view dwtest.c @ 358:526642f70ddd

Prefix all internally used data with _dw_ to avoid conflicts with user data set with dw_window_set_data().
author bsmith@81767d24-ef19-dc11-ae90-00e081727c95
date Sun, 20 Apr 2003 13:16:32 +0000
parents 2216e65ad2ae
children d8176c73a081
line wrap: on
line source

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "dw.h"

/* Select a fixed width font for our platform */
#ifdef __OS2__
#define FIXEDFONT "5.System VIO"
#define FOLDER_ICON_NAME "os2\\folder"
#define FILE_ICON_NAME "os2\\file"
#elif defined(__WIN32__)
#define FIXEDFONT "10.Terminal"
#define FOLDER_ICON_NAME "win\\folder"
#define FILE_ICON_NAME "win\\file"
#define FIXEDFONT "monospace 10"
#define FOLDER_ICON_NAME "gtk/folder"
#define FILE_ICON_NAME "gtk/file"
#define FIXEDFONT "fixed"
#define FOLDER_ICON_NAME "gtk/folder"
#define FILE_ICON_NAME "gtk/file"


unsigned long flStyle = DW_FCF_SYSMENU | DW_FCF_TITLEBAR |

HWND mainwindow,
     status, status1,
     textbox1, textbox2, textboxA,

HPIXMAP text1pm,text2pm;
unsigned long fileicon,foldericon,mle_point=-1;

int font_width = 8;
int font_height=12;
int font_gap = 2;
int rows=100,width1=6,cols=80;
char *current_file = NULL;
int timerid;
int num_lines=0;
int max_linewidth=0;
int current_row=0,current_col=0;

char **lp;

