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if(handle && (env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // Construct a String
        jstring jstr = env->NewStringUTF(string);
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID htmlRaw = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "htmlRaw",
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, htmlRaw, handle, jstr);
        return DW_ERROR_NONE;
    return DW_ERROR_GENERAL;

 * Render file or web page in the embedded HTML widget..
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
 *       url: Universal Resource Locator of the web or
 *               file object to be rendered.
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE (0) on success.
int API dw_html_url(HWND handle, const char *url)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if(handle && (env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // Construct a String
        jstring jstr = env->NewStringUTF(url);
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID htmlLoadURL = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "htmlLoadURL",
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, htmlLoadURL, handle, jstr);
        return DW_ERROR_NONE;
    return DW_ERROR_GENERAL;

 * Executes the javascript contained in "script" in the HTML window.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the HTML window.
 *       script: Javascript code to execute.
 *       scriptdata: Data passed to the signal handler.
 * Notes: A DW_SIGNAL_HTML_RESULT event will be raised with scriptdata.
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE (0) on success.
int API dw_html_javascript_run(HWND handle, const char *script, void *scriptdata)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if(handle && (env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // Construct a String
        jstring jstr = env->NewStringUTF(script);
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID htmlJavascriptRun = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "htmlJavascriptRun",
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, htmlJavascriptRun, handle, jstr, (jlong)scriptdata);
        return DW_ERROR_NONE;
    return DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN;

 * Create a new HTML window (widget) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
 * Returns:
 *       Handle to the created html widget or NULL on error.
HWND API dw_html_new(unsigned long cid)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID htmlNew = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "htmlNew",
        // Call the method on the object
        jobject result = env->NewWeakGlobalRef(env->CallObjectMethod(_dw_obj, htmlNew, (int)cid));
        return result;
    return 0;

 * Returns the current X and Y coordinates of the mouse pointer.
 * Parameters:
 *       x: Pointer to variable to store X coordinate or NULL.
 *       y: Pointer to variable to store Y coordinate or NULL.
void API dw_pointer_query_pos(long *x, long *y)

 * Sets the X and Y coordinates of the mouse pointer.
 * Parameters:
 *       x: X coordinate.
 *       y: Y coordinate.
void API dw_pointer_set_pos(long x, long y)

 * Create a menu object to be popped up.
 * Parameters:
 *       id: An ID to be used associated with this menu.
 * Returns:
 *       Handle to the created menu or NULL on error.
HMENUI API dw_menu_new(ULONG cid)
    return 0;

 * Create a menubar on a window.
 * Parameters:
 *       location: Handle of a window frame to be attached to.
 * Returns:
 *       Handle to the created menu bar or NULL on error.
HMENUI API dw_menubar_new(HWND location)
    return 0;

 * Destroys a menu created with dw_menubar_new or dw_menu_new.
 * Parameters:
 *       menu: Handle of a menu.
void API dw_menu_destroy(HMENUI *menu)

 * Deletes the menu item specified.
 * Parameters:
 *       menu: The handle to the  menu in which the item was appended.
 *       id: Menuitem id.
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE (0) on success or DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN on failure.
int API dw_menu_delete_item(HMENUI menux, unsigned long id)
    return DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN;

 * Pops up a context menu at given x and y coordinates.
 * Parameters:
 *       menu: The handle the the existing menu.
 *       parent: Handle to the window initiating the popup.
 *       x: X coordinate.
 *       y: Y coordinate.
void API dw_menu_popup(HMENUI *menu, HWND parent, int x, int y)

 * Adds a menuitem or submenu to an existing menu.
 * Parameters:
 *       menu: The handle the the existing menu.
 *       title: The title text on the menu item to be added.
 *       id: An ID to be used for message passing.
 *       flags: Extended attributes to set on the menu.
 *       end: If TRUE memu is positioned at the end of the menu.
 *       check: If TRUE menu is "check"able.
 *       submenu: Handle to an existing menu to be a submenu or NULL.
 * Returns:
 *       Handle to the created menu item or NULL on error.
HWND API dw_menu_append_item(HMENUI menux, const char *title, ULONG itemid, ULONG flags, int end, int check, HMENUI submenux)
    return 0;

 * Sets the state of a menu item check.
 * Deprecated; use dw_menu_item_set_state()
 * Parameters:
 *       menu: The handle the the existing menu.
 *       id: Menuitem id.
 *       check: TRUE for checked FALSE for not checked.
void API dw_menu_item_set_check(HMENUI menux, unsigned long itemid, int check)

 * Sets the state of a menu item.
 * Parameters:
 *       menu: The handle to the existing menu.
 *       id: Menuitem id.
void API dw_menu_item_set_state(HMENUI menux, unsigned long itemid, unsigned long state)

 * Create a notebook object to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       id: An ID to be used for getting the resource from the
 *           resource file.
 * Returns:
 *       Handle to the created notebook or NULL on error.
HWND API dw_notebook_new(ULONG cid, int top)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID notebookNew = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "notebookNew",
        // Call the method on the object
        jobject result = env->NewWeakGlobalRef(env->CallObjectMethod(_dw_obj, notebookNew, (int)cid, top));
        return result;
    return 0;

 * Adds a new page to specified notebook.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Window (widget) handle.
 *          flags: Any additional page creation flags.
 *          front: If TRUE page is added at the beginning.
 * Returns:
 *       ID of newly created notebook page.
unsigned long API dw_notebook_page_new(HWND handle, ULONG flags, int front)
    JNIEnv *env;
    unsigned long result = 0;

    if(handle && (env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID notebookPageNew = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "notebookPageNew",
        // Call the method on the object
        result = (unsigned long)env->CallLongMethod(_dw_obj, notebookPageNew, handle, (jlong)flags, front);
    return result;

 * Remove a page from a notebook.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the notebook widget.
 *          pageid: ID of the page to be destroyed.
void API dw_notebook_page_destroy(HWND handle, unsigned int pageid)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if(handle && pageid && (env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID notebookPageDestroy = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "notebookPageDestroy",
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, notebookPageDestroy, handle, (jlong)pageid);

 * Queries the currently visible page ID.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the notebook widget.
 * Returns:
 *       ID of visible notebook page.
unsigned long API dw_notebook_page_get(HWND handle)
    JNIEnv *env;
    unsigned long result = 0;

    if(handle && (env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key))) {
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID notebookPageGet = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "notebookPageGet",
        // Call the method on the object
        result = (unsigned long)env->CallLongMethod(_dw_obj, notebookPageGet, handle);
    return result;

