view dw.hpp @ 2941:7a057db0bd36

C++: Fix Container signals on GTK by moving the signal setup... from the constructor to the Setup() function. Be sure to pack the Container or Filesystem widget before calling Setup().
author bsmith@81767d24-ef19-dc11-ae90-00e081727c95
date Sun, 01 Jan 2023 05:50:08 +0000
parents 60e90b783cb1
children edb4307ac7ce
line wrap: on
line source

// Dynamic Windows C++ Language Bindings 
// Copyright 2022 Brian Smith
// Recommends a C++11 compatible compiler.

#ifndef _HPP_DW
#define _HPP_DW
#include <dw.h>
#include <string.h>

// Attempt to support compilers without nullptr type literal
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L 
#define DW_CPP11
#define DW_NULL nullptr
#define DW_NULL NULL

// Support Lambdas on C++11, Visual C 2015 or GCC 4.5
#if defined(DW_CPP11) || (defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1900) || \
    (defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ > 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ > 4)))
#define DW_LAMBDA
#include <functional>

// Attempt to allow compilation on GCC older than 4.7
#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNuC__ < 5 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ < 7))
#define override
#define final

// Attempt to allow compilation on MSVC older than 2012
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1700
#define final

namespace DW 

#define THREAD_STACK 10000

// Forward declare these so they can be referenced
class Render;
class Pixmap;
class MenuItem;
class Window;

// Base handle class which allows opaque access to 
// The base system handles
class Handle 
    void *handle;
    void SetHandle(void *newhandle) { handle = newhandle; }
    void *GetHandle() { return handle; }

// Widget class allows packing and style
class Widget : public Handle
    void SetHWND(HWND newhwnd) { 
        hwnd = newhwnd; 
        SetHandle(reinterpret_cast<void *>(newhwnd));
        // Save the C++ class pointer in the window data for later
        dw_window_set_data(hwnd, "_dw_classptr", this);
    HWND hwnd; 
    HWND GetHWND() { return hwnd; }
    int Destroy() { int retval = dw_window_destroy(hwnd); delete this; return retval; }
    Widget *FromID(int id) { 
        HWND child = dw_window_from_id(hwnd, id);
        if(child) {
            return reinterpret_cast<Widget *>(dw_window_get_data(child, "_dw_classptr"));
        return DW_NULL;
    void GetPreferredSize(int *width, int *height) { dw_window_get_preferred_size(hwnd, width, height); }
    int SetColor(unsigned long fore, unsigned long back) { return dw_window_set_color(hwnd, fore, back); }
    void SetData(const char *dataname, void *data) { dw_window_set_data(hwnd, dataname, data); }
    void *GetData(const char *dataname) { return dw_window_get_data(hwnd, dataname); }
    void SetPointer(int cursortype) { dw_window_set_pointer(hwnd, cursortype); }
    void SetStyle(unsigned long flags, unsigned long mask) { dw_window_set_style(hwnd, flags, mask); }
    void SetStyle(unsigned long flags) { dw_window_set_style(hwnd, flags, flags); }
    void SetTooltip(const char *bubbletext) { dw_window_set_tooltip(hwnd, bubbletext); }
    int Unpack() { return dw_box_unpack(hwnd); }

// Box class is a packable object
class Boxes : virtual public Widget
    // User functions
    void PackStart(Widget *item, int width, int height, int hsize, int vsize, int pad) { 
        dw_box_pack_start(hwnd, item ? item->GetHWND() : DW_NOHWND, width, height, hsize, vsize, pad); }
    void PackStart(Widget *item, int hsize, int vsize, int pad) { 
        dw_box_pack_start(hwnd, item ? item->GetHWND() : DW_NOHWND, DW_SIZE_AUTO, DW_SIZE_AUTO, hsize, vsize, pad); }
    void PackEnd(Widget *item, int width, int height, int hsize, int vsize, int pad) { 
        dw_box_pack_end(hwnd, item ? item->GetHWND() : DW_NOHWND, width, height, hsize, vsize, pad); }
    void PackEnd(Widget *item, int hsize, int vsize, int pad) { 
        dw_box_pack_end(hwnd, item ? item->GetHWND() : DW_NOHWND, DW_SIZE_AUTO, DW_SIZE_AUTO, hsize, vsize, pad); }
    void PackAtIndex(Widget *item, int index, int width, int height, int hsize, int vsize, int pad) { 
        dw_box_pack_at_index(hwnd, item ? item->GetHWND() : DW_NOHWND, index, width, height, hsize, vsize, pad); }
    void PackAtIndex(Widget *item, int index, int hsize, int vsize, int pad) { 
        dw_box_pack_at_index(hwnd, item ? item->GetHWND() : DW_NOHWND, index, DW_SIZE_AUTO, DW_SIZE_AUTO, hsize, vsize, pad); }
    Widget *UnpackAtIndex(int index) { HWND widget = dw_box_unpack_at_index(hwnd, index);
        void *classptr = widget ? dw_window_get_data(widget, "_dw_classptr") : DW_NULL;
        return reinterpret_cast<Widget *>(classptr);

class Box : public Boxes
    // Constructors
    Box(int type, int pad) { SetHWND(dw_box_new(type, pad)); }
    Box(int type) { SetHWND(dw_box_new(type, 0)); }

// Special scrollable box
class ScrollBox : public Boxes
    // Constructors
    ScrollBox(int type, int pad) { SetHWND(dw_scrollbox_new(type, pad)); }
    ScrollBox(int type) { SetHWND(dw_scrollbox_new(type, 0)); }

    // User functions
    int GetRange(int orient) { return dw_scrollbox_get_range(hwnd, orient); }
    int GetPos(int orient) { return dw_scrollbox_get_pos(hwnd, orient); }

// TODO: Find a way to implement this cross platform...
// That way we can skip adding unused signal handlers
#define IsOverridden(a, b) true

// Base class for several types of widgets including buttons and menu items
class Clickable : virtual public Widget
    bool ClickedConnected;
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
    std::function<int()> _ConnectClicked;
    int (*_ConnectClickedOld)(Clickable *);
    static int _OnClicked(HWND window, void *data) {
        Clickable *classptr = reinterpret_cast<Clickable *>(data);
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
            return classptr->_ConnectClicked();
            return classptr->_ConnectClickedOld(classptr);
        return classptr->OnClicked(); }
    virtual ~Clickable() {}
    void Setup() {
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
        _ConnectClicked = 0;
        _ConnectClickedOld = 0;
        if(IsOverridden(Clickable::OnClicked, this)) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_CLICKED, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnClicked), this);
            ClickedConnected = true;
        else {
            ClickedConnected = false;
    // Our signal handler functions to be overriden...
    // If they are not overridden and an event is generated, remove the unused handler
    virtual int OnClicked() {
        dw_signal_disconnect_by_name(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_CLICKED);
        ClickedConnected = false;
        return FALSE;
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
    void ConnectClicked(std::function<int()> userfunc)
        _ConnectClicked = userfunc;
        if(!ClickedConnected) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_CLICKED, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnClicked), this);
            ClickedConnected = true;
    void ConnectClicked(int (*userfunc)(Clickable *))
        _ConnectClickedOld = userfunc;
        if(!ClickedConnected) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_CLICKED, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnClicked), this);
            ClickedConnected = true;

class Menus : public Handle
    void SetHMENUI(HMENUI newmenu) { 
        menu = newmenu; 
        SetHandle(reinterpret_cast<void *>(newmenu));
    HMENUI menu; 
    // User functions
    HMENUI GetHMENUI() { return menu; }
    MenuItem *AppendItem(const char *title, unsigned long id, unsigned long flags, int end, int check, Menus *submenu);
    MenuItem *AppendItem(const char *title, unsigned long flags, int check, Menus *submenu);
    MenuItem *AppendItem(const char *title, unsigned long flags, int check);
    MenuItem *AppendItem(const char *title, Menus *submenu);
    MenuItem *AppendItem(const char *title);

class Menu : public Menus
    // Constructors
    Menu(unsigned long id) { SetHMENUI(dw_menu_new(id)); }
    Menu() { SetHMENUI(dw_menu_new(0)); }

    // User functions
    void Popup(Window *window, int x, int y);
    void Popup(Window *window);

class MenuBar : public Menus
    // Constructors
    MenuBar(HWND location) { SetHMENUI(dw_menubar_new(location)); }

class MenuItem : public Clickable
    // Constructors
    MenuItem(Menus *menu, const char *title, unsigned long id, unsigned long flags, int end, int check, Menus *submenu) { 
        SetHWND(dw_menu_append_item(menu->GetHMENUI(), title, id, flags, end, check, submenu ? submenu->GetHMENUI() : DW_NOMENU)); Setup();
    MenuItem(Menus *menu, const char *title, unsigned long flags, int check, Menus *submenu) { 
        SetHWND(dw_menu_append_item(menu->GetHMENUI(), title, DW_MENU_AUTO, flags, TRUE, check, submenu ? submenu->GetHMENUI() : DW_NOMENU)); Setup();
    MenuItem(Menus *menu, const char *title, unsigned long flags, int check) { 
        SetHWND(dw_menu_append_item(menu->GetHMENUI(), title, DW_MENU_AUTO, flags, TRUE, check, DW_NOMENU)); Setup();
    MenuItem(Menus *menu, const char *title, Menus *submenu) {
        SetHWND(dw_menu_append_item(menu->GetHMENUI(), title, DW_MENU_AUTO, 0, TRUE, FALSE, submenu ? submenu->GetHMENUI() : DW_NOMENU)); Setup();
    MenuItem(Menus *menu, const char *title) {
        SetHWND(dw_menu_append_item(menu->GetHMENUI(), title, DW_MENU_AUTO, 0, TRUE, FALSE, DW_NOMENU)); Setup();

    // User functions
    void SetState(unsigned long flags) { dw_window_set_style(hwnd, flags, flags); }

MenuItem *Menus::AppendItem(const char *title, unsigned long id, unsigned long flags, int end, int check, Menus *submenu) {
    return new MenuItem(this, title, id, flags, end, check, submenu);

MenuItem *Menus::AppendItem(const char *title, unsigned long flags, int check, Menus *submenu) {
    return new MenuItem(this, title, flags, check, submenu);

MenuItem *Menus::AppendItem(const char *title, unsigned long flags, int check) {
    return new MenuItem(this, title, flags, check);

MenuItem *Menus::AppendItem(const char *title, Menus *submenu) {
    return new MenuItem(this, title, submenu);
MenuItem *Menus::AppendItem(const char *title) {
    return new MenuItem(this, title);

