view android/dw.cpp @ 2501:41984ffb5ca2

Android: Initial implement of HTML control with WebView. Getting an error about view calls not on the UI thread, even though the call stack is on the main thread... confusing.
author bsmith@81767d24-ef19-dc11-ae90-00e081727c95
date Thu, 06 May 2021 00:05:32 +0000
parents ac0b7e579229
children b6319aed3298
line wrap: on
line source

 * Dynamic Windows:
 *          A GTK like GUI implementation of the Android GUI.
 * (C) 2011-2021 Brian Smith <>
 * (C) 2011-2021 Mark Hessling <>

#include "dw.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/utsname.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#if defined(__ANDROID__) && (__ANDROID_API__+0) < 21
#include <sys/syscall.h>

/* Until Android API version 21 NDK does not define getsid wrapper in libc, although there is the corresponding syscall */
inline pid_t getsid(pid_t pid)
    return static_cast< pid_t >(::syscall(__NR_getsid, pid));

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#define DW_CLASS_NAME "org/dbsoft/dwindows/DWindows"

static pthread_key_t _dw_env_key;
static HEV _dw_main_event;
static JavaVM *_dw_jvm;
static jobject _dw_obj;
static jobject _dw_class_loader;
static jmethodID _dw_class_method;

JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL JNI_OnLoad(JavaVM *pjvm, void *reserved)
    JNIEnv *env;
    jclass randomClass, classClass, classLoaderClass;
    jmethodID getClassLoaderMethod;

    /* Initialize the handle to the Java Virtual Machine */
    _dw_jvm = pjvm;
    _dw_jvm->GetEnv((void**)&env, JNI_VERSION_1_6);

    randomClass = env->FindClass(DW_CLASS_NAME);
    classClass = env->GetObjectClass(randomClass);
    classLoaderClass = env->FindClass("java/lang/ClassLoader");
    getClassLoaderMethod = env->GetMethodID(classClass, "getClassLoader",
    _dw_class_loader = env->NewGlobalRef(env->CallObjectMethod(randomClass, getClassLoaderMethod));
    _dw_class_method = env->GetMethodID(classLoaderClass, "findClass",

    return JNI_VERSION_1_6;

jclass _dw_find_class(JNIEnv *env, const char* name)
    return static_cast<jclass>(env->CallObjectMethod(_dw_class_loader, _dw_class_method, env->NewStringUTF(name)));

/* Call the dwmain entry point, Android has no args, so just pass the app path */
void _dw_main_launch(char *arg)
    char *argv[2] = { arg, NULL };
    dwmain(1, argv);

/* Called when DWindows activity starts up... so we create a thread
 *  to call the dwmain() entrypoint... then we wait for dw_main()
 *  to be called and return.
 * Parameters:
 *      path: The path to the Android app.
Java_org_dbsoft_dwindows_DWindows_dwindowsInit(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jstring path)
    static int runcount = 0;

    /* Safety check to prevent multiple initializations... */
#if defined(__arm__) || defined(__aarch64__)
    if(runcount == 0)
    if(runcount == 1)
        char *arg = strdup(env->GetStringUTFChars((jstring) path, NULL));

        /* Save our class object pointer for later */
        _dw_obj = env->NewGlobalRef(obj);

        /* Save the JNIEnv for the main thread */
        pthread_key_create(&_dw_env_key, NULL);
        pthread_setspecific(_dw_env_key, env);

        /* Create the dwmain event */
        _dw_main_event = dw_event_new();

        /* Launch the new thread to execute dwmain() */
        dw_thread_new((void *) _dw_main_launch, arg, 0);

        /* Wait until dwmain() calls dw_main() then return */
        dw_event_wait(_dw_main_event, DW_TIMEOUT_INFINITE);

typedef struct _sighandler
    struct _sighandler   *next;
    ULONG message;
    HWND window;
    int id;
    void *signalfunction;
    void *discfunction;
    void *data;

} SignalHandler;

static SignalHandler *DWRoot = NULL;

SignalHandler *_dw_get_handler(HWND window, int messageid)
    SignalHandler *tmp = DWRoot;
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key))) {
        /* Find any callbacks for this function */
        while (tmp) {
            if (tmp->message == messageid && env->IsSameObject(window, tmp->window)) {
                return tmp;
            tmp = tmp->next;
    return NULL;

typedef struct
    ULONG message;
    char name[30];

} DWSignalList;

/* List of signals */
#define SIGNALMAX 19

static DWSignalList DWSignalTranslate[SIGNALMAX] = {
        { 1,    DW_SIGNAL_CONFIGURE },
        { 2,    DW_SIGNAL_KEY_PRESS },
        { 3,    DW_SIGNAL_BUTTON_PRESS },
        { 4,    DW_SIGNAL_BUTTON_RELEASE },
        { 5,    DW_SIGNAL_MOTION_NOTIFY },
        { 6,    DW_SIGNAL_DELETE },
        { 7,    DW_SIGNAL_EXPOSE },
        { 8,    DW_SIGNAL_CLICKED },
        { 9,    DW_SIGNAL_ITEM_ENTER },
        { 10,   DW_SIGNAL_ITEM_CONTEXT },
        { 11,   DW_SIGNAL_LIST_SELECT },
        { 12,   DW_SIGNAL_ITEM_SELECT },
        { 13,   DW_SIGNAL_SET_FOCUS },
        { 14,   DW_SIGNAL_VALUE_CHANGED },
        { 15,   DW_SIGNAL_SWITCH_PAGE },
        { 16,   DW_SIGNAL_TREE_EXPAND },
        { 17,   DW_SIGNAL_COLUMN_CLICK },
        { 18,   DW_SIGNAL_HTML_RESULT },
        { 19,   DW_SIGNAL_HTML_CHANGED }

int _dw_event_handler(jobject object, void **params, int message)
    SignalHandler *handler = _dw_get_handler(object, message);

            /* Timer event */
            case 0:
                int (*timerfunc)(void *) = (int (* API)(void *))handler->signalfunction;

                return 0;
                /* Configure/Resize event */
            case 1:
                int (*sizefunc)(HWND, int, int, void *) = (int (* API)(HWND, int, int, void *))handler->signalfunction;
                int width = DW_POINTER_TO_INT(params[3]);
                int height = DW_POINTER_TO_INT(params[4]);

                if(width > 0 && height > 0)
                    return sizefunc(object, width, height, handler->data);
                return 0;
            case 2:
                int (*keypressfunc)(HWND, char, int, int, void *, char *) = (int (* API)(HWND, char, int, int, void *, char *))handler->signalfunction;
                char *utf8 = (char *)params[1], ch = utf8 ? utf8[0] : '\0';
                int vk = 0, special = 0;

                return keypressfunc(handler->window, ch, (int)vk, special, handler->data, utf8);
                /* Button press and release event */
            case 3:
            case 4:
                int (* API buttonfunc)(HWND, int, int, int, void *) = (int (* API)(HWND, int, int, int, void *))handler->signalfunction;
                int button = 1;