 * Sets the currently visible page ID.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the notebook widget.
 *          pageid: ID of the page to be made visible.
void API dw_notebook_page_set(HWND handle, unsigned int pageid)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if(handle && pageid && (env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key))) {
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID notebookPageSet = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "notebookPageSet",
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, notebookPageSet, handle, (jlong)pageid);

 * Sets the text on the specified notebook tab.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Notebook handle.
 *          pageid: Page ID of the tab to set.
 *          text: Pointer to the text to set.
void API dw_notebook_page_set_text(HWND handle, ULONG pageid, const char *text)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if(handle && (env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // Construct a String
        jstring jstr = env->NewStringUTF(text);
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID notebookPageSetText = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "notebookPageSetText",
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, notebookPageSetText, handle, (jlong)pageid, jstr);

 * Sets the text on the specified notebook tab status area.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Notebook handle.
 *          pageid: Page ID of the tab to set.
 *          text: Pointer to the text to set.
void API dw_notebook_page_set_status_text(HWND handle, ULONG pageid, const char *text)

 * Packs the specified box into the notebook page.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the notebook to be packed.
 *          pageid: Page ID in the notebook which is being packed.
 *          page: Box handle to be packed.
void API dw_notebook_pack(HWND handle, ULONG pageid, HWND page)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if(handle && pageid && (env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID notebookPagePack = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "notebookPagePack",
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, notebookPagePack, handle, (jlong)pageid, page);

 * Create a new Window Frame.
 * Parameters:
 *       owner: The Owner's window handle or HWND_DESKTOP.
 *       title: The Window title.
 *       flStyle: Style flags.
 * Returns:
 *       Handle to the created window or NULL on error.
HWND API dw_window_new(HWND hwndOwner, const char *title, ULONG flStyle)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // Construct a String
        jstring jstr = env->NewStringUTF(title);
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID windowNew = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "windowNew",
        // Call the method on the object
        jobject result = env->NewWeakGlobalRef(env->CallObjectMethod(_dw_obj, windowNew, jstr, (int)flStyle));
        return result;
    return 0;

 * Call a function from the window (widget)'s context (typically the message loop thread).
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Window handle of the widget.
 *       function: Function pointer to be called.
 *       data: Pointer to the data to be passed to the function.
void API dw_window_function(HWND handle, void *function, void *data)

 * Changes the appearance of the mouse pointer.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to widget for which to change.
 *       cursortype: ID of the pointer you want.
void API dw_window_set_pointer(HWND handle, int pointertype)

int _dw_window_hide_show(HWND handle, int state)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID windowHideShow = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "windowHideShow",
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, windowHideShow, handle, state);
        return DW_ERROR_NONE;
    return DW_ERROR_GENERAL;

 * Makes the window visible.
 * Parameters:
 *           handle: The window handle to make visible.
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE (0) on success.
int API dw_window_show(HWND handle)
    return _dw_window_hide_show(handle, TRUE);

 * Makes the window invisible.
 * Parameters:
 *           handle: The window handle to hide.
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE (0) on success.
int API dw_window_hide(HWND handle)
    return _dw_window_hide_show(handle, FALSE);

 * Sets the colors used by a specified window (widget) handle.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: The window (widget) handle.
 *          fore: Foreground color in DW_RGB format or a default color index.
 *          back: Background color in DW_RGB format or a default color index.
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE (0) on success.
int API dw_window_set_color(HWND handle, ULONG fore, ULONG back)
    return DW_ERROR_GENERAL;

 * Sets the border size of a specified window (widget) handle.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: The window (widget) handle.
 *          border: Size of the window border in pixels.
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE (0) on success.
int API dw_window_set_border(HWND handle, int border)
    return DW_ERROR_GENERAL;

 * Sets the style of a given window (widget).
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Window (widget) handle.
 *          style: Style features enabled or disabled.
 *          mask: Corresponding bitmask of features to be changed.
void API dw_window_set_style(HWND handle, ULONG style, ULONG mask)

 * Sets the current focus item for a window/dialog.
 * Parameters:
 *         handle: Handle to the dialog item to be focused.
 * Remarks:
 *          This is for use after showing the window/dialog.
void API dw_window_set_focus(HWND handle)

 * Sets the default focus item for a window/dialog.
 * Parameters:
 *         window: Toplevel window or dialog.
 *         defaultitem: Handle to the dialog item to be default.
 * Remarks:
 *          This is for use before showing the window/dialog.
void API dw_window_default(HWND handle, HWND defaultitem)

 * Sets window to click the default dialog item when an ENTER is pressed.
 * Parameters:
 *         window: Window (widget) to look for the ENTER press.
 *         next: Window (widget) to move to next (or click)
void API dw_window_click_default(HWND handle, HWND next)

 * Captures the mouse input to this window even if it is outside the bounds.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to receive mouse input.
void API dw_window_capture(HWND handle)

 * Releases previous mouse capture.
void API dw_window_release(void)

 * Changes a window's parent to newparent.
 * Parameters:
 *           handle: The window handle to destroy.
 *           newparent: The window's new parent window.
void API dw_window_reparent(HWND handle, HWND newparent)

 * Sets the font used by a specified window (widget) handle.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: The window (widget) handle.
 *          fontname: Name and size of the font in the form "size.fontname"
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE (0) on success.
int API dw_window_set_font(HWND handle, const char *fontname)
    return DW_ERROR_GENERAL;

 * Returns the current font for the specified window.
 * Parameters:
 *           handle: The window handle from which to obtain the font.
 * Returns:
 *       A malloc()ed font name string to be dw_free()ed or NULL on error.
char * API dw_window_get_font(HWND handle)
    return NULL;

/* Allows the user to choose a font using the system's font chooser dialog.
 * Parameters:
 *       currfont: current font
 * Returns:
 *       A malloced buffer with the selected font or NULL on error.
char * API dw_font_choose(const char *currfont)
    return NULL;

 * Sets the default font used on text based widgets.
 * Parameters:
 *           fontname: Font name in Dynamic Windows format.
void API dw_font_set_default(const char *fontname)

 * Destroys a window and all of it's children.
 * Parameters:
 *           handle: The window handle to destroy.
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE (0) on success.
int API dw_window_destroy(HWND handle)
    return DW_ERROR_GENERAL;