// Top-level window class is packable
class Window : public Boxes
    bool DeleteConnected, ConfigureConnected;
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
    std::function<int()> _ConnectDelete;
    std::function<int(int, int)> _ConnectConfigure;
    int (*_ConnectDeleteOld)(Window *);
    int (*_ConnectConfigureOld)(Window *, int width, int height);
    void Setup() {
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
        _ConnectDelete = 0;
        _ConnectConfigure = 0;
        _ConnectDeleteOld = 0;
        _ConnectConfigureOld = 0;
        menu = DW_NULL;
        if(IsOverridden(Window::OnDelete, this)) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_DELETE, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnDelete), this);
            DeleteConnected = true;
        } else {
            DeleteConnected = false;
        if(IsOverridden(Window::OnConfigure, this)) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_CONFIGURE, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnConfigure), this);
            ConfigureConnected = true;
        } else {
            ConfigureConnected = false;
    static int _OnDelete(HWND window, void *data) {
        Window *classptr = reinterpret_cast<Window *>(data);
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
            return classptr->_ConnectDelete();
            return classptr->_ConnectDeleteOld(classptr);
        return classptr->OnDelete(); }
    static int _OnConfigure(HWND window, int width, int height, void *data) { 
        Window *classptr = reinterpret_cast<Window *>(data);
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
            return classptr->_ConnectConfigure(width, height);
            return classptr->_ConnectConfigureOld(classptr, width, height);
        return classptr->OnConfigure(width, height); }
    MenuBar *menu;
    // Constructors
    Window(HWND owner, const char *title, unsigned long style) { SetHWND(dw_window_new(owner, title, style)); Setup(); }
    Window(const char *title, unsigned long style) { SetHWND(dw_window_new(HWND_DESKTOP, title, style)); Setup(); }
    Window(unsigned long style) { SetHWND(dw_window_new(HWND_DESKTOP, "", style)); Setup(); }
    Window(const char *title) { SetHWND(dw_window_new(HWND_DESKTOP, title,  DW_FCF_SYSMENU | DW_FCF_TITLEBAR |
                        DW_FCF_TASKLIST | DW_FCF_SIZEBORDER | DW_FCF_MINMAX)); Setup(); }
    Window() { SetHWND(dw_window_new(HWND_DESKTOP, "", DW_FCF_SYSMENU | DW_FCF_TITLEBAR |
                        DW_FCF_TASKLIST | DW_FCF_SIZEBORDER | DW_FCF_MINMAX)); Setup(); }

    // User functions
    void SetText(const char *text) { dw_window_set_text(hwnd, text); }
    char *GetText() { return dw_window_get_text(hwnd); }
    void SetSize(unsigned long width, unsigned long height) { dw_window_set_size(hwnd, width, height); }
    int Show() { return dw_window_show(hwnd); }
    int Hide() { return dw_window_hide(hwnd); }
    void SetGravity(int horz, int vert) { dw_window_set_gravity(hwnd, horz, vert); }
    int Minimize() { return dw_window_minimize(hwnd); }
    int Raise() { return dw_window_raise(hwnd); }
    int Lower() { return dw_window_lower(hwnd); }
    void Redraw() { dw_window_redraw(hwnd); }
    void Default(Widget *defaultitem) { if(defaultitem) dw_window_default(hwnd, defaultitem->GetHWND()); }
    void ClickDefault(Widget *defaultitem) { if(defaultitem) dw_window_click_default(hwnd, defaultitem->GetHWND()); }
    void SetIcon(HICN icon) { dw_window_set_icon(hwnd, icon); }
    MenuBar *MenuBarNew() { if(!menu) menu = new MenuBar(hwnd); return menu; }
    void Popup(Menu *menu, int x, int y) {
        if(menu) {
            HMENUI pmenu = menu->GetHMENUI();

            dw_menu_popup(&pmenu, hwnd, x, y);
            delete menu; 
    void Popup(Menu *menu) {
        if(menu) {
            long x, y;
            HMENUI pmenu = menu->GetHMENUI();

            dw_pointer_query_pos(&x, &y);
            dw_menu_popup(&pmenu, hwnd, (int)x, (int)y);
            delete menu;
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
    void ConnectDelete(std::function<int()> userfunc)
        _ConnectDelete = userfunc;
        if(!DeleteConnected) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_DELETE, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnDelete), this);
            DeleteConnected = true;
        } else {
            DeleteConnected = false;
    void ConnectDelete(int (*userfunc)(Window *)) 
        _ConnectDeleteOld = userfunc;
        if(!DeleteConnected) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_DELETE, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnDelete), this);
            DeleteConnected = true;
        } else {
            DeleteConnected = false;
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
    void ConnectConfigure(std::function<int(int, int)> userfunc)
        _ConnectConfigure = userfunc;
        if(!ConfigureConnected) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_CONFIGURE, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnConfigure), this);
            ConfigureConnected = true;
        } else {
            ConfigureConnected = false;
    void ConnectConfigure(int (*userfunc)(Window *, int, int))
        _ConnectConfigureOld = userfunc;
        if(!ConfigureConnected) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_CONFIGURE, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnConfigure), this);
            ConfigureConnected = true;
        } else {
            ConfigureConnected = false;
    // Our signal handler functions to be overriden...
    // If they are not overridden and an event is generated, remove the unused handler
    virtual int OnDelete() {
        dw_signal_disconnect_by_name(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_DELETE);
        DeleteConnected = false;
        return FALSE;
    virtual int OnConfigure(int width, int height) {
        dw_signal_disconnect_by_name(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_CONFIGURE);
        ConfigureConnected = false;
        return FALSE;

void Menu::Popup(Window *window, int x, int y) 
        HMENUI pmenu = menu;

        dw_menu_popup(&pmenu, window->GetHWND(), x, y);
        delete this;

void Menu::Popup(Window *window)
    if(window) {
        long x, y;
        HMENUI pmenu = menu;

        dw_pointer_query_pos(&x, &y);
        dw_menu_popup(&pmenu, window->GetHWND(), (int)x, (int)y);
        delete this;

// Class for focusable widgets
class Focusable : virtual public Widget
    void Enable() { dw_window_enable(hwnd); }
    void Disable() { dw_window_disable(hwnd); }
    void SetFocus() { dw_window_set_focus(hwnd); }

// Text based button
class TextButton : public Clickable, public Focusable
    // User functions
    void SetText(const char *text) { dw_window_set_text(hwnd, text); }
    char *GetText() { return dw_window_get_text(hwnd); }

class Button : public TextButton
    // Constructors
    Button(const char *text, unsigned long id) { SetHWND(dw_button_new(text, id)); Setup(); }
    Button(unsigned long id) { SetHWND(dw_button_new("", id)); Setup(); }
    Button(const char *text) { SetHWND(dw_button_new(text, 0)); Setup(); }
    Button() { SetHWND(dw_button_new("", 0)); Setup(); }

class BitmapWidget : virtual public Widget
    // User functions
    void Set(unsigned long id) { dw_window_set_bitmap(hwnd, id, DW_NULL); }
    void Set(const char *file) { dw_window_set_bitmap(hwnd, 0, file); }
    void Set(const char *data, int len) { dw_window_set_bitmap_from_data(hwnd, 0, data, len); }

// Image based button
class BitmapButton : public Clickable, public Focusable, public BitmapWidget
    // Constructors
    BitmapButton(const char *text, unsigned long id) { SetHWND(dw_bitmapbutton_new(text, id)); Setup(); }
    BitmapButton(unsigned long id) { SetHWND(dw_bitmapbutton_new("", id)); Setup(); }
    BitmapButton(const char *text, unsigned long id, const char *file) { SetHWND(dw_bitmapbutton_new_from_file(text, id, file)); Setup(); }
    BitmapButton(const char *text, const char *file) { SetHWND(dw_bitmapbutton_new_from_file(text, 0, file)); Setup(); }
    BitmapButton(const char *text, unsigned long id, const char *data, int len) { SetHWND(dw_bitmapbutton_new_from_data(text, id, data, len)); Setup(); }
    BitmapButton(const char *text, const char *data, int len) { SetHWND(dw_bitmapbutton_new_from_data(text, 0, data, len)); Setup(); }

class CheckBoxes : virtual public TextButton
    // User functions
    void Set(int value) { dw_checkbox_set(hwnd, value); }
    int Get() { return dw_checkbox_get(hwnd); }

class CheckBox : public CheckBoxes
    // Constructors
    CheckBox(const char *text, unsigned long id) { SetHWND(dw_checkbox_new(text, id)); Setup(); }
    CheckBox(unsigned long id) { SetHWND(dw_checkbox_new("", id)); Setup(); }
    CheckBox(const char *text) { SetHWND(dw_checkbox_new(text, 0)); Setup(); }
    CheckBox() { SetHWND(dw_checkbox_new("", 0)); Setup(); }

class RadioButton : public CheckBoxes
    // Constructors
    RadioButton(const char *text, unsigned long id) { SetHWND(dw_radiobutton_new(text, id)); Setup(); }
    RadioButton(unsigned long id) { SetHWND(dw_radiobutton_new("", id)); Setup(); }
    RadioButton(const char *text) { SetHWND(dw_radiobutton_new(text, 0)); Setup(); }
    RadioButton() { SetHWND(dw_radiobutton_new("", 0)); Setup(); }

// Class for handling static text widget
class TextWidget : virtual public Widget
    // User functions
    void SetText(const char *text) { dw_window_set_text(hwnd, text); }
    char *GetText() { return dw_window_get_text(hwnd); }
    int SetFont(const char *font) { return dw_window_set_font(hwnd, font); }
    char *GetFont() { return dw_window_get_font(hwnd); }

// Class for handling static text widget
class Text : public TextWidget
    // Constructors
    Text(const char *text, unsigned long id) { SetHWND(dw_text_new(text, id)); }
    Text(const char *text) { SetHWND(dw_text_new(text, 0)); }
    Text(unsigned long id) { SetHWND(dw_text_new("", id)); }
    Text() { SetHWND(dw_text_new("", 0)); }

class StatusText : public TextWidget
    // Constructors
    StatusText(const char *text, unsigned long id) { SetHWND(dw_status_text_new(text, id)); }
    StatusText(const char *text) { SetHWND(dw_status_text_new(text, 0)); }
    StatusText(unsigned long id) { SetHWND(dw_status_text_new("", id)); }
    StatusText() { SetHWND(dw_status_text_new("", 0)); }

