view ios/dw.m @ 2480:878d36588aaa

Android: Enable app rotation and fix some issues with layout. The layout is usable now, but some issues still remain, not sure if they are fixable... like the single weight regardless of orientation.
author bsmith@81767d24-ef19-dc11-ae90-00e081727c95
date Sun, 25 Apr 2021 23:33:53 +0000
parents 206a0643add6
children 457c91634881
line wrap: on
line source

 * Dynamic Windows:
 *          A GTK like implementation of the iOS GUI
 * (C) 2011-2021 Brian Smith <>
 * (C) 2011-2018 Mark Hessling <>
 * Requires 13.0 or later.
 * clang -g -o dwtest -D__IOS__ -I. dwtest.c ios/dw.m -framework UIKit -framework WebKit -framework Foundation -framework UserNotifications
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import <WebKit/WebKit.h>
#import <AudioToolbox/AudioToolbox.h>
#import <UserNotifications/UserNotifications.h>
#include "dw.h"
#include <sys/utsname.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <math.h>

/* Macros to handle local auto-release pools */
#define DW_LOCAL_POOL_IN NSAutoreleasePool *localpool = nil; \
        if(DWThread != (DWTID)-1 && pthread_self() != DWThread) \
            localpool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
#define DW_LOCAL_POOL_OUT if(localpool) [localpool drain];

/* Macros to encapsulate running functions on the main thread */
#define DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(func, rettype, ...)  void _##func(NSPointerArray *_args); \
rettype API func(__VA_ARGS__) { \
    NSPointerArray *_args = [[NSPointerArray alloc] initWithOptions:NSPointerFunctionsOpaqueMemory]; \
    [_args addPointer:(void *)_##func];
#define DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM1(param1) [_args addPointer:(void *)&param1];
#define DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM2(param1, param2) [_args addPointer:(void *)&param1]; \
    [_args addPointer:(void *)&param2];
#define DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM3(param1, param2, param3) [_args addPointer:(void *)&param1]; \
    [_args addPointer:(void *)&param2]; \
    [_args addPointer:(void *)&param3];
#define DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM4(param1, param2, param3, param4) [_args addPointer:(void *)&param1]; \
    [_args addPointer:(void *)&param2]; \
    [_args addPointer:(void *)&param3]; \
    [_args addPointer:(void *)&param4];
#define DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM5(param1, param2, param3, param4, param5) [_args addPointer:(void *)&param1]; \
    [_args addPointer:(void *)&param2]; \
    [_args addPointer:(void *)&param3]; \
    [_args addPointer:(void *)&param4]; \
    [_args addPointer:(void *)&param5];
#define DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM6(param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6) \
    [_args addPointer:(void *)&param1]; \
    [_args addPointer:(void *)&param2]; \
    [_args addPointer:(void *)&param3]; \
    [_args addPointer:(void *)&param4]; \
    [_args addPointer:(void *)&param5]; \
    [_args addPointer:(void *)&param6];
#define DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM7(param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6, param7) \
    [_args addPointer:(void *)&param1]; \
    [_args addPointer:(void *)&param2]; \
    [_args addPointer:(void *)&param3]; \
    [_args addPointer:(void *)&param4]; \
    [_args addPointer:(void *)&param5]; \
    [_args addPointer:(void *)&param6]; \
    [_args addPointer:(void *)&param7];
#define DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM8(param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6, param7, param8) \
    [_args addPointer:(void *)&param1]; \
    [_args addPointer:(void *)&param2]; \
    [_args addPointer:(void *)&param3]; \
    [_args addPointer:(void *)&param4]; \
    [_args addPointer:(void *)&param5]; \
    [_args addPointer:(void *)&param6]; \
    [_args addPointer:(void *)&param7]; \
    [_args addPointer:(void *)&param8];
#define DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM9(param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6, param7, param8, param9) \
    [_args addPointer:(void *)&param1]; \
    [_args addPointer:(void *)&param2]; \
    [_args addPointer:(void *)&param3]; \
    [_args addPointer:(void *)&param4]; \
    [_args addPointer:(void *)&param5]; \
    [_args addPointer:(void *)&param6]; \
    [_args addPointer:(void *)&param7]; \
    [_args addPointer:(void *)&param8]; \
    [_args addPointer:(void *)&param9];
#define DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM1(param1, vartype1) vartype1 param1 = *((vartype1 *)[_args pointerAtIndex:1]);
#define DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM2(param1, vartype1, param2, vartype2) \
    vartype1 param1 = *((vartype1 *)[_args pointerAtIndex:1]); \
    vartype2 param2 = *((vartype2 *)[_args pointerAtIndex:2]);
#define DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM3(param1, vartype1, param2, vartype2, param3, vartype3) \
    vartype1 param1 = *((vartype1 *)[_args pointerAtIndex:1]); \
    vartype2 param2 = *((vartype2 *)[_args pointerAtIndex:2]); \
    vartype3 param3 = *((vartype3 *)[_args pointerAtIndex:3]);
#define DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM4(param1, vartype1, param2, vartype2, param3, vartype3, param4, vartype4) \
    vartype1 param1 = *((vartype1 *)[_args pointerAtIndex:1]); \
    vartype2 param2 = *((vartype2 *)[_args pointerAtIndex:2]); \
    vartype3 param3 = *((vartype3 *)[_args pointerAtIndex:3]); \
    vartype4 param4 = *((vartype4 *)[_args pointerAtIndex:4]);
#define DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM5(param1, vartype1, param2, vartype2, param3, vartype3, param4, vartype4, param5, vartype5) \
    vartype1 param1 = *((vartype1 *)[_args pointerAtIndex:1]); \
    vartype2 param2 = *((vartype2 *)[_args pointerAtIndex:2]); \
    vartype3 param3 = *((vartype3 *)[_args pointerAtIndex:3]); \
    vartype4 param4 = *((vartype4 *)[_args pointerAtIndex:4]); \
    vartype5 param5 = *((vartype5 *)[_args pointerAtIndex:5]);
#define DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM6(param1, vartype1, param2, vartype2, param3, vartype3, param4, vartype4, param5, vartype5, param6, vartype6) \
    vartype1 param1 = *((vartype1 *)[_args pointerAtIndex:1]); \
    vartype2 param2 = *((vartype2 *)[_args pointerAtIndex:2]); \
    vartype3 param3 = *((vartype3 *)[_args pointerAtIndex:3]); \
    vartype4 param4 = *((vartype4 *)[_args pointerAtIndex:4]); \
    vartype5 param5 = *((vartype5 *)[_args pointerAtIndex:5]); \
    vartype6 param6 = *((vartype6 *)[_args pointerAtIndex:6]);
#define DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM7(param1, vartype1, param2, vartype2, param3, vartype3, param4, vartype4, param5, vartype5, param6, vartype6, param7, vartype7) \
    vartype1 param1 = *((vartype1 *)[_args pointerAtIndex:1]); \
    vartype2 param2 = *((vartype2 *)[_args pointerAtIndex:2]); \
    vartype3 param3 = *((vartype3 *)[_args pointerAtIndex:3]); \
    vartype4 param4 = *((vartype4 *)[_args pointerAtIndex:4]); \
    vartype5 param5 = *((vartype5 *)[_args pointerAtIndex:5]); \
    vartype6 param6 = *((vartype6 *)[_args pointerAtIndex:6]); \
    vartype7 param7 = *((vartype7 *)[_args pointerAtIndex:7]);
#define DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM8(param1, vartype1, param2, vartype2, param3, vartype3, param4, vartype4, param5, vartype5, param6, vartype6, param7, vartype7, param8, vartype8) \
    vartype1 param1 = *((vartype1 *)[_args pointerAtIndex:1]); \
    vartype2 param2 = *((vartype2 *)[_args pointerAtIndex:2]); \
    vartype3 param3 = *((vartype3 *)[_args pointerAtIndex:3]); \
    vartype4 param4 = *((vartype4 *)[_args pointerAtIndex:4]); \
    vartype5 param5 = *((vartype5 *)[_args pointerAtIndex:5]); \
    vartype6 param6 = *((vartype6 *)[_args pointerAtIndex:6]); \
    vartype7 param7 = *((vartype7 *)[_args pointerAtIndex:7]); \
    vartype8 param8 = *((vartype8 *)[_args pointerAtIndex:8]);
#define DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM9(param1, vartype1, param2, vartype2, param3, vartype3, param4, vartype4, param5, vartype5, param6, vartype6, param7, vartype7, param8, vartype8, param9, vartype9) \
    vartype1 param1 = *((vartype1 *)[_args pointerAtIndex:1]); \
    vartype2 param2 = *((vartype2 *)[_args pointerAtIndex:2]); \
    vartype3 param3 = *((vartype3 *)[_args pointerAtIndex:3]); \
    vartype4 param4 = *((vartype4 *)[_args pointerAtIndex:4]); \
    vartype5 param5 = *((vartype5 *)[_args pointerAtIndex:5]); \
    vartype6 param6 = *((vartype6 *)[_args pointerAtIndex:6]); \
    vartype7 param7 = *((vartype7 *)[_args pointerAtIndex:7]); \
    vartype8 param8 = *((vartype8 *)[_args pointerAtIndex:8]); \
    vartype9 param9 = *((vartype9 *)[_args pointerAtIndex:9]);
#define DW_FUNCTION_NO_RETURN(func) [DWObj safeCall:@selector(callBack:) withObject:_args]; \
    [_args release]; \
void _##func(NSPointerArray *_args) {
#define DW_FUNCTION_RETURN(func, rettype) [DWObj safeCall:@selector(callBack:) withObject:_args]; {\
        void *tmp = [_args pointerAtIndex:[_args count]-1]; \
        rettype myreturn = *((rettype *)tmp); \
        free(tmp); \
        return myreturn; } \
    [_args release]; \
void _##func(NSPointerArray *_args) {
#define DW_FUNCTION_RETURN_THIS(_retvar) { void *_myreturn = malloc(sizeof(_retvar)); \
    memcpy(_myreturn, (void *)&_retvar, sizeof(_retvar)); \
    [_args addPointer:_myreturn]; }}

unsigned long _dw_colors[] =
    0x00000000,   /* 0  black */
    0x000000bb,   /* 1  red */
    0x0000bb00,   /* 2  green */
    0x0000aaaa,   /* 3  yellow */
    0x00cc0000,   /* 4  blue */
    0x00bb00bb,   /* 5  magenta */
    0x00bbbb00,   /* 6  cyan */
    0x00bbbbbb,   /* 7  white */
    0x00777777,   /* 8  grey */
    0x000000ff,   /* 9  bright red */
    0x0000ff00,   /* 10 bright green */
    0x0000eeee,   /* 11 bright yellow */
    0x00ff0000,   /* 12 bright blue */
    0x00ff00ff,   /* 13 bright magenta */
    0x00eeee00,   /* 14 bright cyan */
    0x00ffffff,   /* 15 bright white */
    0xff000000    /* 16 default color */

 * List those icons that have transparency first
#define NUM_EXTS 8
char *_dw_image_exts[NUM_EXTS+1] =

char *_dw_get_image_extension(const char *filename)
   char *file = alloca(strlen(filename) + 6);
   int found_ext = 0,i;

   /* Try various extentions */
   for(i = 0; i < NUM_EXTS; i++)
      strcpy(file, filename);
      strcat(file, _dw_image_exts[i]);
      if(access(file, R_OK ) == 0)
         found_ext = 1;
   if(found_ext == 1)
      return _dw_image_exts[i];
   return NULL;

/* Return the RGB color regardless if a predefined color was passed */
unsigned long _dw_get_color(unsigned long thiscolor)
    if(thiscolor & DW_RGB_COLOR)
        return thiscolor & ~DW_RGB_COLOR;
    else if(thiscolor < 17)
        return _dw_colors[thiscolor];
    return 0;

/* Thread specific storage */
pthread_key_t _dw_pool_key;
pthread_key_t _dw_fg_color_key;
pthread_key_t _dw_bg_color_key;
static int DWOSMajor, DWOSMinor, DWOSBuild;
static char _dw_bundle_path[PATH_MAX+1] = { 0 };
static char _dw_app_id[_DW_APP_ID_SIZE+1]= {0};
static int _dw_dark_mode_state = DW_FEATURE_UNSUPPORTED;

/* Create a default colors for a thread */
void _dw_init_colors(void)
    UIColor *fgcolor = [[UIColor grayColor] retain];
    pthread_setspecific(_dw_fg_color_key, fgcolor);
    pthread_setspecific(_dw_bg_color_key, NULL);

typedef struct _sighandler
    struct _sighandler   *next;
    ULONG message;
    HWND window;
    int id;
    void *signalfunction;
    void *discfunction;
    void *data;

} SignalHandler;

static SignalHandler *DWRoot = NULL;

/* Some internal prototypes */
static void _dw_do_resize(Box *thisbox, int x, int y);
void _dw_handle_resize_events(Box *thisbox);
int _dw_remove_userdata(UserData **root, const char *varname, int all);
int _dw_main_iteration(NSDate *date);
CGContextRef _dw_draw_context(id image, bool antialias);
typedef id (*DWIMP)(id, SEL, ...);

/* Internal function to queue a window redraw */
void _dw_redraw(id window, int skip)
    static id lastwindow = nil;
    id redraw = lastwindow;

    if(skip && window == nil)

    lastwindow = window;
    if(redraw != lastwindow && redraw != nil)

SignalHandler *_dw_get_handler(HWND window, int messageid)
    SignalHandler *tmp = DWRoot;

    /* Find any callbacks for this function */
        if(tmp->message == messageid && window == tmp->window)
            return tmp;
        tmp = tmp->next;
    return NULL;

typedef struct
    ULONG message;
    char name[30];

} DWSignalList;

/* List of signals */
#define SIGNALMAX 19

static DWSignalList DWSignalTranslate[SIGNALMAX] = {
    { 1,    DW_SIGNAL_CONFIGURE },
    { 2,    DW_SIGNAL_KEY_PRESS },
    { 6,    DW_SIGNAL_DELETE },
    { 7,    DW_SIGNAL_EXPOSE },
    { 8,    DW_SIGNAL_CLICKED },
    { 9,    DW_SIGNAL_ITEM_ENTER },
    { 11,   DW_SIGNAL_LIST_SELECT },
    { 12,   DW_SIGNAL_ITEM_SELECT },
    { 13,   DW_SIGNAL_SET_FOCUS },
    { 15,   DW_SIGNAL_SWITCH_PAGE },
    { 16,   DW_SIGNAL_TREE_EXPAND },
    { 18,   DW_SIGNAL_HTML_RESULT },

int _dw_event_handler1(id object, UIEvent *event, int message)
    SignalHandler *handler = _dw_get_handler(object, message);
    /* NSLog(@"Event handler - type %d\n", message); */

            /* Timer event */
            case 0:
                int (* API timerfunc)(void *) = (int (* API)(void *))handler->signalfunction;

                return 0;
            /* Configure/Resize event */
            case 1:
                int (*sizefunc)(HWND, int, int, void *) = handler->signalfunction;
                CGSize size;

                if([object isKindOfClass:[UIWindow class]])
                    UIWindow *window = object;
                    size = [window frame].size;
                    UIView *view = object;
                    size = [view frame].size;

                if(size.width > 0 && size.height > 0)
                    return sizefunc(object, size.width, size.height, handler->data);
                return 0;
            case 2:
                int (*keypressfunc)(HWND, char, int, int, void *, char *) = handler->signalfunction;
                NSString *nchar = @""; /* [event charactersIgnoringModifiers]; */
                unichar vk = [nchar characterAtIndex:0];
                char *utf8 = NULL, ch = '\0';
                int special = 0;

                if(@available(iOS 13.4, *))
                    special = (int)[event modifierFlags];

                /* Handle a valid key */
                if([nchar length] == 1)
                    char *tmp = (char *)[nchar UTF8String];
                    if(tmp && strlen(tmp) == 1)
                        ch = tmp[0];
                    utf8 = tmp;

                return keypressfunc(handler->window, ch, (int)vk, special, handler->data, utf8);
            /* Button press and release event */
            case 3:
            case 4:
                int (* API buttonfunc)(HWND, int, int, int, void *) = (int (* API)(HWND, int, int, int, void *))handler->signalfunction;
                int button = 1;
                CGPoint p = {0};

                if([event isMemberOfClass:[UIEvent class]])
                    UITouch *touch = [[event allTouches] anyObject];

                    p = [touch locationInView:[touch view]];
                    if(@available(ios 13.4, *))
                        if([event buttonMask] & UIEventButtonMaskSecondary)
                            button = 2;

                return buttonfunc(object, (int)p.x, (int)p.y, button, handler->data);
            /* Motion notify event */
#if 0 /* Not sure if motion notify applies */
            case 5:
                int (* API motionfunc)(HWND, int, int, int, void *) = (int (* API)(HWND, int, int, int, void *))handler->signalfunction;

                return motionfunc(object, (int)p.x, (int)p.y, (int)buttonmask, handler->data);
            /* Window close event */
            case 6:
                int (* API closefunc)(HWND, void *) = (int (* API)(HWND, void *))handler->signalfunction;
                return closefunc(object, handler->data);
            /* Window expose/draw event */
            case 7:
                DWExpose exp;
                int (* API exposefunc)(HWND, DWExpose *, void *) = (int (* API)(HWND, DWExpose *, void *))handler->signalfunction;
                CGRect rect = [object frame];

                exp.x = rect.origin.x;
                exp.y = rect.origin.y;
                exp.width = rect.size.width;
                exp.height = rect.size.height;
                int result = exposefunc(object, &exp, handler->data);
                return result;
            /* Clicked event for buttons and menu items */
            case 8:
                int (* API clickfunc)(HWND, void *) = (int (* API)(HWND, void *))handler->signalfunction;

                return clickfunc(object, handler->data);
            /* Container class selection event */
            case 9:
                int (*containerselectfunc)(HWND, char *, void *, void *) = handler->signalfunction;
                void **params = (void **)event;

                return containerselectfunc(handler->window, params[0], handler->data, params[1]);
            /* Container context menu event */
            case 10:
                int (* API containercontextfunc)(HWND, char *, int, int, void *, void *) = (int (* API)(HWND, char *, int, int, void *, void *))handler->signalfunction;
                void **params = (void **)event;
                char *text = (char *)params[0];
                void *user = params[1];
                int x = DW_POINTER_TO_INT(params[2]);
                int y = DW_POINTER_TO_INT(params[3]);

                return containercontextfunc(handler->window, text, x, y, handler->data, user);
            /* Generic selection changed event for several classes */
            case 11:
            case 14:
                int (* API valuechangedfunc)(HWND, int, void *) = (int (* API)(HWND, int, void *))handler->signalfunction;
                int selected = DW_POINTER_TO_INT(event);

                return valuechangedfunc(handler->window, selected, handler->data);;
            /* Tree class selection event */
            case 12:
                int (* API treeselectfunc)(HWND, HTREEITEM, char *, void *, void *) = (int (* API)(HWND, HTREEITEM, char *, void *, void *))handler->signalfunction;
                char *text = NULL;
                void *user = NULL;
                id item = nil;

                if([object isKindOfClass:[UITableView class]] && event)
                    void **params = (void **)event;

                    text = params[0];
                    user = params[1];

                return treeselectfunc(handler->window, item, text, handler->data, user);
            /* Set Focus event */
            case 13:
                int (* API setfocusfunc)(HWND, void *) = (int (* API)(HWND, void *))handler->signalfunction;

                return setfocusfunc(handler->window, handler->data);
            /* Notebook page change event */
            case 15:
                int (* API switchpagefunc)(HWND, unsigned long, void *) = (int (* API)(HWND, unsigned long, void *))handler->signalfunction;
                int pageid = DW_POINTER_TO_INT(event);

                return switchpagefunc(handler->window, pageid, handler->data);
            /* Tree expand event */
            case 16:
                int (* API treeexpandfunc)(HWND, HTREEITEM, void *) = (int (* API)(HWND, HTREEITEM, void *))handler->signalfunction;

                return treeexpandfunc(handler->window, (HTREEITEM)event, handler->data);
            /* Column click event */
            case 17:
                int (* API clickcolumnfunc)(HWND, int, void *) = handler->signalfunction;
                int column_num = DW_POINTER_TO_INT(event);

                return clickcolumnfunc(handler->window, column_num, handler->data);
            /* HTML result event */
            case 18:
                int (* API htmlresultfunc)(HWND, int, char *, void *, void *) = handler->signalfunction;
                void **params = (void **)event;
                NSString *result = params[0];

                return htmlresultfunc(handler->window, [result length] ? DW_ERROR_NONE : DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN, [result length] ? (char *)[result UTF8String] : NULL, params[1], handler->data);
            /* HTML changed event */
            case 19:
                int (* API htmlchangedfunc)(HWND, int, char *, void *) = handler->signalfunction;
                void **params = (void **)event;
                NSString *uri = params[1];

                return htmlchangedfunc(handler->window, DW_POINTER_TO_INT(params[0]), (char *)[uri UTF8String], handler->data);
    return -1;

/* Sub function to handle redraws */
int _dw_event_handler(id object, UIEvent *event, int message)
    int ret = _dw_event_handler1(object, event, message);
    if(ret != -1)
        _dw_redraw(nil, FALSE);
    return ret;

/* Subclass for the Timer type */
@interface DWTimerHandler : NSObject { }

@implementation DWTimerHandler
-(void)runTimer:(id)sender { _dw_event_handler(sender, nil, 0); }

@interface DWAppDel : UIResponder <UIApplicationDelegate> { }
-(void)applicationWillTerminate:(UIApplication *)application;
-(BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary<UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey, id> *)launchOptions;

@implementation DWAppDel
-(void)applicationWillTerminate:(UIApplication *)application
    /* On iOS we can't prevent temrination, but send the notificatoin anyway */
    _dw_event_handler(application, nil, 6);
-(BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary<UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey, id> *)launchOptions
    return true;

static UIApplication *DWApp = nil;
static UIFont *DWDefaultFont;
static DWTimerHandler *DWHandler;
static NSMutableArray *_DWDirtyDrawables;
static DWTID DWThread = (DWTID)-1;
static HEV DWMainEvent;

/* Used for doing bitblts from the main thread */
typedef struct _dw_bitbltinfo
    id src;
    id dest;
    int xdest;
    int ydest;
    int width;
    int height;
    int xsrc;
    int ysrc;
    int srcwidth;
    int srcheight;
} DWBitBlt;

/* Subclass for a test object type */
@interface DWObject : NSObject
    /* A normally hidden window, at the top of the view hierarchy.
     * Since iOS messageboxes and such require a view controller,
     * we show this hidden window when necessary and use it during
     * the creation of alerts and dialog boxes that don't have one.
    UIWindow *hiddenWindow;
-(UIWindow *)hiddenWindow;

@interface DWMenu : NSObject
    UIMenu *menu;
    NSMutableArray *children;
    NSString *title;
    unsigned long tag;
-(id)initWithTag:(unsigned long)newtag;
-(void)setTitle:(NSString *)input;
-(UIMenu *)menu;
-(unsigned long)tag;
-(id)childWithTag:(unsigned long)tag;

@interface DWMenuItem : UICommand
    BOOL check, enabled;
    unsigned long tag;
    DWMenu *submenu, *menu;
-(void)setTag:(unsigned long)input;
-(void)setSubmenu:(DWMenu *)input;
-(void)setMenu:(DWMenu *)input;
-(DWMenu *)submenu;
-(DWMenu *)menu;
-(unsigned long)tag;

/* So basically to implement our event handlers...
 * it looks like we are going to have to subclass
 * basically everything.  Was hoping to add methods
 * to the superclasses but it looks like you can
 * only add methods and no variables, which isn't
 * going to work. -Brian

/* Subclass for a box type */
@interface DWBox : UIView
    Box *box;
    void *userdata;
    UIColor *bgcolor;
-(Box *)box;
-(void *)userdata;
-(void)setUserdata:(void *)input;
-(void)mouseDown:(UIEvent *)theEvent;
-(void)mouseUp:(UIEvent *)theEvent;
-(DWMenu *)menuForEvent:(UIEvent *)theEvent;
-(void)rightMouseUp:(UIEvent *)theEvent;
-(void)otherMouseDown:(UIEvent *)theEvent;
-(void)otherMouseUp:(UIEvent *)theEvent;
-(void)keyDown:(UIEvent *)theEvent;
-(void)setColor:(unsigned long)input;

@implementation DWBox
    self = [super init];

    if (self)
        box = calloc(1, sizeof(Box));
        box->type = DW_VERT;
        box->vsize = box->hsize = SIZEEXPAND;
        box->width = box->height = 1;
    return self;
    UserData *root = userdata;
    _dw_remove_userdata(&root, NULL, TRUE);
    [super dealloc];
-(Box *)box { return box; }
-(id)contentView { return self; }
-(void *)userdata { return userdata; }
-(void)setUserdata:(void *)input { userdata = input; }
        [bgcolor set];
        UIRectFill([self bounds]);
-(BOOL)isFlipped { return YES; }
-(void)mouseDown:(UIEvent *)theEvent { _dw_event_handler(self, (void *)1, 3); }
-(void)mouseUp:(UIEvent *)theEvent { _dw_event_handler(self, (void *)1, 4); }
-(DWMenu *)menuForEvent:(UIEvent *)theEvent { _dw_event_handler(self, (void *)2, 3); return nil; }
-(void)rightMouseUp:(UIEvent *)theEvent { _dw_event_handler(self, (void *)2, 4); }
-(void)otherMouseDown:(UIEvent *)theEvent { _dw_event_handler(self, (void *)3, 3); }
-(void)otherMouseUp:(UIEvent *)theEvent { _dw_event_handler(self, (void *)3, 4); }
-(void)keyDown:(UIEvent *)theEvent { _dw_event_handler(self, theEvent, 2); }
-(void)setColor:(unsigned long)input
    id orig = bgcolor;

    if(input == _dw_colors[DW_CLR_DEFAULT])
        bgcolor = nil;
        bgcolor = [[UIColor colorWithRed: DW_RED_VALUE(input)/255.0 green: DW_GREEN_VALUE(input)/255.0 blue: DW_BLUE_VALUE(input)/255.0 alpha: 1] retain];
            [bgcolor set];
            UIRectFill([self bounds]);
    [self setNeedsDisplay];
    [orig release];
-(void)layoutSubviews { };

@interface DWWindow : UIWindow
    UIMenu *popupmenu;
    int redraw;
    int shown;
-(void)sendEvent:(UIEvent *)theEvent;
-(void)keyDown:(UIEvent *)theEvent;
-(void)mouseDragged:(UIEvent *)theEvent;
-(UIMenu *)popupMenu;
-(void)setPopupMenu:(UIMenu *)input;

@implementation DWWindow
-(void)sendEvent:(UIEvent *)theEvent
   int rcode = -1;
   if([theEvent type] == UIEventTypePresses)
      rcode = _dw_event_handler(self, theEvent, 2);
   if ( rcode != TRUE )
      [super sendEvent:theEvent];
-(void)keyDown:(UIEvent *)theEvent { }
-(void)mouseDragged:(UIEvent *)theEvent { _dw_event_handler(self, theEvent, 5); }
-(int)redraw { return redraw; }
-(void)setRedraw:(int)val { redraw = val; }
-(int)shown { return shown; }
-(void)setShown:(int)val { shown = val; }
-(void)dealloc { dw_signal_disconnect_by_window(self); [super dealloc]; }
-(void)layoutSubviews { }
-(UIMenu *)popupMenu { return popupmenu; }
-(void)setPopupMenu:(UIMenu *)input { [popupmenu release]; popupmenu = input; [popupmenu retain]; }

@interface DWImage : NSObject
    UIImage *image;
    CGContextRef cgcontext;
-(id)initWithUIImage:(UIImage *)newimage;
-(void)setImage:(UIImage *)input;
-(UIImage *)image;

/* Subclass for a render area type */
@interface DWRender : UIView
    void *userdata;
    UIFont *font;
    CGSize size;
    DWImage *cachedImage;
-(void *)userdata;
-(void)setUserdata:(void *)input;
-(void)setFont:(UIFont *)input;
-(UIFont *)font;
-(DWImage *)cachedImage;
-(void)mouseDown:(UIEvent *)theEvent;
-(void)mouseUp:(UIEvent *)theEvent;
-(DWMenu *)menuForEvent:(UIEvent *)theEvent;
-(void)rightMouseUp:(UIEvent *)theEvent;
-(void)otherMouseDown:(UIEvent *)theEvent;
-(void)otherMouseUp:(UIEvent *)theEvent;
-(void)keyDown:(UIEvent *)theEvent;

@implementation DWRender
-(void *)userdata { return userdata; }
-(void)setUserdata:(void *)input { userdata = input; }
-(void)setFont:(UIFont *)input { [font release]; font = input; [font retain]; }
-(UIFont *)font { return font; }
-(void)setSize:(CGSize)input {
    size = input;
        DWImage *oldimage = cachedImage;
        UIImage *newimage;
        [[self layer] renderInContext:UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()];
        newimage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
        cachedImage = [[DWImage alloc] initWithUIImage:newimage];
        [cachedImage retain];
        [oldimage release];
-(CGSize)size { return size; }
-(DWImage *)cachedImage {
        UIImage *newimage;
        [[self layer] renderInContext:UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()];
        newimage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
        cachedImage = [[DWImage alloc] initWithUIImage:newimage];
        [cachedImage retain];
    /* Mark this render dirty if something is requesting it to draw */
    if(![_DWDirtyDrawables containsObject:self])
        [_DWDirtyDrawables addObject:self];
    return cachedImage;
-(void)mouseDown:(UIEvent *)theEvent
    if(![theEvent isMemberOfClass:[UIEvent class]])
        _dw_event_handler(self, theEvent, 3);
-(void)mouseUp:(UIEvent *)theEvent { _dw_event_handler(self, theEvent, 4); }
-(DWMenu *)menuForEvent:(UIEvent *)theEvent { _dw_event_handler(self, theEvent, 3); return nil; }
-(void)rightMouseUp:(UIEvent *)theEvent { _dw_event_handler(self, theEvent, 4); }
-(void)otherMouseDown:(UIEvent *)theEvent { _dw_event_handler(self, theEvent, 3); }
-(void)otherMouseUp:(UIEvent *)theEvent { _dw_event_handler(self, theEvent, 4); }
-(void)mouseDragged:(UIEvent *)theEvent { _dw_event_handler(self, theEvent, 5); }
-(void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect {
    _dw_event_handler(self, nil, 7);
        [[cachedImage image] drawInRect:self.bounds];
        [_DWDirtyDrawables removeObject:self];
        [self setNeedsDisplay];
-(void)keyDown:(UIEvent *)theEvent { _dw_event_handler(self, theEvent, 2); }
-(BOOL)isFlipped { return YES; }
-(void)dealloc {
    UserData *root = userdata;
    _dw_remove_userdata(&root, NULL, TRUE);
    [font release];
    [cachedImage release];
    [_DWDirtyDrawables removeObject:self];
    [super dealloc];
-(BOOL)acceptsFirstResponder { return YES; }

@interface DWFontPickerDelegate : UIResponder <UIFontPickerViewControllerDelegate>
    DWDialog *dialog;
-(void)fontPickerViewControllerDidPickFont:(UIFontPickerViewController *)viewController;
-(void)fontPickerViewControllerDidCancel:(UIFontPickerViewController *)viewController;
-(void)setDialog:(DWDialog *)newdialog;

@implementation DWFontPickerDelegate
-(void)fontPickerViewControllerDidPickFont:(UIFontPickerViewController *)viewController
        UIFont *font = [UIFont fontWithDescriptor:viewController.selectedFontDescriptor size:9];
        dw_dialog_dismiss(dialog, font);
        dw_dialog_dismiss(dialog, NULL);
-(void)fontPickerViewControllerDidCancel:(UIFontPickerViewController *)viewController
    dw_dialog_dismiss(dialog, NULL);
-(void)setDialog:(DWDialog *)newdialog { dialog = newdialog; }

@interface DWColorPickerDelegate : UIResponder <UIColorPickerViewControllerDelegate>
    DWDialog *dialog;
-(void)colorPickerViewControllerDidSelectColor:(UIColorPickerViewController *)viewController API_AVAILABLE(ios(14.0));
-(void)colorPickerViewControllerDidFinish:(UIColorPickerViewController *)viewController API_AVAILABLE(ios(14.0));
-(void)setDialog:(DWDialog *)newdialog;

@implementation DWColorPickerDelegate
-(void)colorPickerViewControllerDidSelectColor:(UIColorPickerViewController *)viewController API_AVAILABLE(ios(14.0))
    if([viewController selectedColor])
        CGFloat red, green, blue;
        [[viewController selectedColor] getRed:&red green:&green blue:&blue alpha:NULL];
        dw_dialog_dismiss(dialog, DW_UINT_TO_POINTER(DW_RGB((int)(red * 255), (int)(green *255), (int)(blue *255))));
        dw_dialog_dismiss(dialog, NULL);
    [viewController dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
-(void)colorPickerViewControllerDidFinish:(UIColorPickerViewController *)viewController API_AVAILABLE(ios(14.0))
    dw_dialog_dismiss(dialog, NULL);
    [viewController dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
-(void)setDialog:(DWDialog *)newdialog { dialog = newdialog; }

@interface DWDocumentPickerDelegate : UIResponder <UIDocumentPickerDelegate>
    DWDialog *dialog;
-(void)documentPicker:(UIDocumentPickerViewController *)controller didPickDocumentsAtURLs:(NSArray<NSURL *> *)urls;
-(void)documentPickerWasCancelled:(UIDocumentPickerViewController *)controller;
-(void)setDialog:(DWDialog *)newdialog;

@implementation DWDocumentPickerDelegate
-(void)documentPicker:(UIDocumentPickerViewController *)controller didPickDocumentsAtURLs:(NSArray<NSURL *> *)urls
    NSURL *url = [urls firstObject];
    char *file = NULL;

    if(url && [[url absoluteString] length] > 0)
        const char *tmp = [[url absoluteString] UTF8String];

            /* Strip off file:// so it looks the same as other platforms */
            if(strncmp(tmp, "file://", 7) == 0)
                file = strdup(&tmp[7]);
                file = strdup(tmp);
    dw_dialog_dismiss(dialog, file);
-(void)documentPickerWasCancelled:(UIDocumentPickerViewController *)controller
    dw_dialog_dismiss(dialog, NULL);
-(void)setDialog:(DWDialog *)newdialog { dialog = newdialog; }