                return buttonfunc(object, DW_POINTER_TO_INT(params[3]), DW_POINTER_TO_INT(params[4]), button, handler->data);
            /* Motion notify event */
            case 5:
                int (* API motionfunc)(HWND, int, int, int, void *) = (int (* API)(HWND, int, int, int, void *))handler->signalfunction;

                return motionfunc(object, DW_POINTER_TO_INT(params[3]), DW_POINTER_TO_INT(params[4]), DW_POINTER_TO_INT(params[5]), handler->data);
            /* Window close event */
            case 6:
                int (* API closefunc)(HWND, void *) = (int (* API)(HWND, void *))handler->signalfunction;
                return closefunc(object, handler->data);
            /* Window expose/draw event */
            case 7:
                DWExpose exp;
                int (* API exposefunc)(HWND, DWExpose *, void *) = (int (* API)(HWND, DWExpose *, void *))handler->signalfunction;

                exp.x = DW_POINTER_TO_INT(params[3]);
                exp.y = DW_POINTER_TO_INT(params[4]);
                exp.width = DW_POINTER_TO_INT(params[5]);
                exp.height = DW_POINTER_TO_INT(params[6]);
                int result = exposefunc(object, &exp, handler->data);
                return result;
                /* Clicked event for buttons and menu items */
            case 8:
                int (* API clickfunc)(HWND, void *) = (int (* API)(HWND, void *))handler->signalfunction;

                return clickfunc(object, handler->data);
                /* Container class selection event */
            case 9:
                int (*containerselectfunc)(HWND, char *, void *, void *) =(int (* API)(HWND, char *, void *, void *)) handler->signalfunction;

                return containerselectfunc(handler->window, (char *)params[1], handler->data, params[7]);
                /* Container context menu event */
            case 10:
                int (* API containercontextfunc)(HWND, char *, int, int, void *, void *) = (int (* API)(HWND, char *, int, int, void *, void *))handler->signalfunction;
                char *text = (char *)params[1];
                void *user = params[7];
                int x = DW_POINTER_TO_INT(params[3]);
                int y = DW_POINTER_TO_INT(params[4]);

                return containercontextfunc(handler->window, text, x, y, handler->data, user);
                /* Generic selection changed event for several classes */
            case 11:
            case 14:
                int (* API valuechangedfunc)(HWND, int, void *) = (int (* API)(HWND, int, void *))handler->signalfunction;
                int selected = DW_POINTER_TO_INT(params[3]);

                return valuechangedfunc(handler->window, selected, handler->data);;
                /* Tree class selection event */
            case 12:
                int (* API treeselectfunc)(HWND, HTREEITEM, char *, void *, void *) = (int (* API)(HWND, HTREEITEM, char *, void *, void *))handler->signalfunction;
                char *text = (char *)params[1];
                void *user = params[7];

                return treeselectfunc(handler->window, params[0], text, handler->data, user);
                /* Set Focus event */
            case 13:
                int (* API setfocusfunc)(HWND, void *) = (int (* API)(HWND, void *))handler->signalfunction;

                return setfocusfunc(handler->window, handler->data);
                /* Notebook page change event */
            case 15:
                int (* API switchpagefunc)(HWND, unsigned long, void *) = (int (* API)(HWND, unsigned long, void *))handler->signalfunction;
                unsigned long pageID = DW_POINTER_TO_INT(params[3]);

                return switchpagefunc(handler->window, pageID, handler->data);
                /* Tree expand event */
            case 16:
                int (* API treeexpandfunc)(HWND, HTREEITEM, void *) = (int (* API)(HWND, HTREEITEM, void *))handler->signalfunction;

                return treeexpandfunc(handler->window, (HTREEITEM)params[0], handler->data);
                /* Column click event */
            case 17:
                int (* API clickcolumnfunc)(HWND, int, void *) = (int (* API)(HWND, int, void *))handler->signalfunction;
                int column_num = DW_POINTER_TO_INT(params[3]);

                return clickcolumnfunc(handler->window, column_num, handler->data);
                /* HTML result event */
            case 18:
                int (* API htmlresultfunc)(HWND, int, char *, void *, void *) = (int (* API)(HWND, int, char *, void *, void *))handler->signalfunction;
                char *result = (char *)params[1];

                return htmlresultfunc(handler->window, result ? DW_ERROR_NONE : DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN, result, params[7], handler->data);
                /* HTML changed event */
            case 19:
                int (* API htmlchangedfunc)(HWND, int, char *, void *) = (int (* API)(HWND, int, char *, void *))handler->signalfunction;
                char *uri = (char *)params[1];

                return htmlchangedfunc(handler->window, DW_POINTER_TO_INT(params[3]), uri, handler->data);
    return -1;

 * Entry location for all event handlers from the Android UI
Java_org_dbsoft_dwindows_DWindows_eventHandler(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jobject obj1, jobject obj2,
                                                      jint message, jstring str1, jstring str2,
                                                      jint inta, jint intb, jint intc, jint intd) {
    const char *utf81 = str1 ? env->GetStringUTFChars(str1, NULL) : NULL;
    const char *utf82 = str2 ? env->GetStringUTFChars(str2, NULL) : NULL;
    void *params[8] = { (void *)obj2, (void *)utf81, (void *)utf82,
                        DW_INT_TO_POINTER(inta), DW_INT_TO_POINTER(intb),
                        DW_INT_TO_POINTER(intc), DW_INT_TO_POINTER(intd), NULL };

    return _dw_event_handler(obj1, params, message);

/* A more simple method for quicker calls */
Java_org_dbsoft_dwindows_DWindows_eventHandlerSimple(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jobject obj1, jint message) {
    void *params[8] = { NULL };

    _dw_event_handler(obj1, params, message);

/* Handler for notebook page changes */
Java_org_dbsoft_dwindows_DWindows_eventHandlerNotebook(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jobject obj1, jint message, jlong pageID) {
    void *params[8] = { NULL };

    params[3] = DW_INT_TO_POINTER(pageID);
    _dw_event_handler(obj1, params, message);

/* Handler for HTML events */
Java_org_dbsoft_dwindows_DWindows_eventHandlerHTMLResult(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jobject obj1,
                                               jint message, jstring htmlResult, jlong data) {
    const char *result = env->GetStringUTFChars(htmlResult, NULL);
    void *params[8] = { NULL, DW_POINTER(result), NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, DW_INT_TO_POINTER(data) };

    _dw_event_handler(obj1, params, message);

Java_org_dbsoft_dwindows_DWindows_eventHandlerInt(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jobject obj1, jint message,
                                               jint inta, jint intb, jint intc, jint intd) {
    void *params[8] = { NULL, NULL, NULL,
                        DW_INT_TO_POINTER(inta), DW_INT_TO_POINTER(intb),
                        DW_INT_TO_POINTER(intc), DW_INT_TO_POINTER(intd), NULL };

    _dw_event_handler(obj1, params, message);