// Class for handing static image widget
class Bitmap : public BitmapWidget
    // Constructors
    Bitmap(const char *data, int len) { SetHWND(dw_bitmap_new(0)); dw_window_set_bitmap_from_data(hwnd, 0, data, len); }
    Bitmap(const char *file) { SetHWND(dw_bitmap_new(0)); dw_window_set_bitmap(hwnd, 0, file); }
    Bitmap(unsigned long id) { SetHWND(dw_bitmap_new(id)); }
    Bitmap() { SetHWND(dw_bitmap_new(0)); }

// Class for handing calendar widget
class Calendar : public Widget
    // Constructors
    Calendar(unsigned long id) { SetHWND(dw_calendar_new(id)); }
    Calendar() { SetHWND(dw_calendar_new(0)); }

    // User functions
    void GetDate(unsigned int *year, unsigned int *month, unsigned int *day) { dw_calendar_get_date(hwnd, year, month, day); }
    void SetDate(unsigned int year, unsigned int month, unsigned int day) { dw_calendar_set_date(hwnd, year, month, day); }

// Abstract class that defines drawing, either to screen or picture (pixmap)
class Drawable
    virtual ~Drawable() { }
    virtual void DrawPoint(int x, int y) = 0;
    virtual void DrawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) = 0;
    virtual void DrawPolygon(int flags, int npoints, int x[], int y[]) = 0;
    virtual void DrawRect(int fill, int x, int y, int width, int height) = 0;
    virtual void DrawArc(int flags, int xorigin, int yorigin, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) = 0;
    virtual void DrawText(int x, int y, const char *text) = 0;
    virtual int BitBltStretch(int xdest, int ydest, int width, int height, Render *src, int xsrc, int ysrc, int srcwidth, int srcheight) = 0;
    virtual int BitBltStretch(int xdest, int ydest, int width, int height, Pixmap *src, int xsrc, int ysrc, int srcwidth, int srcheight) = 0;
    virtual void BitBlt(int xdest, int ydest, int width, int height, Render *src, int xsrc, int ysrc) = 0;
    virtual void BitBlt(int xdest, int ydest, int width, int height, Pixmap *srcp, int xsrc, int ysrc) = 0;
    void SetColor(unsigned long fore, unsigned long back) { dw_color_foreground_set(fore); dw_color_background_set(back); }
    void SetBackgroundColor(unsigned long back) { dw_color_background_set(back); }
    void SetForegroundColor(unsigned long fore) { dw_color_foreground_set(fore); }

class Render : public Drawable, public Widget
    bool ExposeConnected, ConfigureConnected, KeyPressConnected, ButtonPressConnected, ButtonReleaseConnected, MotionNotifyConnected;
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
    std::function<int(DWExpose *)> _ConnectExpose;
    std::function<int(int, int)> _ConnectConfigure;
    std::function<int(char c, int, int, char *)> _ConnectKeyPress;
    std::function<int(int, int, int)> _ConnectButtonPress;
    std::function<int(int, int, int)> _ConnectButtonRelease;
    std::function<int(int, int, int)> _ConnectMotionNotify;
    int (*_ConnectExposeOld)(Render *, DWExpose *);
    int (*_ConnectConfigureOld)(Render *, int width, int height);
    int (*_ConnectKeyPressOld)(Render *, char c, int vk, int state, char *utf8);
    int (*_ConnectButtonPressOld)(Render *, int x, int y, int buttonmask);
    int (*_ConnectButtonReleaseOld)(Render *, int x, int y, int buttonmask);
    int (*_ConnectMotionNotifyOld)(Render *, int x, int y, int buttonmask);
    void Setup() {
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
        _ConnectExpose = 0;
        _ConnectConfigure = 0;
        _ConnectKeyPress = 0;
        _ConnectButtonPress = 0;
        _ConnectButtonRelease = 0;
        _ConnectMotionNotify = 0;
        _ConnectExposeOld = 0;
        _ConnectConfigureOld = 0;
        _ConnectKeyPressOld = 0;
        _ConnectButtonPressOld = 0;
        _ConnectButtonReleaseOld = 0;
        _ConnectMotionNotifyOld = 0;
        if(IsOverridden(Render::OnExpose, this)) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_EXPOSE, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnExpose), this);
            ExposeConnected = true;
        } else {
            ExposeConnected = false;
        if(IsOverridden(Render::OnConfigure, this)) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_CONFIGURE, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnConfigure), this);
            ConfigureConnected = true;
        } else {
            ConfigureConnected = false;
        if(IsOverridden(Render::OnKeyPress, this)) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_KEY_PRESS, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnKeyPress), this);
            KeyPressConnected = true;
        } else {
            KeyPressConnected = false;
        if(IsOverridden(Render::OnButtonPress, this)) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_BUTTON_PRESS, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnButtonPress), this);
            ButtonPressConnected = true;
        } else {
            ButtonPressConnected = false;
        if(IsOverridden(Render::OnButtonRelease, this)) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_BUTTON_RELEASE, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnButtonRelease), this);
            ButtonReleaseConnected = true;
        } else {
            ButtonReleaseConnected = false;
        if(IsOverridden(Render::OnMotionNotify, this)) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_MOTION_NOTIFY, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnMotionNotify), this);
            MotionNotifyConnected = true;
        } else {
            MotionNotifyConnected = false;
    static int _OnExpose(HWND window, DWExpose *exp, void *data) {
        Render *classptr = reinterpret_cast<Render *>(data);
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
            return classptr->_ConnectExpose(exp);
            return classptr->_ConnectExposeOld(classptr, exp);
        return classptr->OnExpose(exp); }
    static int _OnConfigure(HWND window, int width, int height, void *data) {
        Render *classptr = reinterpret_cast<Render *>(data);
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
            return classptr->_ConnectConfigure(width, height);
            return classptr->_ConnectConfigureOld(classptr, width, height);
        return classptr->OnConfigure(width, height); }
    static int _OnKeyPress(HWND window, char c, int vk, int state, void *data, char *utf8) {
        Render *classptr = reinterpret_cast<Render *>(data);
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
            return classptr->_ConnectKeyPress(c, vk, state, utf8);
            return classptr->_ConnectKeyPressOld(classptr, c, vk, state, utf8);
        return classptr->OnKeyPress(c, vk, state, utf8); }
    static int _OnButtonPress(HWND window, int x, int y, int buttonmask, void *data) {
        Render *classptr = reinterpret_cast<Render *>(data);
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
            return classptr->_ConnectButtonPress(x, y, buttonmask);
            return classptr->_ConnectButtonPressOld(classptr, x, y, buttonmask);
        return classptr->OnButtonPress(x, y, buttonmask); }
    static int _OnButtonRelease(HWND window, int x, int y, int buttonmask, void *data) {
        Render *classptr = reinterpret_cast<Render *>(data);
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
            return classptr->_ConnectButtonRelease(x, y, buttonmask);
            return classptr->_ConnectButtonReleaseOld(classptr, x, y, buttonmask);
        return classptr->OnButtonRelease(x, y, buttonmask); }
    static int _OnMotionNotify(HWND window, int x, int y, int  buttonmask, void *data) {
        Render *classptr = reinterpret_cast<Render *>(data);
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
            return classptr->_ConnectMotionNotify(x, y, buttonmask);
            return classptr->_ConnectMotionNotifyOld(classptr, x, y, buttonmask);
        return classptr->OnMotionNotify(x, y, buttonmask); }
    // Constructors
    Render(unsigned long id) { SetHWND(dw_render_new(id)); Setup(); }
    Render() { SetHWND(dw_render_new(0)); Setup(); }

    // User functions
    void DrawPoint(int x, int y) { dw_draw_point(hwnd, DW_NULL, x, y); }
    void DrawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { dw_draw_line(hwnd, DW_NULL, x1, y1, x2, y2); }
    void DrawPolygon(int flags, int npoints, int x[], int y[]) { dw_draw_polygon(hwnd, DW_NULL, flags, npoints, x, y); }
    void DrawRect(int fill, int x, int y, int width, int height) { dw_draw_rect(hwnd, DW_NULL, fill, x, y, width, height); }
    void DrawArc(int flags, int xorigin, int yorigin, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { dw_draw_arc(hwnd, DW_NULL, flags, xorigin, yorigin, x1, y1, x2, y2); }
    void DrawText(int x, int y, const char *text) { dw_draw_text(hwnd, DW_NULL, x, y, text); }
    int BitBltStretch(int xdest, int ydest, int width, int height, Render *src, int xsrc, int ysrc, int srcwidth, int srcheight) {
        return dw_pixmap_stretch_bitblt(hwnd, DW_NULL, xdest, ydest, width, height, src ? src->GetHWND() : DW_NOHWND, DW_NULL, xsrc, ysrc, srcwidth, srcheight);
    int BitBltStretch(int xdest, int ydest, int width, int height, Pixmap *src, int xsrc, int ysrc, int srcwidth, int srcheight);
    void BitBlt(int xdest, int ydest, int width, int height, Render *src, int xsrc, int ysrc) {
        return dw_pixmap_bitblt(hwnd, DW_NULL, xdest, ydest, width, height, src ? src->GetHWND() : DW_NOHWND, DW_NULL, xsrc, ysrc);
    void BitBlt(int xdest, int ydest, int width, int height, Pixmap *src, int xsrc, int ysrc);
    int SetFont(const char *fontname) { return dw_window_set_font(hwnd, fontname); }
    void GetTextExtents(const char *text, int *width, int *height) { dw_font_text_extents_get(hwnd, DW_NULL, text, width, height); }
    char *GetFont() { return dw_window_get_font(hwnd); }
    void Redraw() { dw_render_redraw(hwnd); }
    void Flush() { dw_flush(); }
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
    void ConnectExpose(std::function<int(DWExpose *)> userfunc)
        _ConnectExpose = userfunc;
        if(!ExposeConnected) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_EXPOSE, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnExpose), this);
            ExposeConnected = true;
    void ConnectExpose(int (*userfunc)(Render *, DWExpose *))
        _ConnectExposeOld = userfunc;
        if(!ExposeConnected) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_EXPOSE, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnExpose), this);
            ExposeConnected = true;
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
    void ConnectConfigure(std::function<int(int, int)> userfunc)
        _ConnectConfigure = userfunc;
        if(!ConfigureConnected) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_CONFIGURE, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnConfigure), this);
            ConfigureConnected = true;
    void ConnectConfigure(int (*userfunc)(Render *, int, int))
        _ConnectConfigureOld = userfunc;
        if(!ConfigureConnected) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_CONFIGURE, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnConfigure), this);
            ConfigureConnected = true;
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
    void ConnectKeyPress(std::function<int(char, int, int, char *)> userfunc)
        _ConnectKeyPress = userfunc;
        if(!KeyPressConnected) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_KEY_PRESS, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnKeyPress), this);
            KeyPressConnected = true;
    void ConnectKeyPress(int (*userfunc)(Render *, char, int, int, char *))
        _ConnectKeyPressOld = userfunc;
        if(!KeyPressConnected) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_KEY_PRESS, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnKeyPress), this);
            KeyPressConnected = true;
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
    void ConnectButtonPress(std::function<int(int, int, int)> userfunc)
        _ConnectButtonPress = userfunc;
        if(!KeyPressConnected) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_BUTTON_PRESS, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnButtonPress), this);
            ButtonPressConnected = true;
    void ConnectButtonPress(int (*userfunc)(Render *, int, int, int))
        _ConnectButtonPressOld = userfunc;
        if(!KeyPressConnected) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_BUTTON_PRESS, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnButtonPress), this);
            ButtonPressConnected = true;
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
    void ConnectButtonRelease(std::function<int(int, int, int)> userfunc)
        _ConnectButtonRelease = userfunc;
        if(!KeyPressConnected) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_BUTTON_RELEASE, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnButtonRelease), this);
            ButtonReleaseConnected = true;
    void ConnectButtonRelease(int (*userfunc)(Render *, int, int, int))
        _ConnectButtonReleaseOld = userfunc;
        if(!KeyPressConnected) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_BUTTON_RELEASE, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnButtonRelease), this);
            ButtonReleaseConnected = true;
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
    void ConnectMotionNotify(std::function<int(int, int, int)> userfunc)
        _ConnectMotionNotify = userfunc;
        if(!MotionNotifyConnected) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_MOTION_NOTIFY, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnMotionNotify), this);
            MotionNotifyConnected = true;
    void ConnectMotionNotify(int (*userfunc)(Render *, int, int, int))
        _ConnectMotionNotifyOld = userfunc;
        if(!MotionNotifyConnected) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_MOTION_NOTIFY, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnMotionNotify), this);
            MotionNotifyConnected = true;
    // Our signal handler functions to be overriden...
    // If they are not overridden and an event is generated, remove the unused handler
    virtual int OnExpose(DWExpose *exp) {
        dw_signal_disconnect_by_name(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_EXPOSE);
        ExposeConnected = false;
        return FALSE;
    virtual int OnConfigure(int width, int height) {
        dw_signal_disconnect_by_name(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_CONFIGURE);
        ConfigureConnected = false;
        return FALSE;
    virtual int OnKeyPress(char c, int vk, int state, char *utf8) {
        dw_signal_disconnect_by_name(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_KEY_PRESS);
        KeyPressConnected = false;
        return FALSE;
    virtual int OnButtonPress(char x, int y, int buttonmask) {
        dw_signal_disconnect_by_name(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_BUTTON_PRESS);
        ButtonPressConnected = false;
        return FALSE;
    virtual int OnButtonRelease(char x, int y, int buttonmask) {
        dw_signal_disconnect_by_name(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_BUTTON_RELEASE);
        ButtonReleaseConnected = false;
        return FALSE;
    virtual int OnMotionNotify(char x, int y, int buttonmask) {
        dw_signal_disconnect_by_name(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_MOTION_NOTIFY);
        MotionNotifyConnected = false;
        return FALSE;

