view android/DWindows.kt @ 2502:b6319aed3298

Android: Massive thread safety overhaul. Not quite back to fully functional. WebView is having many complaints about not being on the UI thread... better to get this figured out early... All UI calls will be wrapped in a waitOnUiThread() closure. This is our version of Android's runOnUiThread() except it waits for the closure to finish running so we can return results... and also so that our calls will be in the order desired in the application.
author bsmith@81767d24-ef19-dc11-ae90-00e081727c95
date Thu, 06 May 2021 09:55:32 +0000
parents 41984ffb5ca2
children 1c2a79313b04
line wrap: on
line source

package org.dbsoft.dwindows

import android.content.ClipData
import android.content.ClipboardManager
import android.content.DialogInterface
import android.content.res.Configuration
import android.os.Bundle
import android.os.Handler
import android.os.Looper
import android.text.InputFilter
import android.text.InputFilter.LengthFilter
import android.text.method.PasswordTransformationMethod
import android.util.Base64
import android.util.Log
import android.view.Gravity
import android.view.View
import android.view.ViewGroup
import android.webkit.WebView
import android.widget.*
import android.widget.SeekBar.OnSeekBarChangeListener
import androidx.collection.SimpleArrayMap
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView
import androidx.viewpager2.widget.ViewPager2
import java.util.*
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock

class DWTabViewPagerAdapter : RecyclerView.Adapter<DWTabViewPagerAdapter.DWEventViewHolder>() {
    public val viewList = mutableListOf<LinearLayout>()
    public val pageList = mutableListOf<Long>()
    public var currentPageID = 0L

    override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int) =

    override fun getItemCount() = viewList.count()
    override fun getItemViewType(position: Int): Int {
        return position
    override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: DWEventViewHolder, position: Int) {

    class DWEventViewHolder(var view: View) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(view)

class DWindows : AppCompatActivity() {
    var firstWindow: Boolean = true
    var windowLayout: LinearLayout? = null
    var threadLock = ReentrantLock()
    var threadCond = threadLock.newCondition()

    // Our version of runOnUiThread that waits for execution
    fun waitOnUiThread(runnable: Runnable)
          if(Looper.myLooper() == Looper.getMainLooper()) {
          } else {
              val ourRunnable = Runnable {

    // We only want to call this once when the app starts up
    // By default Android will call onCreate for rotation and other
    // changes.  This is incompatible with Dynamic Windows...
    // Make sure the following is in your AndroidManifest.xml
    // android:configChanges="orientation|screenSize|screenLayout|keyboardHidden"
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        // Turn on rotation

        // Get the Android app path
        val m = packageManager
        var s = packageName
        val p = m.getPackageInfo(s!!, 0)
        s = p.applicationInfo.dataDir

        // Initialize the Dynamic Windows code...
        // This will start a new thread that calls the app's dwmain()

    override fun onConfigurationChanged(newConfig: Configuration) {

        // Send a DW_SIGNAL_CONFIGURE on orientation change
        if(windowLayout != null) {
            var width: Int = windowLayout!!.width
            var height: Int = windowLayout!!.height

            eventHandlerInt(windowLayout as View, 1, width, height, 0, 0)

     * These are the Android calls to actually create the UI...
     * forwarded from the C Dynamic Windows API
    fun windowNew(title: String, style: Int): LinearLayout? {
        if (firstWindow) {
            waitOnUiThread {
                var dataArrayMap = SimpleArrayMap<String, Long>()
                windowLayout = LinearLayout(this)

                windowLayout!!.tag = dataArrayMap
                this.title = title
                // For now we just return our DWindows' main activity layout...
                // in the future, later calls should create new activities
                firstWindow = false
            return windowLayout
        return null

    fun windowFromId(window: View, cid: Int): View {
        return window.findViewById(cid)

    fun windowSetData(window: View, name: String, data: Long) {
        if (window.tag != null) {
            var dataArrayMap: SimpleArrayMap<String, Long> = window.tag as SimpleArrayMap<String, Long>

            if (data != 0L) {
                dataArrayMap.put(name, data)
            } else {

    fun windowGetData(window: View, name: String): Long {
        var retval: Long = 0L

        if (window.tag != null) {
            var dataArrayMap: SimpleArrayMap<String, Long> = window.tag as SimpleArrayMap<String, Long>