char *resolve_keyname( int vk )
	char *keyname;
			case  VK_LBUTTON : keyname =  "VK_LBUTTON"; break;
			case  VK_RBUTTON : keyname =  "VK_RBUTTON"; break;
			case  VK_CANCEL  : keyname =  "VK_CANCEL"; break;
			case  VK_MBUTTON : keyname =  "VK_MBUTTON"; break;
/*			case  VK_BACK    : keyname =  "VK_BACK"; break;*/
			case  VK_TAB     : keyname =  "VK_TAB"; break;
			case  VK_CLEAR   : keyname =  "VK_CLEAR"; break;
			case  VK_RETURN  : keyname =  "VK_RETURN"; break;
/*			case  VK_MENU    : keyname =  "VK_MENU"; break;*/
			case  VK_PAUSE   : keyname =  "VK_PAUSE"; break;
			case  VK_CAPITAL : keyname =  "VK_CAPITAL"; break;
			case  VK_ESCAPE  : keyname =  "VK_ESCAPE"; break;
			case  VK_SPACE   : keyname =  "VK_SPACE"; break;
			case  VK_PRIOR   : keyname =  "VK_PRIOR"; break;
			case  VK_NEXT    : keyname =  "VK_NEXT"; break;
			case  VK_END     : keyname =  "VK_END"; break;
			case  VK_HOME    : keyname =  "VK_HOME"; break;
			case  VK_LEFT    : keyname =  "VK_LEFT"; break;
			case  VK_UP      : keyname =  "VK_UP"; break;
			case  VK_RIGHT   : keyname =  "VK_RIGHT"; break;
			case  VK_DOWN    : keyname =  "VK_DOWN"; break;
			case  VK_SELECT  : keyname =  "VK_SELECT"; break;
			case  VK_PRINT   : keyname =  "VK_PRINT"; break;
			case  VK_EXECUTE : keyname =  "VK_EXECUTE"; break;
			case  VK_SNAPSHOT: keyname =  "VK_SNAPSHOT"; break;
			case  VK_INSERT  : keyname =  "VK_INSERT"; break;
			case  VK_DELETE  : keyname =  "VK_DELETE"; break;
			case  VK_HELP    : keyname =  "VK_HELP"; break;
			case  VK_LWIN    : keyname =  "VK_LWIN"; break;
			case  VK_RWIN    : keyname =  "VK_RWIN"; break;
			case  VK_NUMPAD0 : keyname =  "VK_NUMPAD0"; break;
			case  VK_NUMPAD1 : keyname =  "VK_NUMPAD1"; break;
			case  VK_NUMPAD2 : keyname =  "VK_NUMPAD2"; break;
			case  VK_NUMPAD3 : keyname =  "VK_NUMPAD3"; break;
			case  VK_NUMPAD4 : keyname =  "VK_NUMPAD4"; break;
			case  VK_NUMPAD5 : keyname =  "VK_NUMPAD5"; break;
			case  VK_NUMPAD6 : keyname =  "VK_NUMPAD6"; break;
			case  VK_NUMPAD7 : keyname =  "VK_NUMPAD7"; break;
			case  VK_NUMPAD8 : keyname =  "VK_NUMPAD8"; break;
			case  VK_NUMPAD9 : keyname =  "VK_NUMPAD9"; break;
			case  VK_MULTIPLY: keyname =  "VK_MULTIPLY"; break;
			case  VK_ADD     : keyname =  "VK_ADD"; break;
			case  VK_SEPARATOR: keyname = "VK_SEPARATOR"; break;
			case  VK_SUBTRACT: keyname =  "VK_SUBTRACT"; break;
			case  VK_DECIMAL : keyname =  "VK_DECIMAL"; break;
			case  VK_DIVIDE  : keyname =  "VK_DIVIDE"; break;
			case  VK_F1      : keyname =  "VK_F1"; break;
			case  VK_F2      : keyname =  "VK_F2"; break;
			case  VK_F3      : keyname =  "VK_F3"; break;
			case  VK_F4      : keyname =  "VK_F4"; break;
			case  VK_F5      : keyname =  "VK_F5"; break;
			case  VK_F6      : keyname =  "VK_F6"; break;
			case  VK_F7      : keyname =  "VK_F7"; break;
			case  VK_F8      : keyname =  "VK_F8"; break;
			case  VK_F9      : keyname =  "VK_F9"; break;
			case  VK_F10     : keyname =  "VK_F10"; break;
			case  VK_F11     : keyname =  "VK_F11"; break;
			case  VK_F12     : keyname =  "VK_F12"; break;
			case  VK_F13     : keyname =  "VK_F13"; break;
			case  VK_F14     : keyname =  "VK_F14"; break;
			case  VK_F15     : keyname =  "VK_F15"; break;
			case  VK_F16     : keyname =  "VK_F16"; break;
			case  VK_F17     : keyname =  "VK_F17"; break;
			case  VK_F18     : keyname =  "VK_F18"; break;
			case  VK_F19     : keyname =  "VK_F19"; break;
			case  VK_F20     : keyname =  "VK_F20"; break;
			case  VK_F21     : keyname =  "VK_F21"; break;
			case  VK_F22     : keyname =  "VK_F22"; break;
			case  VK_F23     : keyname =  "VK_F23"; break;
			case  VK_F24     : keyname =  "VK_F24"; break;
			case  VK_NUMLOCK : keyname =  "VK_NUMLOCK"; break;
			case  VK_SCROLL  : keyname =  "VK_SCROLL"; break;
			case  VK_LSHIFT  : keyname =  "VK_LSHIFT"; break;
			case  VK_RSHIFT  : keyname =  "VK_RSHIFT"; break;
			case  VK_LCONTROL: keyname =  "VK_LCONTROL"; break;
			case  VK_RCONTROL: keyname =  "VK_RCONTROL"; break;
/*			case  VK_LMENU   : keyname =  "VK_LMENU"; break; */
/*			case  VK_RMENU   : keyname =  "VK_RMENU"; break;*/
			default: keyname = "<unknown>"; break;
	return keyname;

char *resolve_keymodifiers( int mask )
	if ( (mask & KC_CTRL) && (mask & KC_SHIFT) && (mask && KC_ALT) )
	else if ( (mask & KC_CTRL) && (mask & KC_SHIFT) )
		return "KC_CTRL KC_SHIFT";
	else if ( (mask & KC_CTRL) && (mask & KC_ALT) )
		return "KC_CTRL KC_ALT";
	else if ( (mask & KC_SHIFT) && (mask & KC_ALT) )
		return "KC_SHIFT KC_ALT";
	else if ( (mask & KC_SHIFT) )
		return "KC_SHIFT";
	else if ( (mask & KC_CTRL) )
		return "KC_CTRL";
	else if ( (mask & KC_ALT) )
		return "KC_ALT";
	else return "none";