class Pixmap final : public Drawable, public Handle
    void SetHPIXMAP(HPIXMAP newpixmap) { 
        hpixmap = newpixmap; 
        SetHandle(reinterpret_cast<void *>(newpixmap));
    HPIXMAP hpixmap; 
    unsigned long pwidth, pheight;
    bool hpmprot;
    // Constructors
    Pixmap(Render *window, unsigned long width, unsigned long height, int depth) { 
        SetHPIXMAP(dw_pixmap_new(window ? window->GetHWND() : DW_NOHWND, width, height, depth)); 
        pwidth = width; pheight = height; 
        hpmprot = false;
    Pixmap(Render *window, unsigned long width, unsigned long height) {
        SetHPIXMAP(dw_pixmap_new(window ? window->GetHWND() : DW_NOHWND, width, height, 32)); 
        pwidth = width; pheight = height;
        hpmprot = false;
    Pixmap(Render *window, const char *filename) { 
        SetHPIXMAP(dw_pixmap_new_from_file(window ? window->GetHWND() : DW_NOHWND, filename));
        pwidth = hpixmap ? DW_PIXMAP_WIDTH(hpixmap) : 0;
        pheight = hpixmap ? DW_PIXMAP_HEIGHT(hpixmap) : 0;
        hpmprot = false;
    Pixmap(HPIXMAP hpm) { 
        pwidth = hpixmap ? DW_PIXMAP_WIDTH(hpixmap) : 0;
        pheight = hpixmap ? DW_PIXMAP_HEIGHT(hpixmap) : 0;
        hpmprot = true;
    // Destructor
    ~Pixmap() { if(hpmprot == false) dw_pixmap_destroy(hpixmap); hpixmap = 0; }

    // User functions
    HPIXMAP GetHPIXMAP() { return hpixmap; }
    void DrawPoint(int x, int y) { dw_draw_point(DW_NOHWND, hpixmap, x, y); }
    void DrawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { dw_draw_line(DW_NOHWND, hpixmap, x1, y1, x2, y2); }
    void DrawPolygon(int flags, int npoints, int x[], int y[]) { dw_draw_polygon(DW_NOHWND, hpixmap, flags, npoints, x, y); }
    void DrawRect(int fill, int x, int y, int width, int height) { dw_draw_rect(DW_NOHWND, hpixmap, fill, x, y, width, height); }
    void DrawArc(int flags, int xorigin, int yorigin, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { dw_draw_arc(DW_NOHWND, hpixmap, flags, xorigin, yorigin, x1, y1, x2, y2); }
    void DrawText(int x, int y, const char *text) { dw_draw_text(DW_NOHWND, hpixmap, x, y, text); }
    int BitBltStretch(int xdest, int ydest, int width, int height, Render *src, int xsrc, int ysrc, int srcwidth, int srcheight) {
        return dw_pixmap_stretch_bitblt(DW_NOHWND, hpixmap, xdest, ydest, width, height, src ? src->GetHWND() : DW_NOHWND, DW_NULL, xsrc, ysrc, srcwidth, srcheight);
    int BitBltStretch(int xdest, int ydest, int width, int height, Pixmap *src, int xsrc, int ysrc, int srcwidth, int srcheight) {
        return dw_pixmap_stretch_bitblt(DW_NOHWND, hpixmap, xdest, ydest, width, height, DW_NOHWND, src ? src->GetHPIXMAP() : DW_NULL, xsrc, ysrc, srcwidth, srcheight);
    void BitBlt(int xdest, int ydest, int width, int height, Render *src, int xsrc, int ysrc) {
        dw_pixmap_bitblt(DW_NOHWND, hpixmap, xdest, ydest, width, height, src ? src->GetHWND() : DW_NOHWND, DW_NULL, xsrc, ysrc);
    void BitBlt(int xdest, int ydest, int width, int height, Pixmap *src, int xsrc, int ysrc) {
        dw_pixmap_bitblt(DW_NOHWND, hpixmap, xdest, ydest, width, height, DW_NOHWND, src ? src->GetHPIXMAP() : DW_NULL, xsrc, ysrc);
    int SetFont(const char *fontname) { return dw_pixmap_set_font(hpixmap, fontname); }
    void GetTextExtents(const char *text, int *width, int *height) { dw_font_text_extents_get(DW_NOHWND, hpixmap, text, width, height); }
    void SetTransparentColor(unsigned long color) { dw_pixmap_set_transparent_color(hpixmap, color); }
    unsigned long GetWidth() { return pwidth; }
    unsigned long GetHeight() { return pheight; }

// Need to declare these here after Pixmap is defined
int Render::BitBltStretch(int xdest, int ydest, int width, int height, Pixmap *src, int xsrc, int ysrc, int srcwidth, int srcheight)
    return dw_pixmap_stretch_bitblt(hwnd, DW_NULL, xdest, ydest, width, height, DW_NOHWND, src ? src->GetHPIXMAP() : DW_NULL, xsrc, ysrc, srcwidth, srcheight);

void Render::BitBlt(int xdest, int ydest, int width, int height, Pixmap *src, int xsrc, int ysrc)
    dw_pixmap_bitblt(hwnd, DW_NULL, xdest, ydest, width, height, DW_NOHWND, src ? src->GetHPIXMAP() : DW_NULL, xsrc, ysrc);

// Class for the HTML rendering widget
class HTML : public Widget
    bool ChangedConnected, ResultConnected;
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
    std::function<int(int, char *)> _ConnectChanged;
    std::function<int(int, char *, void *)> _ConnectResult;
    int (*_ConnectChangedOld)(HTML *, int status, char *url);
    int (*_ConnectResultOld)(HTML *, int status, char *result, void *scriptdata);
    void Setup() {
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
        _ConnectChanged = 0;
        _ConnectResult = 0;
        _ConnectChangedOld = 0;
        _ConnectResultOld = 0;
        if(IsOverridden(HTML::OnChanged, this)) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_HTML_CHANGED, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnChanged), this);
            ChangedConnected = true;
        } else {
            ChangedConnected = false;
        if(IsOverridden(HTML::OnResult, this)) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_HTML_RESULT, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnResult), this);
            ResultConnected = true;
        } else {
            ResultConnected = false;
    static int _OnChanged(HWND window, int status, char *url, void *data) {
        HTML *classptr = reinterpret_cast<HTML *>(data);
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
            return classptr->_ConnectChanged(status, url);
            return classptr->_ConnectChangedOld(classptr, status, url);
        return classptr->OnChanged(status, url); }
    static int _OnResult(HWND window, int status, char *result, void *scriptdata, void *data) {
        HTML *classptr = reinterpret_cast<HTML *>(data);
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
            return classptr->_ConnectResult(status, result, scriptdata);
            return classptr->_ConnectResultOld(classptr, status, result, scriptdata);
        return classptr->OnResult(status, result, scriptdata); }
    // Constructors
    HTML(unsigned long id) { SetHWND(dw_html_new(id)); Setup(); }
    HTML() { SetHWND(dw_html_new(0)); Setup(); }