 * Gets the text used for a given window.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
 * Returns:
 *       The text associsated with a given window or NULL on error.
char * API dw_window_get_text(HWND handle)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        const char *utf8 = NULL;

        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID windowGetText = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "windowGetText",
        // Call the method on the object
        jstring result = (jstring)env->CallObjectMethod(_dw_obj, windowGetText, handle);
        // Get the UTF8 string result
            utf8 = env->GetStringUTFChars(result, 0);
        return utf8 ? strdup(utf8) : NULL;
    return NULL;

 * Sets the text used for a given window.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
 *       text: The text associsated with a given window.
void API dw_window_set_text(HWND handle, const char *text)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // Construct a String
        jstring jstr = env->NewStringUTF(text);
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID windowSetText = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "windowSetText",
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, windowSetText, handle, jstr);

 * Sets the text used for a given window's floating bubble help.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window (widget).
 *       bubbletext: The text in the floating bubble tooltip.
void API dw_window_set_tooltip(HWND handle, const char *bubbletext)

void _dw_window_set_enabled(HWND handle, jboolean state)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID windowSetEnabled = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "windowSetEnabled",
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, windowSetEnabled, handle, state);

 * Disables given window (widget).
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
void API dw_window_disable(HWND handle)
    _dw_window_set_enabled(handle, JNI_FALSE);

 * Enables given window (widget).
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
void API dw_window_enable(HWND handle)
    _dw_window_set_enabled(handle, JNI_TRUE);

 * Sets the bitmap used for a given static window.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
 *       id: An ID to be used to specify the icon,
 *           (pass 0 if you use the filename param)
 *       data: memory buffer containing image (Bitmap on OS/2 or
 *                 Windows and a pixmap on Unix, pass
 *                 NULL if you use the id param)
 *       len: Length of data passed
void API dw_window_set_bitmap_from_data(HWND handle, unsigned long cid, const char *data, int len)

 * Sets the bitmap used for a given static window.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
 *       id: An ID to be used to specify the icon,
 *           (pass 0 if you use the filename param)
 *       filename: a path to a file (Bitmap on OS/2 or
 *                 Windows and a pixmap on Unix, pass
 *                 NULL if you use the id param)
void API dw_window_set_bitmap(HWND handle, unsigned long resid, const char *filename)

 * Sets the icon used for a given window.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
 *       icon: Handle to icon to be used.
void API dw_window_set_icon(HWND handle, HICN icon)

 * Gets the child window handle with specified ID.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the parent window.
 *       id: Integer ID of the child.
 * Returns:
 *       HWND of window with ID or NULL on error.
HWND API dw_window_from_id(HWND handle, int id)
    JNIEnv *env;
    HWND retval = 0;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID windowFromId = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "windowFromId",
        // Call the method on the object
        retval = env->CallObjectMethod(_dw_obj, windowFromId, handle, id);
    return retval;

 * Minimizes or Iconifies a top-level window.
 * Parameters:
 *           handle: The window handle to minimize.
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE (0) on success.
int API dw_window_minimize(HWND handle)
    return DW_ERROR_GENERAL;

/* Causes entire window to be invalidated and redrawn.
 * Parameters:
 *           handle: Toplevel window handle to be redrawn.
void API dw_window_redraw(HWND handle)

 * Makes the window topmost.
 * Parameters:
 *           handle: The window handle to make topmost.
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE (0) on success.
int API dw_window_raise(HWND handle)
    return DW_ERROR_GENERAL;

 * Makes the window bottommost.
 * Parameters:
 *           handle: The window handle to make bottommost.
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE (0) on success.
int API dw_window_lower(HWND handle)
    return DW_ERROR_GENERAL;

 * Sets the size of a given window (widget).
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Window (widget) handle.
 *          width: New width in pixels.
 *          height: New height in pixels.
void API dw_window_set_size(HWND handle, ULONG width, ULONG height)

 * Gets the size the system thinks the widget should be.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Window (widget) handle of the item to query.
 *       width: Width in pixels of the item or NULL if not needed.
 *       height: Height in pixels of the item or NULL if not needed.
void API dw_window_get_preferred_size(HWND handle, int *width, int *height)

 * Sets the gravity of a given window (widget).
 * Gravity controls which corner of the screen and window the position is relative to.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Window (widget) handle.
 *          horz: DW_GRAV_LEFT (default), DW_GRAV_RIGHT or DW_GRAV_CENTER.
 *          vert: DW_GRAV_TOP (default), DW_GRAV_BOTTOM or DW_GRAV_CENTER.
void API dw_window_set_gravity(HWND handle, int horz, int vert)

 * Sets the position of a given window (widget).
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Window (widget) handle.
 *          x: X location from the bottom left.
 *          y: Y location from the bottom left.
void API dw_window_set_pos(HWND handle, LONG x, LONG y)

 * Sets the position and size of a given window (widget).
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Window (widget) handle.
 *          x: X location from the bottom left.
 *          y: Y location from the bottom left.
 *          width: Width of the widget.
 *          height: Height of the widget.
void API dw_window_set_pos_size(HWND handle, LONG x, LONG y, ULONG width, ULONG height)

 * Gets the position and size of a given window (widget).
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Window (widget) handle.
 *          x: X location from the bottom left or NULL.
 *          y: Y location from the bottom left or NULL.
 *          width: Width of the widget or NULL.
 *          height: Height of the widget or NULL.
void API dw_window_get_pos_size(HWND handle, LONG *x, LONG *y, ULONG *width, ULONG *height)

 * Returns the width of the screen.
int API dw_screen_width(void)
    return 0;

 * Returns the height of the screen.
int API dw_screen_height(void)
    return 0;

/* This should return the current color depth. */
unsigned long API dw_color_depth_get(void)
    return 0;

 * Returns some information about the current operating environment.
 * Parameters:
 *       env: Pointer to a DWEnv struct.
void API dw_environment_query(DWEnv *env)
    strcpy(env->osName, "Unknown");

    strcpy(env->buildDate, __DATE__);
    strcpy(env->buildTime, __TIME__);
    env->DWMajorVersion = DW_MAJOR_VERSION;
    env->DWMinorVersion = DW_MINOR_VERSION;
    env->DWSubVersion = DW_SUB_VERSION;

    env->MajorVersion = 0; /* Operating system major */
    env->MinorVersion = 0; /* Operating system minor */
    env->MajorBuild = 0; /* Build versions... if available */
    env->MinorBuild = 0;