/* Handler for Timer events */
Java_org_dbsoft_dwindows_DWindows_eventHandlerTimer(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jlong sigfunc, jlong data) {
    int (*timerfunc)(void *) = (int (* API)(void *))sigfunc;

    pthread_setspecific(_dw_env_key, env);
    return timerfunc((void *)data);

/* This function adds a signal handler callback into the linked list.
void _dw_new_signal(ULONG message, HWND window, int msgid, void *signalfunction, void *discfunc, void *data)
    SignalHandler *newsig = (SignalHandler *)malloc(sizeof(SignalHandler));

    newsig->message = message;
    newsig->window = window;
    newsig->id = msgid;
    newsig->signalfunction = signalfunction;
    newsig->discfunction = discfunc;
    newsig->data = data;
    newsig->next = NULL;

    if (!DWRoot)
        DWRoot = newsig;
        SignalHandler *prev = NULL, *tmp = DWRoot;
            if(tmp->message == message &&
               tmp->window == window &&
               tmp->id == msgid &&
               tmp->signalfunction == signalfunction)
                tmp->data = data;
            prev = tmp;
            tmp = tmp->next;
            prev->next = newsig;
            DWRoot = newsig;

/* Finds the message number for a given signal name */
ULONG _dw_findsigmessage(const char *signame)
    int z;

        if(strcasecmp(signame, DWSignalTranslate[z].name) == 0)
            return DWSignalTranslate[z].message;
    return 0L;

 * Runs a message loop for Dynamic Windows.
void API dw_main(void)
    /* Post the event so dwindowsInit() will return...
     * allowing the app to start handling events.

    /* We don't actually run a loop here,
     * we launched a new thread to run the loop there.
     * Just wait for dw_main_quit() on the DWMainEvent.
    dw_event_wait(_dw_main_event, DW_TIMEOUT_INFINITE);

 * Causes running dw_main() to return.
void API dw_main_quit(void)

 * Runs a message loop for Dynamic Windows, for a period of milliseconds.
 * Parameters:
 *           milliseconds: Number of milliseconds to run the loop for.
void API dw_main_sleep(int milliseconds)

 * Processes a single message iteration and returns.
void API dw_main_iteration(void)

 * Cleanly terminates a DW session, should be signal handler safe.
 * Parameters:
 *       exitcode: Exit code reported to the operating system.
void API dw_exit(int exitcode)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID dwindowsExit = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "dwindowsExit",
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, dwindowsExit, exitcode);
    // We shouldn't get here, but in case JNI can't call dwindowsExit...

 * Free's memory allocated by dynamic windows.
 * Parameters:
 *           ptr: Pointer to dynamic windows allocated
 *                memory to be free()'d.
void API dw_free(void *ptr)

 * Returns a pointer to a static buffer which contains the
 * current user directory.  Or the root directory if it could
 * not be determined.
char * API dw_user_dir(void)
    static char _dw_user_dir[MAX_PATH+1] = {0};

        char *home = getenv("HOME");

            strcpy(_dw_user_dir, home);
            strcpy(_dw_user_dir, "/");
    return _dw_user_dir;

 * Returns a pointer to a static buffer which contains the
 * private application data directory.
char * API dw_app_dir(void)
    static char _dw_exec_dir[MAX_PATH+1] = {0};
    /* Code to determine the execution directory here,
     * some implementations make this variable global
     * and determine the location in dw_init().
    return _dw_exec_dir;

 * Sets the application ID used by this Dynamic Windows application instance.
 * Parameters:
 *         appid: A string typically in the form:
 *         appname: The application name used on Windows or NULL.
 * Returns:
 *         DW_ERROR_NONE after successfully setting the application ID.
 *         DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN if unsupported on this system.
 *         DW_ERROR_GENERAL if the application ID is not allowed.
 * Remarks:
 *          This must be called before dw_init().  If dw_init() is called first
 *          it will create a unique ID in the form: org.dbsoft.dwindows.application
 *          or if the application name cannot be detected:
 *          The appname is only required on Windows.  If NULL is passed the detected
 *          application name will be used, but a prettier name may be desired.
int API dw_app_id_set(const char *appid, const char *appname)
    return DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN;

 * Displays a debug message on the console...
 * Parameters:
 *           format: printf style format string.
 *           ...: Additional variables for use in the format.
void API dw_debug(const char *format, ...)
    va_list args;
    char outbuf[1025] = {0};
    JNIEnv *env;

    va_start(args, format);
    vsnprintf(outbuf, 1024, format, args);

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // Construct a String
        jstring jstr = env->NewStringUTF(outbuf);
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID debugMessage = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "debugMessage",
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, debugMessage, jstr);
    else {
        /* Output to stderr, if there is another way to send it
         * on the implementation platform, change this.
        fprintf(stderr, "%s", outbuf);

 * Displays a Message Box with given text and title..
 * Parameters:
 *           title: The title of the message box.
 *           flags: flags to indicate buttons and icon
 *           format: printf style format string.
 *           ...: Additional variables for use in the format.
 * Returns:
 *       or DW_MB_RETURN_CANCEL based on flags and user response.
int API dw_messagebox(const char *title, int flags, const char *format, ...)
    va_list args;
    char outbuf[1025] = {0};
    JNIEnv *env;

    va_start(args, format);
    vsnprintf(outbuf, 1024, format, args);

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // Construct a String
        jstring jstr = env->NewStringUTF(outbuf);
        jstring jstrtitle = env->NewStringUTF(title);
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID messageBox = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "messageBox",
        // Call the method on the object
        return env->CallIntMethod(_dw_obj, messageBox, jstrtitle, jstr, flags);
    return 0;

 * Opens a file dialog and queries user selection.
 * Parameters:
 *       title: Title bar text for dialog.
 *       defpath: The default path of the open dialog.
 *       ext: Default file extention.
 *       flags: DW_FILE_OPEN or DW_FILE_SAVE.
 * Returns:
 *       NULL on error. A malloced buffer containing
 *       the file path on success.
char * API dw_file_browse(const char *title, const char *defpath, const char *ext, int flags)
    return NULL;

 * Gets the contents of the default clipboard as text.
 * Parameters:
 *       None.
 * Returns:
 *       Pointer to an allocated string of text or NULL if clipboard empty or contents could not
 *       be converted to text.
char * API dw_clipboard_get_text()
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        const char *utf8 = NULL;

        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID clipboardGetText = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "clipboardGetText",
        // Call the method on the object
        jstring result = (jstring)env->CallObjectMethod(_dw_obj, clipboardGetText);
        // Get the UTF8 string result
            utf8 = env->GetStringUTFChars(result, 0);
        return utf8 ? strdup(utf8) : NULL;
    return NULL;

 * Sets the contents of the default clipboard to the supplied text.
 * Parameters:
 *       str: Text to put on the clipboard.
 *       len: Length of the text.
void API dw_clipboard_set_text(const char *str, int len)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // Construct a String
        jstring jstr = env->NewStringUTF(str);
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID clipboardSetText = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "clipboardSetText",
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, clipboardSetText, jstr);