    // User functions
    void Action(int action) { dw_html_action(hwnd, action); }
    int JavascriptRun(const char *script, void *scriptdata) { return dw_html_javascript_run(hwnd, script, scriptdata); }
    int JavascriptRun(const char *script) { return dw_html_javascript_run(hwnd, script, NULL); }
    int Raw(const char *buffer) { return dw_html_raw(hwnd, buffer); }
    int URL(const char *url) { return dw_html_url(hwnd, url); }
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
    void ConnectChanged(std::function<int(int, char *)> userfunc)
        _ConnectChanged = userfunc;
        if(!ChangedConnected) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_HTML_CHANGED, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnChanged), this);
            ChangedConnected = true;
    void ConnectChanged(int (*userfunc)(HTML *, int, char *))
        _ConnectChangedOld = userfunc;
        if(!ChangedConnected) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_HTML_CHANGED, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnChanged), this);
            ChangedConnected = true;
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
    void ConnectResult(std::function<int(int, char *, void *)> userfunc)
        _ConnectResult = userfunc;
        if(!ResultConnected) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_HTML_RESULT, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnResult), this);
            ResultConnected = true;
    void ConnectResult(int (*userfunc)(HTML *, int, char *, void *))
        _ConnectResultOld = userfunc;
        if(!ResultConnected) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_HTML_RESULT, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnResult), this);
            ResultConnected = true;
    // Our signal handler functions to be overriden...
    // If they are not overridden and an event is generated, remove the unused handler
    virtual int OnChanged(int status, char *url) {
        dw_signal_disconnect_by_name(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_HTML_CHANGED); 
        ChangedConnected = false;
        return FALSE;
    virtual int OnResult(int status, char *result, void *scriptdata) {
        dw_signal_disconnect_by_name(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_HTML_RESULT);
        ResultConnected = false;
        return FALSE;

// Base class for several widgets that allow text entry
class TextEntry : virtual public Focusable, virtual public TextWidget
    // User functions
    void ClickDefault(Focusable *next) { if(next) dw_window_click_default(hwnd, next->GetHWND()); }
    void SetLimit(int limit) { dw_entryfield_set_limit(hwnd, limit);}

class Entryfield : public TextEntry
    // Constructors
    Entryfield(const char *text, unsigned long id) { SetHWND(dw_entryfield_new(text, id)); }
    Entryfield(unsigned long id) { SetHWND(dw_entryfield_new("", id)); }
    Entryfield(const char *text) { SetHWND(dw_entryfield_new(text, 0)); }
    Entryfield() { SetHWND(dw_entryfield_new("", 0)); }

class EntryfieldPassword : public TextEntry
    // Constructors
    EntryfieldPassword(const char *text, unsigned long id) { SetHWND(dw_entryfield_password_new(text, id)); }
    EntryfieldPassword(unsigned long id) { SetHWND(dw_entryfield_password_new("", id)); }
    EntryfieldPassword(const char *text) { SetHWND(dw_entryfield_password_new(text, 0)); }
    EntryfieldPassword() { SetHWND(dw_entryfield_password_new("", 0)); }

// Base class for several widgets that have a list of elements
class ListBoxes : virtual public Focusable
    bool ListSelectConnected;
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
    std::function<int(unsigned int)> _ConnectListSelect;
    int (*_ConnectListSelectOld)(ListBoxes *, unsigned int index);
    static int _OnListSelect(HWND window, int index, void *data) {
        ListBoxes *classptr = reinterpret_cast<ListBoxes *>(data);
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
            return classptr->_ConnectListSelect((unsigned int)index);
            return classptr->_ConnectListSelectOld(classptr, (unsigned int)index);
        return classptr->OnListSelect((unsigned int)index);
    // User functions
    void Append(const char *text) { dw_listbox_append(hwnd, text); }
    void Clear() { dw_listbox_clear(hwnd); }
    int Count() { return dw_listbox_count(hwnd); }
    void Delete(int index) { dw_listbox_delete(hwnd, index); }
    void GetListText(unsigned int index, char *buffer, unsigned int length) { dw_listbox_get_text(hwnd, index, buffer, length); }
    void SetListText(unsigned int index, char *buffer) { dw_listbox_set_text(hwnd, index, buffer); }
    void Insert(const char *text, int pos) { dw_listbox_insert(hwnd, text, pos); }
    void ListAppend(char **text, int count) { dw_listbox_list_append(hwnd, text, count); }
    void Select(int index, int state) { dw_listbox_select(hwnd, index, state); }
    int Selected() { return dw_listbox_selected(hwnd); }
    int Selected(int where) { return dw_listbox_selected_multi(hwnd, where); }
    void SetTop(int top) { dw_listbox_set_top(hwnd, top); }
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
    void ConnectListSelect(std::function<int(unsigned int)> userfunc)
        _ConnectListSelect = userfunc;
        if(!ListSelectConnected) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_LIST_SELECT, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnListSelect), this);
            ListSelectConnected = true;
    void ConnectListSelect(int (*userfunc)(ListBoxes *, unsigned int))
        _ConnectListSelectOld = userfunc;
        if(!ListSelectConnected) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_LIST_SELECT, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnListSelect), this);
            ListSelectConnected = true;
    void Setup() {
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
        _ConnectListSelect = 0;
        _ConnectListSelectOld = 0;
        if(IsOverridden(ListBoxes::OnListSelect, this)) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_LIST_SELECT, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnListSelect), this);
            ListSelectConnected = true;
    // Our signal handler functions to be overriden...
    // If they are not overridden and an event is generated, remove the unused handler
    virtual int OnListSelect(unsigned int index) {
        dw_signal_disconnect_by_name(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_LIST_SELECT);
        ListSelectConnected = false;
        return FALSE;

class ComboBox : public TextEntry, public ListBoxes
    // Constructors
    ComboBox(const char *text, unsigned long id) { SetHWND(dw_combobox_new(text, id)); Setup(); }
    ComboBox(unsigned long id) { SetHWND(dw_combobox_new("", id)); Setup(); }
    ComboBox(const char *text) { SetHWND(dw_combobox_new(text, 0)); Setup(); }
    ComboBox() { SetHWND(dw_combobox_new("", 0)); Setup(); }

class ListBox : public ListBoxes
    // Constructors
    ListBox(unsigned long id, int multi) { SetHWND(dw_listbox_new(id, multi)); Setup(); }
    ListBox(unsigned long id) { SetHWND(dw_listbox_new(id, FALSE)); Setup(); }
    ListBox(int multi) { SetHWND(dw_listbox_new(0, multi)); Setup(); }
    ListBox() { SetHWND(dw_listbox_new(0, FALSE)); Setup(); }

// Base class for several ranged type widgets
class Ranged : virtual public Widget
    bool ValueChangedConnected;
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
    std::function<int(int)> _ConnectValueChanged;
    int (*_ConnectValueChangedOld)(Ranged *, int value);
    static int _OnValueChanged(HWND window, int value, void *data) {
        Ranged *classptr = reinterpret_cast<Ranged *>(data);
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
            return classptr->_ConnectValueChanged(value);
            return classptr->_ConnectValueChangedOld(classptr, value);
        return classptr->OnValueChanged(value);
    void Setup() {
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
        _ConnectValueChanged = 0;
        _ConnectValueChangedOld = 0;
        if(IsOverridden(Ranged::OnValueChanged, this)) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_VALUE_CHANGED, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnValueChanged), this);
            ValueChangedConnected = true;
        } else {
            ValueChangedConnected = false;
    // Our signal handler functions to be overriden...
    // If they are not overridden and an event is generated, remove the unused handler
    virtual int OnValueChanged(int value) {
        dw_signal_disconnect_by_name(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_VALUE_CHANGED);
        ValueChangedConnected = false;
        return FALSE;
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
    void ConnectValueChanged(std::function<int(int)> userfunc)
        _ConnectValueChanged = userfunc;
        if(!ValueChangedConnected) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_VALUE_CHANGED, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnValueChanged), this);
            ValueChangedConnected = true;
    void ConnectValueChanged(int (*userfunc)(Ranged *, int))
        _ConnectValueChangedOld = userfunc;
        if(!ValueChangedConnected) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_VALUE_CHANGED, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnValueChanged), this);
            ValueChangedConnected = true;

class Percent : public Widget
    // Constructors
    Percent(unsigned long id) { SetHWND(dw_percent_new(id)); }
    Percent() { SetHWND(dw_percent_new(0)); }

    // User functions
    void SetPos(unsigned int position) { dw_percent_set_pos(hwnd, position); }

class Slider : public Ranged
    // Constructors
    Slider(int orient, int increments, unsigned long id) { SetHWND(dw_slider_new(orient, increments, id)); Setup(); }
    Slider(int orient, int increments) { SetHWND(dw_slider_new(orient, increments, 0)); Setup(); }

    // User functions
    unsigned int GetPos() { return dw_slider_get_pos(hwnd); }
    void SetPos(unsigned int position) { dw_slider_set_pos(hwnd, position); }

class ScrollBar : public Ranged
    // Constructors
    ScrollBar(int orient, unsigned long id) { SetHWND(dw_scrollbar_new(orient, id)); Setup(); }
    ScrollBar(int orient) { SetHWND(dw_scrollbar_new(orient, 0)); Setup(); }

    // User functions
    unsigned int GetPos() { return dw_scrollbar_get_pos(hwnd); }
    void SetPos(unsigned int position) { dw_scrollbar_set_pos(hwnd, position); }
    void SetRange(unsigned int range, unsigned int visible) { dw_scrollbar_set_range(hwnd, range, visible); }

class SpinButton : public Ranged, public TextEntry
    // Constructors
    SpinButton(const char *text, unsigned long id) { SetHWND(dw_spinbutton_new(text, id)); Setup(); }
    SpinButton(unsigned long id) { SetHWND(dw_spinbutton_new("", id)); Setup(); }
    SpinButton(const char *text) { SetHWND(dw_spinbutton_new(text, 0)); Setup(); }
    SpinButton() { SetHWND(dw_spinbutton_new("", 0)); Setup(); }

    // User functions
    long GetPos() { return dw_spinbutton_get_pos(hwnd); }
    void SetPos(long position) { dw_spinbutton_set_pos(hwnd, position); }
    void SetLimits(long upper, long lower) { dw_spinbutton_set_limits(hwnd, upper, lower); }

// Multi-line Edit widget
class MLE : public Focusable
    // Constructors
    MLE(unsigned long id) { SetHWND(dw_mle_new(id)); }
    MLE() { SetHWND(dw_mle_new(0)); }