@implementation DWObject
    self = [super init];
    /* This previously had the code in delayedIinit: */
    return self;
    /* When DWObject is initialized, UIApplicationMain() has not yet been called...
     * So the created objects can't interact with the user interface... therefore
     * we wait until UIApplicationMain() has been called and run this then.
    hiddenWindow = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]];
    [hiddenWindow setWindowLevel:UIWindowLevelAlert+1];
    [hiddenWindow setHidden:YES];
    [hiddenWindow setRootViewController:[UIViewController new]];
    /* Handle setting the dark mode state now that DWObj is valid */
    if(_dw_dark_mode_state != DW_FEATURE_UNSUPPORTED)
        dw_feature_set(DW_FEATURE_DARK_MODE, _dw_dark_mode_state);
-(UIWindow *)hiddenWindow { return hiddenWindow; };
-(void)uselessThread:(id)sender { /* Thread only to initialize threading */ }
    _dw_event_handler(param, nil, 8);
-(void)callBack:(NSPointerArray *)params
    void (*mycallback)(NSPointerArray *) = [params pointerAtIndex:0];
-(void)colorPicker:(NSMutableArray *)params
    if (@available(iOS 14.0, *))
        DWDialog *dialog = dw_dialog_new(NULL);
        UIColorPickerViewController *picker = [[UIColorPickerViewController alloc] init];
        DWColorPickerDelegate *delegate = [[DWColorPickerDelegate alloc] init];

        /* Setup our picker */
        [picker setSupportsAlpha:NO];
        /* Unhide our hidden window and make it key */
        [hiddenWindow setHidden:NO];
        [hiddenWindow makeKeyAndVisible];
        [delegate setDialog:dialog];
        [picker setDelegate:delegate];
        /* Wait for them to pick a color */
        [[hiddenWindow rootViewController] presentViewController:picker animated:YES completion:nil];
        [params addObject:[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLong:DW_POINTER_TO_UINT(dw_dialog_wait(dialog))]];
        /* Once the dialog is gone we can rehide our window */
        [hiddenWindow resignKeyWindow];
        [hiddenWindow setHidden:YES];
        [picker release];
        [delegate release];
    } else {
        // Fallback on earlier versions
-(void)fontPicker:(NSPointerArray *)params
    DWDialog *dialog = dw_dialog_new(NULL);
    UIFontPickerViewController *picker = [[UIFontPickerViewController alloc] init];
    DWFontPickerDelegate *delegate = [[DWFontPickerDelegate alloc] init];
    UIFont *font;

    /* Unhide our hidden window and make it key */
    [hiddenWindow setHidden:NO];
    [hiddenWindow makeKeyAndVisible];
    [delegate setDialog:dialog];
    [picker setDelegate:delegate];
    /* Wait for them to pick a font */
    [[hiddenWindow rootViewController] presentViewController:picker animated:YES completion:nil];
    font = dw_dialog_wait(dialog);
    /* Once the dialog is gone we can rehide our window */
    [hiddenWindow resignKeyWindow];
    [hiddenWindow setHidden:YES];

        NSString *fontname = [font fontName];
        NSString *output = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d.%s", (int)[font pointSize], [fontname UTF8String]];
        [params addPointer:strdup([output UTF8String])];
        [params addPointer:NULL];
    [picker release];
    [delegate release];
-(void)filePicker:(NSPointerArray *)params
    DWDialog *dialog = dw_dialog_new(NULL);
    UIDocumentPickerViewController *picker ;
    DWDocumentPickerDelegate *delegate = [[DWDocumentPickerDelegate alloc] init];
    UIDocumentPickerMode mode = UIDocumentPickerModeOpen;
    char *defpath = [params pointerAtIndex:0];
    char *ext = [params pointerAtIndex:1];
    int flags = DW_POINTER_TO_INT([params pointerAtIndex:2]);
    char *file = NULL;
    NSArray *UTIs;

    /* Setup the picker */
    if(flags & DW_FILE_SAVE)
        mode = UIDocumentPickerModeExportToService;
    /* Try to generate a UTI for our passed extension */
        UTIs = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"public.%s", ext], @"public.text", nil];
        UTIs = @[@"public.text"];
    picker = [[UIDocumentPickerViewController alloc] initWithDocumentTypes:UTIs inMode:mode];
    [picker setAllowsMultipleSelection:NO];
    [picker setShouldShowFileExtensions:YES];
        [picker setDirectoryURL:[NSURL URLWithString:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:defpath]]];
    /* Unhide our hidden window and make it key */
    [hiddenWindow setHidden:NO];
    [hiddenWindow makeKeyAndVisible];
    [delegate setDialog:dialog];
    [picker setDelegate:delegate];
    /* Wait for them to pick a file */
    [[hiddenWindow rootViewController] presentViewController:picker animated:YES completion:nil];
    file = dw_dialog_wait(dialog);
    /* Once the dialog is gone we can rehide our window */
    [hiddenWindow resignKeyWindow];
    [hiddenWindow setHidden:YES];
    [params addPointer:file];
    [picker release];
    [delegate release];
-(void)messageBox:(NSMutableArray *)params
    __block DWDialog *dialog = dw_dialog_new(NULL);
    NSInteger iResponse;
    UIAlertController* alert = [UIAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:[params objectAtIndex:0]
                                   message:[params objectAtIndex:1]
                                   preferredStyle:[[params objectAtIndex:2] integerValue]];
    UIAlertAction* action = [UIAlertAction actionWithTitle:[params objectAtIndex:3] style:UIAlertActionStyleDefault
                                                   handler:^(UIAlertAction * action) { dw_dialog_dismiss(dialog, DW_INT_TO_POINTER(1)); }];
    [alert addAction:action];
    if([params count] > 4)
        action = [UIAlertAction actionWithTitle:[params objectAtIndex:4] style:UIAlertActionStyleDefault
                                        handler:^(UIAlertAction * action) { dw_dialog_dismiss(dialog, DW_INT_TO_POINTER(2)); }];
        [alert addAction:action];
    if([params count] > 5)
        action = [UIAlertAction actionWithTitle:[params objectAtIndex:5] style:UIAlertActionStyleDefault
                                        handler:^(UIAlertAction * action) { dw_dialog_dismiss(dialog, DW_INT_TO_POINTER(3)); }];
        [alert addAction:action];

    /* Unhide our hidden window and make it key */
    [hiddenWindow setHidden:NO];
    [hiddenWindow makeKeyAndVisible];
    [[hiddenWindow rootViewController] presentViewController:alert animated:YES completion:nil];
    iResponse = DW_POINTER_TO_INT(dw_dialog_wait(dialog));
    /* Once the dialog is gone we can rehide our window */
    [hiddenWindow resignKeyWindow];
    [hiddenWindow setHidden:YES];
    [params addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:iResponse]];
-(void)safeCall:(SEL)sel withObject:(id)param
    if([self respondsToSelector:sel])
        DWTID curr = pthread_self();

        if(DWThread == (DWTID)-1 || DWThread == curr)
            [self performSelector:sel withObject:param];
            [self performSelectorOnMainThread:sel withObject:param waitUntilDone:YES];
    NSValue *bi = (NSValue *)param;
    DWBitBlt *bltinfo = (DWBitBlt *)[bi pointerValue];
    id bltdest = bltinfo->dest;
    id bltsrc = bltinfo->src;
    CGContextRef context = _dw_draw_context(bltdest, NO);


    if(bltdest && [bltsrc isMemberOfClass:[DWImage class]])
        DWImage *rep = bltsrc;
        UIImage *image = [rep image];
        CGBlendMode op = kCGBlendModeNormal;

        if(bltinfo->srcwidth != -1)
            [image drawInRect:CGRectMake(bltinfo->xdest, bltinfo->ydest, bltinfo->width, bltinfo->height)
                     /*fromRect:CGRectMake(bltinfo->xsrc, bltinfo->ysrc, bltinfo->srcwidth, bltinfo->srcheight)*/
                    blendMode:op alpha:1.0];
            [image drawAtPoint:CGPointMake(bltinfo->xdest, bltinfo->ydest)
                      /*fromRect:CGRectMake(bltinfo->xsrc, bltinfo->ysrc, bltinfo->width, bltinfo->height)*/
                     blendMode:op alpha:1.0];
    NSEnumerator *enumerator = [_DWDirtyDrawables objectEnumerator];
    DWRender *rend;

    while(rend = [enumerator nextObject])
        [rend setNeedsDisplay];
    [_DWDirtyDrawables removeAllObjects];
    NSValue *v = (NSValue *)param;
    void **params = (void **)[v pointerValue];
    void (* windowfunc)(void *);

        windowfunc = params[0];
    NSMutableArray *array = param;
    UIUserInterfaceStyle overridestyle = [hiddenWindow overrideUserInterfaceStyle];
    int retval;
        case UIUserInterfaceStyleLight:
            retval = DW_DARK_MODE_DISABLED;
        case UIUserInterfaceStyleDark:
            retval = DW_DARK_MODE_FORCED;
        default:  /* UIUserInterfaceStyleUnspecified */
            UIUserInterfaceStyle style = [[[hiddenWindow rootViewController] traitCollection] userInterfaceStyle];

                case UIUserInterfaceStyleLight:
                    retval = DW_DARK_MODE_BASIC;
                case UIUserInterfaceStyleDark:
                    retval = DW_DARK_MODE_FULL;
                default: /* UIUserInterfaceStyleUnspecified */
                    retval = DW_FEATURE_UNSUPPORTED;
    [array addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:retval]];
    NSNumber *number = param;
    UIUserInterfaceStyle style = [number intValue];
    [hiddenWindow setOverrideUserInterfaceStyle:style];

DWObject *DWObj;

/* Returns TRUE if iOS 12+ is in Dark Mode */
BOOL _dw_is_dark(void)
    if([[[[DWObj hiddenWindow] rootViewController] traitCollection] userInterfaceStyle] == UIUserInterfaceStyleDark)
        return YES;
    return NO;

@interface DWWebView : WKWebView <WKNavigationDelegate>
    void *userdata;
-(void *)userdata;
-(void)setUserdata:(void *)input;
-(void)webView:(WKWebView *)webView didCommitNavigation:(WKNavigation *)navigation;
-(void)webView:(WKWebView *)webView didFinishNavigation:(WKNavigation *)navigation;
-(void)webView:(WKWebView *)webView didStartProvisionalNavigation:(WKNavigation *)navigation;
-(void)webView:(WKWebView *)webView didReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalNavigation:(WKNavigation *)navigation;

@implementation DWWebView : WKWebView
-(void *)userdata { return userdata; }
-(void)setUserdata:(void *)input { userdata = input; }
-(void)webView:(WKWebView *)webView didCommitNavigation:(WKNavigation *)navigation
    void *params[2] = { DW_INT_TO_POINTER(DW_HTML_CHANGE_STARTED), [[self URL] absoluteString] };
    _dw_event_handler(self, (UIEvent *)params, 19);
-(void)webView:(WKWebView *)webView didFinishNavigation:(WKNavigation *)navigation
    void *params[2] = { DW_INT_TO_POINTER(DW_HTML_CHANGE_COMPLETE), [[self URL] absoluteString] };
    _dw_event_handler(self, (UIEvent *)params, 19);
-(void)webView:(WKWebView *)webView didStartProvisionalNavigation:(WKNavigation *)navigation
    void *params[2] = { DW_INT_TO_POINTER(DW_HTML_CHANGE_LOADING), [[self URL] absoluteString] };
    _dw_event_handler(self, (UIEvent *)params, 19);
-(void)webView:(WKWebView *)webView didReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalNavigation:(WKNavigation *)navigation
    void *params[2] = { DW_INT_TO_POINTER(DW_HTML_CHANGE_REDIRECT), [[self URL] absoluteString] };
    _dw_event_handler(self, (UIEvent *)params, 19);
-(void)dealloc { UserData *root = userdata; _dw_remove_userdata(&root, NULL, TRUE); dw_signal_disconnect_by_window(self); [super dealloc]; }

/* Subclass for a top-level window */
@interface DWView : DWBox /* <UIWindowDelegate> */
    DWMenu *windowmenu, *popupmenu;
    CGSize oldsize;
-(void)setMenu:(DWMenu *)input;
-(void)setPopupMenu:(DWMenu *)input;
-(DWMenu *)menu;
-(DWMenu *)popupMenu;

@implementation DWView
    if(_dw_event_handler(sender, nil, 6) > 0)
        return NO;
    return YES;
-(void)willMoveToSuperview:(UIView *)newSuperview
        [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(windowDidBecomeMain:) name:UIWindowDidBecomeKeyNotification object:[newSuperview window]];
        [windowmenu release];
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];
    [super dealloc];
    if(oldsize.width != size.width || oldsize.height != size.height)
        _dw_do_resize(box, size.width, size.height);
        _dw_event_handler([self window], nil, 1);
        oldsize.width = size.width;
        oldsize.height = size.height;
    CGSize size = [self frame].size;

    if(oldsize.width == size.width && oldsize.height == size.height)
        _dw_do_resize(box, size.width, size.height);

    _dw_event_handler([self window], nil, 13);
-(void)setMenu:(DWMenu *)input { windowmenu = input; [windowmenu retain]; }
-(void)setPopupMenu:(DWMenu *)input { popupmenu = input; [popupmenu retain]; }
-(DWMenu *)menu { return windowmenu; }
-(DWMenu *)popupMenu { return popupmenu; }
    [DWObj menuHandler:sender];

@interface DWViewController : UIViewController

@implementation DWViewController : UIViewController {}
    DWWindow *window = (DWWindow *)[[self view] window];
    NSArray *array = [window subviews];
    DWView *view = [array firstObject];
    CGRect frame = [window frame];
    /* Hide the UITransitionView which is blocking the screen...
     * This is probably not the correct solution, but it solves the
     * problem for the moment.  Figure out what to do with this view.
    id object = [array lastObject];
    if(![object isMemberOfClass:[DWView class]])
        [object setHidden:YES];
    /* Adjust the frame to account for the status bar */
    NSInteger sbheight = [[[window windowScene] statusBarManager] statusBarFrame].size.height;
    frame.size.height -= sbheight;
    /* Account for the special area on iPhone X and iPad Pro
    frame.size.height -= 24;
    frame.origin.y += sbheight;
    [view setFrame:frame];
    [view windowResized:frame.size];


/* Subclass for a button type */
@interface DWButton : UIButton
    void *userdata;
    DWBox *parent;
    int type, state;
-(void *)userdata;
-(void)setUserdata:(void *)input;
-(void)setParent:(DWBox *)input;
-(DWBox *)parent;

@implementation DWButton
-(void *)userdata { return userdata; }
-(void)setUserdata:(void *)input { userdata = input; }
    /* Toggle the button */
    if(type == _DW_BUTTON_TYPE_CHECK)
        [self setState:(state ? FALSE : TRUE)];
    else if(type == _DW_BUTTON_TYPE_RADIO)
        [self setState:TRUE];

    _dw_event_handler(self, nil, 8);

    /* If it is a radio button, uncheck all the other radio buttons in the box */
    if(type == _DW_BUTTON_TYPE_RADIO)
        DWBox *viewbox = [self parent];
        Box *thisbox = [viewbox box];
        int z;

            if(thisbox->items[z].type != TYPEBOX)
                id object = thisbox->items[z].hwnd;

                if([object isMemberOfClass:[DWButton class]])
                    DWButton *button = object;

                    if(button != self && [button type] == _DW_BUTTON_TYPE_RADIO)
                        [button setState:FALSE];
-(void)setParent:(DWBox *)input { parent = input; }
-(DWBox *)parent { return parent; }
-(int)type { return type; }
-(void)setType:(int)input { type = input; [self updateImage]; }
    NSString *imagename = nil;

        case _DW_BUTTON_TYPE_CHECK:

                imagename = @"checkmark.square";
                imagename = @"square";
        case _DW_BUTTON_TYPE_RADIO:
                imagename = @"";
                imagename = @"circle";
        UIImage *image = [UIImage systemImageNamed:imagename];
        CGSize size = [image size];
        [self setImage:image forState:UIControlStateNormal];
        [self setTitleEdgeInsets:UIEdgeInsetsMake(0,size.width,0,0)];
-(int)state { return state; }
-(void)setState:(int)input { state = input; [self updateImage]; }
-(void)dealloc { UserData *root = userdata; _dw_remove_userdata(&root, NULL, TRUE); dw_signal_disconnect_by_window(self); [super dealloc]; }

/* Subclass for a progress type */
@interface DWPercent : UIProgressView
    void *userdata;
-(void *)userdata;
-(void)setUserdata:(void *)input;

@implementation DWPercent
-(void *)userdata { return userdata; }
-(void)setUserdata:(void *)input { userdata = input; }
-(void)dealloc { UserData *root = userdata; _dw_remove_userdata(&root, NULL, TRUE); dw_signal_disconnect_by_window(self); [super dealloc]; }

/* Subclass for a menu item type */
@implementation DWMenuItem
-(void)setCheck:(BOOL)input { check = input; }
-(void)setEnabled:(BOOL)input { enabled = input; }
-(void)setSubmenu:(DWMenu *)input { submenu = input; }
-(void)setMenu:(DWMenu *)input { menu = input; }
-(void)setTag:(unsigned long)input { tag = input; }
-(BOOL)check { return check; }
-(BOOL)enabled { return enabled; }
-(DWMenu *)submenu { return submenu; }
-(DWMenu *)menu { return menu; }
-(unsigned long)tag { return tag; }
-(void)dealloc { dw_signal_disconnect_by_window(self); [super dealloc]; }
 * Encapsulate immutable objects in our own containers,
 * so we can recreate the immutable subobjects as needed.
 * Currently in this category: DWMenu and DWImage
@implementation DWMenu
-(id)initWithTag:(unsigned long)newtag
    self = [super init];
        children = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
        tag = newtag;
    return self;
-(void)setTitle:(NSString *)input { title = input; [title retain]; }
-(UIMenu *)menu
    /* Create or recreate the UIMenu recursively */
    UIMenu *oldmenu = menu;
    NSMutableArray *menuchildren = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];

    for(id child in children)
        if([child isMemberOfClass:[DWMenuItem class]])
            DWMenuItem *menuitem = child;
            DWMenu *submenu = [menuitem submenu];

                [menuchildren addObject:[submenu menu]];
                [menuchildren addObject:child];
        menu = [UIMenu menuWithTitle:title children:menuchildren];
        if(@available(iOS 14.0, *))
            menu = [UIMenu menuWithChildren:menuchildren];
            menu = [UIMenu menuWithTitle:@"" children:menuchildren];
        [oldmenu release];
    return menu;
    [children addObject:item];
    [children removeObject:item];
-(unsigned long)tag { return tag; }
-(id)childWithTag:(unsigned long)tag
    if(tag > 0)
        for(id child in children)
            if([child isMemberOfClass:[DWMenuItem class]] && [child tag] == tag)
                return child;
    return nil;
-(void)dealloc { [super dealloc]; }

@implementation DWImage
    self = [super init];
        CGColorSpaceRef rgb = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
        CGContextRef cgcontext = CGBitmapContextCreate(NULL, size.width, size.height, 8, 0, rgb, kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst);
        CGAffineTransform flipVertical = CGAffineTransformMake(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, size.height);
        CGContextConcatCTM(cgcontext, flipVertical);
        CGImageRef cgimage = CGBitmapContextCreateImage(cgcontext);
        image = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:cgimage];
        [image retain];
    return self;
    self = [super init];
        image = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:cgimage];
        [image retain];
    return self;
-(id)initWithUIImage:(UIImage *)newimage
    self = [super init];
        image = newimage;
        [image retain];
    return self;
-(void)setImage:(UIImage *)input
    UIImage *oldimage = image;
    image = input;
    [image retain];
    [oldimage release];
-(UIImage *)image
    /* If our CGContext has been modified... */
        UIImage *oldimage = image;
        CGImageRef cgimage;

        /* Create a new UIImage from the CGContext via CGImage */
        cgimage = CGBitmapContextCreateImage(cgcontext);
        image = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:cgimage];
        cgcontext = nil;
        [image retain];
        [oldimage release];
    return image;
    /* If we don't have an active context, create a bitmap
     * context and copy the image from our UIImage.
        CGSize size = [image size];
        CGColorSpaceRef rgb = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();

        cgcontext = CGBitmapContextCreate(NULL, size.width, size.height, 8, 0, rgb, kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst);
        CGAffineTransform flipVertical = CGAffineTransformMake(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, size.height);
        CGContextConcatCTM(cgcontext, flipVertical);
        CGContextDrawImage(cgcontext, CGRectMake(0,0,size.width,size.height), [image CGImage]);
    return cgcontext;
-(void)dealloc { if(cgcontext) CGContextRelease(cgcontext); if(image) [image release]; [super dealloc]; }

/* Subclass for a scrollbox type */
@interface DWScrollBox : UIScrollView
    void *userdata;
    id box;
-(void *)userdata;
-(void)setUserdata:(void *)input;
-(void)setBox:(void *)input;

@implementation DWScrollBox
-(void *)userdata { return userdata; }
-(void)setUserdata:(void *)input { userdata = input; }
-(void)setBox:(void *)input { box = input; }
-(id)box { return box; }
-(void)dealloc { UserData *root = userdata; _dw_remove_userdata(&root, NULL, TRUE); dw_signal_disconnect_by_window(self); [super dealloc]; }

@interface DWEntryFieldFormatter : NSFormatter
    int maxLength;
- (void)setMaximumLength:(int)len;
- (int)maximumLength;

/* This formatter subclass will allow us to limit
 * the text length in an entryfield.
@implementation DWEntryFieldFormatter
    self = [super init];
    maxLength = INT_MAX;
    return self;
-(void)setMaximumLength:(int)len { maxLength = len; }
-(int)maximumLength { return maxLength; }
-(NSString *)stringForObjectValue:(id)object { return (NSString *)object; }
-(BOOL)getObjectValue:(id *)object forString:(NSString *)string errorDescription:(NSString **)error { *object = string; return YES; }
-(BOOL)isPartialStringValid:(NSString **)partialStringPtr
              originalString:(NSString *)origString
            errorDescription:(NSString **)error
    if([*partialStringPtr length] > maxLength)
        return NO;
    return YES;
-(NSAttributedString *)attributedStringForObjectValue:(id)anObject withDefaultAttributes:(NSDictionary *)attributes { return nil; }

/* Subclass for a entryfield type */
@interface DWEntryField : UITextField
    void *userdata;
    id clickDefault;
-(void *)userdata;
-(void)setUserdata:(void *)input;

@implementation DWEntryField
-(void *)userdata { return userdata; }
-(void)setUserdata:(void *)input { userdata = input; }
-(void)setClickDefault:(id)input { clickDefault = input; }
-(void)dealloc { UserData *root = userdata; _dw_remove_userdata(&root, NULL, TRUE); dw_signal_disconnect_by_window(self); [super dealloc]; }

/* Subclass for a text and status text type */
@interface DWText : UILabel
    void *userdata;
    id clickDefault;
-(void *)userdata;
-(void)setUserdata:(void *)input;

@implementation DWText
-(void *)userdata { return userdata; }
-(void)setUserdata:(void *)input { userdata = input; }
-(void)dealloc { UserData *root = userdata; _dw_remove_userdata(&root, NULL, TRUE); [super dealloc]; }

/* Subclass for a Notebook page type */
@interface DWNotebookPage : DWBox
    int pageid;

/* Subclass for a Notebook control type */
@interface DWNotebook : UIView
    UISegmentedControl *tabs;
    void *userdata;
    int pageid;
    NSMutableArray<DWNotebookPage *> *views;
    DWNotebookPage *visible;
-(void *)userdata;
-(void)setUserdata:(void *)input;
-(void)setVisible:(DWNotebookPage *)input;
-(UISegmentedControl *)tabs;
-(NSMutableArray<DWNotebookPage *> *)views;

@implementation DWNotebook
-(id)init {
    self = [super init];
    tabs = [[[UISegmentedControl alloc] init] retain];
    views = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] retain];
    [self addSubview:tabs];
    return self;
-(void)setFrame:(CGRect)frame {
    [super setFrame:frame];
    frame.size.height = 40;
    [tabs setFrame:frame];
-(void *)userdata { return userdata; }
-(void)setUserdata:(void *)input { userdata = input; }
-(int)pageid { return pageid; }
-(void)setPageid:(int)input { pageid = input; }
-(void)setVisible:(DWNotebookPage *)input { visible = input; }
-(UISegmentedControl *)tabs { return tabs; }
-(NSMutableArray<DWNotebookPage *> *)views { return views; };
    NSInteger intpageid = [tabs selectedSegmentIndex];
    if(intpageid != -1 && intpageid < [views count])
        DWNotebookPage *page = [views objectAtIndex:intpageid];

        /* Hide the previously visible page contents */
        if(page != visible)
            [visible setHidden:YES];

        /* If the new page is a valid box, lay it out */
        if([page isKindOfClass:[DWBox class]])
            Box *box = [page box];
            /* Start with the entire notebook size and then adjust
             * it to account for the segement control's height.
            NSInteger height = [tabs frame].size.height;
            CGRect frame = [self frame];
            frame.origin.y += height;
            frame.size.height -= height;
            [page setFrame:frame];
            [page setHidden:NO];
            visible = page;
            _dw_do_resize(box, frame.size.width, frame.size.height);
        _dw_event_handler(self, DW_INT_TO_POINTER(intpageid), 15);
-(void)dealloc {
    UserData *root = userdata;
    _dw_remove_userdata(&root, NULL, TRUE);
    [tabs release];
    [views release];
    [super dealloc];

@implementation DWNotebookPage
-(int)pageid { return pageid; }
-(void)setPageid:(int)input { pageid = input; }
-(void)dealloc { UserData *root = userdata; _dw_remove_userdata(&root, NULL, TRUE); dw_signal_disconnect_by_window(self); [super dealloc]; }

/* Subclass for a splitbar type */
@interface DWSplitBar : UISplitViewController <UISplitViewControllerDelegate>
    void *userdata;
    float percent;
    NSInteger Tag;
-(void)splitViewDidResizeSubviews:(NSNotification *)aNotification;
-(void *)userdata;
-(void)setUserdata:(void *)input;

@implementation DWSplitBar
-(void)splitViewDidResizeSubviews:(NSNotification *)aNotification
    NSArray *views = [self.view subviews];
    id object;

    for(object in views)
        if([object isMemberOfClass:[DWBox class]])
            DWBox *view = object;
            Box *box = [view box];
            CGSize size = [view frame].size;
            _dw_do_resize(box, size.width, size.height);
-(void)setTag:(NSInteger)tag { Tag = tag; }
-(void *)userdata { return userdata; }
-(void)setUserdata:(void *)input { userdata = input; }
-(float)percent { return percent; }
-(void)setPercent:(float)input { percent = input; }
-(void)dealloc { UserData *root = userdata; _dw_remove_userdata(&root, NULL, TRUE); dw_signal_disconnect_by_window(self); [super dealloc]; }

/* Subclass for a slider type */
@interface DWSlider : UISlider
    void *userdata;
-(void *)userdata;
-(void)setUserdata:(void *)input;

@implementation DWSlider
-(void *)userdata { return userdata; }
-(void)setUserdata:(void *)input { userdata = input; }
-(void)sliderChanged:(id)sender { int intVal = (int)[self value]; _dw_event_handler(self, DW_INT_TO_POINTER(intVal), 14); }
-(void)dealloc { UserData *root = userdata; _dw_remove_userdata(&root, NULL, TRUE); dw_signal_disconnect_by_window(self); [super dealloc]; }

/* Subclass for a MLE type */
@interface DWMLE : UITextView
    void *userdata;
-(void *)userdata;
-(void)setUserdata:(void *)input;

@implementation DWMLE
-(void *)userdata { return userdata; }
-(void)setUserdata:(void *)input { userdata = input; }
-(void)dealloc { UserData *root = userdata; _dw_remove_userdata(&root, NULL, TRUE); dw_signal_disconnect_by_window(self); [super dealloc]; }

 /* TODO: UITableView does not support variable columns...
  * also OutlineView does not exist in iOS.
UITableViewCell *_dw_table_cell_view_new(UIImage *icon, NSString *text)
    UITableViewCell *browsercell = [[[UITableViewCell alloc] init] autorelease];
    [browsercell setAutoresizesSubviews:YES];

        [[browsercell imageView] setImage:icon];
        [[browsercell textLabel] setText:text];
    return browsercell;

/* Subclass for a Container/List type */
@interface DWContainer : UITableView <UITableViewDataSource,UITableViewDelegate>
    void *userdata;
    NSMutableArray *tvcols;
    NSMutableArray *data;
    NSMutableArray *types;
    NSPointerArray *titles;
    NSPointerArray *rowdatas;
    UIColor *fgcolor, *oddcolor, *evencolor;
    unsigned long dw_oddcolor, dw_evencolor;
    unsigned long _DW_COLOR_ROW_ODD, _DW_COLOR_ROW_EVEN;
    int iLastAddPoint, iLastQueryPoint;
    int filesystem;
-(NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)aTable numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section;
-(UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath;
-(void)tableView:(UITableView*)tableView willDisplayCell:(UITableViewCell*)cell forRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath*)indexPath;
-(UIContextMenuConfiguration *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView contextMenuConfigurationForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath point:(CGPoint)point;
-(void)addColumn:(NSString *)input andType:(int)type;
-(NSString *)getColumn:(int)col;
-(void *)userdata;
-(void)setUserdata:(void *)input;
-(int)addRow:(NSArray *)input;
-(void)editCell:(id)input at:(int)row and:(int)col;
-(void)setRow:(int)row title:(const char *)input;
-(void *)getRowTitle:(int)row;
-(id)getRow:(int)row and:(int)col;
-(void)setForegroundColor:(UIColor *)input;

@implementation DWContainer
-(NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)aTable numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section
    /* Ignoring section for now, everything in one section */
    if(tvcols && data)
        int cols = (int)[tvcols count];
        int total = (int)[data count];
        if(cols && total)
            return total / cols;
    return 0;
-(UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
    /* Not reusing cell views, so get the cell from our array */
    int index = (int)(indexPath.row * [tvcols count]);
    id celldata = [data objectAtIndex:index];

    /* The data is already a NSTableCellView so just return that */
    if([celldata isMemberOfClass:[UITableViewCell class]])
        UITableViewCell *result = celldata;
        /* Copy the alignment setting from the column,
         * and set the text color from the container.
            [[result textLabel] setTextColor:fgcolor];

        /* Return the result */
        return result;
    return nil;
-(void)tableView:(UITableView*)tableView willDisplayCell:(UITableViewCell*)cell forRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath*)indexPath
    if(indexPath.row % 2 == 0)
            [cell setBackgroundColor:evencolor];
            [cell setBackgroundColor:oddcolor];
-(UIContextMenuConfiguration *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView contextMenuConfigurationForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath point:(CGPoint)point
    DWWindow *window = (DWWindow *)[self window];
    UIContextMenuConfiguration *config = nil;
    void *params[4];

    params[0] = [self getRowTitle:(int)indexPath.row];
    params[1] = [self getRowData:(int)indexPath.row];
    params[2] = DW_INT_TO_POINTER((int)point.x);
    params[3] = DW_INT_TO_POINTER((int)point.y);

    _dw_event_handler(self, (UIEvent *)params, 10);

        __block UIMenu *popupmenu = [window popupMenu];
        config = [UIContextMenuConfiguration configurationWithIdentifier:@"DWContextMenu"
                                                          actionProvider:^(NSArray* suggestedAction){return popupmenu;}];
        [window setPopupMenu:nil];
    return config;
-(void)addColumn:(NSString *)input andType:(int)type { if(tvcols) { [tvcols addObject:input]; [types addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:type]]; } }
-(NSString *)getColumn:(int)col { if(tvcols) { return [tvcols objectAtIndex:col]; } return nil; }
-(void *)userdata { return userdata; }
-(void)setUserdata:(void *)input { userdata = input; }
-(void)setFilesystem:(int)input { filesystem = input; }
-(int)filesystem { return filesystem; }
    UIColor *oldodd = oddcolor;
    UIColor *oldeven = evencolor;
    unsigned long thisodd = dw_oddcolor == DW_CLR_DEFAULT ? _DW_COLOR_ROW_ODD : dw_oddcolor;
    unsigned long _odd = _dw_get_color(thisodd);
    unsigned long thiseven = dw_evencolor == DW_CLR_DEFAULT ? _DW_COLOR_ROW_EVEN : dw_evencolor;
    unsigned long _even = _dw_get_color(thiseven);

    /* Get the UIColor for non-default colors */
    if(thisodd != DW_RGB_TRANSPARENT)
        oddcolor = [[UIColor colorWithRed: DW_RED_VALUE(_odd)/255.0 green: DW_GREEN_VALUE(_odd)/255.0 blue: DW_BLUE_VALUE(_odd)/255.0 alpha: 1] retain];
        oddcolor = NULL;
    if(thiseven != DW_RGB_TRANSPARENT)
        evencolor = [[UIColor colorWithRed: DW_RED_VALUE(_even)/255.0 green: DW_GREEN_VALUE(_even)/255.0 blue: DW_BLUE_VALUE(_even)/255.0 alpha: 1] retain];
        evencolor = NULL;
    [oldodd release];
    [oldeven release];
-(void)setRowBgOdd:(unsigned long)oddcol andEven:(unsigned long)evencol
    /* Save the set colors in case we get a theme change */
    dw_oddcolor = oddcol;
    dw_evencolor = evencol;
    [self refreshColors];
    /* Update any system colors based on the Dark Mode */
        _DW_COLOR_ROW_ODD = DW_RGB(100, 100, 100);
        _DW_COLOR_ROW_ODD = DW_RGB(230, 230, 230);
    /* Only refresh if we've been setup already */
        [self refreshColors];
-(void)viewDidChangeEffectiveAppearance { [self checkDark]; }
-(int)insertRow:(NSArray *)input at:(int)index
        unsigned long start = [tvcols count] * index;
        NSIndexSet *set = [[NSIndexSet alloc] initWithIndexesInRange:NSMakeRange(start, start + [tvcols count])];
        if(index < iLastAddPoint)
        [data insertObjects:input atIndexes:set];
        [titles insertPointer:NULL atIndex:index];
        [rowdatas insertPointer:NULL atIndex:index];
        [set release];
        return (int)[titles count];
    return 0;
-(int)addRow:(NSArray *)input
        iLastAddPoint = (int)[titles count];
        [data addObjectsFromArray:input];
        [titles addPointer:NULL];
        [rowdatas addPointer:NULL];
        return (int)[titles count];
    return 0;
        int count = (int)(number * [tvcols count]);
        int z;

        iLastAddPoint = (int)[titles count];