/* This gets called when a part of the graph needs to be repainted. */
int DWSIGNAL text_expose(HWND hwnd, DWExpose *exp, void *data)
	int width,height;

	if ( hwnd == textbox1 )
		hpm = text1pm;
	else if ( hwnd == textbox2 )
		hpm = text2pm;
		return TRUE;

	width = DW_PIXMAP_WIDTH(hpm);
	height = DW_PIXMAP_HEIGHT(hpm);

	dw_pixmap_bitblt(hwnd, NULL, 0, 0, width, height, 0, hpm, 0, 0 );
	return TRUE;

void read_file( void )
	int i,len;
	fp = fopen( current_file, "r" );
	lp = (char **)calloc( 1000,sizeof(char *));
	/* should test for out of memory */
	for ( i = 0; i < 1000; i++ )
		lp[i] = (char *)calloc(1, 1025);
		if ( fgets( lp[i], 1024, fp ) == NULL )
		len = strlen( lp[i] );
		if ( len > max_linewidth )
			max_linewidth = len;
		if ( lp[i][len - 1] == '\n' )
			lp[i][len - 1] = '\0';
	num_lines = i;
	fclose( fp );
	dw_scrollbar_set_range(hscrollbar, max_linewidth, cols);
	dw_scrollbar_set_pos(hscrollbar, 0);
	dw_scrollbar_set_range(vscrollbar, num_lines, rows);
	dw_scrollbar_set_pos(vscrollbar, 0);

void draw_file( int row, int col )
	char buf[10];
	int i,y;
	char *pLine;

	if ( current_file )
		dw_draw_rect(0, text1pm, TRUE, 0, 0, DW_PIXMAP_WIDTH(text1pm), DW_PIXMAP_HEIGHT(text1pm));
		dw_draw_rect(0, text2pm, TRUE, 0, 0, DW_PIXMAP_WIDTH(text2pm), DW_PIXMAP_HEIGHT(text2pm));
		for ( i = 0;(i < rows) && (i+row < num_lines); i++)
			y = i*(font_height+font_gap);
			dw_color_foreground_set( i );
			sprintf( buf, "%6.6d", i+row );
			dw_draw_text( 0, text1pm, 0, y, buf);
			pLine = lp[i+row];
			dw_draw_text( 0, text2pm, 0, y, pLine+col );
		text_expose( textbox1, NULL, NULL);
		text_expose( textbox2, NULL, NULL);

int DWSIGNAL beep_callback(HWND window, void *data)
	dw_timer_disconnect( timerid );
	return TRUE;

int DWSIGNAL keypress_callback(HWND window, char ch, int vk, int state, void *data)
	char tmpbuf[100];
	if ( ch )
		sprintf( tmpbuf, "Key: %c(%d) Modifiers: %s(%d)", ch, ch, resolve_keymodifiers(state), state );
		sprintf( tmpbuf, "Key: %s(%d) Modifiers: %s(%d)", resolve_keyname(vk), vk, resolve_keymodifiers(state), state );
	dw_window_set_text( status1, tmpbuf);
	return 0;

int DWSIGNAL exit_callback(HWND window, void *data)
	return -1;

int DWSIGNAL test_callback(HWND window, void *data)
	if ( current_file )
		dw_free( current_file );
	return -1;

int DWSIGNAL browse_callback(HWND window, void *data)
	char *tmp;
	tmp = dw_file_browse("test string", NULL, "c", DW_FILE_OPEN );
	if ( tmp )
		if ( current_file )
			dw_free( current_file );
		current_file = tmp;
		dw_window_set_text( entryfield, current_file );
	return 0;

/* Callback to handle user selection of the scrollbar position */
void DWSIGNAL scrollbar_valuechanged(HWND hwnd, int value, void *data)
		HWND stext = (HWND)data;
		char tmpbuf[100];
		if ( hwnd == vscrollbar )
			current_row = value;
			current_col = value;
		sprintf(tmpbuf, "Row:%d Col:%d Lines:%d Cols:%d", current_row,current_col,num_lines,max_linewidth);
		dw_window_set_text(stext, tmpbuf);
		draw_file( current_row, current_col);