            retval = dataArrayMap.get(name)!!
        return retval

    fun windowSetEnabled(window: View, state: Boolean) {
        waitOnUiThread {

    fun windowSetText(window: View, text: String) {
        waitOnUiThread {
            if (window is TextView) {
                var textview: TextView = window
                textview.text = text
            } else if (window is Button) {
                var button: Button = window
                button.text = text
            } else if (window is LinearLayout) {
                // TODO: Make sure this is actually the top-level layout, not just a box
                this.title = text

    fun windowGetText(window: View): String? {
        var text: String? = null

        waitOnUiThread {
            if (window is TextView) {
                var textview: TextView = window
                text = textview.text.toString()
            } else if (window is Button) {
                var button: Button = window
                text = button.text.toString()
            } else if (window is LinearLayout) {
                // TODO: Make sure this is actually the top-level layout, not just a box
                text = this.title.toString()
        return text

    fun clipboardGetText(): String {
        var cm: ClipboardManager = getSystemService(CLIPBOARD_SERVICE) as ClipboardManager
        var clipdata = cm.primaryClip

        if (clipdata != null && clipdata.itemCount > 0) {
            return clipdata.getItemAt(0).coerceToText(this).toString()
        return ""

    fun clipboardSetText(text: String) {
        var cm: ClipboardManager = getSystemService(CLIPBOARD_SERVICE) as ClipboardManager
        var clipdata = ClipData.newPlainText("text", text)


    fun boxNew(type: Int, pad: Int): LinearLayout? {
        var box: LinearLayout? = null
        waitOnUiThread {
            box = LinearLayout(this)
            var dataArrayMap = SimpleArrayMap<String, Long>()

            box!!.tag = dataArrayMap
            box!!.layoutParams =
            if (type > 0) {
                box!!.orientation = LinearLayout.VERTICAL
            } else {
                box!!.orientation = LinearLayout.HORIZONTAL
            box!!.setPadding(pad, pad, pad, pad)
        return box

    fun scrollBoxNew(type: Int, pad: Int) : ScrollView? {
        var scrollBox: ScrollView? = null

        waitOnUiThread {
            val box = LinearLayout(this)
            scrollBox = ScrollView(this)
            var dataArrayMap = SimpleArrayMap<String, Long>()

            scrollBox!!.tag = dataArrayMap
            box.layoutParams =
            if (type > 0) {
                box.orientation = LinearLayout.VERTICAL
            } else {
                box.orientation = LinearLayout.HORIZONTAL
            box.setPadding(pad, pad, pad, pad)
            // Add a pointer back to the ScrollView
            box.tag = scrollBox
        return scrollBox

    fun boxPack(
        boxview: View,
        item: View,
        index: Int,
        width: Int,
        height: Int,
        hsize: Int,
        vsize: Int,
        pad: Int
    ) {
        waitOnUiThread {
            var w: Int = LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT
            var h: Int = LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT
            var box: LinearLayout? = null

            // Handle scrollboxes by pulling the LinearLayout
            // out of the ScrollView to pack into
            if (boxview is LinearLayout) {
                box = boxview as LinearLayout
            } else if (boxview is ScrollView) {
                var sv: ScrollView = boxview

                if (sv.getChildAt(0) is LinearLayout) {
                    box = sv.getChildAt(0) as LinearLayout

            if (box != null) {
                if ((item is LinearLayout) or (item is ScrollView)) {
                    if (box.orientation == LinearLayout.VERTICAL) {
                        if (hsize > 0) {
                            w = LinearLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT
                    } else {
                        if (vsize > 0) {
                            h = LinearLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT
                var params: LinearLayout.LayoutParams = LinearLayout.LayoutParams(w, h)

                if (item !is LinearLayout && (width != -1 || height != -1)) {
                    item.measure(0, 0)
                    if (width > 0) {
                        w = width
                    } else if (width == -1) {
                        w = item.getMeasuredWidth()
                    if (height > 0) {
                        h = height
                    } else if (height == -1) {
                        h = item.getMeasuredHeight()
                if (box.orientation == LinearLayout.VERTICAL) {
                    if (vsize > 0) {
                        if (w > 0) {
                            params.weight = w.toFloat()
                        } else {
                            params.weight = 1F
                } else {
                    if (hsize > 0) {
                        if (h > 0) {
                            params.weight = h.toFloat()
                        } else {
                            params.weight = 1F
                if (pad > 0) {
                    params.setMargins(pad, pad, pad, pad)
                var grav: Int = Gravity.CLIP_HORIZONTAL or Gravity.CLIP_VERTICAL
                if (hsize > 0 && vsize > 0) {
                    params.gravity = Gravity.FILL or grav
                } else if (hsize > 0) {
                    params.gravity = Gravity.FILL_HORIZONTAL or grav
                } else if (vsize > 0) {
                    params.gravity = Gravity.FILL_VERTICAL or grav
                item.layoutParams = params
                box.addView(item, index)