            [data addObject:[NSNull null]];
            [titles addPointer:NULL];
            [rowdatas addPointer:NULL];
        return (int)[titles count];
    return 0;
-(void)editCell:(id)input at:(int)row and:(int)col
        int index = (int)(row * [tvcols count]) + col;
        if(index < [data count])
                input = [NSNull null];
            [data replaceObjectAtIndex:index withObject:input];
        int z, start, end;
        int count = (int)[tvcols count];
        void *oldtitle;

        start = (count * row);
        end = start + count;

            [data removeObjectAtIndex:start];
        oldtitle = [titles pointerAtIndex:row];
        [titles removePointerAtIndex:row];
        [rowdatas removePointerAtIndex:row];
        if(iLastAddPoint > 0 && iLastAddPoint > row)
-(void)setRow:(int)row title:(const char *)input
    if(titles && input)
        void *oldtitle = [titles pointerAtIndex:row];
        void *newtitle = input ? (void *)strdup(input) : NULL;
        [titles replacePointerAtIndex:row withPointer:newtitle];
-(void)setRowData:(int)row title:(void *)input { if(rowdatas && input) { [rowdatas replacePointerAtIndex:row withPointer:input]; } }
-(void *)getRowTitle:(int)row { if(titles && row > -1) { return [titles pointerAtIndex:row]; } return NULL; }
-(void *)getRowData:(int)row { if(rowdatas && row > -1) { return [rowdatas pointerAtIndex:row]; } return NULL; }
-(id)getRow:(int)row and:(int)col { if(data && [data count]) { int index = (int)(row * [tvcols count]) + col; return [data objectAtIndex:index]; } return nil; }
-(int)cellType:(int)col { return [[types objectAtIndex:col] intValue]; }
-(int)lastAddPoint { return iLastAddPoint; }
-(int)lastQueryPoint { return iLastQueryPoint; }
-(void)setLastQueryPoint:(int)input { iLastQueryPoint = input; }
        [data removeAllObjects];
        while([titles count])
            void *oldtitle = [titles pointerAtIndex:0];
            [titles removePointerAtIndex:0];
            [rowdatas removePointerAtIndex:0];
    iLastAddPoint = 0;
    titles = [[NSPointerArray pointerArrayWithOptions:NSPointerFunctionsOpaqueMemory] retain];
    rowdatas = [[NSPointerArray pointerArrayWithOptions:NSPointerFunctionsOpaqueMemory] retain];
    tvcols = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] retain];
    data = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] retain];
    types = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] retain];
    if(!dw_oddcolor && !dw_evencolor)
        dw_oddcolor = dw_evencolor = DW_CLR_DEFAULT;
    [self checkDark];
    int cwidth = 0, cheight = 0;

        int colcount = (int)[tvcols count];
        int rowcount = (int)[self numberOfRowsInSection:0];
        int width = 0;

        if(rowcount > 0)
            int x;

                UITableViewCell *cell = [data objectAtIndex:(x*colcount)];
                int thiswidth = 4, thisheight = 0;
                if([cell imageView])
                    thiswidth += [[cell imageView] image].size.width;
                    thisheight = [[cell imageView] image].size.height;
                if([cell textLabel])
                    int textheight = [[cell textLabel] intrinsicContentSize].width;
                    thiswidth += [[cell textLabel] intrinsicContentSize].width;
                    if(textheight > thisheight)
                        thisheight = textheight;

                cheight += thisheight;

                if(thiswidth > width)
                    width = thiswidth;
            /* If the image is missing default the optimized width to 16. */
            if(!width && [[types objectAtIndex:0] intValue] & DW_CFA_BITMAPORICON)
                width = 16;
            cwidth += width;
    cwidth += 16;
    cheight += 16;
    return CGSizeMake(cwidth, cheight);
-(void)setForegroundColor:(UIColor *)input
    UIColor *oldfgcolor = fgcolor;

    fgcolor = input;
    [fgcolor retain];
    [oldfgcolor release];
-(void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
    void *params[2];

    params[0] = (void *)[self getRowTitle:(int)indexPath.row];
    params[1] = (void *)[self getRowData:(int)indexPath.row];

    /* If multiple selection is enabled, treat it as selectionChanged: */
    if([self allowsMultipleSelection])
        /* Handler for container class */
        _dw_event_handler(self, (UIEvent *)params, 12);
        /* Handler for listbox class */
        _dw_event_handler(self, DW_INT_TO_POINTER((int)indexPath.row), 11);
    else /* Otherwise treat it as doubleClicked: */
        /* Handler for container class */
        _dw_event_handler(self, (UIEvent *)params, 9);
-(void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didDeselectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
    if([self allowsMultipleSelection])
        [self tableView:tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:indexPath];
-(void)dealloc { UserData *root = userdata; _dw_remove_userdata(&root, NULL, TRUE); dw_signal_disconnect_by_window(self); [super dealloc]; }

/* Subclass for a Calendar type */
@interface DWCalendar : UIDatePicker
    void *userdata;
-(void *)userdata;
-(void)setUserdata:(void *)input;

@implementation DWCalendar
-(void *)userdata { return userdata; }
-(void)setUserdata:(void *)input { userdata = input; }
-(void)dealloc { UserData *root = userdata; _dw_remove_userdata(&root, NULL, TRUE); dw_signal_disconnect_by_window(self); [super dealloc]; }

/* Subclass for a stepper component of the spinbutton type */
/* This is a bad way of doing this... but I can't get the other methods to work */
@interface DWStepper : UIStepper
    id textfield;
    id parent;

@implementation DWStepper
-(void)setTextfield:(id)input { textfield = input; }
-(id)textfield { return textfield; }
-(void)setParent:(id)input { parent = input; }
-(id)parent { return parent; }

/* Subclass for a Spinbutton type */
@interface DWSpinButton : UIView <UITextFieldDelegate>
    void *userdata;
    UITextField *textfield;
    DWStepper *stepper;
    id clickDefault;
-(void *)userdata;
-(void)setUserdata:(void *)input;
-(UITextField *)textfield;
-(UIStepper *)stepper;
-(void)textFieldDidEndEditing:(UITextField *)textField;

@implementation DWSpinButton
    self = [super init];

        textfield = [[[UITextField alloc] init] autorelease];
        [self addSubview:textfield];
        stepper = [[[DWStepper alloc] init] autorelease];
        [self addSubview:stepper];
        [stepper setParent:self];
        [stepper setTextfield:textfield];
        [textfield setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%ld",(long)[stepper value]]];
        [textfield setDelegate:self];
        [stepper addTarget:self action:@selector(stepperChanged:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventValueChanged];
    return self;
-(void *)userdata { return userdata; }
-(void)setUserdata:(void *)input { userdata = input; }
-(UITextField *)textfield { return textfield; }
-(UIStepper *)stepper { return stepper; }
-(void)textFieldDidEndEditing:(UITextField *)textField
    long val = [[textfield text] intValue];
    [stepper setValue:(float)val];
    [textfield setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", (int)[stepper value]]];
    _dw_event_handler(self, DW_INT_TO_POINTER((int)[stepper value]), 14);
    [textfield setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", (int)[theStepper value]]];
    _dw_event_handler(self, DW_INT_TO_POINTER((int)[stepper value]), 14);
-(void)setClickDefault:(id)input { clickDefault = input; }
-(void)dealloc { UserData *root = userdata; _dw_remove_userdata(&root, NULL, TRUE); dw_signal_disconnect_by_window(self); [super dealloc]; }

@interface DWUserNotificationCenterDelegate : NSObject <UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate>

@implementation DWUserNotificationCenterDelegate
/* Called when a notification is delivered to a foreground app. */
-(void)userNotificationCenter:(UNUserNotificationCenter *)center willPresentNotification:(UNNotification *)notification withCompletionHandler:(void (^)(UNNotificationPresentationOptions options))completionHandler API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.14))
    completionHandler(UNAuthorizationOptionSound | UNAuthorizationOptionAlert | UNAuthorizationOptionBadge);
/* Called to let your app know which action was selected by the user for a given notification. */
-(void)userNotificationCenter:(UNUserNotificationCenter *)center didReceiveNotificationResponse:(UNNotificationResponse *)response withCompletionHandler:(void(^)(void))completionHandler API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.14))
    NSScanner *objScanner = [NSScanner scannerWithString:response.notification.request.identifier];
    unsigned long long handle;
    HWND notification;

    /* Skip the dw-notification- prefix */
    [objScanner scanString:@"dw-notification-" intoString:nil];
    [objScanner scanUnsignedLongLong:&handle];
    notification = DW_UINT_TO_POINTER(handle);
    if ([response.actionIdentifier isEqualToString:UNNotificationDismissActionIdentifier])
        /* The user dismissed the notification without taking action. */
    else if ([response.actionIdentifier isEqualToString:UNNotificationDefaultActionIdentifier])
        /* The user launched the app. */
        _dw_event_handler(notification, nil, 8);

@interface DWComboBox : UITextField <UIPickerViewDelegate,UIPickerViewDataSource,UITextFieldDelegate>
    UIPickerView* pickerView;
    NSMutableArray* dataArray;
    UIBarStyle toolbarStyle;
    int selectedIndex;
-(void)append:(NSString *)item;
-(void)insert:(NSString *)item atIndex:(int)index;
-(NSString *)getTextAtIndex:(int)index;
-(void)setText:(NSString *)item atIndex:(int)index;

@implementation DWComboBox
    self = [super init];
        [self setDelegate:self];

        /* Set UI defaults */
        toolbarStyle = UIBarStyleDefault;
        dataArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];

        /* Setup the arrow image */
        UIButton *imageButton = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom];
        UIImage *image = [UIImage systemImageNamed:@"chevron.down"];
        [imageButton setImage:image forState:UIControlStateNormal];
        [self setRightView:imageButton];
        [self setRightViewMode:UITextFieldViewModeAlways];
        [imageButton addTarget:self action:@selector(showPicker:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
        selectedIndex = -1;
    return self;
-(void)setToolbarStyle:(UIBarStyle)style { toolbarStyle = style; }
-(void)append:(NSString *)item { if(item) [dataArray addObject:item]; }
-(void)insert:(NSString *)item atIndex:(int)index { if(item) [dataArray insertObject:item atIndex:index]; }
-(void)clear { [dataArray removeAllObjects]; }
-(int)count { return (int)[dataArray count]; }
-(NSString *)getTextAtIndex:(int)index
    if(index > -1 && index < [dataArray count])
        return [dataArray objectAtIndex:index];
    return nil;
-(void)setText:(NSString *)item atIndex:(int)index
    if(item && index > -1 && index < [dataArray count])
        [dataArray replaceObjectAtIndex:index withObject:item];
-(void)deleteAtIndex:(int)index { if(index > -1 && index < [dataArray count]) [dataArray removeObjectAtIndex:index]; }
-(NSInteger)numberOfComponentsInPickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerView { return 1; }
-(void)pickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerView didSelectRow:(NSInteger)row inComponent:(NSInteger)component
    selectedIndex = (int)row;
    [self setText:[dataArray objectAtIndex:row]];
    [self sendActionsForControlEvents:UIControlEventValueChanged];
    _dw_event_handler(self, DW_INT_TO_POINTER(selectedIndex), 11);
-(NSInteger)pickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerView numberOfRowsInComponent:(NSInteger)component { return [dataArray count]; }
-(NSString *)pickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerView titleForRow:(NSInteger)row forComponent:(NSInteger)component
    return [dataArray objectAtIndex:row];
    /* Hides the pickerView */
    [self resignFirstResponder];
    if([[self text] length] == 0 || ![dataArray containsObject:[self text]])
        selectedIndex = -1;
    [self sendActionsForControlEvents:UIControlEventValueChanged];
    /* Hides the pickerView */
    [self resignFirstResponder];
    pickerView = [[UIPickerView alloc] init];
    [pickerView setDataSource:self];
    [pickerView setDelegate:self];
    /* If the text field is empty show the place holder otherwise show the last selected option */
    if([[self text] length] == 0 || ![dataArray containsObject:[self text]])
        [pickerView selectRow:0 inComponent:0 animated:YES];
        if([dataArray containsObject:[self text]])
            [pickerView selectRow:[dataArray indexOfObject:[self text]] inComponent:0 animated:YES];

    UIToolbar* toolbar = [[UIToolbar alloc] init];
    [toolbar setBarStyle:toolbarStyle];
    [toolbar sizeToFit];
    /* Space between buttons */
    UIBarButtonItem *flexibleSpace = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithBarButtonSystemItem:UIBarButtonSystemItemFlexibleSpace
    UIBarButtonItem *doneButton = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc]

    UIBarButtonItem *cancelButton = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc]
    [toolbar setItems:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:cancelButton, flexibleSpace, doneButton, nil]];
    /* Custom input view */
    [self setInputView:pickerView];
    [self setInputAccessoryView:toolbar];
-(int)selectedIndex { return selectedIndex; }

/* Subclass for a MDI type
 * This is just a box for display purposes... but it is a
 * unique class so it can be identified when creating windows.
@interface DWMDI : DWBox {}

@implementation DWMDI

/* This function adds a signal handler callback into the linked list.
void _dw_new_signal(ULONG message, HWND window, int msgid, void *signalfunction, void *discfunc, void *data)
    SignalHandler *new = malloc(sizeof(SignalHandler));

    new->message = message;
    new->window = window;
    new->id = msgid;
    new->signalfunction = signalfunction;
    new->discfunction = discfunc;
    new->data = data;
    new->next = NULL;

    if (!DWRoot)
        DWRoot = new;
        SignalHandler *prev = NULL, *tmp = DWRoot;
            if(tmp->message == message &&
               tmp->window == window &&
               tmp->id == msgid &&
               tmp->signalfunction == signalfunction)
                tmp->data = data;
            prev = tmp;
            tmp = tmp->next;
            prev->next = new;
            DWRoot = new;

/* Finds the message number for a given signal name */
ULONG _dw_findsigmessage(const char *signame)
    int z;

        if(strcasecmp(signame, DWSignalTranslate[z].name) == 0)
            return DWSignalTranslate[z].message;
    return 0L;

unsigned long _dw_foreground = 0xAAAAAA, _dw_background = 0;

void _dw_handle_resize_events(Box *thisbox)
    int z;

        id handle = thisbox->items[z].hwnd;

        if(thisbox->items[z].type == TYPEBOX)
            Box *tmp = (Box *)[handle box];

            if([handle isMemberOfClass:[DWRender class]])
                DWRender *render = (DWRender *)handle;
                CGSize oldsize = [render size];
                CGSize newsize = [render frame].size;

                /* Eliminate duplicate configure requests */
                if(oldsize.width != newsize.width || oldsize.height != newsize.height)
                    if(newsize.width > 0 && newsize.height > 0)
                        [render setSize:newsize];
                        _dw_event_handler(handle, nil, 1);
            /* Special handling for notebook controls */
            else if([handle isMemberOfClass:[DWNotebook class]])
                DWNotebook *notebook = handle;
                NSInteger intpageid = [[notebook tabs] selectedSegmentIndex];
                if(intpageid != -1 && intpageid < [[notebook views] count])
                    DWNotebookPage *page = [[notebook views] objectAtIndex:intpageid];

                    if([page isKindOfClass:[DWBox class]])
                        Box *box = [page box];
            /* Handle laying out scrollviews... if required space is less
             * than available space, then expand.  Otherwise use required space.
            else if([handle isMemberOfClass:[DWScrollBox class]])
                DWScrollBox *scrollbox = (DWScrollBox *)handle;
                NSArray *subviews = [scrollbox subviews];
                DWBox *contentbox = [subviews firstObject];
                Box *thisbox = [contentbox box];

                /* Get the required space for the box */

/* This function calculates how much space the widgets and boxes require
 * and does expansion as necessary.
static void _dw_resize_box(Box *thisbox, int *depth, int x, int y, int pass)
    /* Current item position */
    int z, currentx = thisbox->pad, currenty = thisbox->pad;
    /* Used x, y and padding maximum values...
     * These will be used to find the widest or
     * tallest items in a box.
    int uymax = 0, uxmax = 0;
    int upymax = 0, upxmax = 0;

    /* Reset the box sizes */
    thisbox->minwidth = thisbox->minheight = thisbox->usedpadx = thisbox->usedpady = thisbox->pad * 2;

    /* Count up all the space for all items in the box */
        int itempad, itemwidth, itemheight;

        if(thisbox->items[z].type == TYPEBOX)
            id box = thisbox->items[z].hwnd;
            Box *tmp = (Box *)[box box];

                /* On the first pass calculate the box contents */
                if(pass == 1)

                    /* Save the newly calculated values on the box */
                    _dw_resize_box(tmp, depth, x, y, pass);

                    /* Duplicate the values in the item list for use below */
                    thisbox->items[z].width = tmp->minwidth;
                    thisbox->items[z].height = tmp->minheight;

                    /* If the box has no contents but is expandable... default the size to 1 */
                    if(!thisbox->items[z].width && thisbox->items[z].hsize)
                       thisbox->items[z].width = 1;
                    if(!thisbox->items[z].height && thisbox->items[z].vsize)
                       thisbox->items[z].height = 1;


        /* Precalculate these values, since they will
         * be used used repeatedly in the next section.
        itempad = thisbox->items[z].pad * 2;
        itemwidth = thisbox->items[z].width + itempad;
        itemheight = thisbox->items[z].height + itempad;

        /* Calculate the totals and maximums */
        if(thisbox->type == DW_VERT)
            if(itemwidth > uxmax)
                uxmax = itemwidth;

            if(thisbox->items[z].hsize != SIZEEXPAND)
                if(itemwidth > upxmax)
                    upxmax = itemwidth;
                if(itempad > upxmax)
                    upxmax = itempad;
            thisbox->minheight += itemheight;
            if(thisbox->items[z].vsize != SIZEEXPAND)
                thisbox->usedpady += itemheight;
                thisbox->usedpady += itempad;
            if(itemheight > uymax)
                uymax = itemheight;
            if(thisbox->items[z].vsize != SIZEEXPAND)
                if(itemheight > upymax)
                    upymax = itemheight;
                if(itempad > upymax)
                    upymax = itempad;
            thisbox->minwidth += itemwidth;
            if(thisbox->items[z].hsize != SIZEEXPAND)
                thisbox->usedpadx += itemwidth;
                thisbox->usedpadx += itempad;

    /* Add the maximums which were calculated in the previous loop */
    thisbox->minwidth += uxmax;
    thisbox->minheight += uymax;
    thisbox->usedpadx += upxmax;
    thisbox->usedpady += upymax;

    /* The second pass is for actual placement. */
    if(pass > 1)
            int height = thisbox->items[z].height;
            int width = thisbox->items[z].width;
            int itempad = thisbox->items[z].pad * 2;
            int thispad = thisbox->pad * 2;

            /* Calculate the new sizes */
            if(thisbox->items[z].hsize == SIZEEXPAND)
                if(thisbox->type == DW_HORZ)
                    int expandablex = thisbox->minwidth - thisbox->usedpadx;

                        width = (int)(((float)width / (float)expandablex) * (float)(x - thisbox->usedpadx));
                    width = x - (itempad + thispad + thisbox->grouppadx);
            if(thisbox->items[z].vsize == SIZEEXPAND)
                if(thisbox->type == DW_VERT)
                    int expandabley = thisbox->minheight - thisbox->usedpady;

                        height = (int)(((float)height / (float)expandabley) * (float)(y - thisbox->usedpady));
                    height = y - (itempad + thispad + thisbox->grouppady);

            /* If the calculated size is valid... */
            if(height > 0 && width > 0)
                int pad = thisbox->items[z].pad;
                id handle = thisbox->items[z].hwnd;
                CGRect rect;

                rect.origin.x = currentx + pad;
                rect.origin.y = currenty + pad;
                rect.size.width = width;
                rect.size.height = height;
                [handle setFrame:rect];

                /* After placing a box... place its components */
                if(thisbox->items[z].type == TYPEBOX)
                    id box = thisbox->items[z].hwnd;
                    Box *tmp = (Box *)[box box];

                        _dw_resize_box(tmp, depth, width, height, pass);

                /* Special handling for notebook controls */
                if([handle isMemberOfClass:[DWNotebook class]])
                    DWNotebook *notebook = handle;
                    NSInteger intpageid = [[notebook tabs] selectedSegmentIndex];

                    if(intpageid == -1)
                        if([[notebook tabs] numberOfSegments] > 0)
                            DWNotebookPage *notepage = [[notebook views] firstObject];

                            /* If there is no selected segment, select the first one... */
                            [[notebook tabs] setSelectedSegmentIndex:0];
                            intpageid = 0;
                            [notepage setHidden:NO];
                            [notebook setVisible:notepage];

                    if(intpageid != -1 && intpageid < [[notebook views] count])
                        DWNotebookPage *page = [[notebook views] objectAtIndex:intpageid];

                        /* If the new page is a valid box, lay it out */
                        if([page isKindOfClass:[DWBox class]])
                            Box *box = [page box];
                            /* Start with the entire notebook size and then adjust
                             * it to account for the segement control's height.
                            NSInteger height = [[notebook tabs] frame].size.height;
                            CGRect frame = [notebook frame];
                            frame.origin.y += height;
                            frame.size.height -= height;
                            [page setFrame:frame];
                            _dw_do_resize(box, frame.size.width, frame.size.height);
                /* Handle laying out scrollviews... if required space is less
                 * than available space, then expand.  Otherwise use required space.
                else if([handle isMemberOfClass:[DWScrollBox class]])
                    int depth = 0;
                    DWScrollBox *scrollbox = (DWScrollBox *)handle;
                    NSArray *subviews = [scrollbox subviews];
                    DWBox *contentbox = [subviews firstObject];
                    Box *thisbox = [contentbox box];
                    /* We start with the content being the available size */
                    CGRect frame = CGRectMake(0,0,rect.size.width,rect.size.height);

                    /* Get the required space for the box */
                    _dw_resize_box(thisbox, &depth, x, y, 1);

                    /* Expand the content box to the size of the contents */
                    if(frame.size.width < thisbox->minwidth)
                        frame.size.width = thisbox->minwidth;
                    if(frame.size.height < thisbox->minheight)
                        frame.size.height = thisbox->minheight;
                    [scrollbox setContentSize:frame.size];
                    [contentbox setFrame:frame];

                    /* Layout the content of the scrollbox */
                    _dw_do_resize(thisbox, frame.size.width, frame.size.height);
                /* Special handling for spinbutton controls */
                else if([handle isMemberOfClass:[DWSpinButton class]])
                    DWSpinButton *spinbutton = (DWSpinButton *)handle;
                    UITextField *textfield = [spinbutton textfield];
                    UIStepper *stepper = [spinbutton stepper];
                    NSInteger stepperwidth = [stepper intrinsicContentSize].width;
                    [textfield setFrame:CGRectMake(0,0,rect.size.width-stepperwidth,rect.size.height)];
                    [stepper setFrame:CGRectMake(rect.size.width-stepperwidth,0,stepperwidth,rect.size.height)];
                else if([handle isMemberOfClass:[DWSplitBar class]])
                    DWSplitBar *split = (DWSplitBar *)handle;
                    float percent = [split percent];

                    if(percent > 0 && rect.size.width > 20 && rect.size.height > 20)
                        dw_splitbar_set(handle, percent);
                        [split setPercent:0];
                    [split splitViewDidResizeSubviews:nil];

                /* Advance the current position in the box */
                if(thisbox->type == DW_HORZ)
                    currentx += width + (pad * 2);
                if(thisbox->type == DW_VERT)
                    currenty += height + (pad * 2);

static void _dw_do_resize(Box *thisbox, int x, int y)
    if(x > 0 && y > 0)
            int depth = 0;

            /* Calculate space requirements */
            _dw_resize_box(thisbox, &depth, x, y, 1);

            /* Finally place all the boxes and controls */
            _dw_resize_box(thisbox, &depth, x, y, 2);

 * Runs a message loop for Dynamic Windows.
void API dw_main(void)
    /* We don't actually run a loop here,
     * we launched a new thread to run the loop there.
     * Just wait for dw_main_quit() on the DWMainEvent.
    dw_event_wait(DWMainEvent, DW_TIMEOUT_INFINITE);

 * Causes running dw_main() to return.
void API dw_main_quit(void)

 * Runs a message loop for Dynamic Windows, for a period of milliseconds.
 * Parameters:
 *           milliseconds: Number of milliseconds to run the loop for.
void API dw_main_sleep(int milliseconds)
    DWTID curr = pthread_self();

    if(DWThread == (DWTID)-1 || DWThread == curr)
        DWTID orig = DWThread;
        NSDate *until = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:(milliseconds/1000.0)];

        if(orig == (DWTID)-1)
            DWThread = curr;
       /* Process any pending events */
            /* Just loop */
        if(orig == (DWTID)-1)
            DWThread = orig;
        usleep(milliseconds * 1000);

/* Internal version that doesn't lock the run mutex */
int _dw_main_iteration(NSDate *date)
    return [[NSRunLoop mainRunLoop] runMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode beforeDate:date];

 * Processes a single message iteration and returns.
void API dw_main_iteration(void)
    DWTID curr = pthread_self();

    if(DWThread == (DWTID)-1)
        DWThread = curr;
        _dw_main_iteration([NSDate distantPast]);
        DWThread = (DWTID)-1;
    else if(DWThread == curr)
        _dw_main_iteration([NSDate distantPast]);

 * Cleanly terminates a DW session, should be signal handler safe.
void API dw_shutdown(void)

 * Cleanly terminates a DW session, should be signal handler safe.
 * Parameters:
 *       exitcode: Exit code reported to the operating system.
void API dw_exit(int exitcode)

 * Free's memory allocated by dynamic windows.
 * Parameters:
 *           ptr: Pointer to dynamic windows allocated
 *                memory to be free()'d.
void API dw_free(void *ptr)

 * Returns a pointer to a static buffer which containes the
 * current user directory.  Or the root directory (C:\ on
 * OS/2 and Windows).
char *dw_user_dir(void)
    static char _user_dir[PATH_MAX+1] = { 0 };

        char *home = getenv("HOME");

            strncpy(_user_dir, home, PATH_MAX);
            strcpy(_user_dir, "/");
    return _user_dir;

 * Returns a pointer to a static buffer which containes the
 * private application data directory.
char * API dw_app_dir(void)
    return _dw_bundle_path;

 * Sets the application ID used by this Dynamic Windows application instance.
 * Parameters:
 *         appid: A string typically in the form:
 *         appname: The application name used on Windows or NULL.
 * Returns:
 *         DW_ERROR_NONE after successfully setting the application ID.
 *         DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN if unsupported on this system.
 *         DW_ERROR_GENERAL if the application ID is not allowed.
 * Remarks:
 *          This must be called before dw_init().  If dw_init() is called first
 *          it will create a unique ID in the form: org.dbsoft.dwindows.application
 *          or if the application name cannot be detected:
 *          The appname is only required on Windows.  If NULL is passed the detected
 *          application name will be used, but a prettier name may be desired.
int dw_app_id_set(const char *appid, const char *appname)
    strncpy(_dw_app_id, appid, _DW_APP_ID_SIZE);
    return DW_ERROR_NONE;

 * Displays a debug message on the console...
 * Parameters:
 *           format: printf style format string.
 *           ...: Additional variables for use in the format.
void API dw_debug(const char *format, ...)
   va_list args;
   char outbuf[1025] = {0};

   va_start(args, format);
   vsnprintf(outbuf, 1024, format, args);

   NSLog(@"%s", outbuf);

 * Displays a Message Box with given text and title..
 * Parameters:
 *           title: The title of the message box.
 *           flags: flags to indicate buttons and icon
 *           format: printf style format string.
 *           ...: Additional variables for use in the format.
int API dw_messagebox(const char *title, int flags, const char *format, ...)
    NSInteger iResponse;
    NSString *button1 = @"OK";
    NSString *button2 = nil;
    NSString *button3 = nil;
    NSString *mtitle = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:title];
    NSString *mtext;
    UIAlertControllerStyle mstyle = UIAlertControllerStyleAlert;
    NSArray *params;
    va_list args;

    if(flags & DW_MB_OKCANCEL)
        button2 = @"Cancel";
    else if(flags & DW_MB_YESNO)
        button1 = @"Yes";
        button2 = @"No";
    else if(flags & DW_MB_YESNOCANCEL)
        button1 = @"Yes";
        button2 = @"No";
        button3 = @"Cancel";

    va_start(args, format);
    mtext = [[[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:format] arguments:args] autorelease];

#if 0 /* TODO: If we want to use this style it requires a rectangle...
       * However the alert style looks pretty good to me...
    if(flags & DW_MB_INFORMATION)
        mstyle = UIAlertControllerStyleActionSheet;

    params = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:mtitle, mtext, [NSNumber numberWithInteger:mstyle], button1, button2, button3, nil];
    [DWObj safeCall:@selector(messageBox:) withObject:params];
    iResponse = [[params lastObject] integerValue];

        case 1:    /* user pressed OK */
            if(flags & DW_MB_YESNO || flags & DW_MB_YESNOCANCEL)
                return DW_MB_RETURN_YES;
            return DW_MB_RETURN_OK;
        case 2:  /* user pressed Cancel */
            if(flags & DW_MB_OKCANCEL)
                return DW_MB_RETURN_CANCEL;
            return DW_MB_RETURN_NO;
        case 3:      /* user pressed the third button */
            return DW_MB_RETURN_CANCEL;
    return 0;

 * Opens a file dialog and queries user selection.
 * Parameters:
 *       title: Title bar text for dialog.
 *       defpath: The default path of the open dialog.
 *       ext: Default file extention.
 *       flags: DW_FILE_OPEN or DW_FILE_SAVE.
 * Returns:
 *       NULL on error. A malloced buffer containing
 *       the file path on success.
char * API dw_file_browse(const char *title, const char *defpath, const char *ext, int flags)
    NSPointerArray *params = [[NSPointerArray pointerArrayWithOptions:NSPointerFunctionsOpaqueMemory] retain];
    char *file = NULL;

    [params addPointer:(void *)defpath];
    [params addPointer:(void *)ext];
    [params addPointer:DW_INT_TO_POINTER(flags)];
    [DWObj safeCall:@selector(filePicker:) withObject:params];
    if([params count] > 3)
        file = [params pointerAtIndex:3];

    return file;

 * Gets the contents of the default clipboard as text.
 * Parameters:
 *       None.
 * Returns:
 *       Pointer to an allocated string of text or NULL if clipboard empty or contents could not
 *       be converted to text.
char *dw_clipboard_get_text()
    UIPasteboard *pasteboard = [UIPasteboard generalPasteboard];
    NSString *str = [pasteboard string];
    if(str != nil)
        return strdup([str UTF8String]);
    return NULL;

 * Sets the contents of the default clipboard to the supplied text.
 * Parameters:
 *       Text.
void dw_clipboard_set_text(const char *str, int len)
    UIPasteboard *pasteboard = [UIPasteboard generalPasteboard];

    [pasteboard setString:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:str]];

 * Allocates and initializes a dialog struct.
 * Parameters:
 *           data: User defined data to be passed to functions.
DWDialog * API dw_dialog_new(void *data)
    DWDialog *tmp = malloc(sizeof(DWDialog));

        tmp->eve = dw_event_new();
        tmp->data = data;
        tmp->done = FALSE;
        tmp->result = NULL;
    return tmp;

 * Accepts a dialog struct and returns the given data to the
 * initial called of dw_dialog_wait().
 * Parameters:
 *           dialog: Pointer to a dialog struct aquired by dw_dialog_new).
 *           result: Data to be returned by dw_dialog_wait().
int API dw_dialog_dismiss(DWDialog *dialog, void *result)
    dialog->result = result;
    dialog->done = TRUE;
    return 0;

 * Accepts a dialog struct waits for dw_dialog_dismiss() to be
 * called by a signal handler with the given dialog struct.
 * Parameters:
 *           dialog: Pointer to a dialog struct aquired by dw_dialog_new).
void * API dw_dialog_wait(DWDialog *dialog)
    void *tmp = NULL;

            _dw_main_iteration([NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:0.01]);
        tmp = dialog->result;
    return tmp;

 * Create a new Box to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       type: Either DW_VERT (vertical) or DW_HORZ (horizontal).
 *       pad: Number of pixels to pad around the box.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_box_new, HWND, int type, int pad)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM2(type, int, pad, int)
    DWBox *view = [[[DWBox alloc] init] retain];
    Box *newbox = [view box];
    [view setTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints:NO];
    memset(newbox, 0, sizeof(Box));
    newbox->pad = pad;
    newbox->type = type;

 * Create a new Group Box to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       type: Either DW_VERT (vertical) or DW_HORZ (horizontal).
 *       pad: Number of pixels to pad around the box.
 *       title: Text to be displayined in the group outline.
HWND API dw_groupbox_new(int type, int pad, const char *title)
    return dw_box_new(type, pad);

 * Create a new scrollable Box to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       type: Either DW_VERT (vertical) or DW_HORZ (horizontal).
 *       pad: Number of pixels to pad around the box.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_scrollbox_new, HWND, int type, int pad)
DW_FUNCTION_RETURN(dw_scrollbox_new, HWND)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM2(type, int, pad, int)
    DWScrollBox *scrollbox = [[[DWScrollBox alloc] init] retain];
    DWBox *box = dw_box_new(type, pad);
    DWBox *tmpbox = dw_box_new(DW_VERT, 0);
    dw_box_pack_start(tmpbox, box, 1, 1, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
    [scrollbox setBox:box];
    [scrollbox addSubview:tmpbox];
    [scrollbox setScrollEnabled:YES];
    [tmpbox autorelease];