    // User functions
    void Freeze() { dw_mle_freeze(hwnd); }
    void Thaw() { dw_mle_thaw(hwnd); }
    void Clear() { dw_mle_clear(hwnd); }
    void Delete(int startpoint, int length) { dw_mle_delete(hwnd, startpoint, length); }
    void Export(char *buffer, int startpoint, int length) { dw_mle_export(hwnd, buffer, startpoint, length); }
    int Import(const char *buffer, int startpoint) { return dw_mle_import(hwnd, buffer, startpoint); }
    void GetSize(unsigned long *bytes, unsigned long *lines) { dw_mle_get_size(hwnd, bytes, lines); }
    void Search(const char *text, int point, unsigned long flags) { dw_mle_search(hwnd, text, point, flags); }
    void SetAutoComplete(int state) { dw_mle_set_auto_complete(hwnd, state); }
    void SetCursor(int point) { dw_mle_set_cursor(hwnd, point); }
    void SetEditable(int state) { dw_mle_set_editable(hwnd, state); }
    void SetVisible(int line) { dw_mle_set_visible(hwnd, line); }
    void SetWordWrap(int state) { dw_mle_set_word_wrap(hwnd, state); }
    int SetFont(const char *font) { return dw_window_set_font(hwnd, font); }
    char *GetFont() { return dw_window_get_font(hwnd); }

class Notebook : public Widget
    bool SwitchPageConnected;
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
    std::function<int(unsigned long)> _ConnectSwitchPage;
    int (*_ConnectSwitchPageOld)(Notebook *, unsigned long);
    static int _OnSwitchPage(HWND window, unsigned long pageid, void *data) {
        Notebook *classptr = reinterpret_cast<Notebook *>(data);
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
            return classptr->_ConnectSwitchPage(pageid);
            return classptr->_ConnectSwitchPageOld(classptr, pageid);
        return classptr->OnSwitchPage(pageid);
    void Setup() {
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
        _ConnectSwitchPage = 0;
        _ConnectSwitchPageOld = 0;
        if(IsOverridden(Notebook::OnSwitchPage, this)) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_SWITCH_PAGE, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnSwitchPage), this);
            SwitchPageConnected = true;
        } else {
            SwitchPageConnected = false;
    // Our signal handler functions to be overriden...
    // If they are not overridden and an event is generated, remove the unused handler
    virtual int OnSwitchPage(unsigned long pageid) {
        dw_signal_disconnect_by_name(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_SWITCH_PAGE);
        SwitchPageConnected = false;
        return FALSE;
    // Constructors
    Notebook(unsigned long id, int top) { SetHWND(dw_notebook_new(id, top)); }
    Notebook(unsigned long id) { SetHWND(dw_notebook_new(id, TRUE)); }
    Notebook() { SetHWND(dw_notebook_new(0, TRUE)); }

    // User functions
    void Pack(unsigned long pageid, Widget *page) { dw_notebook_pack(hwnd, pageid, page ? page->GetHWND() : DW_NOHWND); }
    void PageDestroy(unsigned long pageid) { dw_notebook_page_destroy(hwnd, pageid); }
    unsigned long PageGet() { return dw_notebook_page_get(hwnd); }
    unsigned long PageNew(unsigned long flags, int front) { return dw_notebook_page_new(hwnd, flags, front); }
    unsigned long PageNew(unsigned long flags) { return dw_notebook_page_new(hwnd, flags, FALSE); }
    unsigned long PageNew() { return dw_notebook_page_new(hwnd, 0, FALSE); }
    void PageSet(unsigned long pageid) { dw_notebook_page_set(hwnd, pageid); }
    void PageSetStatusText(unsigned long pageid, const char *text) { dw_notebook_page_set_status_text(hwnd, pageid, text); }
    void PageSetText(unsigned long pageid, const char *text) { dw_notebook_page_set_text(hwnd, pageid, text); }
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
    void ConnectSwitchPage(std::function<int(unsigned long)> userfunc)
        _ConnectSwitchPage = userfunc;
        if(!SwitchPageConnected) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_SWITCH_PAGE, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnSwitchPage), this);
            SwitchPageConnected = true;
    void ConnectSwitchPage(int (*userfunc)(Notebook *, unsigned long))
        _ConnectSwitchPageOld = userfunc;
        if(!SwitchPageConnected) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_SWITCH_PAGE, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnSwitchPage), this);
            SwitchPageConnected = true;

class ObjectView : virtual public Widget
    bool ItemSelectConnected, ItemContextConnected;
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
    std::function<int(HTREEITEM, char *, void *)> _ConnectItemSelect;
    std::function<int(char *, int, int, void *)> _ConnectItemContext;
    int (*_ConnectItemSelectOld)(ObjectView *, HTREEITEM, char *, void *);
    int (*_ConnectItemContextOld)(ObjectView *, char *, int, int, void *);
    static int _OnItemSelect(HWND window, HTREEITEM item, char *text, void *data, void *itemdata) {
        ObjectView *classptr = reinterpret_cast<ObjectView *>(data);
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
            return classptr->_ConnectItemSelect(item, text, itemdata);
            return classptr->_ConnectItemSelectOld(classptr, item, text, itemdata);
        return classptr->OnItemSelect(item, text, itemdata);
    static int _OnItemContext(HWND window, char *text, int x, int y, void *data, void *itemdata) {
        ObjectView *classptr = reinterpret_cast<ObjectView *>(data);
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
            return classptr->_ConnectItemContext(text, x, y, itemdata);
            return classptr->_ConnectItemContextOld(classptr, text, x, y, itemdata);
        return classptr->OnItemContext(text, x, y, itemdata);
    void SetupObjectView() {
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
        _ConnectItemSelect = 0;
        _ConnectItemContext = 0;
        _ConnectItemSelectOld = 0;
        _ConnectItemContextOld = 0;
        if(IsOverridden(ObjectView::OnItemSelect, this)) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_ITEM_SELECT, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnItemSelect), this);
            ItemSelectConnected = true;
        } else {
            ItemSelectConnected = false;
        if(IsOverridden(ObjectView::OnItemContext, this)) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_ITEM_CONTEXT, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnItemContext), this);
            ItemContextConnected = true;
        } else {
            ItemContextConnected = false;
    // Our signal handler functions to be overriden...
    // If they are not overridden and an event is generated, remove the unused handler
    virtual int OnItemSelect(HTREEITEM item, char *text, void *itemdata) {
        dw_signal_disconnect_by_name(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_ITEM_SELECT);
        ItemSelectConnected = false;
        return FALSE;
    virtual int OnItemContext(char *text, int x, int y, void *itemdata) {
        dw_signal_disconnect_by_name(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_ITEM_CONTEXT);
        ItemContextConnected = false;
        return FALSE;
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
    void ConnectItemSelect(std::function<int(HTREEITEM, char *, void *)> userfunc)
        _ConnectItemSelect = userfunc;
        if(!ItemSelectConnected) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_ITEM_SELECT, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnItemSelect), this);
            ItemSelectConnected = true;
    void ConnectItemSelect(int (*userfunc)(ObjectView *, HTREEITEM, char *, void *))
        _ConnectItemSelectOld = userfunc;
        if(!ItemSelectConnected) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_ITEM_SELECT, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnItemSelect), this);
            ItemSelectConnected = true;
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
    void ConnectItemContext(std::function<int(char *, int, int, void *)> userfunc)
        _ConnectItemContext = userfunc;
        if(!ItemContextConnected) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_ITEM_CONTEXT, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnItemContext), this);
            ItemContextConnected = true;
    void ConnectItemContext(int (*userfunc)(ObjectView *, char *, int, int, void *))
        _ConnectItemContextOld = userfunc;
        if(!ItemContextConnected) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_ITEM_CONTEXT, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnItemContext), this);
            ItemContextConnected = true;

class Containers : virtual public Focusable, virtual public ObjectView
    bool ItemEnterConnected, ColumnClickConnected;
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
    std::function<int(char *, void *)> _ConnectItemEnter;
    std::function<int(int)> _ConnectColumnClick;
    int (*_ConnectItemEnterOld)(Containers *, char *, void *);
    int (*_ConnectColumnClickOld)(Containers *, int);
    static int _OnItemEnter(HWND window, char *text, void *data, void *itemdata) {
        Containers *classptr = reinterpret_cast<Containers *>(data);
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
            return classptr->_ConnectItemEnter(text, itemdata);
            return classptr->_ConnectItemEnterOld(classptr, text, itemdata);
        return classptr->OnItemEnter(text, itemdata);
    static int _OnColumnClick(HWND window, int column, void *data) {
        Containers *classptr = reinterpret_cast<Containers *>(data);
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
            return classptr->_ConnectColumnClick(column);
            return classptr->_ConnectColumnClickOld(classptr, column);
        return classptr->OnColumnClick(column);
    void *allocpointer;
    int allocrowcount;
    void SetupContainer() {
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
        _ConnectItemEnter = 0;
        _ConnectColumnClick = 0;
        _ConnectItemEnterOld = 0;
        _ConnectColumnClickOld = 0;
        if(IsOverridden(Container::OnItemEnter, this)) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_ITEM_ENTER, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnItemEnter), this);
            ItemEnterConnected = true;
        } else {
            ItemEnterConnected = false;
        if(IsOverridden(Container::OnColumnClick, this)) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_COLUMN_CLICK, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnColumnClick), this);
            ColumnClickConnected = true;
        } else {
            ColumnClickConnected = false;
    // Our signal handler functions to be overriden...
    // If they are not overridden and an event is generated, remove the unused handler
    virtual int OnItemEnter(char *text, void *itemdata) {
        dw_signal_disconnect_by_name(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_ITEM_ENTER);
        ItemEnterConnected = false;
        return FALSE;
    virtual int OnColumnClick(int column) {
        dw_signal_disconnect_by_name(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_COLUMN_CLICK);
        ColumnClickConnected = false;
        return FALSE;
    // User functions
    void Alloc(int rowcount) { allocpointer = dw_container_alloc(hwnd, rowcount); allocrowcount = rowcount; }
    void ChangeRowTitle(int row, char *title) { dw_container_change_row_title(hwnd, row, title); }
    void Clear(int redraw) { dw_container_clear(hwnd, redraw); }
    void Clear() { dw_container_clear(hwnd, TRUE); }
    void Cursor(const char *text) { dw_container_cursor(hwnd, text); }
    void Cursor(void *data) { dw_container_cursor_by_data(hwnd, data); }
    void Delete(int rowcount) { dw_container_delete(hwnd, rowcount); }
    void DeleteRow(char *title) { dw_container_delete_row(hwnd, title); }
    void DeleteRow(void *data) { dw_container_delete_row_by_data(hwnd, data); }
    void Insert() { dw_container_insert(hwnd, allocpointer, allocrowcount); }
    void Optimize() { dw_container_optimize(hwnd); }
    char *QueryNext(unsigned long flags) { return dw_container_query_next(hwnd, flags); }
    char *QueryStart(unsigned long flags) { return dw_container_query_start(hwnd, flags); }
    void Scroll(int direction, long rows) { dw_container_scroll(hwnd, direction, rows); }
    void SetColumnWidth(int column, int width) { dw_container_set_column_width(hwnd, column, width); }
    void SetRowData(int row, void *data) { dw_container_set_row_data(allocpointer, row, data); }
    void SetRowTitle(int row, const char *title) { dw_container_set_row_title(allocpointer, row, title); }
    void SetStripe(unsigned long oddcolor, unsigned long evencolor) { dw_container_set_stripe(hwnd, oddcolor, evencolor); }
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
    void ConnectItemEnter(std::function<int(char *, void *)> userfunc)
        _ConnectItemEnter = userfunc;
        if(!ItemEnterConnected) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_ITEM_ENTER, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnItemEnter), this);
            ItemEnterConnected = true;
    void ConnectItemEnter(int (*userfunc)(Containers *, char *, void *))
        _ConnectItemEnterOld = userfunc;
        if(!ItemEnterConnected) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_ITEM_ENTER, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnItemEnter), this);
            ItemEnterConnected = true;
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
    void ConnectColumnClick(std::function<int(int)> userfunc)
        _ConnectColumnClick = userfunc;
        if(!ColumnClickConnected) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_COLUMN_CLICK, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnColumnClick), this);
            ColumnClickConnected = true;
    void ConnectColumnClick(int (*userfunc)(Containers *, int))
        _ConnectColumnClickOld = userfunc;
        if(!ColumnClickConnected) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_COLUMN_CLICK, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnColumnClick), this);
            ColumnClickConnected = true;

class Container : public Containers
    // Constructors
    Container(unsigned long id, int multi) { SetHWND(dw_container_new(id, multi)); }
    Container(int multi) { SetHWND(dw_container_new(0, multi)); }
    Container() { SetHWND(dw_container_new(0, FALSE)); }