 * Allocates and initializes a dialog struct.
 * Parameters:
 *           data: User defined data to be passed to functions.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a dialog or NULL on failure.
DWDialog * API dw_dialog_new(void *data)
    DWDialog *tmp = (DWDialog *)malloc(sizeof(DWDialog));

        tmp->eve = dw_event_new();
        tmp->data = data;
        tmp->done = FALSE;
        tmp->result = NULL;
    return tmp;

 * Accepts a dialog struct and returns the given data to the
 * initial called of dw_dialog_wait().
 * Parameters:
 *           dialog: Pointer to a dialog struct aquired by dw_dialog_new).
 *           result: Data to be returned by dw_dialog_wait().
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE (0) on success.
int API dw_dialog_dismiss(DWDialog *dialog, void *result)
    dialog->result = result;
    dialog->done = TRUE;
    return DW_ERROR_NONE;

 * Accepts a dialog struct waits for dw_dialog_dismiss() to be
 * called by a signal handler with the given dialog struct.
 * Parameters:
 *           dialog: Pointer to a dialog struct aquired by dw_dialog_new).
 * Returns:
 *       The data passed to dw_dialog_dismiss().
void * API dw_dialog_wait(DWDialog *dialog)
    void *tmp = NULL;

    tmp = dialog->result;
    return tmp;

 * Create a new Box to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       type: Either DW_VERT (vertical) or DW_HORZ (horizontal).
 *       pad: Number of pixels to pad around the box.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a box or NULL on failure.
HWND API dw_box_new(int type, int pad)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID boxNew = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "boxNew", "(II)Landroid/widget/LinearLayout;");
        // Call the method on the object
        jobject result = env->NewWeakGlobalRef(env->CallObjectMethod(_dw_obj, boxNew, type, pad));
        return result;
    return 0;

 * Create a new Group Box to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       type: Either DW_VERT (vertical) or DW_HORZ (horizontal).
 *       pad: Number of pixels to pad around the box.
 *       title: Text to be displayined in the group outline.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a groupbox window or NULL on failure.
HWND API dw_groupbox_new(int type, int pad, const char *title)
    /* TODO: Just create a normal box for now */
    return dw_box_new(type, pad);

 * Create a new scrollable Box to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       type: Either DW_VERT (vertical) or DW_HORZ (horizontal).
 *       pad: Number of pixels to pad around the box.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a scrollbox or NULL on failure.
HWND API dw_scrollbox_new(int type, int pad)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID scrollBoxNew = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "scrollBoxNew",
        // Call the method on the object
        jobject result = env->NewWeakGlobalRef(env->CallObjectMethod(_dw_obj, scrollBoxNew, type, pad));
        return result;
    return 0;

 * Returns the position of the scrollbar in the scrollbox.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the scrollbox to be queried.
 *          orient: The vertical or horizontal scrollbar.
 * Returns:
 *       The vertical or horizontal position in the scrollbox.
int API dw_scrollbox_get_pos(HWND handle, int orient)
    return 0;

 * Gets the range for the scrollbar in the scrollbox.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the scrollbox to be queried.
 *          orient: The vertical or horizontal scrollbar.
 * Returns:
 *       The vertical or horizontal range of the scrollbox.
int API dw_scrollbox_get_range(HWND handle, int orient)
    return 0;

/* Internal box packing function called by the other 3 functions */
void _dw_box_pack(HWND box, HWND item, int index, int width, int height, int hsize, int vsize, int pad, const char *funcname)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if(box && item && (env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID boxPack = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "boxPack", "(Landroid/view/View;Landroid/view/View;IIIIII)V");
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, boxPack, box, item, index, width, height, hsize, vsize, pad);

 * Remove windows (widgets) from the box they are packed into.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Window handle of the packed item to be removed.
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE on success and DW_ERROR_GENERAL on failure.
int API dw_box_unpack(HWND handle)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if(handle && (env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID boxUnpack = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "boxUnpack", "(Landroid/view/View;)V");
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, boxUnpack, handle);
        return DW_ERROR_NONE;
    return DW_ERROR_GENERAL;

 * Remove windows (widgets) from a box at an arbitrary location.
 * Parameters:
 *       box: Window handle of the box to be removed from.
 *       index: 0 based index of packed items.
 * Returns:
 *       Handle to the removed item on success, 0 on failure or padding.
HWND API dw_box_unpack_at_index(HWND box, int index)
    JNIEnv *env;
    HWND retval = 0;

    if(box && (env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key))) {
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID boxUnpackAtIndex = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "boxUnpackAtIndex",
        // Call the method on the object
        retval = env->CallObjectMethod(_dw_obj, boxUnpackAtIndex, box, index);
    return retval;

 * Pack windows (widgets) into a box at an arbitrary location.
 * Parameters:
 *       box: Window handle of the box to be packed into.
 *       item: Window handle of the item to pack.
 *       index: 0 based index of packed items.
 *       width: Width in pixels of the item or -1 to be self determined.
 *       height: Height in pixels of the item or -1 to be self determined.
 *       hsize: TRUE if the window (widget) should expand horizontally to fill space given.
 *       vsize: TRUE if the window (widget) should expand vertically to fill space given.
 *       pad: Number of pixels of padding around the item.
void API dw_box_pack_at_index(HWND box, HWND item, int index, int width, int height, int hsize, int vsize, int pad)
    _dw_box_pack(box, item, index, width, height, hsize, vsize, pad, "dw_box_pack_at_index()");

 * Pack windows (widgets) into a box from the start (or top).
 * Parameters:
 *       box: Window handle of the box to be packed into.
 *       item: Window handle of the item to pack.
 *       width: Width in pixels of the item or -1 to be self determined.
 *       height: Height in pixels of the item or -1 to be self determined.
 *       hsize: TRUE if the window (widget) should expand horizontally to fill space given.
 *       vsize: TRUE if the window (widget) should expand vertically to fill space given.
 *       pad: Number of pixels of padding around the item.
void API dw_box_pack_start(HWND box, HWND item, int width, int height, int hsize, int vsize, int pad)
    /* 65536 is the table limit on GTK...
     * seems like a high enough value we will never hit it here either.
    _dw_box_pack(box, item, -1, width, height, hsize, vsize, pad, "dw_box_pack_start()");

 * Pack windows (widgets) into a box from the end (or bottom).
 * Parameters:
 *       box: Window handle of the box to be packed into.
 *       item: Window handle of the item to pack.
 *       width: Width in pixels of the item or -1 to be self determined.
 *       height: Height in pixels of the item or -1 to be self determined.
 *       hsize: TRUE if the window (widget) should expand horizontally to fill space given.
 *       vsize: TRUE if the window (widget) should expand vertically to fill space given.
 *       pad: Number of pixels of padding around the item.
void API dw_box_pack_end(HWND box, HWND item, int width, int height, int hsize, int vsize, int pad)
    _dw_box_pack(box, item, 0, width, height, hsize, vsize, pad, "dw_box_pack_end()");