 * Returns the position of the scrollbar in the scrollbox
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the scrollbox to be queried.
 *          orient: The vertical or horizontal scrollbar.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_scrollbox_get_pos, int, HWND handle, int orient)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM2(handle, orient)
DW_FUNCTION_RETURN(dw_scrollbox_get_pos, int)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM2(handle, HWND, orient, int)
    DWScrollBox *scrollbox = handle;
    NSArray *subviews = [scrollbox subviews];
    UIView *view = [subviews firstObject];
    CGSize contentsize = [scrollbox contentSize];
    CGPoint contentoffset = [scrollbox contentOffset];
    int range = 0;
    int val = 0;
    if(orient == DW_VERT)
        range = [view bounds].size.height - contentsize.height;
        val = contentoffset.y;
        range = [view bounds].size.width - contentsize.width;
        val = contentoffset.x;
    if(val > range)
        val = range;

 * Gets the range for the scrollbar in the scrollbox.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the scrollbox to be queried.
 *          orient: The vertical or horizontal scrollbar.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_scrollbox_get_range, int, HWND handle, int orient)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM2(handle, orient)
DW_FUNCTION_RETURN(dw_scrollbox_get_range, int)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM2(handle, HWND, orient, int)
    DWScrollBox *scrollbox = handle;
    NSArray *subviews = [scrollbox subviews];
    UIView *view = [subviews firstObject];
    int range = 0;
    if(orient == DW_VERT)
        range = [view bounds].size.height;
        range = [view bounds].size.width;

/* Return the handle to the text object */
id _dw_text_handle(id object)
    if([object isMemberOfClass:[DWButton class]])
        DWButton *button = object;
        object = [button titleLabel];
    else if([object isMemberOfClass:[DWSpinButton class]])
        DWSpinButton *spinbutton = object;
        object = [spinbutton textfield];
#if 0 /* TODO: Fix this when we have a groupbox implemented */
    if([object isMemberOfClass:[NSBox class]])
        NSBox *box = object;
        id content = [box contentView];

        if([content isMemberOfClass:[DWText class]])
            object = content;
    return object;

/* Internal function to calculate the widget's required size..
 * These are the general rules for widget sizes:
 * Render/Unspecified: 1x1
 * Scrolled(Container,Tree,MLE): Guessed size clamped to min and max in dw.h
 * Entryfield/Combobox/Spinbutton: 150x(maxfontheight)
 * Spinbutton: 50x(maxfontheight)
 * Text/Status: (textwidth)x(textheight)
 * Ranged: 100x14 or 14x100 for vertical.
 * Buttons/Bitmaps: Size of text or image and border.
void _dw_control_size(id handle, int *width, int *height)
    int thiswidth = 1, thisheight = 1, extrawidth = 0, extraheight = 0;
    NSString *nsstr = nil;
    id object = _dw_text_handle(handle);

    /* Handle all the different button types */
    if([handle isMemberOfClass:[DWButton class]])
        UIImage *image = [handle imageForState:UIControlStateNormal];

            /* Image button */
            CGSize size = [image size];
            extrawidth = (int)size.width + 1;
            /* Height isn't additive */
            thisheight = (int)size.height + 1;
        /* Text button */
        nsstr = [[handle titleLabel] text];

        if(nsstr && [nsstr length] > 0)
            /* With combined text/image we seem to
             * need a lot of additional width space.
                extrawidth += 30;
                extrawidth += 8;
            extraheight += 4;
    /* If the control is an entryfield set width to 150 */
    else if([object isKindOfClass:[UITextField class]])
        UIFont *font = [object font];

        if([object isEditable])
            /* Spinbutton text doesn't need to be as wide */
            if([handle isMemberOfClass:[DWSpinButton class]])
                thiswidth = 50;
                thiswidth = 150;
        nsstr = [object text];

            thisheight = (int)[font lineHeight];

        /* Spinbuttons need some extra */
        if([handle isMemberOfClass:[DWSpinButton class]])
            DWSpinButton *spinbutton = handle;
            CGSize size = [[spinbutton stepper] intrinsicContentSize];
            /* Add the stepper width as extra... */
            extrawidth = size.width;
            /* The height should be the bigger of the two */
            if(size.height > thisheight)
                thisheight = size.height;
    /* Handle the ranged widgets */
    else if([object isMemberOfClass:[DWPercent class]] ||
            [object isMemberOfClass:[DWSlider class]])
        thiswidth = 100;
        thisheight = 25;
    /* Handle bitmap size */
    else if([object isMemberOfClass:[UIImageView class]])
        UIImage *image = (UIImage *)[object image];

            CGSize size = [image size];
            thiswidth = (int)size.width;
            thisheight = (int)size.height;
    /* Handle calendar */
    else if([object isMemberOfClass:[DWCalendar class]])
            CGSize size = [object intrinsicContentSize];

            thiswidth = size.width;
            thisheight = size.height;
    /* MLE and Container */
    else if([object isMemberOfClass:[DWMLE class]] ||
            [object isMemberOfClass:[DWContainer class]])
        CGSize size;

        if([object isMemberOfClass:[DWMLE class]])
            size = [object contentSize];
            size = [object getsize];

        thiswidth = size.width;
        thisheight = size.height;

        if(thiswidth < _DW_SCROLLED_MIN_WIDTH)
            thiswidth = _DW_SCROLLED_MIN_WIDTH;
        if(thiswidth > _DW_SCROLLED_MAX_WIDTH)
            thiswidth = _DW_SCROLLED_MAX_WIDTH;
        if(thisheight < _DW_SCROLLED_MIN_HEIGHT)
            thisheight = _DW_SCROLLED_MIN_HEIGHT;
        if(thisheight > _DW_SCROLLED_MAX_HEIGHT)
            thisheight = _DW_SCROLLED_MAX_HEIGHT;
    else if([object isKindOfClass:[UILabel class]])
        nsstr = [object text];
        extrawidth = extraheight = 2;
    /* Any other control type */
    else if([object isKindOfClass:[UIControl class]])
        nsstr = [object text];

    /* If we have a string...
     * calculate the size with the current font.
        int textwidth, textheight;

        /* If we have an empty string, use "gT" to get the most height for the font */
        dw_font_text_extents_get(object, NULL, [nsstr length] ? (char *)[nsstr UTF8String] : "gT", &textwidth, &textheight);

        if(textheight > thisheight)
            thisheight = textheight;
        if(textwidth > thiswidth)
            thiswidth = textwidth;

    /* Set the requested sizes */
        *width = thiswidth + extrawidth;
        *height = thisheight + extraheight;

/* Internal box packing function called by the other 3 functions */
void _dw_box_pack(HWND box, HWND item, int index, int width, int height, int hsize, int vsize, int pad, char *funcname)
    id object = box;
    DWBox *view = box;
    DWBox *this = item;
    Box *thisbox;
    int z, x = 0;
    Item *tmpitem, *thisitem;

     * If you try and pack an item into itself VERY bad things can happen; like at least an
     * infinite loop on GTK! Lets be safe!
    if(box == item)
        dw_messagebox(funcname, DW_MB_OK|DW_MB_ERROR, "Danger! Danger! Will Robinson; box and item are the same!");

    /* Query the objects */
    if([object isKindOfClass:[UIWindow class]])
        UIWindow *window = box;
        NSArray *subviews = [window subviews];
        view = [subviews firstObject];
    else if([object isMemberOfClass:[DWScrollBox class]])
        DWScrollBox *scrollbox = box;
        view = [scrollbox box];

    thisbox = [view box];
    thisitem = thisbox->items;
    object = item;

    /* Do some sanity bounds checking */
        thisbox->count = 0;
    if(index < 0)
        index = 0;
    if(index > thisbox->count)
        index = thisbox->count;

    /* Duplicate the existing data */
    tmpitem = calloc(sizeof(Item), (thisbox->count+1));

        if(z == index)
        tmpitem[x] = thisitem[z];

    /* Sanity checks */
    if(vsize && !height)
       height = 1;
    if(hsize && !width)
       width = 1;

    /* Fill in the item data appropriately */
    if([object isKindOfClass:[DWBox class]])
       tmpitem[index].type = TYPEBOX;
        if(width == 0 && hsize == FALSE)
            dw_messagebox(funcname, DW_MB_OK|DW_MB_ERROR, "Width and expand Horizonal both unset for box: %x item: %x",box,item);
        if(height == 0 && vsize == FALSE)
            dw_messagebox(funcname, DW_MB_OK|DW_MB_ERROR, "Height and expand Vertical both unset for box: %x item: %x",box,item);

        tmpitem[index].type = TYPEITEM;

    tmpitem[index].hwnd = item;
    tmpitem[index].origwidth = tmpitem[index].width = width;
    tmpitem[index].origheight = tmpitem[index].height = height;
    tmpitem[index].pad = pad;
    tmpitem[index].hsize = hsize ? SIZEEXPAND : SIZESTATIC;
    tmpitem[index].vsize = vsize ? SIZEEXPAND : SIZESTATIC;

    /* If either of the parameters are -1 ... calculate the size */
    if(width == -1 || height == -1)
        _dw_control_size(object, width == -1 ? &tmpitem[index].width : NULL, height == -1 ? &tmpitem[index].height : NULL);

    thisbox->items = tmpitem;

    /* Update the item count */

    /* Add the item to the box */
    [view addSubview:this];
    /* Enable autorelease on the item...
     * so it will get destroyed when the parent is.
    [this autorelease];
    /* If we are packing a button... */
    if([this isMemberOfClass:[DWButton class]])
        DWButton *button = (DWButton *)this;

        /* Save the parent box so radio
         * buttons can use it later.
        [button setParent:view];
    /* Queue a redraw on the top-level window */
    _dw_redraw([view window], TRUE);

    /* Free the old data */

 * Remove windows (widgets) from the box they are packed into.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Window handle of the packed item to be removed.
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE on success and DW_ERROR_GENERAL on failure.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_box_unpack, int, HWND handle)
DW_FUNCTION_RETURN(dw_box_unpack, int)
    id object = handle;
    int retval = DW_ERROR_NONE;

    if([object isKindOfClass:[UIView class]] || [object isKindOfClass:[UIControl class]])
        DWBox *parent = (DWBox *)[object superview];

        if([parent isKindOfClass:[DWBox class]])
            id window = [object window];
            Box *thisbox = [parent box];
            int z, index = -1;
            Item *tmpitem = NULL, *thisitem = thisbox->items;

                thisbox->count = 0;

                if(thisitem[z].hwnd == object)
                    index = z;

            if(index == -1)
                retval = DW_ERROR_GENERAL;
                [object retain];
                [object removeFromSuperview];

                if(thisbox->count > 1)
                    tmpitem = calloc(sizeof(Item), (thisbox->count-1));

                    /* Copy all but the current entry to the new list */
                        tmpitem[z] = thisitem[z];
                        tmpitem[z-1] = thisitem[z];

                thisbox->items = tmpitem;
                    thisbox->count = 0;
                /* Queue a redraw on the top-level window */
                _dw_redraw(window, TRUE);

 * Remove windows (widgets) from a box at an arbitrary location.
 * Parameters:
 *       box: Window handle of the box to be removed from.
 *       index: 0 based index of packed items.
 * Returns:
 *       Handle to the removed item on success, 0 on failure or padding.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_box_unpack_at_index, HWND, HWND box, int index)
DW_FUNCTION_RETURN(dw_box_unpack_at_index, HWND)
    DWBox *parent = (DWBox *)box;
    id object = nil;

    if([parent isKindOfClass:[DWBox class]])
        id window = [parent window];
        Box *thisbox = [parent box];

        if(thisbox && index > -1 && index < thisbox->count)
            int z;
            Item *tmpitem = NULL, *thisitem = thisbox->items;

            object = thisitem[index].hwnd;

                [object retain];
                [object removeFromSuperview];

            if(thisbox->count > 1)
                tmpitem = calloc(sizeof(Item), (thisbox->count-1));

                /* Copy all but the current entry to the new list */
                for(z=0;thisitem && z<index;z++)
                    tmpitem[z] = thisitem[z];
                    tmpitem[z-1] = thisitem[z];

            thisbox->items = tmpitem;
                thisbox->count = 0;

            /* Queue a redraw on the top-level window */
            _dw_redraw(window, TRUE);

 * Pack windows (widgets) into a box at an arbitrary location.
 * Parameters:
 *       box: Window handle of the box to be packed into.
 *       item: Window handle of the item to pack.
 *       index: 0 based index of packed items.
 *       width: Width in pixels of the item or -1 to be self determined.
 *       height: Height in pixels of the item or -1 to be self determined.
 *       hsize: TRUE if the window (widget) should expand horizontally to fill space given.
 *       vsize: TRUE if the window (widget) should expand vertically to fill space given.
 *       pad: Number of pixels of padding around the item.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_box_pack_at_index, void, HWND box, HWND item, int index, int width, int height, int hsize, int vsize, int pad)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM8(box, item, index, width, height, hsize, vsize, pad)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM8(box, HWND, item, HWND, index, int, width, int, height, int, hsize, int, vsize, int, pad, int)
    _dw_box_pack(box, item, index, width, height, hsize, vsize, pad, "dw_box_pack_at_index()");

 * Pack windows (widgets) into a box from the start (or top).
 * Parameters:
 *       box: Window handle of the box to be packed into.
 *       item: Window handle of the item to pack.
 *       width: Width in pixels of the item or -1 to be self determined.
 *       height: Height in pixels of the item or -1 to be self determined.
 *       hsize: TRUE if the window (widget) should expand horizontally to fill space given.
 *       vsize: TRUE if the window (widget) should expand vertically to fill space given.
 *       pad: Number of pixels of padding around the item.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_box_pack_start, void, HWND box, HWND item, int width, int height, int hsize, int vsize, int pad)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM7(box, item, width, height, hsize, vsize, pad)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM7(box, HWND, item, HWND, width, int, height, int, hsize, int, vsize, int, pad, int)
    /* 65536 is the table limit on GTK...
     * seems like a high enough value we will never hit it here either.
    _dw_box_pack(box, item, 65536, width, height, hsize, vsize, pad, "dw_box_pack_start()");

 * Pack windows (widgets) into a box from the end (or bottom).
 * Parameters:
 *       box: Window handle of the box to be packed into.
 *       item: Window handle of the item to pack.
 *       width: Width in pixels of the item or -1 to be self determined.
 *       height: Height in pixels of the item or -1 to be self determined.
 *       hsize: TRUE if the window (widget) should expand horizontally to fill space given.
 *       vsize: TRUE if the window (widget) should expand vertically to fill space given.
 *       pad: Number of pixels of padding around the item.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_box_pack_end, void, HWND box, HWND item, int width, int height, int hsize, int vsize, int pad)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM7(box, item, width, height, hsize, vsize, pad)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM7(box, HWND, item, HWND, width, int, height, int, hsize, int, vsize, int, pad, int)
    _dw_box_pack(box, item, 0, width, height, hsize, vsize, pad, "dw_box_pack_end()");

/* Internal function to create a basic button, used by all button types */
HWND _dw_internal_button_new(const char *text, ULONG cid)
    DWButton *button = [[DWButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeRoundedRect] retain];
        [button setTitle:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:text] forState:UIControlStateNormal];
    [button addTarget:button
    [button setTag:cid];
        [[button titleLabel] setFont:DWDefaultFont];
    return button;

 * Create a new button window (widget) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       text: The text to be display by the static text widget.
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_button_new, HWND, const char *text, ULONG cid)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM2(text, const char *, cid, ULONG)
    DWButton *button = _dw_internal_button_new(text, cid);
    [button setContentHorizontalAlignment:UIControlContentHorizontalAlignmentCenter];

 * Create a new Entryfield window (widget) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       text: The default text to be in the entryfield widget.
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_entryfield_new, HWND, const char *text, ULONG cid)
DW_FUNCTION_RETURN(dw_entryfield_new, HWND)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM2(text, const char *, cid, ULONG)
    DWEntryField *entry = [[[DWEntryField alloc] init] retain];
    [entry setText:[ NSString stringWithUTF8String:text ]];
    [entry setTag:cid];

 * Create a new Entryfield (password) window (widget) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       text: The default text to be in the entryfield widget.
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_entryfield_password_new, HWND, const char *text, ULONG cid)
DW_FUNCTION_RETURN(dw_entryfield_password_new, HWND)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM2(text, const char *, cid, ULONG)
    DWEntryField *entry = dw_entryfield_new(text, cid);
    [entry setSecureTextEntry:YES];

 * Sets the entryfield character limit.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the spinbutton to be set.
 *          limit: Number of characters the entryfield will take.
void API dw_entryfield_set_limit(HWND handle, ULONG limit)
#if 0 /* TODO: Implment this via textField:shouldChangeCharactersInRange:replacementString: */
    DWEntryField *entry = handle;
    DWEntryFieldFormatter *formatter = [[[DWEntryFieldFormatter alloc] init] autorelease];

    [formatter setMaximumLength:(int)limit];
    [entry setFormatter:formatter];

 * Create a new bitmap button window (widget) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       text: Bubble help text to be displayed.
 *       id: An ID of a bitmap in the resource file.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_bitmapbutton_new, HWND, DW_UNUSED(const char *text), ULONG cid)
DW_FUNCTION_RETURN(dw_bitmapbutton_new, HWND)
    NSBundle *bundle = [NSBundle mainBundle];
    NSString *respath = [bundle resourcePath];
    NSString *filepath = [respath stringByAppendingFormat:@"/%lu.png", cid];
    UIImage *image = [[UIImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:filepath];
    DWButton *button = _dw_internal_button_new("", cid);
        [button setImage:image forState:UIControlStateNormal];
    [image release];

 * Create a new bitmap button window (widget) to be packed from a file.
 * Parameters:
 *       text: Bubble help text to be displayed.
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
 *       filename: Name of the file, omit extention to have
 *                 DW pick the appropriate file extension.
 *                 (BMP on OS/2 or Windows, XPM on Unix)
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_bitmapbutton_new_from_file, HWND, DW_UNUSED(const char *text), ULONG cid, const char *filename)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM3(text, cid, filename)
DW_FUNCTION_RETURN(dw_bitmapbutton_new_from_file, HWND)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM3(DW_UNUSED(text), const char *, cid, ULONG, filename, const char *)
    char *ext = _dw_get_image_extension(filename);

    NSString *nstr = [ NSString stringWithUTF8String:filename ];
    UIImage *image = [[UIImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:nstr];

    if(!image && ext)
        nstr = [nstr stringByAppendingString: [NSString stringWithUTF8String:ext]];
        image = [[UIImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:nstr];
    DWButton *button = _dw_internal_button_new("", cid);
        [button setImage:image forState:UIControlStateNormal];
    [image release];

 * Create a new bitmap button window (widget) to be packed from data.
 * Parameters:
 *       text: Bubble help text to be displayed.
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
 *       data: The contents of the image
 *            (BMP or ICO on OS/2 or Windows, XPM on Unix)
 *       len: length of str
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_bitmapbutton_new_from_data, HWND, DW_UNUSED(const char *text), ULONG cid, const char *data, int len)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM4(text, cid, data, len)
DW_FUNCTION_RETURN(dw_bitmapbutton_new_from_data, HWND)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM4(DW_UNUSED(text), const char *, cid, ULONG, data, const char *, len, int)
    NSData *thisdata = [NSData dataWithBytes:data length:len];
    UIImage *image = [[UIImage alloc] initWithData:thisdata];
    DWButton *button = _dw_internal_button_new("", cid);
        [button setImage:image forState:UIControlStateNormal];
    [image release];

 * Create a new spinbutton window (widget) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       text: The text to be display by the static text widget.
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_spinbutton_new, HWND, const char *text, ULONG cid)
DW_FUNCTION_RETURN(dw_spinbutton_new, HWND)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM2(text, const char *, cid, ULONG)
    DWSpinButton *spinbutton = [[[DWSpinButton alloc] init] retain];
    UIStepper *stepper = [spinbutton stepper];
    UITextField *textfield = [spinbutton textfield];
    long val = atol(text);

    [stepper setStepValue:1];
    [stepper setTag:cid];
    [stepper setMinimumValue:-65536];
    [stepper setMaximumValue:65536];
    [stepper setValue:(float)val];
    [textfield setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%ld",val]];

 * Sets the spinbutton value.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the spinbutton to be set.
 *          position: Current value of the spinbutton.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_spinbutton_set_pos, void, HWND handle, long position)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM2(handle, position)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM2(handle, HWND, position, long)
    DWSpinButton *spinbutton = handle;
    UIStepper *stepper = [spinbutton stepper];
    UITextField *textfield = [spinbutton textfield];
    [stepper setValue:(float)position];
    [textfield setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%ld",position]];

 * Sets the spinbutton limits.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the spinbutton to be set.
 *          upper: Upper limit.
 *          lower: Lower limit.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_spinbutton_set_limits, void, HWND handle, long upper, long lower)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM3(handle, upper, lower)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM3(handle, HWND, upper, long, lower, long)
    DWSpinButton *spinbutton = handle;
    UIStepper *stepper = [spinbutton stepper];
    [stepper setMinimumValue:(double)lower];
    [stepper setMaximumValue:(double)upper];

 * Returns the current value of the spinbutton.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the spinbutton to be queried.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_spinbutton_get_pos, long, HWND handle)
DW_FUNCTION_RETURN(dw_spinbutton_get_pos, long)
    DWSpinButton *spinbutton = handle;
    long retval;
    UIStepper *stepper = [spinbutton stepper];
    retval = (long)[stepper value];

 * Create a new radiobutton window (widget) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       text: The text to be display by the static text widget.
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_radiobutton_new, HWND, const char *text, ULONG cid)
DW_FUNCTION_RETURN(dw_radiobutton_new, HWND)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM2(text, const char *, cid, ULONG)
    DWButton *button = _dw_internal_button_new(text, cid);
    [button setType:_DW_BUTTON_TYPE_RADIO];

 * Create a new slider window (widget) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       vertical: TRUE or FALSE if slider is vertical.
 *       increments: Number of increments available.
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_slider_new, HWND, int DW_UNUSED(vertical), int increments, ULONG cid)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM3(vertical, increments, cid)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM3(DW_UNUSED(vertical), int, increments, int, cid, ULONG)
    DWSlider *slider = [[[DWSlider alloc] init] retain];
    [slider setMaximumValue:(double)increments];
    [slider setMinimumValue:0];
    [slider setContinuous:YES];
    [slider addTarget:slider
    [slider setTag:cid];

 * Returns the position of the slider.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the slider to be queried.
unsigned int API dw_slider_get_pos(HWND handle)
    DWSlider *slider = handle;
    double val = [slider value];
    return (int)val;

 * Sets the slider position.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the slider to be set.
 *          position: Position of the slider withing the range.
void API dw_slider_set_pos(HWND handle, unsigned int position)
    DWSlider *slider = handle;
    [slider setValue:(double)position];

 * Create a new scrollbar window (widget) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       vertical: TRUE or FALSE if scrollbar is vertical.
 *       increments: Number of increments available.
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
HWND API dw_scrollbar_new(int vertical, ULONG cid)
    /*TODO: Implement scrollbars if possible */
    return 0;

 * Returns the position of the scrollbar.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the scrollbar to be queried.
unsigned int API dw_scrollbar_get_pos(HWND handle)
    /*TODO: Implement scrollbars if possible */
    return 0;

 * Sets the scrollbar position.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the scrollbar to be set.
 *          position: Position of the scrollbar withing the range.
void API dw_scrollbar_set_pos(HWND handle, unsigned int position)
    /*TODO: Implement scrollbars if possible */

 * Sets the scrollbar range.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the scrollbar to be set.
 *          range: Maximum range value.
 *          visible: Visible area relative to the range.
void API dw_scrollbar_set_range(HWND handle, unsigned int range, unsigned int visible)
    /*TODO: Implement scrollbars if possible */

 * Create a new percent bar window (widget) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
DW_FUNCTION_RETURN(dw_percent_new, HWND)
    DWPercent *percent = [[[DWPercent alloc] init] retain];
    [percent setTag:cid];

 * Sets the percent bar position.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the percent bar to be set.
 *          position: Position of the percent bar withing the range.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_percent_set_pos, void, HWND handle, unsigned int position)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM2(handle, position)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM2(handle, HWND, position, unsigned int)
    DWPercent *percent = handle;

    /* Handle indeterminate */
    if(position == DW_PERCENT_INDETERMINATE)
        [percent setProgress:0 animated:NO];
        /* Handle normal */
        [percent setProgress:(float)position/100.0 animated:YES];

 * Create a new checkbox window (widget) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       text: The text to be display by the static text widget.
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_checkbox_new, HWND, const char *text, ULONG cid)
DW_FUNCTION_RETURN(dw_checkbox_new, HWND)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM2(text, const char *, cid, ULONG)
    DWButton *button = _dw_internal_button_new(text, cid);
    [button setType:_DW_BUTTON_TYPE_CHECK];

 * Returns the state of the checkbox.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the checkbox to be queried.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_checkbox_get, int, HWND handle)
DW_FUNCTION_RETURN(dw_checkbox_get, int)
    DWButton *button = handle;
    int retval = FALSE;

    if([button state])
        retval = TRUE;

 * Sets the state of the checkbox.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the checkbox to be queried.
 *          value: TRUE for checked, FALSE for unchecked.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_checkbox_set, void, HWND handle, int value)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM2(handle, value)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM2(handle, HWND, value, int)
    DWButton *button = handle;
    [button setState:value];

/* Internal common function to create containers and listboxes */
HWND _dw_cont_new(ULONG cid, int multi)
    DWContainer *cont = [[[DWContainer alloc] init] retain];

    [cont setAllowsMultipleSelection:(multi ? YES : NO)];
    [cont setDataSource:cont];
    [cont setDelegate:cont];
    [cont setTag:cid];
    [cont autorelease];
    return cont;

 * Create a new listbox window (widget) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
 *       multi: Multiple select TRUE or FALSE.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_listbox_new, HWND, ULONG cid, int multi)
DW_FUNCTION_RETURN(dw_listbox_new, HWND)
    DWContainer *cont = _dw_cont_new(cid, multi);
    [cont setup];
    [cont addColumn:@"" andType:DW_CFA_STRING];

 * Appends the specified text to the listbox's (or combobox) entry list.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the listbox to be appended to.
 *          text: Text to append into listbox.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_listbox_append, void, HWND handle, const char *text)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM2(handle, text)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM2(handle, HWND, text, char *)
    id object = handle;

    if([object isMemberOfClass:[DWComboBox class]])
        DWComboBox *combo = handle;

        [combo append:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:text]];
    else if([object isMemberOfClass:[DWContainer class]])
        DWContainer *cont = handle;
        NSString *nstr = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:text];
        NSArray *newrow = [NSArray arrayWithObject:_dw_table_cell_view_new(nil, nstr)];

        [cont addRow:newrow];
        [cont reloadData];
        [cont setNeedsDisplay];

 * Inserts the specified text into the listbox's (or combobox) entry list.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the listbox to be inserted into.
 *          text: Text to insert into listbox.
 *          pos: 0-based position to insert text
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_listbox_insert, void, HWND handle, const char *text, int pos)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM3(handle, text, pos)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM3(handle, HWND, text, const char *, pos, int)
    id object = handle;

    if([object isMemberOfClass:[DWComboBox class]])
        DWComboBox *combo = handle;

        [combo insert:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:text] atIndex:pos];
    else if([object isMemberOfClass:[DWContainer class]])
        DWContainer *cont = handle;
        NSString *nstr = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:text];
        NSArray *newrow = [NSArray arrayWithObject:_dw_table_cell_view_new(nil, nstr)];

        [cont insertRow:newrow at:pos];
        [cont reloadData];
        [cont setNeedsDisplay];

 * Appends the specified text items to the listbox's (or combobox) entry list.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the listbox to be appended to.
 *          text: Text strings to append into listbox.
 *          count: Number of text strings to append
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_listbox_list_append, void, HWND handle, char **text, int count)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM3(handle, text, count)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM3(handle, HWND, text, char **, count, int)
    id object = handle;

    if([object isMemberOfClass:[DWComboBox class]])
        DWComboBox *combo = handle;
        int z;

            NSString *nstr = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:text[z]];

            [combo append:nstr];
    else if([object isMemberOfClass:[DWContainer class]])
        DWContainer *cont = handle;
        int z;

            NSString *nstr = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:text[z]];
            NSArray *newrow = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:_dw_table_cell_view_new(nil, nstr),nil];

            [cont addRow:newrow];
        [cont reloadData];
        [cont setNeedsDisplay];

 * Clears the listbox's (or combobox) list of all entries.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the listbox to be cleared.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_listbox_clear, void, HWND handle)
    id object = handle;

    if([object isMemberOfClass:[DWComboBox class]])
        DWComboBox *combo = handle;

        [combo clear];
    if([object isMemberOfClass:[DWContainer class]])
        DWContainer *cont = handle;

        [cont clear];
        [cont reloadData];
        [cont setNeedsDisplay];

 * Returns the listbox's item count.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the listbox to be cleared.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_listbox_count, int, HWND handle)
DW_FUNCTION_RETURN(dw_listbox_count, int)
    id object = handle;
    int result = 0;

    if([object isMemberOfClass:[DWComboBox class]])
        DWComboBox *combo = handle;

        result = [combo count];
    else if([object isMemberOfClass:[DWContainer class]])
        DWContainer *cont = handle;
        result = (int)[cont numberOfRowsInSection:0];

 * Sets the topmost item in the viewport.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the listbox to be cleared.
 *          top: Index to the top item.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_listbox_set_top, void, HWND handle, int top)
    id object = handle;

    if([object isMemberOfClass:[DWContainer class]])
        DWContainer *cont = handle;
        NSIndexPath *myIP = [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:top inSection:0];

        [cont scrollToRowAtIndexPath:myIP atScrollPosition:UITableViewScrollPositionNone animated:NO];

 * Copies the given index item's text into buffer.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the listbox to be queried.
 *          index: Index into the list to be queried.
 *          buffer: Buffer where text will be copied.
 *          length: Length of the buffer (including NULL).
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_listbox_get_text, void, HWND handle, unsigned int index, char *buffer, unsigned int length)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM4(handle, index, buffer, length)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM4(handle, HWND, index, unsigned int, buffer, char *, length, unsigned int)
    id object = handle;

    if([object isMemberOfClass:[DWComboBox class]])
        DWComboBox *combo = handle;
        NSString *nstr = [combo getTextAtIndex:index];

            strncpy(buffer, [nstr UTF8String], length - 1);
            *buffer = '\0';
    else if([object isMemberOfClass:[DWContainer class]])
        DWContainer *cont = handle;
        int count = (int)[cont numberOfRowsInSection:0];

        if(index > count)
            *buffer = '\0';
            UITableViewCell *cell = [cont getRow:index and:0];
            NSString *nstr = [[cell textLabel] text];

            strncpy(buffer, [nstr UTF8String], length - 1);

 * Sets the text of a given listbox entry.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the listbox to be queried.
 *          index: Index into the list to be queried.
 *          buffer: Buffer where text will be copied.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_listbox_set_text, void, HWND handle, unsigned int index, const char *buffer)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM3(handle, index, buffer)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM3(handle, HWND, index, unsigned int, buffer, char *)
    id object = handle;

    if([object isMemberOfClass:[DWComboBox class]])
        DWComboBox *combo = handle;

        [combo setText:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:buffer] atIndex:index];
    else if([object isMemberOfClass:[DWContainer class]])
        DWContainer *cont = handle;
        int count = (int)[cont numberOfRowsInSection:0];

        if(index <= count)
            NSString *nstr = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:buffer];
            UITableViewCell *cell = [cont getRow:index and:0];

            [[cell textLabel] setText:nstr];
            [cont reloadData];
            [cont setNeedsDisplay];

 * Returns the index to the item in the list currently selected.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the listbox to be queried.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_listbox_selected, int, HWND handle)
DW_FUNCTION_RETURN(dw_listbox_selected, int)
    id object = handle;
    int result = -1;

    if([object isMemberOfClass:[DWComboBox class]])
        DWComboBox *combo = handle;

        result = [combo selectedIndex];
    else if([object isMemberOfClass:[DWContainer class]])
        DWContainer *cont = handle;
        NSIndexPath *ip = [cont indexPathForSelectedRow];

            result = (int)ip.row;

 * Returns the index to the current selected item or -1 when done.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the listbox to be queried.
 *          where: Either the previous return or -1 to restart.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_listbox_selected_multi, int, HWND handle, int where)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM2(handle, where)
DW_FUNCTION_RETURN(dw_listbox_selected_multi, int)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM2(handle, HWND, where, int)
    id object = handle;
    int retval = -1;

    if([object isMemberOfClass:[DWContainer class]])
        DWContainer *cont = handle;
        NSArray *selected = [cont indexPathsForSelectedRows];
        NSIndexPath *ip = [selected objectAtIndex:(where == -1 ? 0 :where)];

            retval = (int)ip.row;

 * Sets the selection state of a given index.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the listbox to be set.
 *          index: Item index.
 *          state: TRUE if selected FALSE if unselected.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_listbox_select, void, HWND handle, int index, DW_UNUSED(int state))
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM3(handle, index, state)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM3(handle, HWND, index, int, DW_UNUSED(state), int)
    id object = handle;

    if([object isMemberOfClass:[DWContainer class]])
        DWContainer *cont = handle;
        NSIndexPath *ip = [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:index inSection:0];
        [cont selectRowAtIndexPath:ip

 * Deletes the item with given index from the list.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the listbox to be set.
 *          index: Item index.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_listbox_delete, void, HWND handle, int index)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM2(handle, index)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM2(handle, HWND, index, int)
    id object = handle;

    if([object isMemberOfClass:[DWComboBox class]])
        DWComboBox *combo = handle;

        [combo deleteAtIndex:index];
    else if([object isMemberOfClass:[DWContainer class]])
        DWContainer *cont = handle;

        [cont removeRow:index];
        [cont reloadData];
        [cont setNeedsDisplay];

 * Create a new Combobox window (widget) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       text: The default text to be in the combpbox widget.
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_combobox_new, HWND, const char *text, ULONG cid)
DW_FUNCTION_RETURN(dw_combobox_new, HWND)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM2(text, const char *, cid, ULONG)
    DWComboBox *combo = [[DWComboBox alloc] init];
        [combo setText:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:text]];
    [combo setTag:cid];

 * Create a new Multiline Editbox window (widget) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
    CGRect frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, 100, 50);
    NSTextContainer *tc = [[NSTextContainer alloc] initWithSize:frame.size];
    NSLayoutManager *lm = [[NSLayoutManager alloc] init];
    NSTextStorage *ts = [[NSTextStorage alloc] init];
    [lm addTextContainer:tc];
    [ts addLayoutManager:lm];
    DWMLE *mle = [[[DWMLE alloc] initWithFrame:frame textContainer:tc] retain];
    CGSize size = [mle intrinsicContentSize];

    size.width = size.height;
    [mle setAutoresizingMask:UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight|UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth];
    [mle setTag:cid];
    [mle autorelease];