 * Emits a beep.
 * Parameters:
 *       freq: Frequency.
 *       dur: Duration.
void API dw_beep(int freq, int dur)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID doBeep = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "doBeep", "(I)V");
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, doBeep, dur);

/* Call this after drawing to the screen to make sure
 * anything you have drawn is visible.
void API dw_flush(void)

 * Add a named user data item to a window handle.
 * Parameters:
 *       window: Window handle to save data to.
 *       dataname: A string pointer identifying which data to be saved.
 *       data: User data to be saved to the window handle.
void API dw_window_set_data(HWND window, const char *dataname, void *data)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // Construct a String
        jstring jstr = env->NewStringUTF(dataname);
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID windowSetData = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "windowSetData",
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, windowSetData, window, jstr);

 * Gets a named user data item from a window handle.
 * Parameters:
 *       window: Window handle to get data from.
 *       dataname: A string pointer identifying which data to get.
 * Returns:
 *       Pointer to data or NULL if no data is available.
void * API dw_window_get_data(HWND window, const char *dataname)
    JNIEnv *env;
    void *retval = NULL;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // Construct a String
        jstring jstr = env->NewStringUTF(dataname);
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID windowGetData = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "windowGetData",
        // Call the method on the object
        retval = DW_INT_TO_POINTER(env->CallLongMethod(_dw_obj, windowGetData, window, jstr));
    return retval;

 * Add a callback to a timer event.
 * Parameters:
 *       interval: Milliseconds to delay between calls.
 *       sigfunc: The pointer to the function to be used as the callback.
 *       data: User data to be passed to the handler function.
 * Returns:
 *       Timer ID for use with dw_timer_disconnect(), 0 on error.
int API dw_timer_connect(int interval, void *sigfunc, void *data)
    JNIEnv *env;
    int retval = 0;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // Use a long paramater
        jlong longinterval = (jlong)interval;
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID timerConnect = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "timerConnect",
        // Call the method on the object
        retval = DW_POINTER_TO_INT(env->NewGlobalRef(env->CallObjectMethod(_dw_obj,
                                    timerConnect, longinterval, (jlong)sigfunc, (jlong)data)));
    return retval;

 * Removes timer callback.
 * Parameters:
 *       id: Timer ID returned by dw_timer_connect().
void API dw_timer_disconnect(int timerid)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if(timerid && (env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // Use a long parameter
        jobject timer = (jobject)timerid;
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID timerDisconnect = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "timerDisconnect",
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, timerDisconnect, timer);

 * Add a callback to a window event.
 * Parameters:
 *       window: Window handle of signal to be called back.
 *       signame: A string pointer identifying which signal to be hooked.
 *       sigfunc: The pointer to the function to be used as the callback.
 *       data: User data to be passed to the handler function.
void API dw_signal_connect(HWND window, const char *signame, void *sigfunc, void *data)
    dw_signal_connect_data(window, signame, sigfunc, NULL, data);

 * Add a callback to a window event with a closure callback.
 * Parameters:
 *       window: Window handle of signal to be called back.
 *       signame: A string pointer identifying which signal to be hooked.
 *       sigfunc: The pointer to the function to be used as the callback.
 *       discfunc: The pointer to the function called when this handler is removed.
 *       data: User data to be passed to the handler function.
void API dw_signal_connect_data(HWND window, const char *signame, void *sigfunc, void *discfunc, void *data)
    ULONG message = 0, msgid = 0;

    if(window && signame && sigfunc)
        if((message = _dw_findsigmessage(signame)) != 0)
            _dw_new_signal(message, window, (int)msgid, sigfunc, discfunc, data);

 * Removes callbacks for a given window with given name.
 * Parameters:
 *       window: Window handle of callback to be removed.
void API dw_signal_disconnect_by_name(HWND window, const char *signame)
    SignalHandler *prev = NULL, *tmp = DWRoot;
    ULONG message;

    if(!window || !signame || (message = _dw_findsigmessage(signame)) == 0)

        if(tmp->window == window && tmp->message == message)
            void (*discfunc)(HWND, void *) = (void (*)(HWND, void*))tmp->discfunction;

                discfunc(tmp->window, tmp->data);

                prev->next = tmp->next;
                tmp = prev->next;
                DWRoot = tmp->next;
                tmp = DWRoot;
            prev = tmp;
            tmp = tmp->next;

 * Removes all callbacks for a given window.
 * Parameters:
 *       window: Window handle of callback to be removed.
void API dw_signal_disconnect_by_window(HWND window)
    SignalHandler *prev = NULL, *tmp = DWRoot;

        if(tmp->window == window)
            void (*discfunc)(HWND, void *) = (void (*)(HWND, void*))tmp->discfunction;

                discfunc(tmp->window, tmp->data);

                prev->next = tmp->next;
                tmp = prev->next;
                DWRoot = tmp->next;
                tmp = DWRoot;
            prev = tmp;
            tmp = tmp->next;

 * Removes all callbacks for a given window with specified data.
 * Parameters:
 *       window: Window handle of callback to be removed.
 *       data: Pointer to the data to be compared against.
void API dw_signal_disconnect_by_data(HWND window, void *data)
    SignalHandler *prev = NULL, *tmp = DWRoot;

        if(tmp->window == window && tmp->data == data)
            void (*discfunc)(HWND, void *) = (void (*)(HWND, void*))tmp->discfunction;

                discfunc(tmp->window, tmp->data);

                prev->next = tmp->next;
                tmp = prev->next;
                DWRoot = tmp->next;
                tmp = DWRoot;
            prev = tmp;
            tmp = tmp->next;

void _dw_strlwr(char *buf)
    int z, len = strlen(buf);

        if(buf[z] >= 'A' && buf[z] <= 'Z')
            buf[z] -= 'A' - 'a';

/* Open a shared library and return a handle.
 * Parameters:
 *         name: Base name of the shared library.
 *         handle: Pointer to a module handle,
 *                 will be filled in with the handle.
int API dw_module_load(const char *name, HMOD *handle)
    int len;
    char *newname;
    char errorbuf[1025] = {0};

        return -1;

    if((len = strlen(name)) == 0)
        return   -1;

    /* Lenth + "lib" + ".so" + NULL */
    newname = (char *)malloc(len + 7);

        return -1;

    sprintf(newname, "", name);