    fun boxUnpack(item: View) {
        waitOnUiThread {
            var box: LinearLayout = item.parent as LinearLayout

    fun boxUnpackAtIndex(box: LinearLayout, index: Int): View? {
        var item: View? = null

        waitOnUiThread {
            item = box.getChildAt(index)

        return item

    fun buttonNew(text: String, cid: Int): Button? {
        var button: Button? = null
        waitOnUiThread {
            button = Button(this)
            var dataArrayMap = SimpleArrayMap<String, Long>()

            button!!.tag = dataArrayMap
            button!!.text = text
            button!!.id = cid
            button!!.setOnClickListener {
                eventHandlerSimple(button!!, 8)
        return button

    fun entryfieldNew(text: String, cid: Int, password: Int): EditText? {
        var entryfield: EditText? = null

        waitOnUiThread {
            var dataArrayMap = SimpleArrayMap<String, Long>()
            entryfield = EditText(this)

            entryfield!!.tag = dataArrayMap
            entryfield!!.id = cid
            if (password > 0) {
                entryfield!!.transformationMethod = PasswordTransformationMethod.getInstance()
        return entryfield

    fun entryfieldSetLimit(entryfield: EditText, limit: Long) {
        waitOnUiThread {
            entryfield.filters = arrayOf<InputFilter>(LengthFilter(limit.toInt()))

    fun radioButtonNew(text: String, cid: Int): RadioButton? {
        var radiobutton: RadioButton? = null

        waitOnUiThread {
            var dataArrayMap = SimpleArrayMap<String, Long>()
            radiobutton = RadioButton(this)

            radiobutton!!.tag = dataArrayMap
            radiobutton!!.id = cid
            radiobutton!!.text = text
            radiobutton!!.setOnClickListener {
                eventHandlerSimple(radiobutton!!, 8)
        return radiobutton

    fun checkboxNew(text: String, cid: Int): CheckBox? {
        var checkbox: CheckBox? = null

        waitOnUiThread {
            var dataArrayMap = SimpleArrayMap<String, Long>()

            checkbox = CheckBox(this)
            checkbox!!.tag = dataArrayMap
            checkbox!!.id = cid
            checkbox!!.text = text
            checkbox!!.setOnClickListener {
                eventHandlerSimple(checkbox!!, 8)
        return checkbox

    fun checkOrRadioSetChecked(control: View, state: Int)
        waitOnUiThread {
            if (control is CheckBox) {
                var checkbox: CheckBox = control
                checkbox.isChecked = state != 0
            } else if (control is RadioButton) {
                var radiobutton: RadioButton = control
                radiobutton.isChecked = state != 0

    fun checkOrRadioGetChecked(control: View): Boolean
        var retval: Boolean = false

        waitOnUiThread {
            if (control is CheckBox) {
                var checkbox: CheckBox = control
                retval = checkbox.isChecked
            } else if (control is RadioButton) {
                var radiobutton: RadioButton = control
                retval = radiobutton.isChecked
        return retval

    fun textNew(text: String, cid: Int, status: Int): TextView? {
        var textview: TextView? = null

        waitOnUiThread {
            var dataArrayMap = SimpleArrayMap<String, Long>()

            textview = TextView(this)
            textview!!.tag = dataArrayMap
            textview!!.id = cid
            textview!!.text = text
            if (status != 0) {
                val border = GradientDrawable()

                // Set a black border on white background...
                // might need to change this to invisible...
                // or the color from windowSetColor
                border.setStroke(1, -0x1000000)
                textview!!.background = border
        return textview

    fun notebookNew(cid: Int, top: Int): RelativeLayout?
        var notebook: RelativeLayout? = null

        waitOnUiThread {
            val pager = ViewPager2(this)
            val tabs = TabLayout(this)
            var w: Int = RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT
            var h: Int = RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT
            var dataArrayMap = SimpleArrayMap<String, Long>()

            notebook = RelativeLayout(this)
            notebook!!.tag = dataArrayMap
            notebook!!.id = cid
   = View.generateViewId()
   = View.generateViewId()
            pager.adapter = DWTabViewPagerAdapter()
            TabLayoutMediator(tabs, pager) { tab, position ->
                // This code never gets called?