 * Adds text to an MLE box and returns the current point.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the MLE to be queried.
 *          buffer: Text buffer to be imported.
 *          startpoint: Point to start entering text.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_mle_import, unsigned int, HWND handle, const char *buffer, int startpoint)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM3(handle, buffer, startpoint)
DW_FUNCTION_RETURN(dw_mle_import, unsigned int)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM3(handle, HWND, buffer, const char *, startpoint, int)
    DWMLE *mle = handle;
    unsigned int retval;
    NSTextStorage *ts = [mle textStorage];
    NSString *nstr = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:buffer];
    UIColor *fgcolor = [mle textColor];
    UIFont *font = [mle font];
    NSMutableDictionary *attributes = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
    [attributes setObject:(fgcolor ? fgcolor : [UIColor labelColor]) forKey:NSForegroundColorAttributeName];
        [attributes setObject:font forKey:NSFontAttributeName];
    NSAttributedString *nastr = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:nstr attributes:attributes];
    NSUInteger length = [ts length];
    if(startpoint < 0)
        startpoint = 0;
    if(startpoint > length)
        startpoint = (int)length;
    [ts insertAttributedString:nastr atIndex:startpoint];
    retval = (unsigned int)strlen(buffer) + startpoint;

 * Grabs text from an MLE box.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the MLE to be queried.
 *          buffer: Text buffer to be exported.
 *          startpoint: Point to start grabbing text.
 *          length: Amount of text to be grabbed.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_mle_export, void, HWND handle, char *buffer, int startpoint, int length)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM4(handle, buffer, startpoint, length)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM4(handle, HWND, buffer, char *, startpoint, int, length, int)
    DWMLE *mle = handle;
    NSTextStorage *ts = [mle textStorage];
    NSMutableString *ms = [ts mutableString];
    const char *tmp = [ms UTF8String];
    strncpy(buffer, tmp+startpoint, length);
    buffer[length] = '\0';

 * Obtains information about an MLE box.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the MLE to be queried.
 *          bytes: A pointer to a variable to return the total bytes.
 *          lines: A pointer to a variable to return the number of lines.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_mle_get_size, void, HWND handle, unsigned long *bytes, unsigned long *lines)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM3(handle, bytes, lines)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM3(handle, HWND, bytes, unsigned long *, lines, unsigned long *)
    DWMLE *mle = handle;
    NSTextStorage *ts = [mle textStorage];
    NSMutableString *ms = [ts mutableString];
    NSUInteger numberOfLines, index, stringLength = [ms length];

        *bytes = stringLength;
        for(index=0, numberOfLines=0; index < stringLength; numberOfLines++)
            index = NSMaxRange([ms lineRangeForRange:NSMakeRange(index, 0)]);

        *lines = numberOfLines;

 * Deletes text from an MLE box.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the MLE to be deleted from.
 *          startpoint: Point to start deleting text.
 *          length: Amount of text to be deleted.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_mle_delete, void, HWND handle, int startpoint, int length)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM3(handle, startpoint, length)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM3(handle, HWND, startpoint, int, length, int)
    DWMLE *mle = handle;
    NSTextStorage *ts = [mle textStorage];
    NSMutableString *ms = [ts mutableString];
    NSUInteger mslength = [ms length];
    if(startpoint < 0)
        startpoint = 0;
    if(startpoint > mslength)
        startpoint = (int)mslength;
    if(startpoint + length > mslength)
        length = (int)mslength - startpoint;
    [ms deleteCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(startpoint, length)];

 * Clears all text from an MLE box.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the MLE to be cleared.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_mle_clear, void, HWND handle)
    DWMLE *mle = handle;
    NSTextStorage *ts = [mle textStorage];
    NSMutableString *ms = [ts mutableString];
    NSUInteger length = [ms length];
    [ms deleteCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(0, length)];

 * Sets the visible line of an MLE box.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the MLE to be positioned.
 *          line: Line to be visible.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_mle_set_visible, void, HWND handle, int line)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM2(handle, line)
    DWMLE *mle = handle;
    NSTextStorage *ts = [mle textStorage];
    NSMutableString *ms = [ts mutableString];
    NSUInteger numberOfLines, index, stringLength = [ms length];

    for(index=0, numberOfLines=0; index < stringLength && numberOfLines < line; numberOfLines++)
        index = NSMaxRange([ms lineRangeForRange:NSMakeRange(index, 0)]);

    if(line == numberOfLines)
        [mle scrollRangeToVisible:[ms lineRangeForRange:NSMakeRange(index, 0)]];

 * Sets the editablity of an MLE box.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the MLE.
 *          state: TRUE if it can be edited, FALSE for readonly.
void API dw_mle_set_editable(HWND handle, int state)
    DWMLE *mle = handle;
        [mle setEditable:YES];
        [mle setEditable:NO];

 * Sets the word wrap state of an MLE box.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the MLE.
 *          state: TRUE if it wraps, FALSE if it doesn't.
void API dw_mle_set_word_wrap(HWND handle, int state)
    /* TODO: Figure out how to do this in iOS */

 * Sets the word auto complete state of an MLE box.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the MLE.
 *          state: Bitwise combination of DW_MLE_COMPLETE_TEXT/DASH/QUOTE
void API dw_mle_set_auto_complete(HWND handle, int state)
    /* TODO: Figure out how to do this in iOS */

 * Sets the current cursor position of an MLE box.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the MLE to be positioned.
 *          point: Point to position cursor.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_mle_set_cursor, void, HWND handle, int point)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM2(handle, point)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM2(handle, HWND, point, int)
    DWMLE *mle = handle;
    NSTextStorage *ts = [mle textStorage];
    NSMutableString *ms = [ts mutableString];
    NSUInteger length = [ms length];
    if(point < 0)
        point = 0;
    if(point > length)
        point = (int)length;
    [mle setSelectedRange: NSMakeRange(point,point)];
    [mle scrollRangeToVisible:NSMakeRange(point,point)];

 * Finds text in an MLE box.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the MLE to be cleared.
 *          text: Text to search for.
 *          point: Start point of search.
 *          flags: Search specific flags.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_mle_search, int, HWND handle, const char *text, int point, unsigned long flags)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM4(handle, text, point, flags)
DW_FUNCTION_RETURN(dw_mle_search, int)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM4(handle, HWND, text, const char *, point, int, flags, unsigned long)
    DWMLE *mle = handle;
    NSTextStorage *ts = [mle textStorage];
    NSMutableString *ms = [ts mutableString];
    NSString *searchForMe = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:text];
    NSRange searchRange = NSMakeRange(point, [ms length] - point);
    NSRange range = NSMakeRange(NSNotFound, 0);
    NSUInteger options = flags ? flags : NSCaseInsensitiveSearch;
    int retval = -1;

        range = [ms rangeOfString:searchForMe options:options range:searchRange];
    if(range.location == NSNotFound)
        retval = (int)range.location;

 * Stops redrawing of an MLE box.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the MLE to freeze.
void API dw_mle_freeze(HWND handle)
    /* Don't think this is necessary */

 * Resumes redrawing of an MLE box.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the MLE to thaw.
void API dw_mle_thaw(HWND handle)
    /* Don't think this is necessary */

 * Create a new status text window (widget) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       text: The text to be display by the static text widget.
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
HWND API dw_status_text_new(const char *text, ULONG cid)
    return dw_text_new(text, cid);

 * Create a new static text window (widget) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       text: The text to be display by the static text widget.
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_text_new, HWND, const char *text, ULONG cid)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM2(text, const char *, cid, ULONG)
    DWText *textfield = [[[DWText alloc] init] retain];
    [textfield setText:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:text]];
    [textfield setTag:cid];
        [textfield setFont:DWDefaultFont];

 * Creates a rendering context widget (window) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       id: An id to be used with dw_window_from_id.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to the widget or NULL on failure.
    DWRender *render = [[[DWRender alloc] init] retain];
    [render setTag:cid];

 * Invalidate the render widget triggering an expose event.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: A handle to a render widget to be redrawn.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_render_redraw, void, HWND handle)
    DWRender *render = (DWRender *)handle;

    [render setNeedsDisplay];

/* Sets the current foreground drawing color.
 * Parameters:
 *       red: red value.
 *       green: green value.
 *       blue: blue value.
void API dw_color_foreground_set(unsigned long value)
    UIColor *oldcolor = pthread_getspecific(_dw_fg_color_key);
    UIColor *newcolor;

    _dw_foreground = _dw_get_color(value);

    newcolor = [[UIColor colorWithRed:  DW_RED_VALUE(_dw_foreground)/255.0 green:
                                        DW_GREEN_VALUE(_dw_foreground)/255.0 blue:
                                        DW_BLUE_VALUE(_dw_foreground)/255.0 alpha: 1] retain];
    pthread_setspecific(_dw_fg_color_key, newcolor);
    [oldcolor release];

/* Sets the current background drawing color.
 * Parameters:
 *       red: red value.
 *       green: green value.
 *       blue: blue value.
void API dw_color_background_set(unsigned long value)
    UIColor *oldcolor = pthread_getspecific(_dw_bg_color_key);
    UIColor *newcolor;

    if(value == DW_CLR_DEFAULT)
        pthread_setspecific(_dw_bg_color_key, NULL);
        _dw_background = _dw_get_color(value);

        newcolor = [[UIColor colorWithRed:  DW_RED_VALUE(_dw_background)/255.0 green:
                                            DW_GREEN_VALUE(_dw_background)/255.0 blue:
                                            DW_BLUE_VALUE(_dw_background)/255.0 alpha: 1] retain];
        pthread_setspecific(_dw_bg_color_key, newcolor);
    [oldcolor release];

/* Allows the user to choose a color using the system's color chooser dialog.
 * Parameters:
 *       value: current color
 * Returns:
 *       The selected color or the current color if cancelled.
unsigned long API dw_color_choose(unsigned long value)
    NSMutableArray *params = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObject:[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLong:value]];
    unsigned long newcolor = value;

    [DWObj safeCall:@selector(colorPicker:) withObject:params];
    if([params count] > 1)
        newcolor = [[params lastObject] unsignedLongValue];

    return newcolor;

CGContextRef _dw_draw_context(id source, bool antialiased)
    CGContextRef context = nil;

    if([source isMemberOfClass:[DWImage class]])
        DWImage *image = source;

        context = [image cgcontext];
        CGContextSetAllowsAntialiasing(context, antialiased);
    return context;

DWImage *_dw_dest_image(HPIXMAP pixmap, id object)
    if(pixmap && pixmap->image)
        return pixmap->image;
    if([object isMemberOfClass:[DWRender class]])
        return [object cachedImage];
    return nil;

/* Draw a point on a window (preferably a render window).
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
 *       pixmap: Handle to the pixmap. (choose only one of these)
 *       x: X coordinate.
 *       y: Y coordinate.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_draw_point, void, HWND handle, HPIXMAP pixmap, int x, int y)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM4(handle, pixmap, x, y)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM4(handle, HWND, pixmap, HPIXMAP, x, int, y, int)
    DWImage *bi = _dw_dest_image(pixmap, handle);
    CGContextRef context = _dw_draw_context(bi, NO);

        UIBezierPath* aPath = [UIBezierPath bezierPath];
        [aPath setLineWidth: 0.5];
        UIColor *color = pthread_getspecific(_dw_fg_color_key);
        [color set];

        [aPath moveToPoint:CGPointMake(x, y)];
        [aPath stroke];

/* Draw a line on a window (preferably a render window).
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
 *       pixmap: Handle to the pixmap. (choose only one of these)
 *       x1: First X coordinate.
 *       y1: First Y coordinate.
 *       x2: Second X coordinate.
 *       y2: Second Y coordinate.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_draw_line, void, HWND handle, HPIXMAP pixmap, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM6(handle, pixmap, x1, y1, x2, y2)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM6(handle, HWND, pixmap, HPIXMAP, x1, int, y1, int, x2, int, y2, int)
    DWImage *bi = _dw_dest_image(pixmap, handle);
    CGContextRef context = _dw_draw_context(bi, NO);


        UIBezierPath* aPath = [UIBezierPath bezierPath];
        UIColor *color = pthread_getspecific(_dw_fg_color_key);
        [color set];

        [aPath moveToPoint:CGPointMake(x1 + 0.5, y1 + 0.5)];
        [aPath addLineToPoint:CGPointMake(x2 + 0.5, y2 + 0.5)];
        [aPath stroke];

/* Draw text on a window (preferably a render window).
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
 *       pixmap: Handle to the pixmap. (choose only one of these)
 *       x: X coordinate.
 *       y: Y coordinate.
 *       text: Text to be displayed.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_draw_text, void, HWND handle, HPIXMAP pixmap, int x, int y, const char *text)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM5(handle, pixmap, x, y, text)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM5(handle, HWND, pixmap, HPIXMAP, x, int, y, int, text, const char *)
    NSString *nstr = [ NSString stringWithUTF8String:text ];
    DWImage *bi = nil;
    UIFont *font = nil;
    DWRender *render;
    id image = handle;

        bi = (id)pixmap->image;
        font = pixmap->font;
        render = pixmap->handle;
        if(!font && [render isMemberOfClass:[DWRender class]])
            font = [render font];
    else if(image && [image isMemberOfClass:[DWRender class]])
        render = image;
        font = [render font];
        bi = [render cachedImage];
        CGContextRef context = _dw_draw_context(bi, NO);


        UIColor *fgcolor = pthread_getspecific(_dw_fg_color_key);
        UIColor *bgcolor = pthread_getspecific(_dw_bg_color_key);
        NSMutableDictionary *dict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:fgcolor, NSForegroundColorAttributeName, nil];
            [dict setValue:bgcolor forKey:NSBackgroundColorAttributeName];
            [dict setValue:font forKey:NSFontAttributeName];
        [nstr drawAtPoint:CGPointMake(x, y) withAttributes:dict];
        [dict release];

/* Query the width and height of a text string.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
 *       pixmap: Handle to the pixmap. (choose only one of these)
 *       text: Text to be queried.
 *       width: Pointer to a variable to be filled in with the width.
 *       height Pointer to a variable to be filled in with the height.
void API dw_font_text_extents_get(HWND handle, HPIXMAP pixmap, const char *text, int *width, int *height)
    id object = handle;
    NSString *nstr;
    UIFont *font = nil;

    nstr = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:text];

    /* Check the pixmap for associated object or font */
        object = pixmap->handle;
        font = pixmap->font;
    NSMutableDictionary *dict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
    /* If we didn't get a font from the pixmap... try the associated object */
    if(!font && ([object isMemberOfClass:[DWRender class]] || [object isKindOfClass:[UIControl class]]
                 || [object isKindOfClass:[UILabel class]]))
        font = [object font];
    /* If we got a font... add it to the dictionary */
        [dict setValue:font forKey:NSFontAttributeName];
    /* Calculate the size of the string */
    CGSize size = [nstr sizeWithAttributes:dict];
    [dict release];
    /* Return whatever information we can */
        *width = size.width;
        *height = size.height;

/* Draw a polygon on a window (preferably a render window).
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
 *       pixmap: Handle to the pixmap. (choose only one of these)
 *       flags: DW_DRAW_FILL (1) to fill the polygon or DW_DRAW_DEFAULT (0).
 *       x: X coordinate.
 *       y: Y coordinate.
 *       width: Width of rectangle.
 *       height: Height of rectangle.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_draw_polygon, void, HWND handle, HPIXMAP pixmap, int flags, int npoints, int *x, int *y)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM6(handle, pixmap, flags, npoints, x, y)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM6(handle, HWND, pixmap, HPIXMAP, flags, int, npoints, int, x, int *, y, int *)
    DWImage *bi = _dw_dest_image(pixmap, handle);
    CGContextRef context = _dw_draw_context(bi, flags & DW_DRAW_NOAA ? NO : YES);


        UIBezierPath* aPath = [UIBezierPath bezierPath];
        UIColor *color = pthread_getspecific(_dw_fg_color_key);
        int z;

        [color set];

        [aPath moveToPoint:CGPointMake(*x + 0.5, *y + 0.5)];
            [aPath addLineToPoint:CGPointMake(x[z] + 0.5, y[z] + 0.5)];
        [aPath closePath];
        if(flags & DW_DRAW_FILL)
            [aPath fill];
            [aPath stroke];

/* Draw a rectangle on a window (preferably a render window).
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
 *       pixmap: Handle to the pixmap. (choose only one of these)
 *       flags: DW_DRAW_FILL (1) to fill the box or DW_DRAW_DEFAULT (0).
 *       x: X coordinate.
 *       y: Y coordinate.
 *       width: Width of rectangle.
 *       height: Height of rectangle.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_draw_rect, void, HWND handle, HPIXMAP pixmap, int flags, int x, int y, int width, int height)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM7(handle, pixmap, flags, x, y, width, height)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM7(handle, HWND, pixmap, HPIXMAP, flags, int, x, int, y, int, width, int, height, int)
    DWImage *bi = _dw_dest_image(pixmap, handle);
    CGContextRef context = _dw_draw_context(bi, flags & DW_DRAW_NOAA ? NO : YES);


        UIColor *color = pthread_getspecific(_dw_fg_color_key);
        UIBezierPath *bp = [UIBezierPath bezierPathWithRect:CGRectMake(x, y, width, height)];;
        [color set];

        if(flags & DW_DRAW_FILL)
            [bp fill];
            [bp stroke];

/* Draw an arc on a window (preferably a render window).
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
 *       pixmap: Handle to the pixmap. (choose only one of these)
 *       flags: DW_DRAW_FILL (1) to fill the arc or DW_DRAW_DEFAULT (0).
 *              DW_DRAW_FULL will draw a complete circle/elipse.
 *       xorigin: X coordinate of center of arc.
 *       yorigin: Y coordinate of center of arc.
 *       x1: X coordinate of first segment of arc.
 *       y1: Y coordinate of first segment of arc.
 *       x2: X coordinate of second segment of arc.
 *       y2: Y coordinate of second segment of arc.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_draw_arc, void, HWND handle, HPIXMAP pixmap, int flags, int xorigin, int yorigin, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM9(handle, pixmap, flags, xorigin, yorigin, x1, y1, x2, y2)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM9(handle, HWND, pixmap, HPIXMAP, flags, int, xorigin, int, yorigin, int, x1, int, y1, int, x2, int, y2, int)
    DWImage *bi = _dw_dest_image(pixmap, handle);
    CGContextRef context = _dw_draw_context(bi, flags & DW_DRAW_NOAA ? NO : YES);


        UIBezierPath* aPath;
        UIColor *color = pthread_getspecific(_dw_fg_color_key);
        [color set];

        /* Special case of a full circle/oval */
        if(flags & DW_DRAW_FULL)
            aPath = [UIBezierPath bezierPathWithOvalInRect:CGRectMake(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1)];
            double a1 = atan2((y1-yorigin), (x1-xorigin));
            double a2 = atan2((y2-yorigin), (x2-xorigin));
            double dx = xorigin - x1;
            double dy = yorigin - y1;
            double r = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);

            /* Prepare to draw */
            aPath = [UIBezierPath bezierPathWithArcCenter:CGPointMake(xorigin, yorigin)
                                                   radius:r startAngle:a1 endAngle:a2 clockwise:YES];
        /* If the fill flag is passed */
        if(flags & DW_DRAW_FILL)
            [aPath fill];
            [aPath stroke];

 * Create a tree object to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       id: An ID to be used for getting the resource from the
 *           resource file.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a tree window or NULL on failure.
HWND API dw_tree_new(ULONG cid)
    /* TODO: Implement tree for iOS if possible */
    return 0;

 * Inserts an item into a tree window (widget) after another item.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the tree to be inserted.
 *          item: Handle to the item to be positioned after.
 *          title: The text title of the entry.
 *          icon: Handle to coresponding icon.
 *          parent: Parent handle or 0 if root.
 *          itemdata: Item specific data.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a tree item or NULL on failure.
HTREEITEM API dw_tree_insert_after(HWND handle, HTREEITEM item, const char *title, HICN icon, HTREEITEM parent, void *itemdata)
    /* TODO: Implement tree for iOS if possible */
    return 0;

 * Inserts an item into a tree window (widget).
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the tree to be inserted.
 *          title: The text title of the entry.
 *          icon: Handle to coresponding icon.
 *          parent: Parent handle or 0 if root.
 *          itemdata: Item specific data.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a tree item or NULL on failure.
HTREEITEM API dw_tree_insert(HWND handle, const char *title, HICN icon, HTREEITEM parent, void *itemdata)
    /* TODO: Implement tree for iOS if possible */
    return 0;

 * Gets the text an item in a tree window (widget).
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the tree containing the item.
 *          item: Handle of the item to be modified.
 * Returns:
 *       A malloc()ed buffer of item text to be dw_free()ed or NULL on error.
char * API dw_tree_get_title(HWND handle, HTREEITEM item)
    /* TODO: Implement tree for iOS if possible */
    return NULL;

 * Gets the text an item in a tree window (widget).
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the tree containing the item.
 *          item: Handle of the item to be modified.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a tree item or NULL on failure.
HTREEITEM API dw_tree_get_parent(HWND handle, HTREEITEM item)
    /* TODO: Implement tree for iOS if possible */
    return 0;

 * Sets the text and icon of an item in a tree window (widget).
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the tree containing the item.
 *          item: Handle of the item to be modified.
 *          title: The text title of the entry.
 *          icon: Handle to coresponding icon.
void API dw_tree_item_change(HWND handle, HTREEITEM item, const char *title, HICN icon)
    /* TODO: Implement tree for iOS if possible */


 * Sets the item data of a tree item.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the tree containing the item.
 *          item: Handle of the item to be modified.
 *          itemdata: User defined data to be associated with item.
void API dw_tree_item_set_data(HWND handle, HTREEITEM item, void *itemdata)
    /* TODO: Implement tree for iOS if possible */


 * Gets the item data of a tree item.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the tree containing the item.
 *          item: Handle of the item to be modified.
 * Returns:
 *       A pointer to tree item data or NULL on failure.
void * API dw_tree_item_get_data(HWND handle, HTREEITEM item)
    /* TODO: Implement tree for iOS if possible */
   return NULL;

 * Sets this item as the active selection.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the tree window (widget) to be selected.
 *       item: Handle to the item to be selected.
void API dw_tree_item_select(HWND handle, HTREEITEM item)
    /* TODO: Implement tree for iOS if possible */

 * Removes all nodes from a tree.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window (widget) to be cleared.
void API dw_tree_clear(HWND handle)
    /* TODO: Implement tree for iOS if possible */

 * Expands a node on a tree.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the tree window (widget).
 *       item: Handle to node to be expanded.
void API dw_tree_item_expand(HWND handle, HTREEITEM item)
    /* TODO: Implement tree for iOS if possible */

 * Collapses a node on a tree.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the tree window (widget).
 *       item: Handle to node to be collapsed.
void API dw_tree_item_collapse(HWND handle, HTREEITEM item)
    /* TODO: Implement tree for iOS if possible */

 * Removes a node from a tree.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window (widget) to be cleared.
 *       item: Handle to node to be deleted.
void API dw_tree_item_delete(HWND handle, HTREEITEM item)
    /* TODO: Implement tree for iOS if possible */

 * Create a container object to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       id: An ID to be used for getting the resource from the
 *           resource file.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_container_new, HWND, ULONG cid, int multi)
DW_FUNCTION_RETURN(dw_container_new, HWND)
    DWContainer *cont = _dw_cont_new(cid, multi);

 * Sets up the container columns.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the container to be configured.
 *          flags: An array of unsigned longs with column flags.
 *          titles: An array of strings with column text titles.
 *          count: The number of columns (this should match the arrays).
 *          separator: The column number that contains the main separator.
 *                     (this item may only be used in OS/2)
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_container_setup, int, HWND handle, unsigned long *flags, char **titles, int count, int separator)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM5(handle, flags, titles, count, separator)
DW_FUNCTION_RETURN(dw_container_setup, int)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM5(handle, HWND, flags, unsigned long *, titles, char **, count, int, DW_UNUSED(separator), int)
    int z, retval = DW_ERROR_NONE;
    DWContainer *cont = handle;

    [cont setup];

        /* Even though we don't have columns on iOS, we save the data...
         * So we can simulate columns when displaying the data in the list.
        NSString *title = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:titles[z]];

        [cont addColumn:title andType:(int)flags[z]];

 * Configures the main filesystem columnn title for localization.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the container to be configured.
 *          title: The title to be displayed in the main column.
void API dw_filesystem_set_column_title(HWND handle, const char *title)
	char *newtitle = strdup(title ? title : "");
	dw_window_set_data(handle, "_dw_coltitle", newtitle);

 * Sets up the filesystem columns, note: filesystem always has an icon/filename field.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the container to be configured.
 *          flags: An array of unsigned longs with column flags.
 *          titles: An array of strings with column text titles.
 *          count: The number of columns (this should match the arrays).
int API dw_filesystem_setup(HWND handle, unsigned long *flags, char **titles, int count)
    char **newtitles = malloc(sizeof(char *) * (count + 1));
    unsigned long *newflags = malloc(sizeof(unsigned long) * (count + 1));
    char *coltitle = (char *)dw_window_get_data(handle, "_dw_coltitle");
    DWContainer *cont = handle;

    newtitles[0] = coltitle ? coltitle : "Filename";


    memcpy(&newtitles[1], titles, sizeof(char *) * count);
    memcpy(&newflags[1], flags, sizeof(unsigned long) * count);

    dw_container_setup(handle, newflags, newtitles, count + 1, 0);
    [cont setFilesystem:YES];

        dw_window_set_data(handle, "_dw_coltitle", NULL);
    return DW_ERROR_NONE;

 * Allocates memory used to populate a container.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the container window (widget).
 *          rowcount: The number of items to be populated.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_container_alloc, void *, HWND handle, int rowcount)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM2(handle, rowcount)
DW_FUNCTION_RETURN(dw_container_alloc, void *)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM2(handle, HWND, rowcount, int)
    DWContainer *cont = handle;
    [cont addRows:rowcount];

 * Sets an item in specified row and column to the given data.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the container window (widget).
 *          pointer: Pointer to the allocated memory in dw_container_alloc().
 *          column: Zero based column of data being set.
 *          row: Zero based row of data being set.
 *          data: Pointer to the data to be added.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_container_set_item, void, HWND handle, void *pointer, int column, int row, void *data)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM5(handle, pointer, column, row, data)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM5(handle, HWND, pointer, void *, column, int, row, int, data, void *)
    DWContainer *cont = handle;
    id icon = nil, text = nil;
    int type = [cont cellType:column];
    int lastadd = 0;

    /* If pointer is NULL we are getting a change request instead of set */
        lastadd = [cont lastAddPoint];

        if(type & DW_CFA_BITMAPORICON)
            icon = *((UIImage **)data);
        else if(type & DW_CFA_STRING)
            char *str = *((char **)data);
            text = [ NSString stringWithUTF8String:str ];
            char textbuffer[101] = {0};

            if(type & DW_CFA_ULONG)
                ULONG tmp = *((ULONG *)data);

                snprintf(textbuffer, 100, "%lu", tmp);
            else if(type & DW_CFA_DATE)
                struct tm curtm;
                CDATE cdate = *((CDATE *)data);

                memset( &curtm, 0, sizeof(curtm) );
                curtm.tm_mday =;
                curtm.tm_mon = cdate.month - 1;
                curtm.tm_year = cdate.year - 1900;

                strftime(textbuffer, 100, "%x", &curtm);
            else if(type & DW_CFA_TIME)
                struct tm curtm;
                CTIME ctime = *((CTIME *)data);

                memset( &curtm, 0, sizeof(curtm) );
                curtm.tm_hour = ctime.hours;
                curtm.tm_min = ctime.minutes;
                curtm.tm_sec = ctime.seconds;

                strftime(textbuffer, 100, "%X", &curtm);
                text = [ NSString stringWithUTF8String:textbuffer ];

    id object = [cont getRow:(row+lastadd) and:column];
    /* If it is a cell, change the content of the cell */
    if([object isMemberOfClass:[UITableViewCell class]])
        UITableViewCell *cell = object;

            [[cell imageView] setImage:icon];
            [[cell textLabel] setText:text];
    else /* Otherwise replace it with a new cell */
        [cont editCell:_dw_table_cell_view_new(icon, text) at:(row+lastadd) and:column];
    [cont setNeedsDisplay];

 * Changes an existing item in specified row and column to the given data.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the container window (widget).
 *          column: Zero based column of data being set.
 *          row: Zero based row of data being set.
 *          data: Pointer to the data to be added.
void API dw_container_change_item(HWND handle, int column, int row, void *data)
    dw_container_set_item(handle, NULL, column, row, data);

 * Changes an existing item in specified row and column to the given data.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the container window (widget).
 *          column: Zero based column of data being set.
 *          row: Zero based row of data being set.
 *          data: Pointer to the data to be added.
void API dw_filesystem_change_item(HWND handle, int column, int row, void *data)
    dw_container_change_item(handle, column+1, row, data);

 * Changes an item in specified row and column to the given data.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the container window (widget).
 *          pointer: Pointer to the allocated memory in dw_container_alloc().
 *          column: Zero based column of data being set.
 *          row: Zero based row of data being set.
 *          data: Pointer to the data to be added.
void API dw_filesystem_change_file(HWND handle, int row, const char *filename, HICN icon)
    dw_filesystem_set_file(handle, NULL, row, filename, icon);

 * Sets an item in specified row and column to the given data.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the container window (widget).
 *          pointer: Pointer to the allocated memory in dw_container_alloc().
 *          column: Zero based column of data being set.
 *          row: Zero based row of data being set.
 *          data: Pointer to the data to be added.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_filesystem_set_file, void, HWND handle, void *pointer, int row, const char *filename, HICN icon)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM5(handle, pointer, row, filename, icon)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM5(handle, HWND, pointer, void *, row, int, filename, char *, icon, HICN)
    DWContainer *cont = handle;
    NSString *text = filename ? [NSString stringWithUTF8String:filename] : nil;
    int lastadd = 0;

    /* If pointer is NULL we are getting a change request instead of set */
        lastadd = [cont lastAddPoint];

    id object = [cont getRow:(row+lastadd) and:0];
    /* If it is a cell, change the content of the cell */
    if([object isMemberOfClass:[UITableViewCell class]])
        UITableViewCell *cell = object;

            [[cell imageView] setImage:icon];
            [[cell textLabel] setText:text];
    else /* Otherwise replace it with a new cell */
        [cont editCell:_dw_table_cell_view_new(icon, text) at:(row+lastadd) and:0];
    [cont setNeedsDisplay];

 * Sets an item in specified row and column to the given data.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the container window (widget).
 *          pointer: Pointer to the allocated memory in dw_container_alloc().
 *          column: Zero based column of data being set.
 *          row: Zero based row of data being set.
 *          data: Pointer to the data to be added.
void API dw_filesystem_set_item(HWND handle, void *pointer, int column, int row, void *data)
    dw_container_set_item(handle, pointer, column+1, row, data);

 * Gets column type for a container column
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the container window (widget).
 *          column: Zero based column.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_container_get_column_type, int, HWND handle, int column)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM2(handle, column)
DW_FUNCTION_RETURN(dw_container_get_column_type, int)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM2(handle, HWND, column, int)
    DWContainer *cont = handle;
    int rc;
    int flag = [cont cellType:column];
    if(flag & DW_CFA_BITMAPORICON)
    else if(flag & DW_CFA_STRING)
        rc = DW_CFA_STRING;
    else if(flag & DW_CFA_ULONG)
        rc = DW_CFA_ULONG;
    else if(flag & DW_CFA_DATE)
        rc = DW_CFA_DATE;
    else if(flag & DW_CFA_TIME)
        rc = DW_CFA_TIME;
        rc = 0;

 * Gets column type for a filesystem container column
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the container window (widget).
 *          column: Zero based column.
int API dw_filesystem_get_column_type(HWND handle, int column)
    return dw_container_get_column_type(handle, column+1);

 * Sets the alternating row colors for container window (widget) handle.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: The window (widget) handle.
 *          oddcolor: Odd row background color in DW_RGB format or a default color index.
 *          evencolor: Even row background color in DW_RGB format or a default color index.
 *                    DW_RGB_TRANSPARENT will disable coloring rows.
 *                    DW_CLR_DEFAULT will use the system default alternating row colors.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_container_set_stripe, void, HWND handle, unsigned long oddcolor, unsigned long evencolor)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM3(handle, oddcolor, evencolor)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM3(handle, HWND, oddcolor, unsigned long, evencolor, unsigned long)
    DWContainer *cont = handle;
    [cont setRowBgOdd:oddcolor

 * Sets the width of a column in the container.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to window (widget) of container.
 *          column: Zero based column of width being set.
 *          width: Width of column in pixels.
void API dw_container_set_column_width(HWND handle, int column, int width)

 * Sets the title of a row in the container.
 * Parameters:
 *          pointer: Pointer to the allocated memory in dw_container_alloc().
 *          row: Zero based row of data being set.
 *          title: String title of the item.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_container_set_row_title, void, void *pointer, int row, const char *title)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM3(pointer, row, title)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM3(pointer, void *, row, int, title, char *)
    DWContainer *cont = pointer;
    int lastadd = [cont lastAddPoint];
    [cont setRow:(row+lastadd) title:title];

 * Sets the data pointer of a row in the container.
 * Parameters:
 *          pointer: Pointer to the allocated memory in dw_container_alloc().
 *          row: Zero based row of data being set.
 *          data: Data pointer.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_container_set_row_data, void, void *pointer, int row, void *data)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM3(pointer, row, data)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM3(pointer, void *, row, int, data, void *)
    DWContainer *cont = pointer;
    int lastadd = [cont lastAddPoint];
    [cont setRowData:(row+lastadd) title:data];

 * Sets the title of a row in the container.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to window (widget) of container.
 *          row: Zero based row of data being set.
 *          title: String title of the item.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_container_change_row_title, void, HWND handle, int row, const char *title)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM3(handle, row, title)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM3(handle, HWND, row, int, title, char *)
    DWContainer *cont = handle;
    [cont setRow:row title:title];