 * Create a new button window (widget) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       text: The text to be display by the static text widget.
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a button window or NULL on failure.
HWND API dw_button_new(const char *text, ULONG cid)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // Construct a String
        jstring jstr = env->NewStringUTF(text);
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID buttonNew = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "buttonNew",
        // Call the method on the object
        jobject result = env->NewWeakGlobalRef(env->CallObjectMethod(_dw_obj, buttonNew, jstr, (int)cid));
        return result;
    return 0;

HWND _dw_entryfield_new(const char *text, ULONG cid, int password)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // Construct a String
        jstring jstr = env->NewStringUTF(text);
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID entryfieldNew = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "entryfieldNew",
        // Call the method on the object
        jobject result = env->NewWeakGlobalRef(env->CallObjectMethod(_dw_obj, entryfieldNew, jstr, (int)cid, password));
        return result;
    return 0;
 * Create a new Entryfield window (widget) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       text: The default text to be in the entryfield widget.
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to an entryfield window or NULL on failure.
HWND API dw_entryfield_new(const char *text, ULONG cid)
    return _dw_entryfield_new(text, cid, FALSE);

 * Create a new Entryfield (password) window (widget) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       text: The default text to be in the entryfield widget.
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to an entryfield password window or NULL on failure.
HWND API dw_entryfield_password_new(const char *text, ULONG cid)
    return _dw_entryfield_new(text, cid, TRUE);

 * Sets the entryfield character limit.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the spinbutton to be set.
 *          limit: Number of characters the entryfield will take.
void API dw_entryfield_set_limit(HWND handle, ULONG limit)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if(handle && (env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID entryfieldSetLimit = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "entryfieldSetLimit",
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, entryfieldSetLimit, handle, (jlong)limit);

 * Create a new bitmap button window (widget) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       text: Bubble help text to be displayed.
 *       id: An ID of a bitmap in the resource file.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a bitmap button window or NULL on failure.
HWND API dw_bitmapbutton_new(const char *text, ULONG resid)
    return 0;

 * Create a new bitmap button window (widget) to be packed from a file.
 * Parameters:
 *       text: Bubble help text to be displayed.
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
 *       filename: Name of the file, omit extention to have
 *                 DW pick the appropriate file extension.
 *                 (BMP on OS/2 or Windows, XPM on Unix)
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a bitmap button window or NULL on failure.
HWND API dw_bitmapbutton_new_from_file(const char *text, unsigned long cid, const char *filename)
    return 0;

 * Create a new bitmap button window (widget) to be packed from data.
 * Parameters:
 *       text: Bubble help text to be displayed.
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
 *       data: The contents of the image
 *            (BMP or ICO on OS/2 or Windows, XPM on Unix)
 *       len: length of str
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a bitmap button window or NULL on failure.
HWND API dw_bitmapbutton_new_from_data(const char *text, unsigned long cid, const char *data, int len)
    return 0;

 * Create a new spinbutton window (widget) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       text: The text to be display by the static text widget.
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a spinbutton window or NULL on failure.
HWND API dw_spinbutton_new(const char *text, ULONG cid)
    return 0;

 * Sets the spinbutton value.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the spinbutton to be set.
 *          position: Current value of the spinbutton.
void API dw_spinbutton_set_pos(HWND handle, long position)

 * Sets the spinbutton limits.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the spinbutton to be set.
 *          upper: Upper limit.
 *          lower: Lower limit.
void API dw_spinbutton_set_limits(HWND handle, long upper, long lower)

 * Returns the current value of the spinbutton.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the spinbutton to be queried.
 * Returns:
 *       Number value displayed in the spinbutton.
long API dw_spinbutton_get_pos(HWND handle)
    return 0;

 * Create a new radiobutton window (widget) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       text: The text to be display by the static text widget.
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a radio button window or NULL on failure.
HWND API dw_radiobutton_new(const char *text, ULONG cid)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // Construct a String
        jstring jstr = env->NewStringUTF(text);
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID radioButtonNew = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "radioButtonNew",
        // Call the method on the object
        jobject result = env->NewWeakGlobalRef(env->CallObjectMethod(_dw_obj, radioButtonNew, jstr, (int)cid));
        return result;
    return 0;

 * Create a new slider window (widget) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       vertical: TRUE or FALSE if slider is vertical.
 *       increments: Number of increments available.
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a slider window or NULL on failure.
HWND API dw_slider_new(int vertical, int increments, ULONG cid)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID sliderNew = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "sliderNew", "(III)Landroid/widget/SeekBar;");
        // Call the method on the object
        jobject result = env->NewWeakGlobalRef(env->CallObjectMethod(_dw_obj, sliderNew, vertical, increments, (jint)cid));
        return result;
    return 0;

 * Returns the position of the slider.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the slider to be queried.
 * Returns:
 *       Position of the slider in the set range.
unsigned int API dw_slider_get_pos(HWND handle)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if(handle && (env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID percentGetPos = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "percentGetPos",
        // Call the method on the object
        return env->CallIntMethod(_dw_obj, percentGetPos, handle);
    return 0;

 * Sets the slider position.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the slider to be set.
 *          position: Position of the slider withing the range.
void API dw_slider_set_pos(HWND handle, unsigned int position)
    dw_percent_set_pos(handle, position);

 * Create a new scrollbar window (widget) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       vertical: TRUE or FALSE if scrollbar is vertical.
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a scrollbar window or NULL on failure.
HWND API dw_scrollbar_new(int vertical, ULONG cid)
    return dw_slider_new(vertical, 100, cid);

 * Returns the position of the scrollbar.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the scrollbar to be queried.
 * Returns:
 *       Position of the scrollbar in the set range.
unsigned int API dw_scrollbar_get_pos(HWND handle)
    return dw_slider_get_pos(handle);

 * Sets the scrollbar position.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the scrollbar to be set.
 *          position: Position of the scrollbar withing the range.
void API dw_scrollbar_set_pos(HWND handle, unsigned int position)
    dw_percent_set_pos(handle, position);

 * Sets the scrollbar range.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the scrollbar to be set.
 *          range: Maximum range value.
 *          visible: Visible area relative to the range.
void API dw_scrollbar_set_range(HWND handle, unsigned int range, unsigned int visible)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if(handle && (env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID percentSetRange = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "percentSetRange",
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, percentSetRange, handle, (jint)range);

 * Create a new percent bar window (widget) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a percent bar window or NULL on failure.
HWND API dw_percent_new(ULONG cid)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID percentNew = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "percentNew",
        // Call the method on the object
        jobject result = env->NewWeakGlobalRef(env->CallObjectMethod(_dw_obj, percentNew, (jint)cid));
        return result;
    return 0;

 * Sets the percent bar position.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the percent bar to be set.
 *          position: Position of the percent bar withing the range.
void API dw_percent_set_pos(HWND handle, unsigned int position)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if(handle && (env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID percentSetPos = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "percentSetPos",
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, percentSetPos, handle, (jint)position);