            var params: RelativeLayout.LayoutParams = RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(w, h)
            if (top != 0) {
            } else {
            tabs.tabGravity = TabLayout.GRAVITY_FILL
            tabs.tabMode = TabLayout.MODE_FIXED
            notebook!!.addView(tabs, params)
            params = RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(w, w)
            if (top != 0) {
            } else {
            notebook!!.addView(pager, params)
            tabs.addOnTabSelectedListener(object : OnTabSelectedListener {
                override fun onTabSelected(tab: TabLayout.Tab) {
                    val adapter = pager.adapter as DWTabViewPagerAdapter

                    pager.currentItem = tab.position
                    eventHandlerNotebook(notebook!!, 15, adapter.pageList[tab.position])

                override fun onTabUnselected(tab: TabLayout.Tab) {}
                override fun onTabReselected(tab: TabLayout.Tab) {}
        return notebook

    fun notebookPageNew(notebook: RelativeLayout, flags: Long, front: Int): Long
        var pageID = 0L

        waitOnUiThread {
            var pager: ViewPager2? = null
            var tabs: TabLayout? = null

            if (notebook.getChildAt(0) is ViewPager2 && notebook.getChildAt(1) is TabLayout) {
                pager = notebook.getChildAt(0) as ViewPager2
                tabs = notebook.getChildAt(1) as TabLayout
            } else if (notebook.getChildAt(1) is ViewPager2 && notebook.getChildAt(0) is TabLayout) {
                pager = notebook.getChildAt(1) as ViewPager2
                tabs = notebook.getChildAt(0) as TabLayout

            if (pager != null && tabs != null) {
                var adapter: DWTabViewPagerAdapter = pager.adapter as DWTabViewPagerAdapter
                var tab = tabs.newTab()

                // Increment our page ID... making sure no duplicates exist
                do {
                    adapter.currentPageID += 1
                } while (adapter.currentPageID == 0L || adapter.pageList.contains(adapter.currentPageID))
                pageID = adapter.currentPageID
                // Temporarily add a black tab with an empty layout/box
                if (front != 0) {
                    adapter.viewList.add(0, LinearLayout(this))
                    adapter.pageList.add(0, pageID)
                    tabs.addTab(tab, 0)
                } else {
        return pageID

    fun notebookPageDestroy(notebook: RelativeLayout, pageID: Long)
        waitOnUiThread {
            var pager: ViewPager2? = null
            var tabs: TabLayout? = null

            if (notebook.getChildAt(0) is ViewPager2 && notebook.getChildAt(1) is TabLayout) {
                pager = notebook.getChildAt(0) as ViewPager2
                tabs = notebook.getChildAt(1) as TabLayout
            } else if (notebook.getChildAt(1) is ViewPager2 && notebook.getChildAt(0) is TabLayout) {
                pager = notebook.getChildAt(1) as ViewPager2
                tabs = notebook.getChildAt(0) as TabLayout

            if (pager != null && tabs != null) {
                var adapter: DWTabViewPagerAdapter = pager.adapter as DWTabViewPagerAdapter
                val index = adapter.pageList.indexOf(pageID)
                val tab = tabs.getTabAt(index)

                if (tab != null) {

    fun notebookPageSetText(notebook: RelativeLayout, pageID: Long, text: String)
        waitOnUiThread {
            var pager: ViewPager2? = null
            var tabs: TabLayout? = null

            if (notebook.getChildAt(0) is ViewPager2 && notebook.getChildAt(1) is TabLayout) {
                pager = notebook.getChildAt(0) as ViewPager2
                tabs = notebook.getChildAt(1) as TabLayout
            } else if (notebook.getChildAt(1) is ViewPager2 && notebook.getChildAt(0) is TabLayout) {
                pager = notebook.getChildAt(1) as ViewPager2
                tabs = notebook.getChildAt(0) as TabLayout