 * Sets the data pointer of a row in the container.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to window (widget) of container.
 *          row: Zero based row of data being set.
 *          data: Data pointer.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_container_change_row_data, void, HWND handle, int row, void *data)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM3(handle, row, data)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM3(handle, HWND, row, int, data, void *)
    DWContainer *cont = handle;
    [cont setRowData:row title:data];

 * Sets the title of a row in the container.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the container window (widget).
 *          pointer: Pointer to the allocated memory in dw_container_alloc().
 *          rowcount: The number of rows to be inserted.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_container_insert, void, HWND handle, void *pointer, int rowcount)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM3(handle, pointer, rowcount)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM3(handle, HWND, DW_UNUSED(pointer), void *, DW_UNUSED(rowcount), int)
    DWContainer *cont = handle;
    [cont reloadData];

 * Removes all rows from a container.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window (widget) to be cleared.
 *       redraw: TRUE to cause the container to redraw immediately.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_container_clear, void, HWND handle, int redraw)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM2(handle, redraw)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM2(handle, HWND, redraw, int)
    DWContainer *cont = handle;
    [cont clear];
        [cont reloadData];

 * Removes the first x rows from a container.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window (widget) to be deleted from.
 *       rowcount: The number of rows to be deleted.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_container_delete, void, HWND handle, int rowcount)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM2(handle, rowcount)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM2(handle, HWND, rowcount, int)
    DWContainer *cont = handle;
    int x;

        [cont removeRow:0];
    [cont reloadData];

 * Scrolls container up or down.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window (widget) to be scrolled.
 *       direction: DW_SCROLL_UP, DW_SCROLL_DOWN, DW_SCROLL_TOP or
 *                  DW_SCROLL_BOTTOM. (rows is ignored for last two)
 *       rows: The number of rows to be scrolled.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_container_scroll, void, HWND handle, int direction, DW_UNUSED(long rows))
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM3(handle, direction, rows)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM3(handle, HWND, direction, int, DW_UNUSED(rows), long)
    DWContainer *cont = handle;
    int rowcount = (int)[cont numberOfRowsInSection:0];
    CGPoint offset = [cont contentOffset];

    /* Safety check */
    if(rowcount < 1)

        case DW_SCROLL_TOP:
            offset.y = 0;
        case DW_SCROLL_BOTTOM:
            offset.y = [cont contentSize].height - [cont visibleSize].height;
        /* TODO: Currently scrolling a full page, need to use row parameter instead */
        case DW_SCROLL_UP:
            offset.y -= [cont visibleSize].height;
        case DW_SCROLL_DOWN:
            offset.y += [cont visibleSize].height;
    if(offset.y < 0)
        offset.y = 0;
    [cont setContentOffset:offset];

 * Starts a new query of a container.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window (widget) to be queried.
 *       flags: If this parameter is DW_CRA_SELECTED it will only
 *              return items that are currently selected.  Otherwise
 *              it will return all records in the container.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_container_query_start, char *, HWND handle, unsigned long flags)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM2(handle, flags)
DW_FUNCTION_RETURN(dw_container_query_start, char *)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM2(handle, HWND, flags, unsigned long)
    DWContainer *cont = handle;
    NSArray *selected = [cont indexPathsForSelectedRows];
    NSIndexPath *result = [selected firstObject];
    void *retval = NULL;

        if(flags & DW_CR_RETDATA)
            retval = [cont getRowData:(int)result.row];
            char *temp = [cont getRowTitle:(int)result.row];
               retval = strdup(temp);
        [cont setLastQueryPoint:1];

 * Continues an existing query of a container.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window (widget) to be queried.
 *       flags: If this parameter is DW_CRA_SELECTED it will only
 *              return items that are currently selected.  Otherwise
 *              it will return all records in the container.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_container_query_next, char *, HWND handle, unsigned long flags)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM2(handle, flags)
DW_FUNCTION_RETURN(dw_container_query_next, char *)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM2(handle, HWND, flags, unsigned long)
    DWContainer *cont = handle;
    int lastQueryPoint = [cont lastQueryPoint];
    NSArray *selected = [cont indexPathsForSelectedRows];
    NSIndexPath *result = lastQueryPoint < [selected count] ?  [selected objectAtIndex:lastQueryPoint] : nil;
    void *retval = NULL;

        if(flags & DW_CR_RETDATA)
            retval = [cont getRowData:(int)result.row];
            char *temp = [cont getRowTitle:(int)result.row];
               retval = strdup(temp);
        [cont setLastQueryPoint:(int)lastQueryPoint+1];

 * Cursors the item with the text speficied, and scrolls to that item.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window (widget) to be queried.
 *       text:  Text usually returned by dw_container_query().
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_container_cursor, void, HWND handle, const char *text)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM2(handle, text)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM2(handle, HWND, text, char *)
    DWContainer *cont = handle;
    char *thistext;
    int x, count = (int)[cont numberOfRowsInSection:0];

        thistext = [cont getRowTitle:x];

        if(thistext && strcmp(thistext, text) == 0)
            NSIndexPath *ip = [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:(NSUInteger)x inSection:0];

            [cont selectRowAtIndexPath:ip

 * Cursors the item with the data speficied, and scrolls to that item.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window (widget) to be queried.
 *       data: Data associated with the row.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_container_cursor_by_data, void, HWND handle, void *data)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM2(handle, data)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM2(handle, HWND, data, void *)
    DWContainer *cont = handle;
    void *thisdata;
    int x, count = (int)[cont numberOfRowsInSection:0];

        thisdata = [cont getRowData:x];

        if(thisdata == data)
            NSIndexPath *ip = [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:(NSUInteger)x inSection:0];

            [cont selectRowAtIndexPath:ip

 * Deletes the item with the text speficied.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window (widget).
 *       text:  Text usually returned by dw_container_query().
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_container_delete_row, void, HWND handle, const char *text)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM2(handle, text)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM2(handle, HWND, text, char *)
    DWContainer *cont = handle;
    char *thistext;
    int x, count = (int)[cont numberOfRowsInSection:0];

        thistext = [cont getRowTitle:x];

        if(thistext && strcmp(thistext, text) == 0)
            [cont removeRow:x];
            [cont reloadData];

 * Deletes the item with the data speficied.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window (widget).
 *       data: Data specified.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_container_delete_row_by_data, void, HWND handle, void *data)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM2(handle, data)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM2(handle, HWND, data, void *)
    DWContainer *cont = handle;
    void *thisdata;
    int x, count = (int)[cont numberOfRowsInSection:0];

        thisdata = [cont getRowData:x];

        if(thisdata == data)
            [cont removeRow:x];
            [cont reloadData];

 * Optimizes the column widths so that all data is visible.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window (widget) to be optimized.
void dw_container_optimize(HWND handle)
    /* TODO: Not sure if we need to implement this on iOS */

 * Inserts an icon into the taskbar.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Window handle that will handle taskbar icon messages.
 *       icon: Icon handle to display in the taskbar.
 *       bubbletext: Text to show when the mouse is above the icon.
void API dw_taskbar_insert(HWND handle, HICN icon, const char *bubbletext)

 * Deletes an icon from the taskbar.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Window handle that was used with dw_taskbar_insert().
 *       icon: Icon handle that was used with dw_taskbar_insert().
void API dw_taskbar_delete(HWND handle, HICN icon)

/* Internal function to keep HICNs from getting too big */
void _dw_icon_resize(UIImage *image)
        CGSize size = [image size];
        if(size.width > 24 || size.height > 24)
            if(size.width > 24)
                size.width = 24;
            if(size.height > 24)
                size.height = 24;
#if 0 /* TODO: UIImage is immutable, duplicate? */
            [image setSize:size];

/* Internal version that does not resize the image */
HICN _dw_icon_load(unsigned long resid)
    NSBundle *bundle = [NSBundle mainBundle];
    NSString *respath = [bundle resourcePath];
    NSString *filepath = [respath stringByAppendingFormat:@"/%lu.png", resid];
    UIImage *image = [[UIImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:filepath];
    return image;

 * Obtains an icon from a module (or header in GTK).
 * Parameters:
 *          module: Handle to module (DLL) in OS/2 and Windows.
 *          id: A unsigned long id int the resources on OS/2 and
 *              Windows, on GTK this is converted to a pointer
 *              to an embedded XPM.
HICN API dw_icon_load(unsigned long module, unsigned long resid)
    UIImage *image = _dw_icon_load(resid);
    return image;

 * Obtains an icon from a file.
 * Parameters:
 *       filename: Name of the file, omit extention to have
 *                 DW pick the appropriate file extension.
 *                 (ICO on OS/2 or Windows, XPM on Unix)
HICN API dw_icon_load_from_file(const char *filename)
    char *ext = _dw_get_image_extension( filename );

    NSString *nstr = [ NSString stringWithUTF8String:filename ];
    UIImage *image = [[UIImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:nstr];
    if(!image && ext)
        nstr = [nstr stringByAppendingString: [NSString stringWithUTF8String:ext]];
        image = [[UIImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:nstr];
    return image;

 * Obtains an icon from data
 * Parameters:
 *       filename: Name of the file, omit extention to have
 *                 DW pick the appropriate file extension.
 *                 (ICO on OS/2 or Windows, XPM on Unix)
HICN API dw_icon_load_from_data(const char *data, int len)
    NSData *thisdata = [NSData dataWithBytes:data length:len];
    UIImage *image = [[UIImage alloc] initWithData:thisdata];
    return image;

 * Frees a loaded resource in OS/2 and Windows.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to icon returned by dw_icon_load().
void API dw_icon_free(HICN handle)
    UIImage *image = handle;
    [image release];

 * Create a new MDI Frame to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id or 0L.
HWND API dw_mdi_new(unsigned long cid)
    /* There isn't anything like quite like MDI on MacOS...
     * However we will make floating windows that hide
     * when the application is deactivated to simulate
     * similar behavior.
    DWMDI *mdi = [[[DWMDI alloc] init] retain];
    [mdi setTag:cid];
    return mdi;

 * Creates a splitbar window (widget) with given parameters.
 * Parameters:
 *       type: Value can be DW_VERT or DW_HORZ.
 *       topleft: Handle to the window to be top or left.
 *       bottomright:  Handle to the window to be bottom or right.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a splitbar window or NULL on failure.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_splitbar_new, HWND, DW_UNUSED(int type), HWND topleft, HWND bottomright, unsigned long cid)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM4(type, topleft, bottomright, cid)
DW_FUNCTION_RETURN(dw_splitbar_new, HWND)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM4(DW_UNUSED(type), int, topleft, HWND, bottomright, HWND, cid, unsigned long)
    id tmpbox = dw_box_new(DW_VERT, 0);
    DWSplitBar *split = [[DWSplitBar alloc] init];
    UIViewController *vc = [[[UIViewController alloc] init] retain];
    [split setDelegate:split];
    dw_box_pack_start(tmpbox, topleft, 0, 0, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
    [vc setView:tmpbox];
    if (@available(iOS 14.0, *)) {
        [split setViewController:vc forColumn:UISplitViewControllerColumnPrimary];
    } else {
        [split addChildViewController:vc];
    [tmpbox autorelease];
    tmpbox = dw_box_new(DW_VERT, 0);
    dw_box_pack_start(tmpbox, bottomright, 0, 0, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
    vc = [[UIViewController alloc] init];
    [vc setView:tmpbox];
    if (@available(iOS 14.0, *)) {
        [split setViewController:vc forColumn:UISplitViewControllerColumnSecondary];
    } else {
        [split addChildViewController:vc];
    [tmpbox autorelease];
    [vc autorelease];
#if 0 /* TODO: All iOS splitbars are vertical */
    [split setVertical:(type == DW_VERT ? YES : NO)];
    /* Set the default percent to 50% split */
    [split setPercent:50.0];
    [split setTag:cid];

 * Sets the position of a splitbar (pecentage).
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: The handle to the splitbar returned by dw_splitbar_new().
 *       percent: The position of the splitbar.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_splitbar_set, void, HWND handle, float percent)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM2(handle, percent)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM2(handle, HWND, percent, float)
    DWSplitBar *split = handle;
    CGSize size = [split preferredContentSize];
    float pos;
    /* Calculate the position based on the size */
#if 0 /* TODO: iOS split views are always vertical */
    if(![split isVertical])
        pos = size.height * (percent / 100.0);
        pos = size.width * (percent / 100.0);
    if(pos > 0)
        if (@available(iOS 14.0, *)) {
            [split setPreferredPrimaryColumnWidth:pos];
        } else {
            /* TODO: Is this possible on earlier versions? */
        /* If we have no size.. wait until the resize
         * event when we get an actual size to try
         * to set the splitbar again.
        [split setPercent:percent];

 * Gets the position of a splitbar (pecentage).
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: The handle to the splitbar returned by dw_splitbar_new().
float API dw_splitbar_get(HWND handle)
    DWSplitBar *split = handle;
    float retval = 50.0;

    if (@available(iOS 14.0, *)) {
        float primary = [split primaryColumnWidth];
        float supplementary = [split supplementaryColumnWidth];
        retval = (primary / (primary + supplementary)) * 100.0;
    } else {
        /* TODO: If possible*/
    return retval;

/* Internal function to convert fontname to UIFont */
UIFont *_dw_font_by_name(const char *fontname)
    UIFont *font = DWDefaultFont;
        char *name = strchr(fontname, '.');

        if(name && (name++))
            UIFontDescriptorSymbolicTraits traits = 0;
            UIFontDescriptor* fd;
            int size = atoi(fontname);
            char *Italic = strstr(name, " Italic");
            char *Bold = strstr(name, " Bold");
            size_t len = (Italic ? (Bold ? (Italic > Bold ? (Bold - name) : (Italic - name)) : (Italic - name)) : (Bold ? (Bold - name) : strlen(name)));
            char *newname = alloca(len+1);

            memset(newname, 0, len+1);
            strncpy(newname, name, len);

                traits |= UIFontDescriptorTraitBold;
                traits |= UIFontDescriptorTraitItalic;

            fd = [UIFontDescriptor
                    fontDescriptorWithFontAttributes:@{UIFontDescriptorFamilyAttribute:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:newname],
                    UIFontDescriptorTraitsAttribute: @{UIFontSymbolicTrait:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:traits]}}];
            NSArray* matches = [fd matchingFontDescriptorsWithMandatoryKeys:
                                  [NSSet setWithObjects:UIFontDescriptorFamilyAttribute, UIFontDescriptorTraitsAttribute, nil]];
            if(matches.count != 0)
                font = [UIFont fontWithDescriptor:matches[0] size:size];
    return font;

 * Create a bitmap object to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
    UIImageView *bitmap = [[[UIImageView alloc] init] retain];
    [bitmap setTag:cid];

 * Creates a pixmap with given parameters.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Window handle the pixmap is associated with.
 *       width: Width of the pixmap in pixels.
 *       height: Height of the pixmap in pixels.
 *       depth: Color depth of the pixmap.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a pixmap or NULL on failure.
HPIXMAP API dw_pixmap_new(HWND handle, unsigned long width, unsigned long height, int depth)
    HPIXMAP pixmap = NULL;

    if((pixmap = calloc(1,sizeof(struct _hpixmap))))
        pixmap->width = width;
        pixmap->height = height;
        pixmap->handle = handle;
        pixmap->image = [[[DWImage alloc] initWithSize:CGSizeMake(width,height)] retain];
    return pixmap;

 * Creates a pixmap from a file.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Window handle the pixmap is associated with.
 *       filename: Name of the file, omit extention to have
 *                 DW pick the appropriate file extension.
 *                 (BMP on OS/2 or Windows, XPM on Unix)
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a pixmap or NULL on failure.
HPIXMAP API dw_pixmap_new_from_file(HWND handle, const char *filename)
    HPIXMAP pixmap;
    char *ext = _dw_get_image_extension( filename );

    if(!(pixmap = calloc(1,sizeof(struct _hpixmap))))
        return NULL;
    NSString *nstr = [ NSString stringWithUTF8String:filename ];
    UIImage *tmpimage = [[[UIImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:nstr] autorelease];
    if(!tmpimage && ext)
        nstr = [nstr stringByAppendingString: [NSString stringWithUTF8String:ext]];
        tmpimage = [[[UIImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:nstr] autorelease];
        return NULL;
    pixmap->width = [tmpimage size].width;
    pixmap->height = [tmpimage size].height;
    pixmap->image = [[DWImage alloc] initWithUIImage:tmpimage];
    pixmap->handle = handle;
    return pixmap;

 * Creates a pixmap from memory.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Window handle the pixmap is associated with.
 *       data: Source of the image data
 *                 (BMP on OS/2 or Windows, XPM on Unix)
 *       le: length of data
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a pixmap or NULL on failure.
HPIXMAP API dw_pixmap_new_from_data(HWND handle, const char *data, int len)
    HPIXMAP pixmap;

    if(!(pixmap = calloc(1,sizeof(struct _hpixmap))))
        return NULL;
    NSData *thisdata = [NSData dataWithBytes:data length:len];
    UIImage *tmpimage = [[[UIImage alloc] initWithData:thisdata] autorelease];
        return NULL;
    pixmap->width = [tmpimage size].width;
    pixmap->height = [tmpimage size].height;
    pixmap->image = [[DWImage alloc] initWithUIImage:tmpimage];
    pixmap->handle = handle;
    return pixmap;

 * Sets the transparent color for a pixmap
 * Parameters:
 *       pixmap: Handle to a pixmap returned by
 *               dw_pixmap_new..
 *       color:  transparent color
 * Note: This does nothing on Mac as transparency
 *       is handled automatically
void API dw_pixmap_set_transparent_color( HPIXMAP pixmap, ULONG color )
    /* Don't do anything */

 * Creates a pixmap from internal resource graphic specified by id.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Window handle the pixmap is associated with.
 *       id: Resource ID associated with requested pixmap.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a pixmap or NULL on failure.
HPIXMAP API dw_pixmap_grab(HWND handle, ULONG resid)
    HPIXMAP pixmap;

    if(!(pixmap = calloc(1,sizeof(struct _hpixmap))))
        return NULL;

    NSBundle *bundle = [NSBundle mainBundle];
    NSString *respath = [bundle resourcePath];
    NSString *filepath = [respath stringByAppendingFormat:@"/%lu.png", resid];
    UIImage *tmpimage = [[UIImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:filepath];

        pixmap->width = [tmpimage size].width;
        pixmap->height = [tmpimage size].height;
        pixmap->image = [[DWImage alloc] initWithUIImage:tmpimage];
        pixmap->handle = handle;
        return pixmap;
    return NULL;

 * Sets the font used by a specified pixmap.
 * Normally the pixmap font is obtained from the associated window handle.
 * However this can be used to override that, or for pixmaps with no window.
 * Parameters:
 *          pixmap: Handle to a pixmap returned by dw_pixmap_new() or
 *                  passed to the application via a callback.
 *          fontname: Name and size of the font in the form "size.fontname"
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE on success and DW_ERROR_GENERAL on failure.
int API dw_pixmap_set_font(HPIXMAP pixmap, const char *fontname)
        UIFont *font = _dw_font_by_name(fontname);

            UIFont *oldfont = pixmap->font;
            [font retain];
            pixmap->font = font;
                [oldfont release];
            return DW_ERROR_NONE;
    return DW_ERROR_GENERAL;

 * Destroys an allocated pixmap.
 * Parameters:
 *       pixmap: Handle to a pixmap returned by
 *               dw_pixmap_new..
void API dw_pixmap_destroy(HPIXMAP pixmap)
        DWImage *image = (DWImage *)pixmap->image;
        UIFont *font = pixmap->font;
        [image release];
        [font release];

 * Copies from one item to another.
 * Parameters:
 *       dest: Destination window handle.
 *       destp: Destination pixmap. (choose only one).
 *       xdest: X coordinate of destination.
 *       ydest: Y coordinate of destination.
 *       width: Width of area to copy.
 *       height: Height of area to copy.
 *       src: Source window handle.
 *       srcp: Source pixmap. (choose only one).
 *       xsrc: X coordinate of source.
 *       ysrc: Y coordinate of source.
void API dw_pixmap_bitblt(HWND dest, HPIXMAP destp, int xdest, int ydest, int width, int height, HWND src, HPIXMAP srcp, int xsrc, int ysrc)
    dw_pixmap_stretch_bitblt(dest, destp, xdest, ydest, width, height, src, srcp, xsrc, ysrc, -1, -1);

 * Copies from one surface to another allowing for stretching.
 * Parameters:
 *       dest: Destination window handle.
 *       destp: Destination pixmap. (choose only one).
 *       xdest: X coordinate of destination.
 *       ydest: Y coordinate of destination.
 *       width: Width of the target area.
 *       height: Height of the target area.
 *       src: Source window handle.
 *       srcp: Source pixmap. (choose only one).
 *       xsrc: X coordinate of source.
 *       ysrc: Y coordinate of source.
 *       srcwidth: Width of area to copy.
 *       srcheight: Height of area to copy.
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE on success and DW_ERROR_GENERAL on failure.
int API dw_pixmap_stretch_bitblt(HWND dest, HPIXMAP destp, int xdest, int ydest, int width, int height, HWND src, HPIXMAP srcp, int xsrc, int ysrc, int srcwidth, int srcheight)
    DWBitBlt *bltinfo;
    NSValue* bi;

    /* Sanity checks */
    if((!dest && !destp) || (!src && !srcp) ||
       ((srcwidth == -1 || srcheight == -1) && srcwidth != srcheight))
        return DW_ERROR_GENERAL;

    bltinfo = calloc(1, sizeof(DWBitBlt));
    bi = [NSValue valueWithPointer:bltinfo];

    /* Fill in the information */
    bltinfo->dest = _dw_dest_image(destp, dest);
    bltinfo->src = src;
    bltinfo->xdest = xdest;
    bltinfo->ydest = ydest;
    bltinfo->width = width;
    bltinfo->height = height;
    bltinfo->xsrc = xsrc;
    bltinfo->ysrc = ysrc;
    bltinfo->srcwidth = srcwidth;
    bltinfo->srcheight = srcheight;

        id object = bltinfo->src = (id)srcp->image;
        [object retain];
    [DWObj safeCall:@selector(doBitBlt:) withObject:bi];
    return DW_ERROR_NONE;

 * Create a new static text window (widget) to be packed.
 * Not available under OS/2, eCS
 * Parameters:
 *       text: The text to be display by the static text widget.
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
DW_FUNCTION_RETURN(dw_calendar_new, HWND)
    DWCalendar *calendar = nil;
#if 0 /* TODO: Figure out why this hangs the UI */
    DWCalendar *calendar = [[[DWCalendar alloc] init] retain];
    [calendar setDatePickerMode:UIDatePickerModeDate];
    [calendar setTag:cid];
    [calendar setDate:[NSDate date]];

 * Sets the current date of a calendar.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: The handle to the calendar returned by dw_calendar_new().
 *       year...
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_calendar_set_date, void, HWND handle, unsigned int year, unsigned int month, unsigned int day)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM4(handle, year, month, day)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM4(handle, HWND, year, unsigned int, month, unsigned int, day, unsigned int)
    DWCalendar *calendar = handle;
    NSDate *date;
    char buffer[101] = {0};

    snprintf(buffer, 100, "%04d-%02d-%02d", year, month, day);

    NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[[NSDateFormatter alloc] init] autorelease];
    dateFormatter.dateFormat = @"yyyy-MM-dd";

    date = [dateFormatter dateFromString:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:buffer]];
    [calendar setDate:date];
    [date release];

 * Gets the current date of a calendar.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: The handle to the calendar returned by dw_calendar_new().
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_calendar_get_date, void, HWND handle, unsigned int *year, unsigned int *month, unsigned int *day)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM4(handle, year, month, day)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM4(handle, HWND, year, unsigned int *, month, unsigned int *, day, unsigned int *)
    DWCalendar *calendar = handle;
    NSCalendar *mycalendar = [[NSCalendar alloc] initWithCalendarIdentifier:NSCalendarIdentifierGregorian];
    NSDate *date = [calendar date];
    NSDateComponents* components = [mycalendar components:NSCalendarUnitDay|NSCalendarUnitMonth|NSCalendarUnitYear fromDate:date];
    *day = (unsigned int)[components day];
    *month = (unsigned int)[components month];
    *year = (unsigned int)[components year];
    [mycalendar release];

 * Causes the embedded HTML widget to take action.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
 *       action: One of the DW_HTML_* constants.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_html_action, void, HWND handle, int action)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM2(handle, action)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM2(handle, HWND, action, int)
    DWWebView *html = handle;
        case DW_HTML_GOBACK:
            [html goBack];
        case DW_HTML_GOFORWARD:
            [html goForward];
        case DW_HTML_GOHOME:
            dw_html_url(handle, DW_HOME_URL);
        case DW_HTML_SEARCH:
        case DW_HTML_RELOAD:
            [html reload];
        case DW_HTML_STOP:
            [html stopLoading];
        case DW_HTML_PRINT:

 * Render raw HTML code in the embedded HTML widget..
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
 *       string: String buffer containt HTML code to
 *               be rendered.
 * Returns:
 *       0 on success.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_html_raw, int, HWND handle, const char *string)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM2(handle, string)
DW_FUNCTION_RETURN(dw_html_raw, int)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM2(handle, HWND, string, const char *)
    DWWebView *html = handle;
    int retval = DW_ERROR_NONE;
    [html loadHTMLString:[ NSString stringWithUTF8String:string ] baseURL:nil];

 * Render file or web page in the embedded HTML widget..
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
 *       url: Universal Resource Locator of the web or
 *               file object to be rendered.
 * Returns:
 *       0 on success.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_html_url, int, HWND handle, const char *url)
DW_FUNCTION_RETURN(dw_html_url, int)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM2(handle, HWND, url, const char *)
    DWWebView *html = handle;
    int retval = DW_ERROR_NONE;
    [html loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:[ NSString stringWithUTF8String:url ]]]];

 * Executes the javascript contained in "script" in the HTML window.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the HTML window.
 *       script: Javascript code to execute.
 *       scriptdata: Data passed to the signal handler.
 * Notes: A DW_SIGNAL_HTML_RESULT event will be raised with scriptdata.
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE (0) on success.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_html_javascript_run, int, HWND handle, const char *script, void *scriptdata)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM3(handle, script, scriptdata)
DW_FUNCTION_RETURN(dw_html_javascript_run, int)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM3(handle, HWND, script, const char *, scriptdata, void *)
    DWWebView *html = handle;
    int retval = DW_ERROR_NONE;

    [html evaluateJavaScript:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:script] completionHandler:^(NSString *result, NSError *error)
        void *params[2] = { result, scriptdata };
        _dw_event_handler(html, (UIEvent *)params, 18);

 * Create a new HTML window (widget) to be packed.
 * Not available under OS/2, eCS
 * Parameters:
 *       text: The default text to be in the entryfield widget.
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
    DWWebView *web = [[[DWWebView alloc] init] retain];
    web.navigationDelegate = web;
    [web setTag:cid];

 * Returns the current X and Y coordinates of the mouse pointer.
 * Parameters:
 *       x: Pointer to variable to store X coordinate.
 *       y: Pointer to variable to store Y coordinate.
void API dw_pointer_query_pos(long *x, long *y)
        *x = 0;
        *y = 0;

 * Sets the X and Y coordinates of the mouse pointer.
 * Parameters:
 *       x: X coordinate.
 *       y: Y coordinate.
void API dw_pointer_set_pos(long x, long y)
    /* From what I have read this isn't possible, agaist human interface rules */

 * Create a menu object to be popped up.
 * Parameters:
 *       id: An ID to be used for getting the resource from the
 *           resource file.
HMENUI API dw_menu_new(ULONG cid)
    DWMenu *menu = [[[DWMenu alloc] initWithTag:cid] retain];
    return menu;

 * Create a menubar on a window.
 * Parameters:
 *       location: Handle of a window frame to be attached to.
HMENUI API dw_menubar_new(HWND location)
    /* TODO: Implement this with UIMenuSystem */
    return NULL;

 * Destroys a menu created with dw_menubar_new or dw_menu_new.
 * Parameters:
 *       menu: Handle of a menu.
void API dw_menu_destroy(HMENUI *menu)
    DWMenu *thismenu = *menu;
    [thismenu release];

 * Pops up a context menu at given x and y coordinates.
 * Parameters:
 *       menu: The handle the the existing menu.
 *       parent: Handle to the window initiating the popup.
 *       x: X coordinate.
 *       y: Y coordinate.
void API dw_menu_popup(HMENUI *menu, HWND parent, int x, int y)
    DWMenu *thismenu = (DWMenu *)*menu;
    id object = parent;
    DWWindow *window = [object isMemberOfClass:[DWWindow class]] ? object : (DWWindow *)[object window];
    [thismenu autorelease];
    [window setPopupMenu:[thismenu menu]];
    *menu = nil;

char _dw_removetilde(char *dest, const char *src)
    int z, cur=0;
    char accel = '\0';

        if(src[z] != '~')
            dest[cur] = src[z];
            accel = src[z+1];
    dest[cur] = 0;
    return accel;

 * Adds a menuitem or submenu to an existing menu.
 * Parameters:
 *       menu: The handle the the existing menu.
 *       title: The title text on the menu item to be added.
 *       id: An ID to be used for message passing.
 *       flags: Extended attributes to set on the menu.
 *       end: If TRUE memu is positioned at the end of the menu.
 *       check: If TRUE menu is "check"able.
 *       flags: Extended attributes to set on the menu.
 *       submenu: Handle to an existing menu to be a submenu or NULL.
HWND API dw_menu_append_item(HMENUI menux, const char *title, ULONG itemid, ULONG flags, int end, int check, HMENUI submenux)
    DWMenu *menu = menux;
    DWMenuItem *item = nil;
    if(!title || strlen(title) == 0)
        [menu addItem:[[NSNull alloc] init]];
        char accel[2];
        char *newtitle = malloc(strlen(title)+1);
        NSString *nstr;
        accel[0] = _dw_removetilde(newtitle, title);
        accel[1] = 0;

        nstr = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:newtitle];

        item = [[DWMenuItem commandWithTitle:nstr image:nil
                                propertyList:nil] autorelease];
        [item setTag:itemid];
        [menu addItem:item];
            [item setCheck:YES];
            if(flags & DW_MIS_CHECKED)
                [item setState:UIMenuElementStateOn];
        if(flags & DW_MIS_DISABLED)
            [item setEnabled:NO];

            DWMenu *submenu = submenux;

            [submenu setTitle:nstr];
            [item setSubmenu:submenu];
        return item;
    return item;

 * Sets the state of a menu item check.
 * Deprecated; use dw_menu_item_set_state()
 * Parameters:
 *       menu: The handle the the existing menu.
 *       id: Menuitem id.
 *       check: TRUE for checked FALSE for not checked.
void API dw_menu_item_set_check(HMENUI menux, unsigned long itemid, int check)
    id menu = menux;
    DWMenuItem *menuitem = [menu childWithTag:itemid];

    if(menuitem != nil)
            [menuitem setState:UIMenuElementStateOn];
            [menuitem setState:UIMenuElementStateOff];

 * Deletes the menu item specified.
 * Parameters:
 *       menu: The handle to the  menu in which the item was appended.
 *       id: Menuitem id.
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE (0) on success or DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN on failure.
int API dw_menu_delete_item(HMENUI menux, unsigned long itemid)
    id menu = menux;
    DWMenuItem *menuitem = [menu childWithTag:itemid];

    if(menuitem != nil)
        [menu removeItem:menuitem];
        return DW_ERROR_NONE;
    return DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN;

 * Sets the state of a menu item.
 * Parameters:
 *       menu: The handle to the existing menu.
 *       id: Menuitem id.
void API dw_menu_item_set_state(HMENUI menux, unsigned long itemid, unsigned long state)
    id menu = menux;
    DWMenuItem *menuitem = [menu childWithTag:itemid];

    if(menuitem != nil)
        if(state & DW_MIS_CHECKED)
            [menuitem setState:UIMenuElementStateOn];
        else if(state & DW_MIS_UNCHECKED)
            [menuitem setState:UIMenuElementStateOff];
#if 0 /* TODO: Disabled items not supported on iOS */
        if(state & DW_MIS_ENABLED)
            [menuitem setEnabled:YES];
        else if(state & DW_MIS_DISABLED)
            [menuitem setEnabled:NO];

/* Gets the notebook page from associated ID */
DWNotebookPage *_dw_notepage_from_id(DWNotebook *notebook, unsigned long pageid)
    NSArray *pages = [notebook views];
    for(DWNotebookPage *notepage in pages)
        if([notepage pageid] == pageid)
            return notepage;
    return nil;

 * Create a notebook object to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       id: An ID to be used for getting the resource from the
 *           resource file.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_notebook_new, HWND, ULONG cid, DW_UNUSED(int top))
DW_FUNCTION_RETURN(dw_notebook_new, HWND)
    DWNotebook *notebook = [[[DWNotebook alloc] init] retain];
    [[notebook tabs] addTarget:notebook
    [notebook setTag:cid];

 * Adds a new page to specified notebook.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Window (widget) handle.
 *          flags: Any additional page creation flags.
 *          front: If TRUE page is added at the beginning.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_notebook_page_new, ULONG, HWND handle, DW_UNUSED(ULONG flags), int front)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM3(handle, flags, front)
DW_FUNCTION_RETURN(dw_notebook_page_new, ULONG)
    DWNotebook *notebook = handle;
    NSInteger page = [notebook pageid];
    DWNotebookPage *notepage = [[[DWNotebookPage alloc] init] retain];
    NSMutableArray<DWNotebookPage *> *views = [notebook views];
    unsigned long retval;

    [notepage setPageid:(int)page];
        [[notebook tabs] insertSegmentWithTitle:@"" atIndex:(NSInteger)0 animated:NO];
        [views addObject:notepage];
        [[notebook tabs] insertSegmentWithTitle:@"" atIndex:[[notebook tabs] numberOfSegments] animated:NO];
        [views addObject:notepage];
    [notebook addSubview:notepage];
    [notepage autorelease];
    [notebook setPageid:(int)(page+1)];

    if([views count] != 1)
        /* Otherwise hide the page */
        [notepage setHidden:YES];

    retval = (unsigned long)page;