    // User functions
    int Setup(unsigned long *flags, const char *titles[], int count, int separator) {
      int retval = dw_container_setup(hwnd, flags, (char **)titles, count, separator);
      SetupObjectView(); SetupContainer();
      return retval;
    void ChangeItem(int column, int row, void *data) { dw_container_change_item(hwnd, column, row, data); }
    int GetColumnType(int column) { return dw_container_get_column_type(hwnd, column); }
    void SetItem(int column, int row, void *data) { dw_container_set_item(hwnd, allocpointer, column, row, data); }

class Filesystem : public Containers
    // Constructors
    Filesystem(unsigned long id, int multi) { SetHWND(dw_container_new(id, multi)); SetupObjectView(); SetupContainer(); }
    Filesystem(int multi) { SetHWND(dw_container_new(0, multi)); SetupObjectView(); SetupContainer(); }
    Filesystem() { SetHWND(dw_container_new(0, FALSE)); SetupObjectView(); SetupContainer(); }

    // User functions
    int Setup(unsigned long *flags, const char *titles[], int count) { 
      int retval = dw_filesystem_setup(hwnd, flags, (char **)titles, count);
      SetupObjectView(); SetupContainer();
      return retval;
    void ChangeFile(int row, const char *filename, HICN icon) { dw_filesystem_change_file(hwnd, row, filename, icon); }
    void ChangeItem(int column, int row, void *data) { dw_filesystem_change_item(hwnd, column, row, data); }
    int GetColumnType(int column) { return dw_filesystem_get_column_type(hwnd, column); }
    void SetColumnTitle(const char *title) { dw_filesystem_set_column_title(hwnd, title); }
    void SetFile(int row, const char *filename, HICN icon) { dw_filesystem_set_file(hwnd, allocpointer, row, filename, icon); }
    void SetItem(int column, int row, void *data) { dw_filesystem_set_item(hwnd, allocpointer, column, row, data); }

class Tree : virtual public Focusable, virtual public ObjectView
    bool TreeExpandConnected;
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
    std::function<int(HTREEITEM)> _ConnectTreeExpand;
    int (*_ConnectTreeExpandOld)(Tree *, HTREEITEM);
    static int _OnTreeExpand(HWND window, HTREEITEM item, void *data) {
        Tree *classptr = reinterpret_cast<Tree *>(data);
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
            return classptr->_ConnectTreeExpand(item);
            return classptr->_ConnectTreeExpandOld(classptr, item);
        return classptr->OnTreeExpand(item);
    void SetupTree() {
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
        _ConnectTreeExpand = 0;
        _ConnectTreeExpandOld = 0;
        if(IsOverridden(Tree::OnTreeExpand, this)) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_TREE_EXPAND, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnTreeExpand), this);
            TreeExpandConnected = true;
        } else {
            TreeExpandConnected = false;
    // Our signal handler functions to be overriden...
    // If they are not overridden and an event is generated, remove the unused handler
    virtual int OnTreeExpand(HTREEITEM item) {
        dw_signal_disconnect_by_name(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_TREE_EXPAND);
        TreeExpandConnected = false;
        return FALSE;
    // Constructors
    Tree(unsigned long id) { SetHWND(dw_tree_new(id)); SetupObjectView(); SetupTree(); }
    Tree() { SetHWND(dw_tree_new(0)); SetupObjectView(); SetupTree(); }

    // User functions
    void Clear() { dw_tree_clear(hwnd); }
    HTREEITEM GetParent(HTREEITEM item) { return dw_tree_get_parent(hwnd, item); }
    char *GetTitle(HTREEITEM item) { return dw_tree_get_title(hwnd, item); }
    HTREEITEM Insert(const char *title, HICN icon, HTREEITEM parent, void *itemdata) { return dw_tree_insert(hwnd, title, icon, parent, itemdata); }
    HTREEITEM Insert(const char *title, HICN icon, HTREEITEM parent) { return dw_tree_insert(hwnd, title, icon, parent, NULL); }
    HTREEITEM Insert(const char *title, HICN icon) { return dw_tree_insert(hwnd, title, icon, 0, NULL); }
    HTREEITEM InsertAfter(const char *title, HTREEITEM item, HICN icon, HTREEITEM parent, void *itemdata) { return dw_tree_insert_after(hwnd, item, title, icon, parent, itemdata); }
    HTREEITEM InsertAfter(const char *title, HTREEITEM item, HICN icon, HTREEITEM parent) { return dw_tree_insert_after(hwnd, item, title, icon, parent, NULL); }
    HTREEITEM InsertAfter(const char *title, HTREEITEM item, HICN icon) { return dw_tree_insert_after(hwnd, item, title, icon, 0, NULL); }
    void Change(HTREEITEM item, const char *title, HICN icon) { dw_tree_item_change(hwnd, item, title, icon); }
    void Collapse(HTREEITEM item) { dw_tree_item_collapse(hwnd, item); }
    void Delete(HTREEITEM item) { dw_tree_item_delete(hwnd, item); }
    void Expand(HTREEITEM item) { dw_tree_item_expand(hwnd, item); }
    void *GetData(HTREEITEM item) { return dw_tree_item_get_data(hwnd, item); }
    void Select(HTREEITEM item) { dw_tree_item_select(hwnd, item); }
    void SetData(HTREEITEM item, void *itemdata) { dw_tree_item_set_data(hwnd, item, itemdata); }
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
    void ConnectTreeExpand(std::function<int(HTREEITEM)> userfunc)
        _ConnectTreeExpand = userfunc;
        if(!TreeExpandConnected) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_TREE_EXPAND, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnTreeExpand), this);
            TreeExpandConnected = true;
    void ConnectTreeExpandOld(int (*userfunc)(Tree *, HTREEITEM))
        _ConnectTreeExpandOld = userfunc;
        if(!TreeExpandConnected) {
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_TREE_EXPAND, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnTreeExpand), this);
            TreeExpandConnected = true;

class SplitBar : public Widget
    // Constructors
    SplitBar(int orient, Widget *topleft, Widget *bottomright, unsigned long id) { 
            SetHWND(dw_splitbar_new(orient, topleft ? topleft->GetHWND() : DW_NOHWND, bottomright ? bottomright->GetHWND() : DW_NOHWND, id)); }
    SplitBar(int orient, Widget *topleft, Widget *bottomright) { 
            SetHWND(dw_splitbar_new(orient, topleft ? topleft->GetHWND() : DW_NOHWND, bottomright ? bottomright->GetHWND() : DW_NOHWND, 0)); }

    // User functions
    float Get() { return dw_splitbar_get(hwnd); }
    void Set(float percent) { dw_splitbar_set(hwnd, percent); }

class Dialog : public Handle
    DWDialog *dialog;
    // Constructors
    Dialog(void *data) { dialog = dw_dialog_new(data); SetHandle(reinterpret_cast<void *>(dialog)); }
    Dialog() { dialog = dw_dialog_new(DW_NULL); SetHandle(reinterpret_cast<void *>(dialog)); }

    // User functions
    void *Wait() { void *retval = dw_dialog_wait(dialog); delete this; return retval; }
    int Dismiss(void *data) { return dw_dialog_dismiss(dialog, data); }
    int Dismiss() { return dw_dialog_dismiss(dialog, NULL); }

class Mutex : public Handle
    HMTX mutex;
    // Constructors
    Mutex() { mutex = dw_mutex_new(); SetHandle(reinterpret_cast<void *>(mutex)); }
    // Destructor
    ~Mutex() { dw_mutex_close(mutex); mutex = 0; }

    // User functions
    void Close() { dw_mutex_close(mutex); mutex = 0; delete this; }
    void Lock() { dw_mutex_lock(mutex); }
    int TryLock() { return dw_mutex_trylock(mutex); }
    void Unlock() { dw_mutex_unlock(mutex); }

class Event : public Handle
    HEV event, named;
    // Constructors
    Event() { event = dw_event_new(); named = 0; SetHandle(reinterpret_cast<void *>(event)); }
    Event(const char *name) {
        // Try to attach to an existing event
        named = dw_named_event_get(name);
        if(!named) {
            // Otherwise try to create a new one
            named = dw_named_event_new(name);
        event = 0;
        SetHandle(reinterpret_cast<void *>(named));
    // Destructor
    virtual ~Event() { if(event) { dw_event_close(&event); } if(named) { dw_named_event_close(named); } }