            if (pager != null && tabs != null) {
                val adapter: DWTabViewPagerAdapter = pager.adapter as DWTabViewPagerAdapter
                val index = adapter.pageList.indexOf(pageID)
                val tab = tabs.getTabAt(index)

                if (tab != null) {
                    tab.text = text

    fun notebookPagePack(notebook: RelativeLayout, pageID: Long, box: LinearLayout)
        waitOnUiThread {
            var pager: ViewPager2? = null
            var tabs: TabLayout? = null

            if (notebook.getChildAt(0) is ViewPager2 && notebook.getChildAt(1) is TabLayout) {
                pager = notebook.getChildAt(0) as ViewPager2
                tabs = notebook.getChildAt(1) as TabLayout
            } else if (notebook.getChildAt(1) is ViewPager2 && notebook.getChildAt(0) is TabLayout) {
                pager = notebook.getChildAt(1) as ViewPager2
                tabs = notebook.getChildAt(0) as TabLayout

            if (pager != null && tabs != null) {
                var adapter: DWTabViewPagerAdapter = pager.adapter as DWTabViewPagerAdapter
                val index = adapter.pageList.indexOf(pageID)

                // Make sure the box is MATCH_PARENT
                box.layoutParams = LinearLayout.LayoutParams(

                adapter.viewList[index] = box

    fun notebookPageGet(notebook: RelativeLayout): Long
        var retval: Long = 0L

        waitOnUiThread {
            var pager: ViewPager2? = null
            var tabs: TabLayout? = null

            if (notebook.getChildAt(0) is ViewPager2 && notebook.getChildAt(1) is TabLayout) {
                pager = notebook.getChildAt(0) as ViewPager2
                tabs = notebook.getChildAt(1) as TabLayout
            } else if (notebook.getChildAt(1) is ViewPager2 && notebook.getChildAt(0) is TabLayout) {
                pager = notebook.getChildAt(1) as ViewPager2
                tabs = notebook.getChildAt(0) as TabLayout

            if (pager != null && tabs != null) {
                var adapter: DWTabViewPagerAdapter = pager.adapter as DWTabViewPagerAdapter
                retval = adapter.pageList.get(tabs.selectedTabPosition)
        return retval

    fun notebookPageSet(notebook: RelativeLayout, pageID: Long)
        waitOnUiThread {
            var pager: ViewPager2? = null
            var tabs: TabLayout? = null

            if (notebook.getChildAt(0) is ViewPager2 && notebook.getChildAt(1) is TabLayout) {
                pager = notebook.getChildAt(0) as ViewPager2
                tabs = notebook.getChildAt(1) as TabLayout
            } else if (notebook.getChildAt(1) is ViewPager2 && notebook.getChildAt(0) is TabLayout) {
                pager = notebook.getChildAt(1) as ViewPager2
                tabs = notebook.getChildAt(0) as TabLayout

            if (pager != null && tabs != null) {
                val adapter: DWTabViewPagerAdapter = pager.adapter as DWTabViewPagerAdapter
                val index = adapter.pageList.indexOf(pageID)
                val tab = tabs.getTabAt(index)


    fun sliderNew(vertical: Int, increments: Int, cid: Int): SeekBar?
        var slider: SeekBar? = null

        waitOnUiThread {
            var dataArrayMap = SimpleArrayMap<String, Long>()

            slider = SeekBar(this)
            slider!!.tag = dataArrayMap
            slider!!.id = cid
            slider!!.max = increments
            if (vertical != 0) {
                slider!!.rotation = 270F
            slider!!.setOnSeekBarChangeListener(object : OnSeekBarChangeListener {
                override fun onStopTrackingTouch(seekBar: SeekBar) {

                override fun onStartTrackingTouch(seekBar: SeekBar) {

                override fun onProgressChanged(seekBar: SeekBar, progress: Int, fromUser: Boolean) {
                    eventHandler(slider, null, 14, null, null, slider!!.progress, 0, 0, 0)
        return slider

    fun percentNew(cid: Int): ProgressBar?
        var percent: ProgressBar? = null

        waitOnUiThread {
            var dataArrayMap = SimpleArrayMap<String, Long>()

            percent = ProgressBar(this)
            percent!!.tag = dataArrayMap
            percent!!.id = cid
            percent!!.max = 100
        return percent

    fun percentGetPos(percent: ProgressBar): Int
        var retval: Int = 0

        waitOnUiThread {
            retval = percent.progress
        return retval

    fun percentSetPos(percent: ProgressBar, position: Int)
        waitOnUiThread {
            percent.progress = position