    *handle = dlopen(newname, RTLD_NOW);
    if(*handle == NULL)
        strncpy(errorbuf, dlerror(), 1024);
        printf("%s\n", errorbuf);
        sprintf(newname, "", name);
        *handle = dlopen(newname, RTLD_NOW);


    return (NULL == *handle) ? -1 : 0;

/* Queries the address of a symbol within open handle.
 * Parameters:
 *         handle: Module handle returned by dw_module_load()
 *         name: Name of the symbol you want the address of.
 *         func: A pointer to a function pointer, to obtain
 *               the address.
int API dw_module_symbol(HMOD handle, const char *name, void**func)
    if(!func || !name)
        return   -1;

    if(strlen(name) == 0)
        return   -1;

    *func = (void*)dlsym(handle, name);
    return   (NULL == *func);

/* Frees the shared library previously opened.
 * Parameters:
 *         handle: Module handle returned by dw_module_load()
int API dw_module_close(HMOD handle)
        return dlclose(handle);
    return 0;

 * Returns the handle to an unnamed mutex semaphore.
HMTX API dw_mutex_new(void)
    HMTX mutex = (HMTX)malloc(sizeof(pthread_mutex_t));

    pthread_mutex_init(mutex, NULL);
    return mutex;

 * Closes a semaphore created by dw_mutex_new().
 * Parameters:
 *       mutex: The handle to the mutex returned by dw_mutex_new().
void API dw_mutex_close(HMTX mutex)

 * Tries to gain access to the semaphore, if it can't it blocks.
 * Parameters:
 *       mutex: The handle to the mutex returned by dw_mutex_new().
void API dw_mutex_lock(HMTX mutex)
    /* We need to handle locks from the main thread differently...
     * since we can't stop message processing... otherwise we
     * will deadlock... so try to acquire the lock and continue
     * processing messages in between tries.
#if 0 /* TODO: Not sure how to do this on Android yet */
    if(_dw_thread == pthread_self())
        while(pthread_mutex_trylock(mutex) != 0)
            /* Process any pending events */
                    g_main_context_iteration(NULL, FALSE);

 * Tries to gain access to the semaphore.
 * Parameters:
 *       mutex: The handle to the mutex returned by dw_mutex_new().
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE on success, DW_ERROR_TIMEOUT if it is already locked.
int API dw_mutex_trylock(HMTX mutex)
    if(pthread_mutex_trylock(mutex) == 0)
        return DW_ERROR_NONE;
    return DW_ERROR_TIMEOUT;

 * Reliquishes the access to the semaphore.
 * Parameters:
 *       mutex: The handle to the mutex returned by dw_mutex_new().
void API dw_mutex_unlock(HMTX mutex)

 * Returns the handle to an unnamed event semaphore.
HEV API dw_event_new(void)
    HEV eve = (HEV)malloc(sizeof(struct _dw_unix_event));

        return NULL;

    /* We need to be careful here, mutexes on Linux are
     * FAST by default but are error checking on other
     * systems such as FreeBSD and OS/2, perhaps others.
    pthread_mutex_init (&(eve->mutex), NULL);
    pthread_mutex_lock (&(eve->mutex));
    pthread_cond_init (&(eve->event), NULL);

    pthread_mutex_unlock (&(eve->mutex));
    eve->alive = 1;
    eve->posted = 0;

    return eve;

 * Resets a semaphore created by dw_event_new().
 * Parameters:
 *       eve: The handle to the event returned by dw_event_new().
int API dw_event_reset (HEV eve)
        return DW_ERROR_NON_INIT;

    pthread_mutex_lock (&(eve->mutex));
    pthread_cond_broadcast (&(eve->event));
    pthread_cond_init (&(eve->event), NULL);
    eve->posted = 0;
    pthread_mutex_unlock (&(eve->mutex));
    return DW_ERROR_NONE;

 * Posts a semaphore created by dw_event_new(). Causing all threads
 * waiting on this event in dw_event_wait to continue.
 * Parameters:
 *       eve: The handle to the event returned by dw_event_new().
int API dw_event_post (HEV eve)
        return DW_ERROR_NON_INIT;

    pthread_mutex_lock (&(eve->mutex));
    pthread_cond_broadcast (&(eve->event));
    eve->posted = 1;
    pthread_mutex_unlock (&(eve->mutex));
    return DW_ERROR_NONE;

 * Waits on a semaphore created by dw_event_new(), until the
 * event gets posted or until the timeout expires.
 * Parameters:
 *       eve: The handle to the event returned by dw_event_new().
int API dw_event_wait(HEV eve, unsigned long timeout)
    int rc;

        return DW_ERROR_NON_INIT;

    pthread_mutex_lock (&(eve->mutex));

        pthread_mutex_unlock (&(eve->mutex));
        return DW_ERROR_NONE;

    if(timeout != -1)
        struct timeval now;
        struct timespec timeo;

        gettimeofday(&now, 0);
        timeo.tv_sec = now.tv_sec + (timeout / 1000);
        timeo.tv_nsec = now.tv_usec * 1000;
        rc = pthread_cond_timedwait(&(eve->event), &(eve->mutex), &timeo);
        rc = pthread_cond_wait(&(eve->event), &(eve->mutex));

    pthread_mutex_unlock (&(eve->mutex));
        return DW_ERROR_NONE;
    if(rc == ETIMEDOUT)
        return DW_ERROR_TIMEOUT;
    return DW_ERROR_GENERAL;

 * Closes a semaphore created by dw_event_new().
 * Parameters:
 *       eve: The handle to the event returned by dw_event_new().
int API dw_event_close(HEV *eve)
    if(!eve || !(*eve))
        return DW_ERROR_NON_INIT;

    pthread_mutex_lock (&((*eve)->mutex));
    pthread_cond_destroy (&((*eve)->event));
    pthread_mutex_unlock (&((*eve)->mutex));
    pthread_mutex_destroy (&((*eve)->mutex));
    *eve = NULL;

    return DW_ERROR_NONE;

struct _dw_seminfo {
    int fd;
    int waiting;

static void _dw_handle_sem(int *tmpsock)
    fd_set rd;
    struct _dw_seminfo *array = (struct _dw_seminfo *)malloc(sizeof(struct _dw_seminfo));
    int listenfd = tmpsock[0];
    int bytesread, connectcount = 1, maxfd, z, posted = 0;
    char command;
    sigset_t mask;

    sigfillset(&mask); /* Mask all allowed signals */
    pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &mask, NULL);