/* Handle size change of the main render window */
int DWSIGNAL configure_event(HWND hwnd, int width, int height, void *data)
	HPIXMAP old1 = text1pm, old2 = text2pm;
	int depth = dw_color_depth();

	rows = height / (font_height+font_gap);
	cols = width / font_width;

	/* Create new pixmaps with the current sizes */
	text1pm = dw_pixmap_new(textbox1, (font_width*(width1+1)), height+1, depth);
	text2pm = dw_pixmap_new(textbox2, width, height, depth);

	/* Destroy the old pixmaps */

	/* Update scrollbar ranges with new values */
	dw_scrollbar_set_range(hscrollbar, max_linewidth, cols);
	dw_scrollbar_set_range(vscrollbar, num_lines, rows);

	/* Redraw the window */
	draw_file( current_row, current_col);
	return TRUE;

int DWSIGNAL item_enter_cb( HWND window, char *text, void *data )
	char buf[200];
	HWND statline = (HWND)data;

	sprintf(buf,"DW_SIGNAL_ITEM_ENTER: Window: %x Text: %s", (unsigned int)window, text );
	dw_window_set_text( statline, buf);
	return 0;

int DWSIGNAL item_context_cb( HWND window, char *text, int x, int y, void *data, void *itemdata )
	char buf[200];
	HWND statline = (HWND)data;

	sprintf(buf,"DW_SIGNAL_ITEM_CONTEXT: Window: %x Text: %s x: %d y: %d Itemdata: %x", (unsigned int)window, text, x, y, (unsigned int)itemdata );
	dw_window_set_text( statline, buf);
	return 0;

int DWSIGNAL list_select_cb( HWND window, int item, void *data )
	char buf[200];
	HWND statline = (HWND)data;

	sprintf(buf,"DW_SIGNAL_LIST_SELECT: Window: %d Item: %d", (unsigned int)window, item );
	dw_window_set_text( statline, buf);
	return 0;

int DWSIGNAL item_select_cb( HWND window, HTREEITEM item, char *text, void *data, void *itemdata )
	char buf[200];
	HWND statline = (HWND)data;

	sprintf(buf,"DW_SIGNAL_ITEM_SELECT: Window: %x Item: %x Text: %s Itemdata: %x", (unsigned int)window, (unsigned int)item, text, (unsigned int)itemdata );
	dw_window_set_text( statline, buf);
	return 0;

int DWSIGNAL container_select_cb( HWND window, HTREEITEM item, char *text, void *data, void *itemdata )
	char buf[200];
	char *str;
	HWND statline = (HWND)data;

	sprintf(buf,"DW_SIGNAL_ITEM_SELECT: Window: %x Item: %x Text: %s Itemdata: %x", (unsigned int)window, (unsigned int)item, text, (unsigned int)itemdata );
	dw_window_set_text( statline, buf);
	sprintf(buf,"\r\nDW_SIGNAL_ITEM_SELECT: Window: %x Item: %x Text: %s Itemdata: %x\r\n", (unsigned int)window, (unsigned int)item, text, (unsigned int)itemdata );
	mle_point = dw_mle_import( container_mle, buf, mle_point);
	str = dw_container_query_start(container, DW_CRA_SELECTED);
		sprintf(buf,"Selected: %s\r\n", str);
		mle_point = dw_mle_import( container_mle, buf, mle_point);
		str = dw_container_query_next(container, DW_CRA_SELECTED);
	/* Make the last inserted point the cursor location */
	dw_mle_set(container_mle, mle_point);
	return 0;

int DWSIGNAL switch_page_cb( HWND window, unsigned long page_num, void *itemdata )
	FILE *fp=fopen("log","a");
	fprintf(fp,"DW_SIGNAL_SWITCH_PAGE: Window: %x PageNum: %u Itemdata: %x\n", (unsigned int)window, (unsigned int)page_num, (unsigned int)itemdata );
	return 0;

void archive_add(void)
	HWND browsebutton, browsebox;

	lbbox = dw_box_new(BOXVERT, 10);

	dw_box_pack_start(notebookbox1, lbbox, 150, 70, TRUE, TRUE, 0);