    // User functions
    int Close() { 
        int retval = DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN;
        if(event) {
            retval = dw_event_close(&event);
        } else if(named) {
            retval = dw_named_event_close(named);
            named = 0;
        delete this;
        return retval;
    int Post() { return (named ? dw_named_event_post(named) : dw_event_post(event)); }
    int Reset() { return (named ? dw_named_event_reset(named) : dw_event_reset(event)); }
    int Wait(unsigned long timeout) { return (named ? dw_named_event_wait(named, timeout) : dw_event_wait(event, timeout)); }

class Timer : public Handle
    HTIMER timer;
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
    std::function<int()> _ConnectTimer;
    int (*_ConnectTimerOld)(Timer *);
    static int _OnTimer(void *data) {
        Timer *classptr = reinterpret_cast<Timer *>(data);
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
            return classptr->_ConnectTimer();
            return classptr->_ConnectTimerOld(classptr);
        return classptr->OnTimer();
    // Constructors
    Timer(int interval) {
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
        _ConnectTimer = 0;
        _ConnectTimerOld = 0;
        timer = dw_timer_connect(interval, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnTimer), this);
        SetHandle(reinterpret_cast<void *>(timer));
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
    Timer(int interval, std::function<int()> userfunc) {
        _ConnectTimer = userfunc;
        _ConnectTimerOld = 0;
        timer = dw_timer_connect(interval, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnTimer), this);
        SetHandle(reinterpret_cast<void *>(timer));
    Timer(int interval, int (*userfunc)(Timer *)) {
        _ConnectTimerOld = userfunc;
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
        _ConnectTimer = 0;
        timer = dw_timer_connect(interval, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnTimer), this);
        SetHandle(reinterpret_cast<void *>(timer));
    // Destructor
    virtual ~Timer() { if(timer) { dw_timer_disconnect(timer); timer = 0; } }

    // User functions
    HTIMER GetHTIMER() { return timer; }
    void Disconnect() { if(timer) { dw_timer_disconnect(timer); timer = 0; } delete this; }
    // Our signal handler functions to be overriden...
    // If they are not overridden and an event is generated, remove the unused handler
    virtual int OnTimer() {
        delete this;
        return FALSE;

class Notification final : public Clickable
    // Constructors
    Notification(const char *title, const char *imagepath, const char *description) { SetHWND(dw_notification_new(title, imagepath, description)); }
    Notification(const char *title, const char *imagepath) { SetHWND(dw_notification_new(title, imagepath, NULL)); }
    Notification(const char *title) { SetHWND(dw_notification_new(title, NULL, NULL)); }

    // User functions
    int Send() { int retval = dw_notification_send(hwnd); delete this; return retval; }

class Print : public Handle
    HPRINT print;
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
    std::function<int(Pixmap *, int)> _ConnectDrawPage;
    int (*_ConnectDrawPageOld)(Print *, Pixmap *, int);
    static int _OnDrawPage(HPRINT print, HPIXMAP hpm, int page_num, void *data) {
        int retval;
        Pixmap *pixmap = new Pixmap(hpm);
        Print *classptr = reinterpret_cast<Print *>(data);

#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
            retval = classptr->_ConnectDrawPage(pixmap, page_num);
            retval = classptr->_ConnectDrawPageOld(classptr, pixmap, page_num);
            retval = classptr->OnDrawPage(pixmap, page_num);

        delete pixmap;
        return retval;
    // Constructors
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
    Print(const char *jobname, unsigned long flags, unsigned int pages, std::function<int(Pixmap *, int)> userfunc) {
        print = dw_print_new(jobname, flags, pages, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnDrawPage), this);
        SetHandle(reinterpret_cast<void *>(print));
        _ConnectDrawPage = userfunc;
        _ConnectDrawPageOld = 0;
    Print(const char *jobname, unsigned long flags, unsigned int pages, int (*userfunc)(Print *, Pixmap *, int)) { 
        print = dw_print_new(jobname, flags, pages, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnDrawPage), this);
        SetHandle(reinterpret_cast<void *>(print));
        _ConnectDrawPageOld = userfunc;
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
        _ConnectDrawPage = 0;
    // Destructor
    virtual ~Print() { if(print) dw_print_cancel(print); print = 0; }

    // User functions
    void Cancel() { dw_print_cancel(print); delete this; }
    int Run(unsigned long flags) { int retval = dw_print_run(print, flags); delete this; return retval; }
    HPRINT GetHPRINT() { return print; }
    // Our signal handler functions to be overriden...
    // If they are not overridden and an event is generated, remove the unused handler
    virtual int OnDrawPage(Pixmap *pixmap, int page_num) {
        delete this;
        return FALSE;

class Thread : public Handle
    DWTID tid;
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
    std::function<void(Thread *)> _ConnectThread;
    void (*_ConnectThreadOld)(Thread *);
    static void _OnThread(void *data) {
        Thread *classptr = reinterpret_cast<Thread *>(data);

#ifdef DW_LAMBDA

        delete classptr;
    // Constructors
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
    Thread(std::function<void(Thread *)> userfunc) {
        tid = dw_thread_new(DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnThread), this, THREAD_STACK);
        SetHandle(reinterpret_cast<void *>(tid));
        _ConnectThread = userfunc;
        _ConnectThreadOld = 0;
    Thread(std::function<void(Thread *)> userfunc, int stack) {
        tid = dw_thread_new(DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnThread), this, stack);
        SetHandle(reinterpret_cast<void *>(tid));
        _ConnectThread = userfunc;
        _ConnectThreadOld = 0;
    Thread(void (*userfunc)(Thread *)) { 
        tid = dw_thread_new(DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnThread), this, THREAD_STACK);
        SetHandle(reinterpret_cast<void *>(tid));
        _ConnectThreadOld = userfunc;
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
        _ConnectThread = 0;
    Thread(void (*userfunc)(Thread *), int stack) { 
        tid = dw_thread_new(DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnThread), this, stack);
        SetHandle(reinterpret_cast<void *>(tid));
        _ConnectThreadOld = userfunc;
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
        _ConnectThread = 0;
    Thread(int stack) { 
        tid = dw_thread_new(DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnThread), this, stack);
        SetHandle(reinterpret_cast<void *>(tid));
        _ConnectThreadOld = 0;
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
        _ConnectThread = 0;
    Thread() { 
        tid = dw_thread_new(DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnThread), this, THREAD_STACK);
        SetHandle(reinterpret_cast<void *>(tid));
        _ConnectThreadOld = 0;
#ifdef DW_LAMBDA
        _ConnectThread = 0;
    // Destructor
    virtual ~Thread() { if(tid != 0 && dw_thread_id() == tid) dw_thread_end(); tid = 0; }

    // User functions
    void End() { if(tid != 0 && dw_thread_id() == tid) delete this; }
    DWTID GetTID() { return tid; }
    // Our signal handler functions to be overriden...
    // If they are not overridden and an event is generated, remove the unused handler
    virtual void OnThread(Thread *classptr) {
        delete this;

class App
    App() { }
    static App *_app;
// Allow the code to compile if handicapped on older compilers
#ifdef DW_CPP11
    // Singletons should not be cloneable.
    App(App &other) = delete;
    // Singletons should not be assignable.
    void operator=(const App &) = delete;
    // Initialization functions for creating App
    static App *Init() { if(!_app) { _app = new App; dw_init(TRUE, 0, DW_NULL); } return _app; }
    static App *Init(const char *appid) { if(!_app) { _app = new App(); dw_app_id_set(appid, DW_NULL); dw_init(TRUE, 0, DW_NULL); } return _app; }
    static App *Init(const char *appid, const char *appname) { if(!_app) { _app = new App(); dw_app_id_set(appid, appname); dw_init(TRUE, 0, DW_NULL); } return _app; }
    static App *Init(int argc, char *argv[]) { if(!_app) { _app = new App(); dw_init(TRUE, argc, argv); } return _app; }
    static App *Init(int argc, char *argv[], const char *appid) { if(!_app) { _app = new App(); dw_app_id_set(appid, DW_NULL); dw_init(TRUE, argc, argv); } return _app; }
    static App *Init(int argc, char *argv[], const char *appid, const char *appname) { if(!_app) { _app = new App(); dw_app_id_set(appid, appname); dw_init(TRUE, argc, argv); } return _app; }
    // Destrouctor
    ~App() { dw_exit(0); }

    // User functions
    void Main() { dw_main(); }
    void MainIteration() { dw_main_iteration(); }
    void MainQuit() { dw_main_quit(); }
    void MainSleep(int milliseconds) { dw_main_sleep(milliseconds); }
    void Exit(int exitcode) { dw_exit(exitcode); }
    void Shutdown() { dw_shutdown(); }
    int MessageBox(const char *title, int flags, const char *format, ...) { 
        int retval;
        va_list args;

        va_start(args, format);
        retval = dw_vmessagebox(title, flags, format, args); 

        return retval;
    void Debug(const char *format, ...) { 
        va_list args;

        va_start(args, format);
        dw_vdebug(format, args); 
    void Beep(int freq, int dur) { dw_beep(freq, dur); }
    char *GetDir() { return dw_app_dir(); }
    void GetEnvironment(DWEnv *env) { dw_environment_query(env); }
    int GetScreenWidth() { return dw_screen_width(); }
    int GetScreenHeight() { return dw_screen_height(); }
    void GetPointerPos(long *x, long *y) { dw_pointer_query_pos(x, y); }
    unsigned long GetColorDepth() { return dw_color_depth_get(); }
    char *GetClipboard() { return dw_clipboard_get_text(); }
    void SetClipboard(const char *text) { if(text) dw_clipboard_set_text(text, (int)strlen(text)); }
    void SetClipboard(const char *text, int len) { if(text) dw_clipboard_set_text(text, len); }
    void SetDefaultFont(const char *fontname) { dw_font_set_default(fontname); }
    unsigned long ColorChoose(unsigned long initial) { return dw_color_choose(initial); }
    char *FileBrowse(const char *title, const char *defpath, const char *ext, int flags) { return dw_file_browse(title, defpath, ext, flags); }
    char *FontChoose(const char *currfont) { return dw_font_choose(currfont); }
    void Free(void *buff) { dw_free(buff); }
    int GetFeature(DWFEATURE feature) { return dw_feature_get(feature); }
    int SetFeature(DWFEATURE feature, int state) { return dw_feature_set(feature, state); }
    HICN LoadIcon(unsigned long id) { return dw_icon_load(0, id); }
    HICN LoadIcon(const char *filename) { return dw_icon_load_from_file(filename); }
    HICN LoadIcon(const char *data, int len) { return dw_icon_load_from_data(data, len); }
    void FreeIcon(HICN icon) { dw_icon_free(icon); }
    void TaskBarInsert(Widget *handle, HICN icon,  const char *bubbletext) { dw_taskbar_insert(handle ? handle->GetHWND() : DW_NOHWND, icon, bubbletext); }
    void TaskBarDelete(Widget *handle, HICN icon) { dw_taskbar_delete(handle ? handle->GetHWND() : DW_NOHWND, icon); }
    char * WideToUTF8(const wchar_t * wstring) { return dw_wchar_to_utf8(wstring); }
    wchar_t *UTF8ToWide(const char * utf8string) { return dw_utf8_to_wchar(utf8string); }

// Static singleton reference declared outside of the class
App* App::_app = DW_NULL;

} // namespace DW