 * Create a new checkbox window (widget) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       text: The text to be display by the static text widget.
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a checkbox window or NULL on failure.
HWND API dw_checkbox_new(const char *text, ULONG cid)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // Construct a String
        jstring jstr = env->NewStringUTF(text);
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID checkboxNew = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "checkboxNew",
        // Call the method on the object
        jobject result = env->NewWeakGlobalRef(env->CallObjectMethod(_dw_obj, checkboxNew, jstr, (int)cid));
        return result;
    return 0;

 * Returns the state of the checkbox.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the checkbox to be queried.
 * Returns:
 *       State of checkbox (TRUE or FALSE).
int API dw_checkbox_get(HWND handle)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if(handle && (env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        //jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        jclass clazz = env->FindClass(DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID checkOrRadioGetChecked = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "checkOrRadioGetChecked",
        // Call the method on the object
        return env->CallBooleanMethod(_dw_obj, checkOrRadioGetChecked, handle);
    return FALSE;

 * Sets the state of the checkbox.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the checkbox to be queried.
 *          value: TRUE for checked, FALSE for unchecked.
void API dw_checkbox_set(HWND handle, int value)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if(handle && (env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        //jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        jclass clazz = env->FindClass(DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID checkOrRadioSetChecked = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "checkOrRadioSetChecked",
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, checkOrRadioSetChecked, handle, value);

 * Create a new listbox window (widget) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
 *       multi: Multiple select TRUE or FALSE.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a listbox window or NULL on failure.
HWND API dw_listbox_new(ULONG cid, int multi)
    return 0;

 * Appends the specified text to the listbox's (or combobox) entry list.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the listbox to be appended to.
 *          text: Text to append into listbox.
void API dw_listbox_append(HWND handle, const char *text)

 * Inserts the specified text into the listbox's (or combobox) entry list.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the listbox to be inserted into.
 *          text: Text to insert into listbox.
 *          pos: 0-based position to insert text
void API dw_listbox_insert(HWND handle, const char *text, int pos)

 * Appends the specified text items to the listbox's (or combobox) entry list.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the listbox to be appended to.
 *          text: Text strings to append into listbox.
 *          count: Number of text strings to append
void API dw_listbox_list_append(HWND handle, char **text, int count)

 * Clears the listbox's (or combobox) list of all entries.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the listbox to be cleared.
void API dw_listbox_clear(HWND handle)

 * Returns the listbox's item count.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the listbox to be counted.
 * Returns:
 *       The number of items in the listbox.
int API dw_listbox_count(HWND handle)
    return 0;

 * Sets the topmost item in the viewport.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the listbox to be cleared.
 *          top: Index to the top item.
void API dw_listbox_set_top(HWND handle, int top)

 * Copies the given index item's text into buffer.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the listbox to be queried.
 *          index: Index into the list to be queried.
 *          buffer: Buffer where text will be copied.
 *          length: Length of the buffer (including NULL).
void API dw_listbox_get_text(HWND handle, unsigned int index, char *buffer, unsigned int length)

 * Sets the text of a given listbox entry.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the listbox to be queried.
 *          index: Index into the list to be queried.
 *          buffer: Buffer where text will be copied.
void API dw_listbox_set_text(HWND handle, unsigned int index, const char *buffer)

 * Returns the index to the item in the list currently selected.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the listbox to be queried.
 * Returns:
 *       The selected item index or DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN (-1) on error.
int API dw_listbox_selected(HWND handle)
    return DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN;

 * Returns the index to the current selected item or -1 when done.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the listbox to be queried.
 *          where: Either the previous return or -1 to restart.
 * Returns:
 *       The next selected item or DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN (-1) on error.
int API dw_listbox_selected_multi(HWND handle, int where)
    return DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN;

 * Sets the selection state of a given index.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the listbox to be set.
 *          index: Item index.
 *          state: TRUE if selected FALSE if unselected.
void API dw_listbox_select(HWND handle, int index, int state)

 * Deletes the item with given index from the list.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the listbox to be set.
 *          index: Item index.
void API dw_listbox_delete(HWND handle, int index)

 * Create a new Combobox window (widget) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       text: The default text to be in the combpbox widget.
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a combobox window or NULL on failure.
HWND API dw_combobox_new(const char *text, ULONG cid)
    return 0;

 * Create a new Multiline Editbox window (widget) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a MLE window or NULL on failure.
HWND API dw_mle_new(ULONG cid)
    return 0;

 * Adds text to an MLE box and returns the current point.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the MLE to be queried.
 *          buffer: Text buffer to be imported.
 *          startpoint: Point to start entering text.
 * Returns:
 *       Current position in the buffer.
unsigned int API dw_mle_import(HWND handle, const char *buffer, int startpoint)
    return 0;

 * Grabs text from an MLE box.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the MLE to be queried.
 *          buffer: Text buffer to be exported.
 *          startpoint: Point to start grabbing text.
 *          length: Amount of text to be grabbed.
void API dw_mle_export(HWND handle, char *buffer, int startpoint, int length)

 * Obtains information about an MLE box.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the MLE to be queried.
 *          bytes: A pointer to a variable to return the total bytes.
 *          lines: A pointer to a variable to return the number of lines.
void API dw_mle_get_size(HWND handle, unsigned long *bytes, unsigned long *lines)
        *bytes = 0;
        *lines = 0;

 * Deletes text from an MLE box.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the MLE to be deleted from.
 *          startpoint: Point to start deleting text.
 *          length: Amount of text to be deleted.
void API dw_mle_delete(HWND handle, int startpoint, int length)

 * Clears all text from an MLE box.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the MLE to be cleared.
void API dw_mle_clear(HWND handle)

 * Sets the visible line of an MLE box.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the MLE to be positioned.
 *          line: Line to be visible.
void API dw_mle_set_visible(HWND handle, int line)

 * Sets the editablity of an MLE box.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the MLE.
 *          state: TRUE if it can be edited, FALSE for readonly.
void API dw_mle_set_editable(HWND handle, int state)

 * Sets the word wrap state of an MLE box.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the MLE.
 *          state: TRUE if it wraps, FALSE if it doesn't.
void API dw_mle_set_word_wrap(HWND handle, int state)

 * Sets the current cursor position of an MLE box.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the MLE to be positioned.
 *          point: Point to position cursor.
void API dw_mle_set_cursor(HWND handle, int point)

 * Sets the word auto complete state of an MLE box.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the MLE.
 *          state: Bitwise combination of DW_MLE_COMPLETE_TEXT/DASH/QUOTE
void API dw_mle_set_auto_complete(HWND handle, int state)

 * Finds text in an MLE box.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the MLE to be cleared.
 *          text: Text to search for.
 *          point: Start point of search.
 *          flags: Search specific flags.
 * Returns:
 *       Position in buffer or DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN (-1) on error.
int API dw_mle_search(HWND handle, const char *text, int point, unsigned long flags)
    return DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN;

 * Stops redrawing of an MLE box.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the MLE to freeze.
void API dw_mle_freeze(HWND handle)

 * Resumes redrawing of an MLE box.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the MLE to thaw.
void API dw_mle_thaw(HWND handle)