    /* problems */
    if(tmpsock[1] == -1)

    array[0].fd = tmpsock[1];
    array[0].waiting = 0;

    /* Free the memory allocated in dw_named_event_new. */

        FD_SET(listenfd, &rd);
        int DW_UNUSED(result);

        maxfd = listenfd;

        /* Added any connections to the named event semaphore */
            if(array[z].fd > maxfd)
                maxfd = array[z].fd;

            FD_SET(array[z].fd, &rd);

        if(select(maxfd+1, &rd, NULL, NULL, NULL) == -1)

        if(FD_ISSET(listenfd, &rd))
            struct _dw_seminfo *newarray;
            int newfd = accept(listenfd, 0, 0);

            if(newfd > -1)
                /* Add new connections to the set */
                newarray = (struct _dw_seminfo *)malloc(sizeof(struct _dw_seminfo)*(connectcount+1));
                memcpy(newarray, array, sizeof(struct _dw_seminfo)*(connectcount));

                newarray[connectcount].fd = newfd;
                newarray[connectcount].waiting = 0;


                /* Replace old array with new one */
                array = newarray;

        /* Handle any events posted to the semaphore */
            if(FD_ISSET(array[z].fd, &rd))
                if((bytesread = read(array[z].fd, &command, 1)) < 1)
                    struct _dw_seminfo *newarray;

                    /* Remove this connection from the set */
                    newarray = (struct _dw_seminfo *)malloc(sizeof(struct _dw_seminfo)*(connectcount-1));
                        memcpy(newarray, &array[1], sizeof(struct _dw_seminfo)*(connectcount-1));
                        memcpy(newarray, array, sizeof(struct _dw_seminfo)*z);
                            memcpy(&newarray[z], &array[z+1], sizeof(struct _dw_seminfo)*(z-connectcount-1));

                    /* Replace old array with new one */
                    array = newarray;
                else if(bytesread == 1)
                        case 0:
                            /* Reset */
                            posted = 0;
                        case 1:
                            /* Post */
                            int s;
                            char tmp = (char)0;

                            posted = 1;

                                /* The semaphore has been posted so
                                 * we tell all the waiting threads to
                                 * continue.
                                    result = write(array[s].fd, &tmp, 1);
                        case 2:
                            /* Wait */
                            char tmp = (char)0;

                            array[z].waiting = 1;

                            /* If we are posted exit immeditately */
                                result = write(array[z].fd, &tmp, 1);
                        case 3:
                            /* Done Waiting */
                            array[z].waiting = 0;

/* Using domain sockets on unix for IPC */
/* Create a named event semaphore which can be
 * opened from other processes.
 * Parameters:
 *         eve: Pointer to an event handle to receive handle.
 *         name: Name given to semaphore which can be opened
 *               by other processes.
HEV API dw_named_event_new(const char *name)
    struct sockaddr_un un;
    int ev, *tmpsock = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*2);
    DWTID dwthread;

        return NULL;

    tmpsock[0] = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
    ev = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
    memset(&un, 0, sizeof(un));
    mkdir("/tmp/.dw", S_IWGRP|S_IWOTH);
    strcpy(un.sun_path, "/tmp/.dw/");
    strcat(un.sun_path, name);

    /* just to be safe, this should be changed
     * to support multiple instances.

    bind(tmpsock[0], (struct sockaddr *)&un, sizeof(un));
    listen(tmpsock[0], 0);
    connect(ev, (struct sockaddr *)&un, sizeof(un));
    tmpsock[1] = accept(tmpsock[0], 0, 0);

    if(tmpsock[0] < 0 || tmpsock[1] < 0 || ev < 0)
        if(tmpsock[0] > -1)
        if(tmpsock[1] > -1)
        if(ev > -1)
        return NULL;

    /* Create a thread to handle this event semaphore */
    pthread_create(&dwthread, NULL, (void *(*)(void *))_dw_handle_sem, (void *)tmpsock);
    return (HEV)DW_INT_TO_POINTER(ev);

/* Open an already existing named event semaphore.
 * Parameters:
 *         eve: Pointer to an event handle to receive handle.
 *         name: Name given to semaphore which can be opened
 *               by other processes.
HEV API dw_named_event_get(const char *name)
    struct sockaddr_un un;
    int ev = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
    if(ev < 0)
        return NULL;

    mkdir("/tmp/.dw", S_IWGRP|S_IWOTH);
    strcpy(un.sun_path, "/tmp/.dw/");
    strcat(un.sun_path, name);
    connect(ev, (struct sockaddr *)&un, sizeof(un));
    return (HEV)DW_INT_TO_POINTER(ev);

/* Resets the event semaphore so threads who call wait
 * on this semaphore will block.
 * Parameters:
 *         eve: Handle to the semaphore obtained by
 *              an open or create call.
int API dw_named_event_reset(HEV eve)
    /* signal reset */
    char tmp = (char)0;

    if(DW_POINTER_TO_INT(eve) < 0)
        return DW_ERROR_NONE;

    if(write(DW_POINTER_TO_INT(eve), &tmp, 1) == 1)
        return DW_ERROR_NONE;
    return DW_ERROR_GENERAL;

/* Sets the posted state of an event semaphore, any threads
 * waiting on the semaphore will no longer block.
 * Parameters:
 *         eve: Handle to the semaphore obtained by
 *              an open or create call.
int API dw_named_event_post(HEV eve)

    /* signal post */
    char tmp = (char)1;

    if(DW_POINTER_TO_INT(eve) < 0)
        return DW_ERROR_NONE;

    if(write(DW_POINTER_TO_INT(eve), &tmp, 1) == 1)
        return DW_ERROR_NONE;
    return DW_ERROR_GENERAL;

/* Waits on the specified semaphore until it becomes
 * posted, or returns immediately if it already is posted.
 * Parameters:
 *         eve: Handle to the semaphore obtained by
 *              an open or create call.
 *         timeout: Number of milliseconds before timing out
 *                  or -1 if indefinite.
int API dw_named_event_wait(HEV eve, unsigned long timeout)
    fd_set rd;
    struct timeval tv, *useme = NULL;
    int retval = 0;
    char tmp;

    if(DW_POINTER_TO_INT(eve) < 0)
        return DW_ERROR_NON_INIT;

    /* Set the timout or infinite */
    if(timeout != -1)
        tv.tv_sec = timeout / 1000;
        tv.tv_usec = timeout % 1000;

        useme = &tv;