 * Remove a page from a notebook.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the notebook widget.
 *          pageid: ID of the page to be destroyed.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_notebook_page_destroy, void, HWND handle, unsigned int pageid)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM2(handle, pageid)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM2(handle, HWND, pageid, unsigned int)
    DWNotebook *notebook = handle;
    DWNotebookPage *notepage = _dw_notepage_from_id(notebook, pageid);

    if(notepage != nil)
        NSMutableArray<DWNotebookPage *> *views = [notebook views];
        NSUInteger index = [views indexOfObject:notepage];

        if(index != NSNotFound)
            [[notebook tabs] removeSegmentAtIndex:index animated:NO];
            [notepage removeFromSuperview];
            [views removeObject:notepage];
            [notepage release];

 * Queries the currently visible page ID.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the notebook widget.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_notebook_page_get, unsigned long, HWND handle)
DW_FUNCTION_RETURN(dw_notebook_page_get, unsigned long)
    DWNotebook *notebook = handle;
    NSInteger index = [[notebook tabs] selectedSegmentIndex];
    unsigned long retval = 0;
    if(index != -1)
        NSMutableArray<DWNotebookPage *> *views = [notebook views];
        DWNotebookPage *notepage = [views objectAtIndex:index];

        retval = [notepage pageid];

 * Sets the currently visibale page ID.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the notebook widget.
 *          pageid: ID of the page to be made visible.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_notebook_page_set, void, HWND handle, unsigned int pageid)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM2(handle, pageid)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM2(handle, HWND, pageid, unsigned int)
    DWNotebook *notebook = handle;
    DWNotebookPage *notepage = _dw_notepage_from_id(notebook, pageid);

    if(notepage != nil)
        NSMutableArray<DWNotebookPage *> *views = [notebook views];
        NSUInteger index = [views indexOfObject:notepage];

        if(index != -1)
            [[notebook tabs] setSelectedSegmentIndex:index];

 * Sets the text on the specified notebook tab.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Notebook handle.
 *          pageid: Page ID of the tab to set.
 *          text: Pointer to the text to set.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_notebook_page_set_text, void, HWND handle, ULONG pageid, const char *text)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM3(handle, pageid, text)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM3(handle, HWND, pageid, ULONG, text, const char *)
    DWNotebook *notebook = handle;

    [[notebook tabs] setTitle:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:text] forSegmentAtIndex:pageid];

 * Sets the text on the specified notebook tab status area.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Notebook handle.
 *          pageid: Page ID of the tab to set.
 *          text: Pointer to the text to set.
void API dw_notebook_page_set_status_text(HWND handle, ULONG pageid, const char *text)
    /* Note supported here... do nothing */

 * Packs the specified box into the notebook page.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the notebook to be packed.
 *          pageid: Page ID in the notebook which is being packed.
 *          page: Box handle to be packed.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_notebook_pack, void, HWND handle, ULONG pageid, HWND page)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM3(handle, pageid, page)
    DWNotebook *notebook = handle;
    DWNotebookPage *notepage = _dw_notepage_from_id(notebook, pageid);

    if(notepage != nil)
        dw_box_pack_start(notepage, page, 0, 0, TRUE, TRUE, 0);

 * Create a new Window Frame.
 * Parameters:
 *       owner: The Owner's window handle or HWND_DESKTOP.
 *       title: The Window title.
 *       flStyle: Style flags, see the PM reference.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_window_new, HWND, DW_UNUSED(HWND hwndOwner), const char *title, DW_UNUSED(ULONG flStyle))
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM3(hwndOwner, title, flStyle)
    DWWindow *window = [[DWWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]];
    DWView *view = [[DWView alloc] init];
    UIUserInterfaceStyle style = [[DWObj hiddenWindow] overrideUserInterfaceStyle];

    [window setWindowLevel:UIWindowLevelNormal];
    [window setRootViewController:[[DWViewController alloc] init]];
    [window addSubview:view];
    [window setBackgroundColor:[UIColor systemBackgroundColor]];

    /* TODO: Handle style flags... if we can? There is no visible frame */
    if(@available(iOS 13.0, *)) {
        [window setLargeContentTitle:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:title]];
    /* Copy the overrideUserInterfaceStyle property from the hiddenWindow */
    if(style != UIUserInterfaceStyleUnspecified)
        [window setOverrideUserInterfaceStyle:style];

 * Call a function from the window (widget)'s context.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Window handle of the widget.
 *       function: Function pointer to be called.
 *       data: Pointer to the data to be passed to the function.
void API dw_window_function(HWND handle, void *function, void *data)
    void **params = calloc(2, sizeof(void *));
    NSValue *v;
    v = [NSValue valueWithPointer:params];
    params[0] = function;
    params[1] = data;
    [DWObj performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(doWindowFunc:) withObject:v waitUntilDone:YES];

 * Changes the appearance of the mouse pointer.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to widget for which to change.
 *       cursortype: ID of the pointer you want.
void API dw_window_set_pointer(HWND handle, int pointertype)
    /* TODO: Only might be possible on Catalyst */

 * Makes the window visible.
 * Parameters:
 *           handle: The window handle to make visible.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_window_show, int, HWND handle)
DW_FUNCTION_RETURN(dw_window_show, int)
    NSObject *object = handle;
    int retval = DW_ERROR_NONE;

    if([ object isMemberOfClass:[ DWWindow class ] ])
        DWWindow *window = handle;
        CGRect rect = [window frame];

        /* If we haven't been sized by a call.. */
        if(rect.size.width <= 1 || rect.size.height <= 1)
            /* Determine the contents size */
            dw_window_set_size(handle, 0, 0);
        if(![window shown])
            [window makeKeyAndVisible];
            [window setShown:YES];
            [window setHidden:NO];

 * Makes the window invisible.
 * Parameters:
 *           handle: The window handle to make visible.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_window_hide, int, HWND handle)
DW_FUNCTION_RETURN(dw_window_hide, int)
    NSObject *object = handle;
    int retval = DW_ERROR_NONE;

    if([ object isKindOfClass:[ UIWindow class ] ])
        UIWindow *window = handle;

        [window setHidden:YES];

 * Sets the colors used by a specified window (widget) handle.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: The window (widget) handle.
 *          fore: Foreground color in DW_RGB format or a default color index.
 *          back: Background color in DW_RGB format or a default color index.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_window_set_color, int, HWND handle, unsigned long fore, unsigned long back)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM3(handle, fore, back)
DW_FUNCTION_RETURN(dw_window_set_color, int)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM3(handle, HWND, fore, unsigned long, back, unsigned long)
    id object = handle;
    unsigned long _fore = _dw_get_color(fore);
    unsigned long _back = _dw_get_color(back);
    UIColor *fg = NULL;
    UIColor *bg = NULL;
    int retval = DW_ERROR_NONE;

    /* Get the UIColor for non-default colors */
    if(fore != DW_CLR_DEFAULT)
        fg = [UIColor colorWithRed: DW_RED_VALUE(_fore)/255.0 green: DW_GREEN_VALUE(_fore)/255.0 blue: DW_BLUE_VALUE(_fore)/255.0 alpha: 1];
    if(back != DW_CLR_DEFAULT)
        bg = [UIColor colorWithRed: DW_RED_VALUE(_back)/255.0 green: DW_GREEN_VALUE(_back)/255.0 blue: DW_BLUE_VALUE(_back)/255.0 alpha: 1];

    /* Get the textfield from the spinbutton */
    if([object isMemberOfClass:[DWSpinButton class]])
        object = [object textfield];
    /* Get the cell on classes using NSCell */
    if([object isKindOfClass:[UITextField class]])
        [object setTextColor:(fg ? fg : [UIColor labelColor])];
    if([object isMemberOfClass:[DWButton class]])
       [[object titleLabel] setTextColor:(fg ? fg : [UIColor labelColor])];
    if([object isKindOfClass:[UITextField class]] || [object isKindOfClass:[UIButton class]])
        [object setBackgroundColor:(bg ? bg : [UIColor systemBackgroundColor])];
    else if([object isMemberOfClass:[DWBox class]])
        DWBox *box = object;

        [box setColor:_back];
        [box setBackgroundColor:bg];
    else if([object isKindOfClass:[UITableView class]])
        DWContainer *cont = handle;

        [cont setBackgroundColor:(bg ? bg : [UIColor systemBackgroundColor])];
        [cont setForegroundColor:(fg ? fg : [UIColor labelColor])];
    else if([object isMemberOfClass:[DWMLE class]])
        DWMLE *mle = handle;
        [mle setBackgroundColor:(bg ? bg : [UIColor systemBackgroundColor])];
        [mle setTextColor:(fg ? fg : [UIColor labelColor])];

 * Sets the font used by a specified window (widget) handle.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: The window (widget) handle.
 *          border: Size of the window border in pixels.
int API dw_window_set_border(HWND handle, int border)
    return 0;

 * Sets the style of a given window (widget).
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Window (widget) handle.
 *          width: New width in pixels.
 *          height: New height in pixels.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_window_set_style, void, HWND handle, ULONG style, ULONG mask)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM3(handle, style, mask)
    id object = _dw_text_handle(handle);

    if([object isKindOfClass:[UILabel class]])
        UILabel *label = object;

        [label setTextAlignment:(style & 0xF)];
#if 0 /* TODO: Implement vertical centering */
        if(mask & DW_DT_VCENTER)
            [cell setVCenter:(style & DW_DT_VCENTER ? YES : NO)];
        if(mask & DW_DT_WORDBREAK)
            if(style & DW_DT_WORDBREAK)
                [label setLineBreakMode:NSLineBreakByWordWrapping];
                [label setLineBreakMode:NSLineBreakByTruncatingTail];
    else if([object isMemberOfClass:[DWMLE class]])
        DWMLE *mle = handle;
        [mle setTextAlignment:(style & mask)];
    else if([object isMemberOfClass:[DWMenuItem class]])
        DWMenuItem *menuitem = object;

        if(mask & (DW_MIS_CHECKED | DW_MIS_UNCHECKED))
            if(style & DW_MIS_CHECKED)
                [menuitem setState:UIMenuElementStateOn];
            else if(style & DW_MIS_UNCHECKED)
                [menuitem setState:UIMenuElementStateOff];
#if 0 /* Disabled menu items not available on iOS currently */
        if(mask & (DW_MIS_ENABLED | DW_MIS_DISABLED))
            if(style & DW_MIS_ENABLED)
                [menuitem setEnabled:YES];
            else if(style & DW_MIS_DISABLED)
                [menuitem setEnabled:NO];

 * Sets the current focus item for a window/dialog.
 * Parameters:
 *         handle: Handle to the dialog item to be focused.
 * Remarks:
 *          This is for use after showing the window/dialog.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_window_set_focus, void, HWND handle)
    id object = handle;

    [object becomeFirstResponder];

 * Sets the default focus item for a window/dialog.
 * Parameters:
 *         window: Toplevel window or dialog.
 *         defaultitem: Handle to the dialog item to be default.
 * Remarks:
 *          This is for use before showing the window/dialog.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_window_default, void, HWND handle, HWND defaultitem)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM2(handle, defaultitem)
    DWWindow *window = handle;
    id object = defaultitem;

    if([window isKindOfClass:[UIWindow class]] && [object isKindOfClass:[UIControl class]])
        [object becomeFirstResponder];

 * Sets window to click the default dialog item when an ENTER is pressed.
 * Parameters:
 *         window: Window (widget) to look for the ENTER press.
 *         next: Window (widget) to move to next (or click)
void API dw_window_click_default(HWND handle, HWND next)
    /* TODO: Figure out how to do this if we should */

 * Captures the mouse input to this window.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to receive mouse input.
void API dw_window_capture(HWND handle)
    /* Don't do anything for now */

 * Releases previous mouse capture.
void API dw_window_release(void)
    /* Don't do anything for now */

 * Changes a window's parent to newparent.
 * Parameters:
 *           handle: The window handle to destroy.
 *           newparent: The window's new parent window.
void API dw_window_reparent(HWND handle, HWND newparent)
    /* TODO: Not sure if we should even bother with this */

/* Allows the user to choose a font using the system's font chooser dialog.
 * Parameters:
 *       currfont: current font
 * Returns:
 *       A malloced buffer with the selected font or NULL on error.
char * API dw_font_choose(const char *currfont)
    NSPointerArray *params = [[NSPointerArray pointerArrayWithOptions:NSPointerFunctionsOpaqueMemory] retain];
    char *font = NULL;

    [params addPointer:(void *)currfont];
    [DWObj safeCall:@selector(fontPicker:) withObject:params];
    if([params count] > 1)
        font = [params pointerAtIndex:1];

    return font;

/* Internal function to return a pointer to an item struct
 * with information about the packing information regarding object.
Item *_dw_box_item(id object)
    /* Find the item within the box it is packed into */
    if([object isKindOfClass:[DWBox class]] || [object isKindOfClass:[UIControl class]])
        DWBox *parent = (DWBox *)[object superview];

        if([parent isKindOfClass:[DWBox class]])
            Box *thisbox = [parent box];
            Item *thisitem = thisbox->items;
            int z;

                if(thisitem[z].hwnd == object)
                    return &thisitem[z];
    return NULL;

 * Sets the font used by a specified window (widget) handle.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: The window (widget) handle.
 *          fontname: Name and size of the font in the form "size.fontname"
int API dw_window_set_font(HWND handle, const char *fontname)
    UIFont *font = fontname ? _dw_font_by_name(fontname) :
    (DWDefaultFont ? DWDefaultFont : [UIFont systemFontOfSize:[UIFont smallSystemFontSize]]);

        id object = _dw_text_handle(handle);
        if([object isMemberOfClass:[DWMLE class]])
            DWMLE *mle = object;
            [mle setFont:font];
        else if([object isKindOfClass:[UIControl class]])
            [object setFont:font];
        else if([object isMemberOfClass:[DWRender class]])
            DWRender *render = object;

            [render setFont:font];
            return DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN;
        /* If we changed the text... */
        Item *item = _dw_box_item(handle);

        /* Check to see if any of the sizes need to be recalculated */
        if(item && (item->origwidth == -1 || item->origheight == -1))
            _dw_control_size(handle, item->origwidth == -1 ? &item->width : NULL, item->origheight == -1 ? &item->height : NULL);
            /* Queue a redraw on the top-level window */
            _dw_redraw([object window], TRUE);
        return DW_ERROR_NONE;
    return DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN;

 * Returns the current font for the specified window
 * Parameters:
 *           handle: The window handle from which to obtain the font.
char * API dw_window_get_font(HWND handle)
    id object = _dw_text_handle(handle);
    UIFont *font = nil;

    if([object isKindOfClass:[UIControl class]] || [object isMemberOfClass:[DWRender class]])
         font = [object font];
        NSString *fontname = [font fontName];
        NSString *output = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d.%s", (int)[font pointSize], [fontname UTF8String]];
        return strdup([output UTF8String]);
    return NULL;

 * Destroys a window and all of it's children.
 * Parameters:
 *           handle: The window handle to destroy.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_window_destroy, int, HWND handle)
DW_FUNCTION_RETURN(dw_window_destroy, int)
    id object = handle;
    int retval = 0;

    /* Handle destroying a top-level window */
    if([ object isKindOfClass:[ UIWindow class ] ])
        DWWindow *window = handle;
        [window release];
    /* Handle removing menu items from menus */
    else if([object isMemberOfClass:[DWMenuItem class]])
        DWMenuItem *item = object;
        DWMenu *menu = [item menu];

        [menu removeItem:object];
    /* Handle destroying a control or box */
    else if([object isKindOfClass:[UIView class]] || [object isKindOfClass:[UIControl class]])
        DWBox *parent = (DWBox *)[object superview];

        if([parent isKindOfClass:[DWBox class]])
            id window = [object window];
            Box *thisbox = [parent box];
            int z, index = -1;
            Item *tmpitem = NULL, *thisitem = thisbox->items;

                thisbox->count = 0;

                if(thisitem[z].hwnd == object)
                    index = z;

            if(index != -1)
                [object removeFromSuperview];

                if(thisbox->count > 1)
                    tmpitem = calloc(sizeof(Item), (thisbox->count-1));

                    /* Copy all but the current entry to the new list */
                        tmpitem[z] = thisitem[z];
                        tmpitem[z-1] = thisitem[z];

                thisbox->items = tmpitem;
                    thisbox->count = 0;

                /* Queue a redraw on the top-level window */
                _dw_redraw(window, TRUE);

 * Gets the text used for a given window.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
 * Returns:
 *       text: The text associsated with a given window.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_window_get_text, char *, HWND handle)
DW_FUNCTION_RETURN(dw_window_get_text, char *)
    id object = _dw_text_handle(handle);
    char *retval = NULL;

    if([object isKindOfClass:[UILabel class]] || [object isKindOfClass:[UITextField class]])
        NSString *nsstr = [object text];

        retval = strdup([nsstr UTF8String]);
    else if([object isKindOfClass:[UIControl class]])
        UIControl *control = object;
        NSString *nsstr = [control text];

        if(nsstr && [nsstr length] > 0)
            retval = strdup([nsstr UTF8String]);

 * Sets the text used for a given window.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
 *       text: The text associsated with a given window.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_window_set_text, void, HWND handle, const char *text)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM2(handle, text)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM2(handle, HWND, text, char *)
    id object = _dw_text_handle(handle);

    if([object isKindOfClass:[UILabel class]] || [object isKindOfClass:[UITextField class]])
        [object setText:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:text]];
    else if([object isKindOfClass:[UIControl class]])
        UIControl *control = object;
        [control setText:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:text]];
    /* If we changed the text... */
    Item *item = _dw_box_item(handle);

    /* Check to see if any of the sizes need to be recalculated */
    if(item && (item->origwidth == -1 || item->origheight == -1))
      int newwidth, newheight;

      _dw_control_size(handle, &newwidth, &newheight);

      /* Only update the item and redraw the window if it changed */
      if((item->origwidth == -1 && item->width != newwidth) ||
         (item->origheight == -1 && item->height != newheight))
         if(item->origwidth == -1)
            item->width = newwidth;
         if(item->origheight == -1)
            item->height = newheight;
         /* Queue a redraw on the top-level window */
         _dw_redraw([object window], TRUE);

 * Sets the text used for a given window's floating bubble help.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window (widget).
 *       bubbletext: The text in the floating bubble tooltip.
void API dw_window_set_tooltip(HWND handle, const char *bubbletext)
    /* Tooltips don't exist on iOS */

 * Disables given window (widget).
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_window_disable, void, HWND handle)
    id object = handle;

    if([object isMemberOfClass:[UIScrollView class]])
        UIScrollView *sv = handle;
        NSArray *subviews = [sv subviews];
        object = [subviews firstObject];
    if([object isKindOfClass:[UIControl class]] || [object isMemberOfClass:[DWMenuItem class]])
        [object setEnabled:NO];
    if([object isKindOfClass:[UITextView class]])
        UITextView *mle = object;

        [mle setEditable:NO];

 * Enables given window (widget).
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_window_enable, void, HWND handle)
    id object = handle;

    if([object isMemberOfClass:[UIScrollView class]])
        UIScrollView *sv = handle;
        NSArray *subviews = [sv subviews];
        object = [subviews firstObject];
    if([object isKindOfClass:[UIControl class]] || [object isMemberOfClass:[DWMenuItem class]])
        [object setEnabled:YES];
    if([object isKindOfClass:[UITextView class]])
        UITextView *mle = object;

        [mle setEditable:YES];

 * Sets the bitmap used for a given static window.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
 *       id: An ID to be used to specify the icon,
 *           (pass 0 if you use the filename param)
 *       filename: a path to a file (Bitmap on OS/2 or
 *                 Windows and a pixmap on Unix, pass
 *                 NULL if you use the id param)
void API dw_window_set_bitmap_from_data(HWND handle, unsigned long cid, const char *data, int len)
    id object = handle;

    if([object isKindOfClass:[UIImageView class]] || [object isMemberOfClass:[DWButton class]])
            NSData *thisdata = [NSData dataWithBytes:data length:len];
            UIImage *pixmap = [[[UIImage alloc] initWithData:thisdata] autorelease];

                if([object isMemberOfClass:[DWButton class]])
                    DWButton *button = object;
                    [button setImage:pixmap forState:UIControlStateNormal];
                    UIImageView *iv = object;
                    [iv setImage:pixmap];
            /* If we changed the bitmap... */
            Item *item = _dw_box_item(handle);

            /* Check to see if any of the sizes need to be recalculated */
            if(item && (item->origwidth == -1 || item->origheight == -1))
                _dw_control_size(handle, item->origwidth == -1 ? &item->width : NULL, item->origheight == -1 ? &item->height : NULL);
                /* Queue a redraw on the top-level window */
                _dw_redraw([object window], TRUE);
            dw_window_set_bitmap(handle, cid, NULL);

 * Sets the bitmap used for a given static window.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
 *       id: An ID to be used to specify the icon,
 *           (pass 0 if you use the filename param)
 *       filename: a path to a file (Bitmap on OS/2 or
 *                 Windows and a pixmap on Unix, pass
 *                 NULL if you use the id param)
void API dw_window_set_bitmap(HWND handle, unsigned long resid, const char *filename)
    id object = handle;

    if([object isKindOfClass:[UIImageView class]] || [object isMemberOfClass:[DWButton class]])
        UIImage *bitmap = nil;

            char *ext = _dw_get_image_extension( filename );
            NSString *nstr = [ NSString stringWithUTF8String:filename ];

            bitmap = [[[UIImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:nstr] autorelease];

            if(!bitmap && ext)
                nstr = [nstr stringByAppendingString: [NSString stringWithUTF8String:ext]];
                bitmap = [[[UIImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:nstr] autorelease];
        if(!bitmap && resid > 0 && resid < 65536)
            bitmap = _dw_icon_load(resid);

            if([object isMemberOfClass:[DWButton class]])
                DWButton *button = object;
                [button setImage:bitmap forState:UIControlStateNormal];
                UIImageView *iv = object;
                [iv setImage:bitmap];

            /* If we changed the bitmap... */
            Item *item = _dw_box_item(handle);

            /* Check to see if any of the sizes need to be recalculated */
            if(item && (item->origwidth == -1 || item->origheight == -1))
                _dw_control_size(handle, item->origwidth == -1 ? &item->width : NULL, item->origheight == -1 ? &item->height : NULL);
                /* Queue a redraw on the top-level window */
                _dw_redraw([object window], TRUE);

 * Sets the icon used for a given window.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
 *       id: An ID to be used to specify the icon.
void API dw_window_set_icon(HWND handle, HICN icon)
    /* This isn't needed, it is loaded from the bundle */

 * Gets the child window handle with specified ID.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the parent window.
 *       id: Integer ID of the child.
HWND API dw_window_from_id(HWND handle, int cid)
    NSObject *object = handle;
    UIView *view = handle;
    if([ object isKindOfClass:[ UIWindow class ] ])
        UIWindow *window = handle;
        NSArray *subviews = [window subviews];
        view = [subviews firstObject];
    return [view viewWithTag:cid];

 * Minimizes or Iconifies a top-level window.
 * Parameters:
 *           handle: The window handle to minimize.
int API dw_window_minimize(HWND handle)
    return 0;

/* Causes entire window to be invalidated and redrawn.
 * Parameters:
 *           handle: Toplevel window handle to be redrawn.
void API dw_window_redraw(HWND handle)
    DWWindow *window = handle;
    [window setRedraw:YES];
    [window setShown:YES];
    [window setRedraw:NO];

 * Makes the window topmost.
 * Parameters:
 *           handle: The window handle to make topmost.
int API dw_window_raise(HWND handle)
    return 0;

 * Makes the window bottommost.
 * Parameters:
 *           handle: The window handle to make bottommost.
int API dw_window_lower(HWND handle)
    return 0;

 * Sets the size of a given window (widget).
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Window (widget) handle.
 *          width: New width in pixels.
 *          height: New height in pixels.
void API dw_window_set_size(HWND handle, ULONG width, ULONG height)
    /* On iOS the window usually takes up the full screen */

 * Gets the size the system thinks the widget should be.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Window handle of the item to be back.
 *       width: Width in pixels of the item or NULL if not needed.
 *       height: Height in pixels of the item or NULL if not needed.
void API dw_window_get_preferred_size(HWND handle, int *width, int *height)
    id object = handle;

    if([object isMemberOfClass:[DWBox class]])
        Box *thisbox;

        if((thisbox = (Box *)[object box]))
            int depth = 0;

            /* Calculate space requirements */
            _dw_resize_box(thisbox, &depth, 0, 0, 1);

            /* Return what was requested */
            if(width) *width = thisbox->minwidth;
            if(height) *height = thisbox->minheight;
        _dw_control_size(handle, width, height);

 * Sets the gravity of a given window (widget).
 * Gravity controls which corner of the screen and window the position is relative to.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Window (widget) handle.
 *          horz: DW_GRAV_LEFT (default), DW_GRAV_RIGHT or DW_GRAV_CENTER.
 *          vert: DW_GRAV_TOP (default), DW_GRAV_BOTTOM or DW_GRAV_CENTER.
void API dw_window_set_gravity(HWND handle, int horz, int vert)
    dw_window_set_data(handle, "_dw_grav_horz", DW_INT_TO_POINTER(horz));
    dw_window_set_data(handle, "_dw_grav_vert", DW_INT_TO_POINTER(vert));

 * Sets the position of a given window (widget).
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Window (widget) handle.
 *          x: X location from the bottom left.
 *          y: Y location from the bottom left.
void API dw_window_set_pos(HWND handle, LONG x, LONG y)
    /* iOS windows take up the whole screen */

 * Sets the position and size of a given window (widget).
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Window (widget) handle.
 *          x: X location from the bottom left.
 *          y: Y location from the bottom left.
 *          width: Width of the widget.
 *          height: Height of the widget.
void API dw_window_set_pos_size(HWND handle, LONG x, LONG y, ULONG width, ULONG height)

 * Gets the position and size of a given window (widget).
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Window (widget) handle.
 *          x: X location from the bottom left.
 *          y: Y location from the bottom left.
 *          width: Width of the widget.
 *          height: Height of the widget.
void API dw_window_get_pos_size(HWND handle, LONG *x, LONG *y, ULONG *width, ULONG *height)
    NSObject *object = handle;

    if([ object isKindOfClass:[ UIWindow class ] ])
        UIWindow *window = handle;
        CGRect rect = [window frame];
            *x = rect.origin.x;
            *y = rect.origin.y;
            *width = rect.size.width;
            *height = rect.size.height;
    else if([ object isKindOfClass:[ UIControl class ] ])
        UIControl *control = handle;
        CGRect rect = [control frame];
            *x = rect.origin.x;
            *y = rect.origin.y;
            *width = rect.size.width;
            *height = rect.size.height;

 * Returns the width of the screen.
int API dw_screen_width(void)
    CGRect screenRect = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds];
    return screenRect.size.width;

 * Returns the height of the screen.
int API dw_screen_height(void)
    CGRect screenRect = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds];
    return screenRect.size.height;

/* This should return the current color depth */
unsigned long API dw_color_depth_get(void)
    /* iOS always runs in 32bit depth */
    return 32;

 * Creates a new system notification if possible.
 * Parameters:
 *         title: The short title of the notification.
 *         imagepath: Path to an image to display or NULL if none.
 *         description: A longer description of the notification,
 *                      or NULL if none is necessary.
 * Returns:
 *         A handle to the notification which can be used to attach a "clicked" event if desired,
 *         or NULL if it fails or notifications are not supported by the system.
 * Remarks:
 *          This will create a system notification that will show in the notifaction panel
 *          on supported systems, which may be clicked to perform another task.
HWND dw_notification_new(const char *title, const char *imagepath, const char *description, ...)
    char outbuf[1025] = {0};
    HWND retval = NULL;

        va_list args;

        va_start(args, description);
        vsnprintf(outbuf, 1024, description, args);

    /* Configure the notification's payload. */
    if (@available(iOS 10.0, *))
        if([[NSBundle mainBundle] bundleIdentifier] != nil)
            UNMutableNotificationContent* notification = [[UNMutableNotificationContent alloc] init];

                notification.title = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:title];
                    notification.body = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:outbuf];
                    NSURL *url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:imagepath]];
                    NSError *error;
                    UNNotificationAttachment *attachment = [UNNotificationAttachment attachmentWithIdentifier:@"imageID"
                        notification.attachments = @[attachment];
                retval = notification;
    return retval;

 * Sends a notification created by dw_notification_new() after attaching signal handler.
 * Parameters:
 *         notification: The handle to the notification returned by dw_notification_new().
 * Returns:
 *         DW_ERROR_NONE on success, DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN on error or not supported.
int dw_notification_send(HWND notification)
        NSString *notid = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"dw-notification-%llu", DW_POINTER_TO_ULONGLONG(notification)];
        /* Schedule the notification. */
        if (@available(iOS 10.0, *))
            if([[NSBundle mainBundle] bundleIdentifier] != nil)
                UNMutableNotificationContent* content = (UNMutableNotificationContent *)notification;
                UNNotificationRequest* request = [UNNotificationRequest requestWithIdentifier:notid content:content trigger:nil];

                UNUserNotificationCenter* center = [UNUserNotificationCenter currentNotificationCenter];
                [center addNotificationRequest:request withCompletionHandler:nil];
        return DW_ERROR_NONE;
    return DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN;

 * Returns some information about the current operating environment.
 * Parameters:
 *       env: Pointer to a DWEnv struct.
void dw_environment_query(DWEnv *env)
    memset(env, '\0', sizeof(DWEnv));
    strcpy(env->osName, "iOS");

    strncpy(env->buildDate, __DATE__, sizeof(env->buildDate)-1);
    strncpy(env->buildTime, __TIME__, sizeof(env->buildTime)-1);
   strncpy(env->htmlEngine, "WEBKIT", sizeof(env->htmlEngine)-1);
    env->DWMajorVersion = DW_MAJOR_VERSION;
    env->DWMinorVersion = DW_MINOR_VERSION;
#ifdef VER_REV
    env->DWSubVersion = VER_REV;
    env->DWSubVersion = DW_SUB_VERSION;

    env->MajorVersion = DWOSMajor;
    env->MinorVersion = DWOSMinor;
    env->MajorBuild = DWOSBuild;

 * Emits a beep.
 * Parameters:
 *       freq: Frequency.
 *       dur: Duration.
void API dw_beep(int freq, int dur)

/* Call this after drawing to the screen to make sure
 * anything you have drawn is visible.
void API dw_flush(void)
    /* This may need to be thread specific */
    [DWObj performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(doFlush:) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO];

/* Functions for managing the user data lists that are associated with
 * a given window handle.  Used in dw_window_set_data() and
 * dw_window_get_data().
UserData *_dw_find_userdata(UserData **root, const char *varname)
    UserData *tmp = *root;

        if(strcasecmp(tmp->varname, varname) == 0)
            return tmp;
        tmp = tmp->next;
    return NULL;

int _dw_new_userdata(UserData **root, const char *varname, void *data)
    UserData *new = _dw_find_userdata(root, varname);

        new->data = data;
        return TRUE;
        new = malloc(sizeof(UserData));
            new->varname = strdup(varname);
            new->data = data;

            new->next = NULL;

            if (!*root)
                *root = new;
                UserData *prev = *root, *tmp = prev->next;

                    prev = tmp;
                    tmp = tmp->next;
                prev->next = new;
            return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

int _dw_remove_userdata(UserData **root, const char *varname, int all)
    UserData *prev = NULL, *tmp = *root;

        if(all || strcasecmp(tmp->varname, varname) == 0)
                *root = tmp->next;
                    return 0;
                tmp = *root;
                /* If all is true we should
                 * never get here.
                prev->next = tmp->next;
                return 0;
            prev = tmp;
            tmp = tmp->next;
    return 0;

 * Add a named user data item to a window handle.
 * Parameters:
 *       window: Window handle of signal to be called back.
 *       dataname: A string pointer identifying which signal to be hooked.
 *       data: User data to be passed to the handler function.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_window_set_data, void, HWND window, const char *dataname, void *data)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM3(window, dataname, data)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM3(window, HWND, dataname, const char *, data, void *)
    id object = window;
    if([object isMemberOfClass:[DWWindow class]])
        UIWindow *win = window;
        NSArray *subviews = [win subviews];
        object = [subviews firstObject];
    else if([object isMemberOfClass:[UIScrollView class]])
        UIScrollView *sv = window;
        NSArray *subviews = [sv subviews];
        object = [subviews firstObject];
    WindowData *blah = (WindowData *)[object userdata];


        blah = calloc(1, sizeof(WindowData));
        [object setUserdata:blah];

        _dw_new_userdata(&(blah->root), dataname, data);
            _dw_remove_userdata(&(blah->root), dataname, FALSE);
            _dw_remove_userdata(&(blah->root), NULL, TRUE);

 * Gets a named user data item to a window handle.
 * Parameters:
 *       window: Window handle of signal to be called back.
 *       dataname: A string pointer identifying which signal to be hooked.
 *       data: User data to be passed to the handler function.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_window_get_data, void *, HWND window, const char *dataname)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM2(window, dataname)
DW_FUNCTION_RETURN(dw_window_get_data, void *)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM2(window, HWND, dataname, const char *)
    id object = window;
    void *retval = NULL;

    if([object isMemberOfClass:[DWWindow class]])
        UIWindow *win = window;
        NSArray *subviews = [win subviews];
        object = [subviews firstObject];
    else if([object isMemberOfClass:[UIScrollView class]])
        UIScrollView *sv = window;
        NSArray *subviews = [sv subviews];
        object = [subviews firstObject];
    WindowData *blah = (WindowData *)[object userdata];

    if(blah && blah->root && dataname)
        UserData *ud = _dw_find_userdata(&(blah->root), dataname);
            retval = ud->data;

#define DW_TIMER_MAX 64
static NSTimer *DWTimers[DW_TIMER_MAX];

 * Add a callback to a timer event.
 * Parameters:
 *       interval: Milliseconds to delay between calls.
 *       sigfunc: The pointer to the function to be used as the callback.
 *       data: User data to be passed to the handler function.
 * Returns:
 *       Timer ID for use with dw_timer_disconnect(), 0 on error.
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_timer_connect, int, int interval, void *sigfunc, void *data)
DW_FUNCTION_ADD_PARAM3(interval, sigfunc, data)
DW_FUNCTION_RETURN(dw_timer_connect, int)
DW_FUNCTION_RESTORE_PARAM3(interval, int, sigfunc, void *, data, void *)
    int z, retval = 0;


    if(sigfunc && !DWTimers[z])
        NSTimeInterval seconds = (double)interval / 1000.0;
        NSTimer *thistimer = DWTimers[z] = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:seconds target:DWHandler selector:@selector(runTimer:) userInfo:nil repeats:YES];
        _dw_new_signal(0, thistimer, z+1, sigfunc, NULL, data);
        retval = z+1;