	/* Archive Name */
	stext = dw_text_new("File to browse", 0);

	dw_window_set_style(stext, DW_DT_VCENTER, DW_DT_VCENTER);

	dw_box_pack_start(lbbox, stext, 130, 15, TRUE, TRUE, 2);

	browsebox = dw_box_new(BOXHORZ, 0);

	dw_box_pack_start(lbbox, browsebox, 0, 0, TRUE, TRUE, 0);

	entryfield = dw_entryfield_new("", 100L);

	dw_entryfield_set_limit(entryfield, 260);

	dw_box_pack_start(browsebox, entryfield, 100, 15, TRUE, TRUE, 4);

	browsebutton = dw_button_new("Browse", 1001L);

	dw_box_pack_start(browsebox, browsebutton, 30, 15, TRUE, TRUE, 0);

	dw_window_set_color(browsebox, DW_CLR_PALEGRAY, DW_CLR_PALEGRAY);
	dw_window_set_color(stext, DW_CLR_BLACK, DW_CLR_PALEGRAY);

	/* Buttons */
	buttonbox = dw_box_new(BOXHORZ, 10);

	dw_box_pack_start(lbbox, buttonbox, 0, 0, TRUE, TRUE, 0);

	okbutton = dw_button_new("Turn Off Annoying Beep!", 1001L);

	dw_box_pack_start(buttonbox, okbutton, 130, 30, TRUE, TRUE, 2);

	cancelbutton = dw_button_new("Exit", 1002L);

	dw_box_pack_start(buttonbox, cancelbutton, 130, 30, TRUE, TRUE, 2);

	/* Set some nice fonts and colors */
	dw_window_set_color(lbbox, DW_CLR_DARKCYAN, DW_CLR_PALEGRAY);
	dw_window_set_color(buttonbox, DW_CLR_DARKCYAN, DW_CLR_PALEGRAY);
	dw_window_set_color(okbutton, DW_CLR_PALEGRAY, DW_CLR_DARKCYAN);

	dw_signal_connect(browsebutton, DW_SIGNAL_CLICKED, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(browse_callback), (void *)notebookbox1);
	dw_signal_connect(okbutton, DW_SIGNAL_CLICKED, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(beep_callback), (void *)notebookbox1);
	dw_signal_connect(cancelbutton, DW_SIGNAL_CLICKED, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(exit_callback), (void *)mainwindow);

void text_add(void)
	int depth = dw_color_depth();
	HWND vscrollbox;

	/* create a box to pack into the notebook page */
	pagebox = dw_box_new(BOXHORZ, 2);
	dw_box_pack_start( notebookbox2, pagebox, 0, 0, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
	/* now a status area under this box */
	status = dw_status_text_new("", 0);
	dw_box_pack_start( notebookbox2, status, 100, 20, TRUE, FALSE, 1);
	/* and another one */
	status1 = dw_status_text_new("", 0);
	dw_box_pack_start( notebookbox2, status1, 100, 20, TRUE, FALSE, 1);

	/* create render box for number pixmap */
	textbox1 = dw_render_new( 100 );
	dw_window_set_font(textbox1, FIXEDFONT);
	dw_font_text_extents(textbox1, NULL, "O", &font_width, &font_height);
	vscrollbox = dw_box_new(BOXVERT, 0);
	dw_box_pack_start(vscrollbox, textbox1, font_width*width1, font_height*rows, FALSE, TRUE, 0);
	dw_box_pack_start(vscrollbox, 0, (font_width*(width1+1)), SCROLLBARWIDTH, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
	dw_box_pack_start(pagebox, vscrollbox, 0, 0, FALSE, TRUE, 0);

	/* create render box for gap pixmap */
	/* create box for filecontents and horz scrollbar */
	textboxA = dw_box_new( BOXVERT,0 );
	dw_box_pack_start( pagebox, textboxA, 0, 0, TRUE, TRUE, 0);

	/* create render box for filecontents pixmap */
	textbox2 = dw_render_new( 101 );
	dw_box_pack_start( textboxA, textbox2, 10, 10, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
	dw_window_set_font(textbox2, FIXEDFONT);
	/* create horizonal scrollbar */
	hscrollbar = dw_scrollbar_new(FALSE, 100, 50);
	dw_box_pack_start( textboxA, hscrollbar, 100, SCROLLBARWIDTH, TRUE, FALSE, 0);