    fun percentSetRange(percent: ProgressBar, range: Int)
        waitOnUiThread {
            percent.max = range

    fun htmlNew(cid: Int): WebView?
        var html: WebView? = null

        waitOnUiThread {
            var dataArrayMap = SimpleArrayMap<String, Long>()

            html = WebView(this)
            html!!.tag = dataArrayMap
            html!!.id = cid
        return html

    fun htmlLoadURL(html: WebView, url: String)
        waitOnUiThread {

    fun htmlRaw(html: WebView, data: String)
        waitOnUiThread {
            val encodedHtml: String = Base64.encodeToString(data.toByteArray(), Base64.NO_PADDING)
            html.loadData(encodedHtml, "text/html", "base64")

    fun htmlJavascriptRun(html: WebView, javascript: String, data: Long)
        waitOnUiThread {
            html.evaluateJavascript(javascript) { value ->
                // Execute onReceiveValue's code
                eventHandlerHTMLResult(html, 18, value, data)

    fun htmlAction(html: WebView, action: Int)
        waitOnUiThread {
            when (action) {
                0 -> html.goBack()
                1 -> html.goForward()
                2 -> html.loadUrl("")
                4 -> html.reload()
                5 -> html.stopLoading()

    fun timerConnect(interval: Long, sigfunc: Long, data: Long): Timer
        // creating timer task, timer
        val t = Timer()
        val tt: TimerTask = object : TimerTask() {
            override fun run() {
                if(eventHandlerTimer(sigfunc, data) == 0) {
        t.scheduleAtFixedRate(tt, interval, interval)
        return t

    fun timerDisconnect(timer: Timer)

    fun doBeep(duration: Int)
        val toneGen = ToneGenerator(AudioManager.STREAM_ALARM, 100)
        toneGen.startTone(ToneGenerator.TONE_CDMA_PIP, duration)
        val handler = Handler(Looper.getMainLooper())
        }, (duration + 50).toLong())

    fun debugMessage(text: String)
        Log.d(null, text)

    fun messageBox(title: String, body: String, flags: Int): Int
        var retval: Int = 0

        waitOnUiThread {
            // make a text input dialog and show it
            var alert = AlertDialog.Builder(this)

            if ((flags and (1 shl 3)) != 0) {
                    DialogInterface.OnClickListener { _: DialogInterface, _: Int ->
                        retval = 1
                        throw java.lang.RuntimeException()
            if ((flags and ((1 shl 1) or (1 shl 2))) != 0) {
                    DialogInterface.OnClickListener { _: DialogInterface, _: Int ->
                        retval = 0
                        throw java.lang.RuntimeException()
            if ((flags and ((1 shl 3) or (1 shl 4))) != 0) {
                    DialogInterface.OnClickListener { _: DialogInterface, _: Int ->
                        retval = 0
                        throw java.lang.RuntimeException()
            if ((flags and ((1 shl 2) or (1 shl 4))) != 0) {
                    DialogInterface.OnClickListener { _: DialogInterface, _: Int ->
                        retval = 2
                        throw java.lang.RuntimeException()

            // loop till a runtime exception is triggered.
            try {
            } catch (e2: RuntimeException) {
        return retval

    fun dwindowsExit(exitcode: Int)
        waitOnUiThread {

    fun dwindowsShutdown()
        waitOnUiThread {

     * Native methods that are implemented by the 'dwindows' native library,
     * which is packaged with this application.
    external fun dwindowsInit(dataDir: String)
    external fun eventHandler(
        obj1: View?,
        obj2: View?,
        message: Int,
        str1: String?,
        str2: String?,
        inta: Int,
        intb: Int,
        intc: Int,
        intd: Int
    ): Int
    external fun eventHandlerInt(
        obj1: View,
        message: Int,
        inta: Int,
        intb: Int,
        intc: Int,
        intd: Int
    external fun eventHandlerSimple(obj1: View, message: Int)
    external fun eventHandlerNotebook(obj1: View, message: Int, pageID: Long)
    external fun eventHandlerTimer(sigfunc: Long, data: Long): Int
    external fun eventHandlerHTMLResult(obj1: View, message: Int, result: String, data: Long)

    companion object
        // Used to load the 'dwindows' library on application startup.