HWND _dw_text_new(const char *text, ULONG cid, int status)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // Construct a String
        jstring jstr = env->NewStringUTF(text);
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID textNew = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "textNew",
        // Call the method on the object
        jobject result = env->NewWeakGlobalRef(env->CallObjectMethod(_dw_obj, textNew, jstr, (int)cid, status));
        return result;
    return 0;

 * Create a new status text window (widget) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       text: The text to be display by the static text widget.
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a status text window or NULL on failure.
HWND API dw_status_text_new(const char *text, ULONG cid)
    return _dw_text_new(text, cid, TRUE);

 * Create a new static text window (widget) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       text: The text to be display by the static text widget.
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a text window or NULL on failure.
HWND API dw_text_new(const char *text, ULONG cid)
    return _dw_text_new(text, cid, FALSE);

 * Creates a rendering context widget (window) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       id: An id to be used with dw_window_from_id.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to the widget or NULL on failure.
HWND API dw_render_new(unsigned long cid)
    return 0;

 * Invalidate the render widget triggering an expose event.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: A handle to a render widget to be redrawn.
void API dw_render_redraw(HWND handle)

/* Sets the current foreground drawing color.
 * Parameters:
 *       red: red value.
 *       green: green value.
 *       blue: blue value.
void API dw_color_foreground_set(unsigned long value)

/* Sets the current background drawing color.
 * Parameters:
 *       red: red value.
 *       green: green value.
 *       blue: blue value.
void API dw_color_background_set(unsigned long value)

/* Allows the user to choose a color using the system's color chooser dialog.
 * Parameters:
 *       value: current color
 * Returns:
 *       The selected color or the current color if cancelled.
unsigned long API dw_color_choose(unsigned long value)
    return value;

/* Draw a point on a window (preferably a render window).
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
 *       pixmap: Handle to the pixmap. (choose only one of these)
 *       x: X coordinate.
 *       y: Y coordinate.
void API dw_draw_point(HWND handle, HPIXMAP pixmap, int x, int y)

/* Draw a line on a window (preferably a render window).
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
 *       pixmap: Handle to the pixmap. (choose only one of these)
 *       x1: First X coordinate.
 *       y1: First Y coordinate.
 *       x2: Second X coordinate.
 *       y2: Second Y coordinate.
void API dw_draw_line(HWND handle, HPIXMAP pixmap, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)

/* Draw text on a window (preferably a render window).
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
 *       pixmap: Handle to the pixmap. (choose only one of these)
 *       x: X coordinate.
 *       y: Y coordinate.
 *       text: Text to be displayed.
void API dw_draw_text(HWND handle, HPIXMAP pixmap, int x, int y, const char *text)

/* Query the width and height of a text string.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
 *       pixmap: Handle to the pixmap. (choose only one of these)
 *       text: Text to be queried.
 *       width: Pointer to a variable to be filled in with the width.
 *       height: Pointer to a variable to be filled in with the height.
void API dw_font_text_extents_get(HWND handle, HPIXMAP pixmap, const char *text, int *width, int *height)

/* Draw a polygon on a window (preferably a render window).
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
 *       pixmap: Handle to the pixmap. (choose only one of these)
 *       flags: DW_DRAW_FILL (1) to fill the polygon or DW_DRAW_DEFAULT (0).
 *       npoints: Number of points passed in.
 *       x: Pointer to array of X coordinates.
 *       y: Pointer to array of Y coordinates.
void API dw_draw_polygon( HWND handle, HPIXMAP pixmap, int flags, int npoints, int *x, int *y )

/* Draw a rectangle on a window (preferably a render window).
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
 *       pixmap: Handle to the pixmap. (choose only one of these)
 *       flags: DW_DRAW_FILL (1) to fill the box or DW_DRAW_DEFAULT (0).
 *       x: X coordinate.
 *       y: Y coordinate.
 *       width: Width of rectangle.
 *       height: Height of rectangle.
void API dw_draw_rect(HWND handle, HPIXMAP pixmap, int flags, int x, int y, int width, int height)

/* Draw an arc on a window (preferably a render window).
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
 *       pixmap: Handle to the pixmap. (choose only one of these)
 *       flags: DW_DRAW_FILL (1) to fill the arc or DW_DRAW_DEFAULT (0).
 *              DW_DRAW_FULL will draw a complete circle/elipse.
 *       xorigin: X coordinate of center of arc.
 *       yorigin: Y coordinate of center of arc.
 *       x1: X coordinate of first segment of arc.
 *       y1: Y coordinate of first segment of arc.
 *       x2: X coordinate of second segment of arc.
 *       y2: Y coordinate of second segment of arc.
void API dw_draw_arc(HWND handle, HPIXMAP pixmap, int flags, int xorigin, int yorigin, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)

 * Create a tree object to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       id: An ID to be used for getting the resource from the
 *           resource file.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a tree window or NULL on failure.
HWND API dw_tree_new(ULONG cid)
    return 0;

 * Inserts an item into a tree window (widget) after another item.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the tree to be inserted.
 *          item: Handle to the item to be positioned after.
 *          title: The text title of the entry.
 *          icon: Handle to coresponding icon.
 *          parent: Parent handle or 0 if root.
 *          itemdata: Item specific data.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a tree item or NULL on failure.
HTREEITEM API dw_tree_insert_after(HWND handle, HTREEITEM item, const char *title, HICN icon, HTREEITEM parent, void *itemdata)
    return 0;

 * Inserts an item into a tree window (widget).
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the tree to be inserted.
 *          title: The text title of the entry.
 *          icon: Handle to coresponding icon.
 *          parent: Parent handle or 0 if root.
 *          itemdata: Item specific data.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a tree item or NULL on failure.
HTREEITEM API dw_tree_insert(HWND handle, const char *title, HICN icon, HTREEITEM parent, void *itemdata)
    return 0;

 * Gets the text an item in a tree window (widget).
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the tree containing the item.
 *          item: Handle of the item to be modified.
 * Returns:
 *       A malloc()ed buffer of item text to be dw_free()ed or NULL on error.
char * API dw_tree_get_title(HWND handle, HTREEITEM item)
    return NULL;

 * Gets the text an item in a tree window (widget).
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the tree containing the item.
 *          item: Handle of the item to be modified.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a tree item or NULL on failure.
HTREEITEM API dw_tree_get_parent(HWND handle, HTREEITEM item)
    return 0;

 * Sets the text and icon of an item in a tree window (widget).
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the tree containing the item.
 *          item: Handle of the item to be modified.
 *          title: The text title of the entry.
 *          icon: Handle to coresponding icon.
void API dw_tree_item_change(HWND handle, HTREEITEM item, const char *title, HICN icon)

 * Sets the item data of a tree item.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the tree containing the item.
 *          item: Handle of the item to be modified.
 *          itemdata: User defined data to be associated with item.
void API dw_tree_item_set_data(HWND handle, HTREEITEM item, void *itemdata)