 * Removes timer callback.
 * Parameters:
 *       id: Timer ID returned by dw_timer_connect().
DW_FUNCTION_DEFINITION(dw_timer_disconnect, void, int timerid)
    SignalHandler *prev = NULL, *tmp = DWRoot;
    NSTimer *thistimer;

    /* 0 is an invalid timer ID */
    if(timerid > 0 && timerid < DW_TIMER_MAX && DWTimers[timerid-1])
        thistimer = DWTimers[timerid-1];
        DWTimers[timerid-1] = nil;

        [thistimer invalidate];

            if(tmp->id == timerid && tmp->window == thistimer)
                    prev->next = tmp->next;
                    tmp = prev->next;
                    DWRoot = tmp->next;
                    tmp = DWRoot;
                prev = tmp;
                tmp = tmp->next;

 * Add a callback to a window event.
 * Parameters:
 *       window: Window handle of signal to be called back.
 *       signame: A string pointer identifying which signal to be hooked.
 *       sigfunc: The pointer to the function to be used as the callback.
 *       data: User data to be passed to the handler function.
void API dw_signal_connect(HWND window, const char *signame, void *sigfunc, void *data)
    dw_signal_connect_data(window, signame, sigfunc, NULL, data);

 * Add a callback to a window event with a closure callback.
 * Parameters:
 *       window: Window handle of signal to be called back.
 *       signame: A string pointer identifying which signal to be hooked.
 *       sigfunc: The pointer to the function to be used as the callback.
 *       discfunc: The pointer to the function called when this handler is removed.
 *       data: User data to be passed to the handler function.
void API dw_signal_connect_data(HWND window, const char *signame, void *sigfunc, void *discfunc, void *data)
    ULONG message = 0, msgid = 0;

    /* Handle special case of application delete signal */
    if(!window && signame && strcmp(signame, DW_SIGNAL_DELETE) == 0)
        window = DWApp;

    if(window && signame && sigfunc)
        if((message = _dw_findsigmessage(signame)) != 0)
            _dw_new_signal(message, window, (int)msgid, sigfunc, discfunc, data);

 * Removes callbacks for a given window with given name.
 * Parameters:
 *       window: Window handle of callback to be removed.
void API dw_signal_disconnect_by_name(HWND window, const char *signame)
    SignalHandler *prev = NULL, *tmp = DWRoot;
    ULONG message;

    if(!window || !signame || (message = _dw_findsigmessage(signame)) == 0)

        if(tmp->window == window && tmp->message == message)
            void (*discfunc)(HWND, void *) = tmp->discfunction;

                discfunc(tmp->window, tmp->data);

                prev->next = tmp->next;
                tmp = prev->next;
                DWRoot = tmp->next;
                tmp = DWRoot;
            prev = tmp;
            tmp = tmp->next;

 * Removes all callbacks for a given window.
 * Parameters:
 *       window: Window handle of callback to be removed.
void API dw_signal_disconnect_by_window(HWND window)
    SignalHandler *prev = NULL, *tmp = DWRoot;

        if(tmp->window == window)
            void (*discfunc)(HWND, void *) = tmp->discfunction;

                discfunc(tmp->window, tmp->data);

                prev->next = tmp->next;
                tmp = prev->next;
                DWRoot = tmp->next;
                tmp = DWRoot;
            prev = tmp;
            tmp = tmp->next;

 * Removes all callbacks for a given window with specified data.
 * Parameters:
 *       window: Window handle of callback to be removed.
 *       data: Pointer to the data to be compared against.
void API dw_signal_disconnect_by_data(HWND window, void *data)
    SignalHandler *prev = NULL, *tmp = DWRoot;

        if(tmp->window == window && tmp->data == data)
            void (*discfunc)(HWND, void *) = tmp->discfunction;

                discfunc(tmp->window, tmp->data);

                prev->next = tmp->next;
                tmp = prev->next;
                DWRoot = tmp->next;
                tmp = DWRoot;
            prev = tmp;
            tmp = tmp->next;

void _dw_my_strlwr(char *buf)
   int z, len = (int)strlen(buf);

      if(buf[z] >= 'A' && buf[z] <= 'Z')
         buf[z] -= 'A' - 'a';

/* Open a shared library and return a handle.
 * Parameters:
 *         name: Base name of the shared library.
 *         handle: Pointer to a module handle,
 *                 will be filled in with the handle.
int dw_module_load(const char *name, HMOD *handle)
   int len;
   char *newname;
   char errorbuf[1025];

      return -1;

   if((len = (int)strlen(name)) == 0)
      return   -1;

   /* Lenth + "lib" + ".dylib" + NULL */
   newname = malloc(len + 10);

      return -1;

   sprintf(newname, "lib%s.dylib", name);

   *handle = dlopen(newname, RTLD_NOW);
   if(*handle == NULL)
      strncpy(errorbuf, dlerror(), 1024);
      printf("%s\n", errorbuf);
      sprintf(newname, "lib%s.dylib", name);
      *handle = dlopen(newname, RTLD_NOW);


   return (NULL == *handle) ? -1 : 0;

/* Queries the address of a symbol within open handle.
 * Parameters:
 *         handle: Module handle returned by dw_module_load()
 *         name: Name of the symbol you want the address of.
 *         func: A pointer to a function pointer, to obtain
 *               the address.
int dw_module_symbol(HMOD handle, const char *name, void**func)
   if(!func || !name)
      return   -1;

   if(strlen(name) == 0)
      return   -1;

   *func = (void*)dlsym(handle, name);
   return   (NULL == *func);

/* Frees the shared library previously opened.
 * Parameters:
 *         handle: Module handle returned by dw_module_load()
int dw_module_close(HMOD handle)
      return dlclose(handle);
   return 0;

 * Returns the handle to an unnamed mutex semaphore.
HMTX dw_mutex_new(void)
    HMTX mutex = malloc(sizeof(pthread_mutex_t));

    pthread_mutex_init(mutex, NULL);
    return mutex;

 * Closes a semaphore created by dw_mutex_new().
 * Parameters:
 *       mutex: The handle to the mutex returned by dw_mutex_new().
void dw_mutex_close(HMTX mutex)

 * Tries to gain access to the semaphore, if it can't it blocks.
 * Parameters:
 *       mutex: The handle to the mutex returned by dw_mutex_new().
void dw_mutex_lock(HMTX mutex)
    /* We need to handle locks from the main thread differently...
     * since we can't stop message processing... otherwise we
     * will deadlock... so try to acquire the lock and continue
     * processing messages in between tries.
    if(DWThread == pthread_self())
        while(pthread_mutex_trylock(mutex) != 0)
            /* Process any pending events */
            while(_dw_main_iteration([NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:0.01]))
                /* Just loop */

 * Tries to gain access to the semaphore.
 * Parameters:
 *       mutex: The handle to the mutex returned by dw_mutex_new().
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE on success, DW_ERROR_TIMEOUT if it is already locked.
int API dw_mutex_trylock(HMTX mutex)
    if(pthread_mutex_trylock(mutex) == 0)
        return DW_ERROR_NONE;
    return DW_ERROR_TIMEOUT;

 * Reliquishes the access to the semaphore.
 * Parameters:
 *       mutex: The handle to the mutex returned by dw_mutex_new().
void dw_mutex_unlock(HMTX mutex)

 * Returns the handle to an unnamed event semaphore.
HEV dw_event_new(void)
   HEV eve = (HEV)malloc(sizeof(struct _dw_unix_event));

      return NULL;

   /* We need to be careful here, mutexes on Linux are
    * FAST by default but are error checking on other
    * systems such as FreeBSD and OS/2, perhaps others.
   pthread_mutex_init (&(eve->mutex), NULL);
   pthread_mutex_lock (&(eve->mutex));
   pthread_cond_init (&(eve->event), NULL);

   pthread_mutex_unlock (&(eve->mutex));
   eve->alive = 1;
   eve->posted = 0;

   return eve;

 * Resets a semaphore created by dw_event_new().
 * Parameters:
 *       eve: The handle to the event returned by dw_event_new().
int dw_event_reset (HEV eve)
      return DW_ERROR_NON_INIT;

   pthread_mutex_lock (&(eve->mutex));
   pthread_cond_broadcast (&(eve->event));
   pthread_cond_init (&(eve->event), NULL);
   eve->posted = 0;
   pthread_mutex_unlock (&(eve->mutex));
   return DW_ERROR_NONE;

 * Posts a semaphore created by dw_event_new(). Causing all threads
 * waiting on this event in dw_event_wait to continue.
 * Parameters:
 *       eve: The handle to the event returned by dw_event_new().
int dw_event_post (HEV eve)
      return FALSE;

   pthread_mutex_lock (&(eve->mutex));
   pthread_cond_broadcast (&(eve->event));
   eve->posted = 1;
   pthread_mutex_unlock (&(eve->mutex));
   return 0;

 * Waits on a semaphore created by dw_event_new(), until the
 * event gets posted or until the timeout expires.
 * Parameters:
 *       eve: The handle to the event returned by dw_event_new().
int dw_event_wait(HEV eve, unsigned long timeout)
    int rc;

        return DW_ERROR_NON_INIT;

    pthread_mutex_lock (&(eve->mutex));

        pthread_mutex_unlock (&(eve->mutex));
        return DW_ERROR_NONE;

    if(timeout != -1)
        struct timeval now;
        struct timespec timeo;

        gettimeofday(&now, 0);
        timeo.tv_sec = now.tv_sec + (timeout / 1000);
        timeo.tv_nsec = now.tv_usec * 1000;
        rc = pthread_cond_timedwait(&(eve->event), &(eve->mutex), &timeo);
        rc = pthread_cond_wait(&(eve->event), &(eve->mutex));
    pthread_mutex_unlock (&(eve->mutex));
        return DW_ERROR_NONE;
    if(rc == ETIMEDOUT)
        return DW_ERROR_TIMEOUT;
    return DW_ERROR_GENERAL;

 * Closes a semaphore created by dw_event_new().
 * Parameters:
 *       eve: The handle to the event returned by dw_event_new().
int dw_event_close(HEV *eve)
   if(!eve || !(*eve))
      return DW_ERROR_NON_INIT;

   pthread_mutex_lock (&((*eve)->mutex));
   pthread_cond_destroy (&((*eve)->event));
   pthread_mutex_unlock (&((*eve)->mutex));
   pthread_mutex_destroy (&((*eve)->mutex));
   *eve = NULL;

   return DW_ERROR_NONE;

struct _seminfo {
   int fd;
   int waiting;

static void _dw_handle_sem(int *tmpsock)
   fd_set rd;
   struct _seminfo *array = (struct _seminfo *)malloc(sizeof(struct _seminfo));
   int listenfd = tmpsock[0];
   int bytesread, connectcount = 1, maxfd, z, posted = 0;
   char command;
   sigset_t mask;

   sigfillset(&mask); /* Mask all allowed signals */
   pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &mask, NULL);

   /* problems */
   if(tmpsock[1] == -1)

   array[0].fd = tmpsock[1];
   array[0].waiting = 0;

   /* Free the memory allocated in dw_named_event_new. */

      FD_SET(listenfd, &rd);

      maxfd = listenfd;

      /* Added any connections to the named event semaphore */
         if(array[z].fd > maxfd)
            maxfd = array[z].fd;

         FD_SET(array[z].fd, &rd);

      if(select(maxfd+1, &rd, NULL, NULL, NULL) == -1)

      if(FD_ISSET(listenfd, &rd))
         struct _seminfo *newarray;
            int newfd = accept(listenfd, 0, 0);

         if(newfd > -1)
            /* Add new connections to the set */
            newarray = (struct _seminfo *)malloc(sizeof(struct _seminfo)*(connectcount+1));
            memcpy(newarray, array, sizeof(struct _seminfo)*(connectcount));

            newarray[connectcount].fd = newfd;
            newarray[connectcount].waiting = 0;


            /* Replace old array with new one */
            array = newarray;

      /* Handle any events posted to the semaphore */
         if(FD_ISSET(array[z].fd, &rd))
            if((bytesread = (int)read(array[z].fd, &command, 1)) < 1)
               struct _seminfo *newarray = NULL;

               /* Remove this connection from the set */
               if(connectcount > 1)
                   newarray = (struct _seminfo *)malloc(sizeof(struct _seminfo)*(connectcount-1));
                       memcpy(newarray, &array[1], sizeof(struct _seminfo)*(connectcount-1));
                       memcpy(newarray, array, sizeof(struct _seminfo)*z);
                           memcpy(&newarray[z], &array[z+1], sizeof(struct _seminfo)*(z-connectcount-1));

               /* Replace old array with new one */
               array = newarray;
            else if(bytesread == 1)
               case 0:
                  /* Reset */
                  posted = 0;
               case 1:
                  /* Post */
                     int s;
                     char tmp = (char)0;

                     posted = 1;

                        /* The semaphore has been posted so
                         * we tell all the waiting threads to
                         * continue.
                           write(array[s].fd, &tmp, 1);
               case 2:
                  /* Wait */
                     char tmp = (char)0;

                     array[z].waiting = 1;

                     /* If we are posted exit immeditately */
                        write(array[z].fd, &tmp, 1);
               case 3:
                     /* Done Waiting */
                     array[z].waiting = 0;

/* Using domain sockets on unix for IPC */
/* Create a named event semaphore which can be
 * opened from other processes.
 * Parameters:
 *         eve: Pointer to an event handle to receive handle.
 *         name: Name given to semaphore which can be opened
 *               by other processes.
HEV dw_named_event_new(const char *name)
    struct sockaddr_un un;
    int ev, *tmpsock = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*2);
    HEV eve;
    DWTID dwthread;

        return NULL;

    eve = (HEV)malloc(sizeof(struct _dw_unix_event));

        return NULL;

    tmpsock[0] = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
    ev = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
    memset(&un, 0, sizeof(un));
    mkdir("/tmp/.dw", S_IWGRP|S_IWOTH);
    strcpy(un.sun_path, "/tmp/.dw/");
    strcat(un.sun_path, name);

    /* just to be safe, this should be changed
     * to support multiple instances.

    bind(tmpsock[0], (struct sockaddr *)&un, sizeof(un));
    listen(tmpsock[0], 0);
    connect(ev, (struct sockaddr *)&un, sizeof(un));
    tmpsock[1] = accept(tmpsock[0], 0, 0);

    if(tmpsock[0] < 0 || tmpsock[1] < 0 || ev < 0)
        if(tmpsock[0] > -1)
        if(tmpsock[1] > -1)
        if(ev > -1)
        return NULL;

    /* Create a thread to handle this event semaphore */
    pthread_create(&dwthread, NULL, (void *)_dw_handle_sem, (void *)tmpsock);
    eve->alive = ev;
    return eve;

/* Open an already existing named event semaphore.
 * Parameters:
 *         eve: Pointer to an event handle to receive handle.
 *         name: Name given to semaphore which can be opened
 *               by other processes.
HEV dw_named_event_get(const char *name)
    struct sockaddr_un un;
    HEV eve;
    int ev = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
    if(ev < 0)
        return NULL;

    eve = (HEV)malloc(sizeof(struct _dw_unix_event));

        return NULL;

    mkdir("/tmp/.dw", S_IWGRP|S_IWOTH);
    strcpy(un.sun_path, "/tmp/.dw/");
    strcat(un.sun_path, name);
    connect(ev, (struct sockaddr *)&un, sizeof(un));
    eve->alive = ev;
    return eve;

/* Resets the event semaphore so threads who call wait
 * on this semaphore will block.
 * Parameters:
 *         eve: Handle to the semaphore obtained by
 *              an open or create call.
int dw_named_event_reset(HEV eve)
   /* signal reset */
   char tmp = (char)0;

   if(!eve || eve->alive < 0)
      return 0;

   if(write(eve->alive, &tmp, 1) == 1)
      return 0;
   return 1;

/* Sets the posted state of an event semaphore, any threads
 * waiting on the semaphore will no longer block.
 * Parameters:
 *         eve: Handle to the semaphore obtained by
 *              an open or create call.
int dw_named_event_post(HEV eve)

   /* signal post */
   char tmp = (char)1;

   if(!eve || eve->alive < 0)
      return 0;

   if(write(eve->alive, &tmp, 1) == 1)
      return 0;
   return 1;

/* Waits on the specified semaphore until it becomes
 * posted, or returns immediately if it already is posted.
 * Parameters:
 *         eve: Handle to the semaphore obtained by
 *              an open or create call.
 *         timeout: Number of milliseconds before timing out
 *                  or -1 if indefinite.
int dw_named_event_wait(HEV eve, unsigned long timeout)
   fd_set rd;
   struct timeval tv, *useme = NULL;
   int retval = 0;
   char tmp;

   if(!eve || eve->alive < 0)
      return DW_ERROR_NON_INIT;

   /* Set the timout or infinite */
   if(timeout != -1)
      tv.tv_sec = timeout / 1000;
      tv.tv_usec = (int)timeout % 1000;

      useme = &tv;

   FD_SET(eve->alive, &rd);

   /* Signal wait */
   tmp = (char)2;
   write(eve->alive, &tmp, 1);

   retval = select(eve->alive+1, &rd, NULL, NULL, useme);

   /* Signal done waiting. */
   tmp = (char)3;
   write(eve->alive, &tmp, 1);

   if(retval == 0)
      return DW_ERROR_TIMEOUT;
   else if(retval == -1)
      return DW_ERROR_INTERRUPT;

   /* Clear the entry from the pipe so
    * we don't loop endlessly. :)
   read(eve->alive, &tmp, 1);
   return 0;

/* Release this semaphore, if there are no more open
 * handles on this semaphore the semaphore will be destroyed.
 * Parameters:
 *         eve: Handle to the semaphore obtained by
 *              an open or create call.
int dw_named_event_close(HEV eve)
   /* Finally close the domain socket,
    * cleanup will continue in _dw_handle_sem.
    return 0;

/* Mac specific function to cause garbage collection */
void _dw_pool_drain(void)
    NSAutoreleasePool *pool = pthread_getspecific(_dw_pool_key);
    [pool drain];
    pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
    pthread_setspecific(_dw_pool_key, pool);

 * Generally an internal function called from a newly created
 * thread to setup the Dynamic Windows environment for the thread.
 * However it is exported so language bindings can call it when
 * they create threads that require access to Dynamic Windows.
void API _dw_init_thread(void)
    /* If we aren't using garbage collection we need autorelease pools */
    NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
    pthread_setspecific(_dw_pool_key, pool);

 * Generally an internal function called from a terminating
 * thread to cleanup the Dynamic Windows environment for the thread.
 * However it is exported so language bindings can call it when
 * they exit threads that require access to Dynamic Windows.
void API _dw_deinit_thread(void)
    UIColor *color;

    /* Release the pool when we are done so we don't leak */
    color = pthread_getspecific(_dw_fg_color_key);
    [color release];
    color = pthread_getspecific(_dw_bg_color_key);
    [color release];
    NSAutoreleasePool *pool = pthread_getspecific(_dw_pool_key);
    [pool drain];

 * Setup thread independent pools.
void _dwthreadstart(void *data)
    void (*threadfunc)(void *) = NULL;
    void **tmp = (void **)data;


    threadfunc = (void (*)(void *))tmp[0];

    /* Start our thread function */



 * Sets the default font used on text based widgets.
 * Parameters:
 *           fontname: Font name in Dynamic Windows format.
void API dw_font_set_default(const char *fontname)
    UIFont *oldfont = DWDefaultFont;
    DWDefaultFont = nil;
        DWDefaultFont = _dw_font_by_name(fontname);
        [DWDefaultFont retain];
    [oldfont release];

/* Thread start stub to launch our main */
void _dw_main_launch(void **data)
    int (*_dwmain)(int argc, char **argv) = (int (*)(int, char **))data[0];
    int argc = DW_POINTER_TO_INT(data[1]);
    char **argv = (char **)data[2];

    _dwmain(argc, argv);

/* The iOS main thread... all this does is handle messages */
void _dw_main_thread(int argc, char *argv[])
    DWMainEvent = dw_event_new();
    /* We wait for the dw_init() in the user's main function */
    dw_event_wait(DWMainEvent, DW_TIMEOUT_INFINITE);
    DWThread = dw_thread_id();
    DWObj = [[DWObject alloc] init];
    /* Create object for handling timers */
    DWHandler = [[DWTimerHandler alloc] init];
    UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, NSStringFromClass([DWAppDel class]));
    /* Shouldn't get here, but ... just in case */
    DWThread = (DWTID)-1;

/* If DWApp is uninitialized, initialize it */
void _dw_app_init(void)
    /* The UIApplication singleton won't be created until we call
     * UIApplicationMain() which blocks indefinitely.. so we have
     * a thread to just run UIApplicationMain() .. and wait until
     * we get a non-nil sharedApplication result.
        static int posted = FALSE;

        if(DWMainEvent && !posted)
            /* Post the DWMainEvent so the main thread
             * will call UIApplicationMain() creating
             * the UIApplication sharedApplication.
            posted = TRUE;
        DWApp = [UIApplication sharedApplication];
    [DWObj performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(delayedInit:) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:YES];

 * Initializes the Dynamic Windows engine.
 * Parameters:
 *           newthread: True if this is the only thread.
 *                      False if there is already a message loop running.
int API dw_init(int newthread, int argc, char *argv[])
    char *lang = getenv("LANG");

    /* Correct the startup path if run from a bundle */
    if(argc > 0 && argv[0])
        char *pathcopy = strdup(argv[0]);
        char *app = strstr(pathcopy, ".app/");
        char *binname = strrchr(pathcopy, '/');

        if(binname && (binname++) && !_dw_app_id[0])
            /* If we have a binary name, use that for the Application ID instead. */
            snprintf(_dw_app_id, _DW_APP_ID_SIZE, "%s.%s", DW_APP_DOMAIN_DEFAULT, binname);
            char pathbuf[PATH_MAX+1] = { 0 };
            size_t len = (size_t)(app - pathcopy);

            if(len > 0)
                strncpy(_dw_bundle_path, pathcopy, len + 4);
            *app = 0;

            getcwd(pathbuf, PATH_MAX);

            /* If run from a bundle the path seems to be / */
            if(strcmp(pathbuf, "/") == 0)
                char *pos = strrchr(pathcopy, '/');

                    strncpy(pathbuf, pathcopy, (size_t)(pos - pathcopy));

    /* Just in case we can't obtain a path */
        getcwd(_dw_bundle_path, PATH_MAX);

    /* Get the operating system version */
    NSString *version = [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] operatingSystemVersionString];
    const char *versionstr = [version UTF8String];
    sscanf(versionstr, "Version %d.%d.%d", &DWOSMajor, &DWOSMinor, &DWOSBuild);
    /* Set the locale... if it is UTF-8 pass it
     * directly, otherwise specify UTF-8 explicitly.
    setlocale(LC_ALL, lang && strstr(lang, ".UTF-8") ? lang : "UTF-8");
    /* Create the application object */
    pthread_key_create(&_dw_pool_key, NULL);
    NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
    pthread_setspecific(_dw_pool_key, pool);
    pthread_key_create(&_dw_fg_color_key, NULL);
    pthread_key_create(&_dw_bg_color_key, NULL);
    DWDefaultFont = nil;
    if (@available(iOS 10.0, *))
        if([[NSBundle mainBundle] bundleIdentifier] != nil)
            UNUserNotificationCenter *center = [UNUserNotificationCenter currentNotificationCenter];
                [center requestAuthorizationWithOptions:UNAuthorizationOptionAlert|UNAuthorizationOptionSound
                        completionHandler:^(BOOL granted, NSError * _Nullable error) {
                            if (granted)
                                center.delegate = [[DWUserNotificationCenterDelegate alloc] init];
                                NSLog(@"WARNING: Unable to get notification permission. %@", error.localizedDescription);
    _DWDirtyDrawables = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
    /* Use NSThread to start a dummy thread to initialize the threading subsystem */
    NSThread *thread = [[ NSThread alloc] initWithTarget:DWObj selector:@selector(uselessThread:) object:nil];
    [thread start];
    [thread release];
        /* Generate an Application ID based on the PID if all else fails. */
        snprintf(_dw_app_id, _DW_APP_ID_SIZE, "", DW_APP_DOMAIN_DEFAULT, getpid());
    return DW_ERROR_NONE;

 * Allocates a shared memory region with a name.
 * Parameters:
 *         handle: A pointer to receive a SHM identifier.
 *         dest: A pointer to a pointer to receive the memory address.
 *         size: Size in bytes of the shared memory region to allocate.
 *         name: A string pointer to a unique memory name.
HSHM dw_named_memory_new(void **dest, int size, const char *name)
   char namebuf[1025] = {0};
   struct _dw_unix_shm *handle = malloc(sizeof(struct _dw_unix_shm));

   mkdir("/tmp/.dw", S_IWGRP|S_IWOTH);
   snprintf(namebuf, 1024, "/tmp/.dw/%s", name);

   if((handle->fd = open(namebuf, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR)) < 0)
      return NULL;

   ftruncate(handle->fd, size);

   /* attach the shared memory segment to our process's address space. */
   *dest = mmap(NULL, size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, handle->fd, 0);

   if(*dest == MAP_FAILED)
      *dest = NULL;
      return NULL;

   handle->size = size;
   handle->sid = getsid(0);
   handle->path = strdup(namebuf);

   return handle;

 * Aquires shared memory region with a name.
 * Parameters:
 *         dest: A pointer to a pointer to receive the memory address.
 *         size: Size in bytes of the shared memory region to requested.
 *         name: A string pointer to a unique memory name.
HSHM dw_named_memory_get(void **dest, int size, const char *name)
   char namebuf[1025];
   struct _dw_unix_shm *handle = malloc(sizeof(struct _dw_unix_shm));

   mkdir("/tmp/.dw", S_IWGRP|S_IWOTH);
   snprintf(namebuf, 1024, "/tmp/.dw/%s", name);

   if((handle->fd = open(namebuf, O_RDWR)) < 0)
      return NULL;

   /* attach the shared memory segment to our process's address space. */
   *dest = mmap(NULL, size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, handle->fd, 0);

   if(*dest == MAP_FAILED)
      *dest = NULL;
      return NULL;

   handle->size = size;
   handle->sid = -1;
   handle->path = NULL;

   return handle;

 * Frees a shared memory region previously allocated.
 * Parameters:
 *         handle: Handle obtained from DB_named_memory_allocate.
 *         ptr: The memory address aquired with DB_named_memory_allocate.
int dw_named_memory_free(HSHM handle, void *ptr)
   struct _dw_unix_shm *h = handle;
   int rc = munmap(ptr, h->size);

      /* Only remove the actual file if we are the
       * creator of the file.
      if(h->sid != -1 && h->sid == getsid(0))
   return rc;

 * Creates a new thread with a starting point of func.
 * Parameters:
 *       func: Function which will be run in the new thread.
 *       data: Parameter(s) passed to the function.
 *       stack: Stack size of new thread (OS/2 and Windows only).
DWTID dw_thread_new(void *func, void *data, int stack)
    DWTID thread;
    void **tmp = malloc(sizeof(void *) * 2);
    int rc;

   tmp[0] = func;
   tmp[1] = data;

   rc = pthread_create(&thread, NULL, (void *)_dwthreadstart, (void *)tmp);
   if(rc == 0)
      return thread;
   return (DWTID)-1;

 * Ends execution of current thread immediately.
void dw_thread_end(void)

 * Returns the current thread's ID.
DWTID dw_thread_id(void)
   return (DWTID)pthread_self();

 * Execute and external program in a seperate session.
 * Parameters:
 *       program: Program name with optional path.
 *       type: Either DW_EXEC_CON or DW_EXEC_GUI.
 *       params: An array of pointers to string arguements.
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN (-1) on error.
int dw_exec(const char *program, int type, char **params)
    int ret = DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN;

#if 0 /* TODO: Figure out how to do this on iOS */
    if(type == DW_EXEC_GUI)
        NSString *nsprogram = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:program];
        NSWorkspace *ws = [NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace];

        if(params && params[0] && params[1])
            NSURL *url = _dw_url_from_program(nsprogram, ws);
            NSMutableArray *array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
            __block DWDialog *dialog = dw_dialog_new(NULL);
            int z = 1;

                NSString *thisfile = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:params[z]];
                NSURL *nsfile = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:thisfile];

                [array addObject:nsfile];

            [ws openURLs:array withApplicationAtURL:url
                                      configuration:[NSWorkspaceOpenConfiguration configuration]
                                  completionHandler:^(NSRunningApplication *app, NSError *error) {
                int pid = DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN;

                    NSLog(@"openURLs: %@", [error localizedDescription]);
                    pid = [app processIdentifier];
                dw_dialog_dismiss(dialog, DW_INT_TO_POINTER(pid));
            ret = DW_POINTER_TO_INT(dw_dialog_wait(dialog));
            NSURL *url = _dw_url_from_program(nsprogram, ws);
            __block DWDialog *dialog = dw_dialog_new(NULL);

            [ws openApplicationAtURL:url
                       configuration:[NSWorkspaceOpenConfiguration configuration]
                   completionHandler:^(NSRunningApplication *app, NSError *error) {
                int pid = DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN;

                    NSLog(@"openApplicationAtURL: %@", [error localizedDescription]);
                    pid = [app processIdentifier];
                dw_dialog_dismiss(dialog, DW_INT_TO_POINTER(pid));
            ret = DW_POINTER_TO_INT(dw_dialog_wait(dialog));
    return ret;

 * Loads a web browser pointed at the given URL.
 * Parameters:
 *       url: Uniform resource locator.
int dw_browse(const char *url)
    NSURL *myurl = [NSURL URLWithString:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:url]];
    [DWApp openURL:myurl options:@{}
           completionHandler:^(BOOL success) {}];
    return DW_ERROR_NONE;

 * Creates a new print object.
 * Parameters:
 *       jobname: Name of the print job to show in the queue.
 *       flags: Flags to initially configure the print object.
 *       pages: Number of pages to print.
 *       drawfunc: The pointer to the function to be used as the callback.
 *       drawdata: User data to be passed to the handler function.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to the print object or NULL on failure.
HPRINT API dw_print_new(const char *jobname, unsigned long flags, unsigned int pages, void *drawfunc, void *drawdata)
    return NULL;

 * Runs the print job, causing the draw page callbacks to fire.
 * Parameters:
 *       print: Handle to the print object returned by dw_print_new().
 *       flags: Flags to run the print job.
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN on error or DW_ERROR_NONE on success.
int API dw_print_run(HPRINT print, unsigned long flags)
    return DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN;

 * Cancels the print job, typically called from a draw page callback.
 * Parameters:
 *       print: Handle to the print object returned by dw_print_new().
void API dw_print_cancel(HPRINT print)

 * Converts a UTF-8 encoded string into a wide string.
 * Parameters:
 *       utf8string: UTF-8 encoded source string.
 * Returns:
 *       Wide string that needs to be freed with dw_free()
 *       or NULL on failure.
wchar_t * API dw_utf8_to_wchar(const char *utf8string)
    size_t buflen = strlen(utf8string) + 1;
    wchar_t *temp = malloc(buflen * sizeof(wchar_t));
        mbstowcs(temp, utf8string, buflen);
    return temp;

 * Converts a wide string into a UTF-8 encoded string.
 * Parameters:
 *       wstring: Wide source string.
 * Returns:
 *       UTF-8 encoded string that needs to be freed with dw_free()
 *       or NULL on failure.
char * API dw_wchar_to_utf8(const wchar_t *wstring)
    size_t bufflen = 8 * wcslen(wstring) + 1;
    char *temp = malloc(bufflen);
        wcstombs(temp, wstring, bufflen);
    return temp;

 * Gets the state of the requested library feature.
 * Parameters:
 *       feature: The requested feature for example DW_FEATURE_DARK_MODE
 * Returns:
 *       DW_FEATURE_UNSUPPORTED if the library or OS does not support the feature.
 *       DW_FEATURE_DISABLED if the feature is supported but disabled.
 *       DW_FEATURE_ENABLED if the feature is supported and enabled.
 *       Other value greater than 1, same as enabled but with extra info.
int API dw_feature_get(DWFEATURE feature)
        case DW_FEATURE_HTML:
            return DW_FEATURE_ENABLED;
        case DW_FEATURE_DARK_MODE:
                NSMutableArray *array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
                int retval = DW_FEATURE_UNSUPPORTED;
                NSNumber *number;

                [DWObj safeCall:@selector(getUserInterfaceStyle:) withObject:array];
                number = [array lastObject];
                    retval = [number intValue];
                return retval;
            return _dw_dark_mode_state;
            return DW_FEATURE_UNSUPPORTED;

 * Sets the state of the requested library feature.
 * Parameters:
 *       feature: The requested feature for example DW_FEATURE_DARK_MODE
 *       state: DW_FEATURE_DISABLED, DW_FEATURE_ENABLED or any value greater than 1.
 * Returns:
 *       DW_FEATURE_UNSUPPORTED if the library or OS does not support the feature.
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE if the feature is supported and successfully configured.
 *       DW_ERROR_GENERAL if the feature is supported but could not be configured.
 * Remarks: 
 *       These settings are typically used during dw_init() so issue before 
 *       setting up the library with dw_init().
int API dw_feature_set(DWFEATURE feature, int state)
        /* These features are supported but not configurable */
        case DW_FEATURE_HTML:
            return DW_ERROR_GENERAL;
        case DW_FEATURE_DARK_MODE:
            /* Make sure DWObj is initialized */
                /* Disabled forces the non-dark aqua theme */
                if(state == DW_FEATURE_DISABLED)
                    [DWObj safeCall:@selector(setUserInterfaceStyle:) withObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:UIUserInterfaceStyleLight]];
                /* Enabled lets the OS decide the mode */
                else if(state == DW_FEATURE_ENABLED || state == DW_DARK_MODE_FULL)
                    [DWObj safeCall:@selector(setUserInterfaceStyle:) withObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:UIUserInterfaceStyleUnspecified]];
                /* 2 forces dark mode aqua appearance */
                else if(state == DW_DARK_MODE_FORCED)
                    [DWObj safeCall:@selector(setUserInterfaceStyle:) withObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:UIUserInterfaceStyleDark]];
            else /* Save the requested state for dw_init() */
                _dw_dark_mode_state = state;
            return DW_FEATURE_UNSUPPORTED;