    FD_SET(DW_POINTER_TO_INT(eve), &rd);

    /* Signal wait */
    tmp = (char)2;
    retval = write(DW_POINTER_TO_INT(eve), &tmp, 1);

    if(retval == 1)
        retval = select(DW_POINTER_TO_INT(eve)+1, &rd, NULL, NULL, useme);

    /* Signal done waiting. */
    tmp = (char)3;
    if(retval == 1)
        retval = write(DW_POINTER_TO_INT(eve), &tmp, 1);

    if(retval == 0)
        return DW_ERROR_TIMEOUT;
    else if(retval == -1)
        return DW_ERROR_INTERRUPT;

    /* Clear the entry from the pipe so
     * we don't loop endlessly. :)
    if(read(DW_POINTER_TO_INT(eve), &tmp, 1) == 1)
        return DW_ERROR_NONE;
    return DW_ERROR_GENERAL;

/* Release this semaphore, if there are no more open
 * handles on this semaphore the semaphore will be destroyed.
 * Parameters:
 *         eve: Handle to the semaphore obtained by
 *              an open or create call.
int API dw_named_event_close(HEV eve)
    /* Finally close the domain socket,
     * cleanup will continue in _dw_handle_sem.
    return DW_ERROR_NONE;

 * Generally an internal function called from a newly created
 * thread to setup the Dynamic Windows environment for the thread.
 * However it is exported so language bindings can call it when
 * they create threads that require access to Dynamic Windows.
void API _dw_init_thread(void)
    JNIEnv *env;

    _dw_jvm->AttachCurrentThread(&env, NULL);
    pthread_setspecific(_dw_env_key, env);

 * Generally an internal function called from a terminating
 * thread to cleanup the Dynamic Windows environment for the thread.
 * However it is exported so language bindings can call it when
 * they exit threads that require access to Dynamic Windows.
void API _dw_deinit_thread(void)

 * Setup thread independent color sets.
void _dwthreadstart(void *data)
    void (*threadfunc)(void *) = NULL;
    void **tmp = (void **)data;

    threadfunc = (void (*)(void *))tmp[0];

    /* Initialize colors */


    /* Free colors */

 * Allocates a shared memory region with a name.
 * Parameters:
 *         handle: A pointer to receive a SHM identifier.
 *         dest: A pointer to a pointer to receive the memory address.
 *         size: Size in bytes of the shared memory region to allocate.
 *         name: A string pointer to a unique memory name.
HSHM API dw_named_memory_new(void **dest, int size, const char *name)
    char namebuf[1025];
    struct _dw_unix_shm *handle = (struct _dw_unix_shm *)malloc(sizeof(struct _dw_unix_shm));

    mkdir("/tmp/.dw", S_IWGRP|S_IWOTH);
    snprintf(namebuf, 1024, "/tmp/.dw/%s", name);

    if((handle->fd = open(namebuf, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR)) < 0)
        return NULL;

    if(ftruncate(handle->fd, size))
        return NULL;

    /* attach the shared memory segment to our process's address space. */
    *dest = mmap(NULL, size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, handle->fd, 0);

    if(*dest == MAP_FAILED)
        *dest = NULL;
        return NULL;

    handle->size = size;
    handle->sid = getsid(0);
    handle->path = strdup(namebuf);

    return handle;

 * Aquires shared memory region with a name.
 * Parameters:
 *         dest: A pointer to a pointer to receive the memory address.
 *         size: Size in bytes of the shared memory region to requested.
 *         name: A string pointer to a unique memory name.
HSHM API dw_named_memory_get(void **dest, int size, const char *name)
    char namebuf[1025];
    struct _dw_unix_shm *handle = (struct _dw_unix_shm *)malloc(sizeof(struct _dw_unix_shm));

    mkdir("/tmp/.dw", S_IWGRP|S_IWOTH);
    snprintf(namebuf, 1024, "/tmp/.dw/%s", name);

    if((handle->fd = open(namebuf, O_RDWR)) < 0)
        return NULL;

    /* attach the shared memory segment to our process's address space. */
    *dest = mmap(NULL, size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, handle->fd, 0);

    if(*dest == MAP_FAILED)
        *dest = NULL;
        return NULL;

    handle->size = size;
    handle->sid = -1;
    handle->path = NULL;

    return handle;

 * Frees a shared memory region previously allocated.
 * Parameters:
 *         handle: Handle obtained from DB_named_memory_allocate.
 *         ptr: The memory address aquired with DB_named_memory_allocate.
int API dw_named_memory_free(HSHM handle, void *ptr)
    struct _dw_unix_shm *h = (struct _dw_unix_shm *)handle;
    int rc = munmap(ptr, h->size);

        /* Only remove the actual file if we are the
         * creator of the file.
        if(h->sid != -1 && h->sid == getsid(0))
    return rc;
 * Creates a new thread with a starting point of func.
 * Parameters:
 *       func: Function which will be run in the new thread.
 *       data: Parameter(s) passed to the function.
 *       stack: Stack size of new thread (OS/2 and Windows only).
DWTID API dw_thread_new(void *func, void *data, int stack)
    DWTID dwthread;
    void **tmp = (void **)malloc(sizeof(void *) * 2);
    int rc;

    tmp[0] = func;
    tmp[1] = data;

    rc = pthread_create(&dwthread, NULL, (void *(*)(void *))_dwthreadstart, (void *)tmp);
    if(rc == 0)
        return dwthread;

 * Ends execution of current thread immediately.
void API dw_thread_end(void)

 * Returns the current thread's ID.
DWTID API dw_thread_id(void)
    return (DWTID)pthread_self();

 * Initializes the Dynamic Windows engine.
 * Parameters:
 *           newthread: True if this is the only thread.
 *                      False if there is already a message loop running.
 *           argc: Passed in from main()
 *           argv: Passed in from main()
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE (0) on success.
int API dw_init(int newthread, int argc, char *argv[])
    return DW_ERROR_NONE;

 * Cleanly terminates a DW session, should be signal handler safe.
void API dw_shutdown(void)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID dwindowsShutdown = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "dwindowsShutdown",
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, dwindowsShutdown);

 * Execute and external program in a seperate session.
 * Parameters:
 *       program: Program name with optional path.
 *       type: Either DW_EXEC_CON or DW_EXEC_GUI.
 *       params: An array of pointers to string arguements.
 * Returns:
 *       Process ID on success or DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN (-1) on error.
int API dw_exec(const char *program, int type, char **params)
    int ret = DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN;

    return ret;