	/* create vertical scrollbar */
	vscrollbox = dw_box_new(BOXVERT, 0);
	vscrollbar = dw_scrollbar_new(TRUE, 100, 50);
	dw_box_pack_start(vscrollbox, vscrollbar, SCROLLBARWIDTH, 100, FALSE, TRUE, 0);
	/* Pack an area of empty space 14x14 pixels */
	dw_box_pack_start(vscrollbox, 0, SCROLLBARWIDTH, SCROLLBARWIDTH, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
	dw_box_pack_start(pagebox, vscrollbox, 0, 0, FALSE, TRUE, 0);

	text1pm = dw_pixmap_new( textbox1, (font_width*(width1+1)), font_height*rows, depth );
	text2pm = dw_pixmap_new( textbox2, font_width*cols, font_height*rows, depth );

	dw_messagebox("DWTest", "Width: %d Height: %d\n", font_width, font_height);
	dw_draw_rect(0, text1pm, TRUE, 0, 0, font_width*width1, font_height*rows);
	dw_draw_rect(0, text2pm, TRUE, 0, 0, font_width*cols, font_height*rows);
	dw_signal_connect(textbox1, DW_SIGNAL_EXPOSE, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(text_expose), NULL);
	dw_signal_connect(textbox2, DW_SIGNAL_EXPOSE, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(text_expose), NULL);
	dw_signal_connect(textbox2, DW_SIGNAL_CONFIGURE, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(configure_event), text2pm);
	dw_signal_connect(hscrollbar, DW_SIGNAL_VALUE_CHANGED, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(scrollbar_valuechanged), (void *)status);
	dw_signal_connect(vscrollbar, DW_SIGNAL_VALUE_CHANGED, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(scrollbar_valuechanged), (void *)status);

	dw_signal_connect(mainwindow, DW_SIGNAL_KEY_PRESS, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(keypress_callback), NULL);

void tree_add(void)
	HTREEITEM t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6;

	/* create a box to pack into the notebook page */
	treebox = dw_box_new(BOXHORZ, 2);
	dw_box_pack_start( notebookbox3, treebox, 500, 200, TRUE, TRUE, 0);

	/* now a tree area under this box */
	tree = dw_tree_new(101);
	dw_box_pack_start( notebookbox3, tree, 500, 200, TRUE, FALSE, 1);

	/* and a status area to see whats going on */
	tree_status = dw_status_text_new("", 0);
	dw_box_pack_start( notebookbox3, tree_status, 100, 20, TRUE, FALSE, 1);

	foldericon = dw_icon_load_from_file( FOLDER_ICON_NAME );
	fileicon = dw_icon_load_from_file( FILE_ICON_NAME  );

	/* set up our signal trappers... */
	dw_signal_connect(tree, DW_SIGNAL_ITEM_CONTEXT, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(item_context_cb), (void *)tree_status);
	dw_signal_connect(tree, DW_SIGNAL_ITEM_SELECT, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(item_select_cb), (void *)tree_status);

	t1 = dw_tree_insert(tree, "tree folder 1", foldericon, NULL, (void *)1 );
	t2 = dw_tree_insert(tree, "tree folder 2", foldericon, NULL, (void *)2 );
	t3 = dw_tree_insert(tree, "tree file 1", fileicon, t1, (void *)3 );
	t4 = dw_tree_insert(tree, "tree file 2", fileicon, t1, (void *)4 );
	t5 = dw_tree_insert(tree, "tree file 3", fileicon, t2, (void *)5 );
	t6 = dw_tree_insert(tree, "tree file 4", fileicon, t2, (void *)6 );

void container_add(void)
	char *titles[3];
	char *names[3];
	char buffer[100];
	void *containerinfo;
	int z;
	CTIME time;
	CDATE date;
	unsigned long size, thisicon;

	/* create a box to pack into the notebook page */
	containerbox = dw_box_new(BOXHORZ, 2);
	dw_box_pack_start( notebookbox4, containerbox, 500, 200, TRUE, TRUE, 0);

	/* now a container area under this box */
	container = dw_container_new(100, TRUE);
	dw_box_pack_start( notebookbox4, container, 500, 200, TRUE, FALSE, 1);