 * Loads a web browser pointed at the given URL.
 * Parameters:
 *       url: Uniform resource locator.
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN (-1) on error; DW_ERROR_NONE (0) or a positive Process ID on success.
int API dw_browse(const char *url)
    return DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN;

 * Creates a new print object.
 * Parameters:
 *       jobname: Name of the print job to show in the queue.
 *       flags: Flags to initially configure the print object.
 *       pages: Number of pages to print.
 *       drawfunc: The pointer to the function to be used as the callback.
 *       drawdata: User data to be passed to the handler function.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to the print object or NULL on failure.
HPRINT API dw_print_new(const char *jobname, unsigned long flags, unsigned int pages, void *drawfunc, void *drawdata)
    return NULL;

 * Runs the print job, causing the draw page callbacks to fire.
 * Parameters:
 *       print: Handle to the print object returned by dw_print_new().
 *       flags: Flags to run the print job.
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN on error or DW_ERROR_NONE on success.
int API dw_print_run(HPRINT print, unsigned long flags)
    return DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN;

 * Cancels the print job, typically called from a draw page callback.
 * Parameters:
 *       print: Handle to the print object returned by dw_print_new().
void API dw_print_cancel(HPRINT print)

 * Creates a new system notification if possible.
 * Parameters:
 *         title: The short title of the notification.
 *         imagepath: Path to an image to display or NULL if none.
 *         description: A longer description of the notification,
 *                      or NULL if none is necessary.
 * Returns:
 *         A handle to the notification which can be used to attach a "clicked" event if desired,
 *         or NULL if it fails or notifications are not supported by the system.
 * Remarks:
 *          This will create a system notification that will show in the notifaction panel
 *          on supported systems, which may be clicked to perform another task.
HWND API dw_notification_new(const char *title, const char *imagepath, const char *description, ...)
    return 0;

 * Sends a notification created by dw_notification_new() after attaching signal handler.
 * Parameters:
 *         notification: The handle to the notification returned by dw_notification_new().
 * Returns:
 *         DW_ERROR_NONE on success, DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN on error or not supported.
int API dw_notification_send(HWND notification)
    return DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN;

 * Converts a UTF-8 encoded string into a wide string.
 * Parameters:
 *       utf8string: UTF-8 encoded source string.
 * Returns:
 *       Wide string that needs to be freed with dw_free()
 *       or NULL on failure.
wchar_t * API dw_utf8_to_wchar(const char *utf8string)
    size_t buflen = strlen(utf8string) + 1;
    wchar_t *temp = (wchar_t *)malloc(buflen * sizeof(wchar_t));
        mbstowcs(temp, utf8string, buflen);
    return temp;

 * Converts a wide string into a UTF-8 encoded string.
 * Parameters:
 *       wstring: Wide source string.
 * Returns:
 *       UTF-8 encoded string that needs to be freed with dw_free()
 *       or NULL on failure.
char * API dw_wchar_to_utf8(const wchar_t *wstring)
    size_t bufflen = 8 * wcslen(wstring) + 1;
    char *temp = (char *)malloc(bufflen);
        wcstombs(temp, wstring, bufflen);
    return temp;

 * Gets the state of the requested library feature.
 * Parameters:
 *       feature: The requested feature for example DW_FEATURE_DARK_MODE
 * Returns:
 *       DW_FEATURE_UNSUPPORTED if the library or OS does not support the feature.
 *       DW_FEATURE_DISABLED if the feature is supported but disabled.
 *       DW_FEATURE_ENABLED if the feature is supported and enabled.
 *       Other value greater than 1, same as enabled but with extra info.
int API dw_feature_get(DWFEATURE feature)
        case DW_FEATURE_HTML:                    /* Supports the HTML Widget */
        case DW_FEATURE_HTML_RESULT:             /* Supports the DW_SIGNAL_HTML_RESULT callback */
        case DW_FEATURE_DARK_MODE:               /* Supports Dark Mode user interface */
        case DW_FEATURE_NOTIFICATION:            /* Supports sending system notifications */
        case DW_FEATURE_UTF8_UNICODE:            /* Supports UTF8 encoded Unicode text */
        case DW_FEATURE_MLE_AUTO_COMPLETE:       /* Supports auto completion in Multi-line Edit boxes */
        case DW_FEATURE_MLE_WORD_WRAP:           /* Supports word wrapping in Multi-line Edit boxes */
        case DW_FEATURE_CONTAINER_STRIPE:        /* Supports striped line display in container widgets */
            return DW_FEATURE_ENABLED;
            return DW_FEATURE_UNSUPPORTED;

 * Sets the state of the requested library feature.
 * Parameters:
 *       feature: The requested feature for example DW_FEATURE_DARK_MODE
 *       state: DW_FEATURE_DISABLED, DW_FEATURE_ENABLED or any value greater than 1.
 * Returns:
 *       DW_FEATURE_UNSUPPORTED if the library or OS does not support the feature.
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE if the feature is supported and successfully configured.
 *       DW_ERROR_GENERAL if the feature is supported but could not be configured.
 * Remarks:
 *       These settings are typically used during dw_init() so issue before
 *       setting up the library with dw_init().
int API dw_feature_set(DWFEATURE feature, int state)
        /* These features are supported but not configurable */
        case DW_FEATURE_HTML:                    /* Supports the HTML Widget */
        case DW_FEATURE_HTML_RESULT:             /* Supports the DW_SIGNAL_HTML_RESULT callback */
        case DW_FEATURE_DARK_MODE:               /* Supports Dark Mode user interface */
        case DW_FEATURE_NOTIFICATION:            /* Supports sending system notifications */
        case DW_FEATURE_UTF8_UNICODE:            /* Supports UTF8 encoded Unicode text */
        case DW_FEATURE_MLE_AUTO_COMPLETE:       /* Supports auto completion in Multi-line Edit boxes */
        case DW_FEATURE_MLE_WORD_WRAP:           /* Supports word wrapping in Multi-line Edit boxes */
        case DW_FEATURE_CONTAINER_STRIPE:        /* Supports striped line display in container widgets */
            return DW_ERROR_GENERAL;
        /* These features are supported and configurable */
            return DW_FEATURE_UNSUPPORTED;

#ifdef __cplusplus