	/* and a status area to see whats going on */
	container_status = dw_status_text_new("", 0);
	dw_box_pack_start( notebookbox4, container_status, 100, 20, TRUE, FALSE, 1);

	titles[0] = "Size";
	titles[1] = "Time";
	titles[2] = "Date";

	dw_filesystem_setup(container, flags, titles, 3);
	containerinfo = dw_container_alloc(container, 3);

		names[z] = (char *)malloc( 100 );
		/* yes, there is a memory leak here */
		sprintf(names[z],"Don't allocate from stack: Item: %d",z);
		size = z*100;
		sprintf(buffer, "Filename %d",z+1);
		if (z == 0 ) thisicon = foldericon;
		else thisicon = fileicon;
		dw_filesystem_set_file(container, containerinfo, z, buffer, thisicon);
		dw_filesystem_set_item(container, containerinfo, 0, z, &size);

		time.seconds = z+10;
		time.minutes = z+10;
		time.hours = z+10;
		dw_filesystem_set_item(container, containerinfo, 1, z, &time); = z+10;
		date.month = z+10;
		date.year = z+2000;
		dw_filesystem_set_item(container, containerinfo, 2, z, &date);

		dw_container_set_row_title(containerinfo, z, names[z]);

	dw_container_insert(container, containerinfo, 3);

	container_mle = dw_mle_new( 111 );
	dw_box_pack_start( containerbox, container_mle, 500, 200, TRUE, TRUE, 0);

	/* connect our event trappers... */
	dw_signal_connect(container, DW_SIGNAL_ITEM_ENTER, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(item_enter_cb), (void *)container_status);
	dw_signal_connect(container, DW_SIGNAL_ITEM_CONTEXT, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(item_context_cb), (void *)container_status);
	dw_signal_connect(container, DW_SIGNAL_ITEM_SELECT, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(container_select_cb), (void *)container_status);

/* Beep every second */
int DWSIGNAL timer_callback(void *data)
	dw_beep(200, 200);

	/* Return TRUE so we get called again */
	return TRUE;

 * Let's demonstrate the functionality of this library. :)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	ULONG notebookpage1;
	ULONG notebookpage2;
	ULONG notebookpage3;
	ULONG notebookpage4;

	dw_init(TRUE, argc, argv);

	mainwindow = dw_window_new( HWND_DESKTOP, "dwindows test", flStyle | DW_FCF_SIZEBORDER | DW_FCF_MINMAX );

	notebookbox = dw_box_new( BOXVERT, 5 );
	dw_box_pack_start( mainwindow, notebookbox, 0, 0, TRUE, TRUE, 0);

	notebook = dw_notebook_new( 1, TRUE );
	dw_box_pack_start( notebookbox, notebook, 100, 100, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
	dw_signal_connect(notebook, DW_SIGNAL_SWITCH_PAGE, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(switch_page_cb), NULL);

	notebookbox1 = dw_box_new( BOXVERT, 5 );
	notebookpage1 = dw_notebook_page_new( notebook, 0, TRUE );
	dw_notebook_pack( notebook, notebookpage1, notebookbox1 );
	dw_notebook_page_set_text( notebook, notebookpage1, "buttons and entry");

	notebookbox2 = dw_box_new( BOXVERT, 5 );
	notebookpage2 = dw_notebook_page_new( notebook, 1, FALSE );
	dw_notebook_pack( notebook, notebookpage2, notebookbox2 );
	dw_notebook_page_set_text( notebook, notebookpage2, "render");

	notebookbox3 = dw_box_new( BOXVERT, 5 );
	notebookpage3 = dw_notebook_page_new( notebook, 1, FALSE );
	dw_notebook_pack( notebook, notebookpage3, notebookbox3 );
	dw_notebook_page_set_text( notebook, notebookpage3, "tree");

	notebookbox4 = dw_box_new( BOXVERT, 5 );
	notebookpage4 = dw_notebook_page_new( notebook, 1, FALSE );
	dw_notebook_pack( notebook, notebookpage4, notebookbox4 );
	dw_notebook_page_set_text( notebook, notebookpage4, "container");

	dw_signal_connect(mainwindow, DW_SIGNAL_DELETE, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(exit_callback), (void *)mainwindow);
	timerid = dw_timer_connect(1000, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(timer_callback), 0);
	dw_window_set_icon(mainwindow, fileicon);
	dw_window_set_usize(mainwindow, 640, 480);


	return 0;