 * Gets the item data of a tree item.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the tree containing the item.
 *          item: Handle of the item to be modified.
 * Returns:
 *       A pointer to tree item data or NULL on failure.
void * API dw_tree_item_get_data(HWND handle, HTREEITEM item)
    return NULL;

 * Sets this item as the active selection.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the tree window (widget) to be selected.
 *       item: Handle to the item to be selected.
void API dw_tree_item_select(HWND handle, HTREEITEM item)

 * Removes all nodes from a tree.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window (widget) to be cleared.
void API dw_tree_clear(HWND handle)

 * Expands a node on a tree.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the tree window (widget).
 *       item: Handle to node to be expanded.
void API dw_tree_item_expand(HWND handle, HTREEITEM item)

 * Collapses a node on a tree.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the tree window (widget).
 *       item: Handle to node to be collapsed.
void API dw_tree_item_collapse(HWND handle, HTREEITEM item)

 * Removes a node from a tree.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window (widget) to be cleared.
 *       item: Handle to node to be deleted.
void API dw_tree_item_delete(HWND handle, HTREEITEM item)

 * Create a container object to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       id: An ID to be used for getting the resource from the
 *           resource file.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a container window or NULL on failure.
HWND API dw_container_new(ULONG cid, int multi)
    return 0;

 * Sets up the container columns.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the container to be configured.
 *          flags: An array of unsigned longs with column flags.
 *          titles: An array of strings with column text titles.
 *          count: The number of columns (this should match the arrays).
 *          separator: The column number that contains the main separator.
 *                     (this item may only be used in OS/2)
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE (0) on success.
int API dw_container_setup(HWND handle, unsigned long *flags, char **titles, int count, int separator)
    return DW_ERROR_GENERAL;

 * Configures the main filesystem column title for localization.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the container to be configured.
 *          title: The title to be displayed in the main column.
void API dw_filesystem_set_column_title(HWND handle, const char *title)

 * Sets up the filesystem columns, note: filesystem always has an icon/filename field.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the container to be configured.
 *          flags: An array of unsigned longs with column flags.
 *          titles: An array of strings with column text titles.
 *          count: The number of columns (this should match the arrays).
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE (0) on success.
int API dw_filesystem_setup(HWND handle, unsigned long *flags, char **titles, int count)
    return DW_ERROR_GENERAL;

 * Allocates memory used to populate a container.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the container window (widget).
 *          rowcount: The number of items to be populated.
 * Returns:
 *       Handle to container items allocated or NULL on error.
void * API dw_container_alloc(HWND handle, int rowcount)
    return NULL;

 * Sets an item in specified row and column to the given data.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the container window (widget).
 *          pointer: Pointer to the allocated memory in dw_container_alloc().
 *          column: Zero based column of data being set.
 *          row: Zero based row of data being set.
 *          data: Pointer to the data to be added.
void API dw_container_set_item(HWND handle, void *pointer, int column, int row, void *data)

 * Changes an existing item in specified row and column to the given data.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the container window (widget).
 *          column: Zero based column of data being set.
 *          row: Zero based row of data being set.
 *          data: Pointer to the data to be added.
void API dw_container_change_item(HWND handle, int column, int row, void *data)

 * Changes an existing item in specified row and column to the given data.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the container window (widget).
 *          column: Zero based column of data being set.
 *          row: Zero based row of data being set.
 *          data: Pointer to the data to be added.
void API dw_filesystem_change_item(HWND handle, int column, int row, void *data)

 * Changes an item in specified row and column to the given data.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the container window (widget).
 *          pointer: Pointer to the allocated memory in dw_container_alloc().
 *          column: Zero based column of data being set.
 *          row: Zero based row of data being set.
 *          data: Pointer to the data to be added.
void API dw_filesystem_change_file(HWND handle, int row, const char *filename, HICN icon)

 * Sets an item in specified row and column to the given data.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the container window (widget).
 *          pointer: Pointer to the allocated memory in dw_container_alloc().
 *          column: Zero based column of data being set.
 *          row: Zero based row of data being set.
 *          data: Pointer to the data to be added.
void API dw_filesystem_set_file(HWND handle, void *pointer, int row, const char *filename, HICN icon)

 * Sets an item in specified row and column to the given data.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the container window (widget).
 *          pointer: Pointer to the allocated memory in dw_container_alloc().
 *          column: Zero based column of data being set.
 *          row: Zero based row of data being set.
 *          data: Pointer to the data to be added.
void API dw_filesystem_set_item(HWND handle, void *pointer, int column, int row, void *data)

 * Sets the data of a row in the container.
 * Parameters:
 *          pointer: Pointer to the allocated memory in dw_container_alloc().
 *          row: Zero based row of data being set.
 *          data: Data pointer.
void API dw_container_set_row_data(void *pointer, int row, void *data)

 * Changes the data of a row already inserted in the container.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the container window (widget).
 *          row: Zero based row of data being set.
 *          data: Data pointer.
void API dw_container_change_row_data(HWND handle, int row, void *data)

 * Gets column type for a container column.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the container window (widget).
 *          column: Zero based column.
 * Returns:
 *       Constant identifying the the column type.
int API dw_container_get_column_type(HWND handle, int column)
    return 0;

 * Gets column type for a filesystem container column.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the container window (widget).
 *          column: Zero based column.
 * Returns:
 *       Constant identifying the the column type.
int API dw_filesystem_get_column_type(HWND handle, int column)
    return 0;

 * Sets the alternating row colors for container window (widget) handle.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: The window (widget) handle.
 *          oddcolor: Odd row background color in DW_RGB format or a default color index.
 *          evencolor: Even row background color in DW_RGB format or a default color index.
 *                    DW_RGB_TRANSPARENT will disable coloring rows.
 *                    DW_CLR_DEFAULT will use the system default alternating row colors.
void API dw_container_set_stripe(HWND handle, unsigned long oddcolor, unsigned long evencolor)

 * Sets the width of a column in the container.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to window (widget) of container.
 *          column: Zero based column of width being set.
 *          width: Width of column in pixels.
void API dw_container_set_column_width(HWND handle, int column, int width)

 * Sets the title of a row in the container.
 * Parameters:
 *          pointer: Pointer to the allocated memory in dw_container_alloc().
 *          row: Zero based row of data being set.
 *          title: String title of the item.
void API dw_container_set_row_title(void *pointer, int row, const char *title)

 * Sets the title of a row in the container.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to window (widget) of container.
 *          row: Zero based row of data being set.
 *          title: String title of the item.
void API dw_container_change_row_title(HWND handle, int row, const char *title)

 * Sets the title of a row in the container.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the container window (widget).
 *          pointer: Pointer to the allocated memory in dw_container_alloc().
 *          rowcount: The number of rows to be inserted.
void API dw_container_insert(HWND handle, void *pointer, int rowcount)

 * Removes all rows from a container.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window (widget) to be cleared.
 *       redraw: TRUE to cause the container to redraw immediately.
void API dw_container_clear(HWND handle, int redraw)

 * Removes the first x rows from a container.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window (widget) to be deleted from.
 *       rowcount: The number of rows to be deleted.
void API dw_container_delete(HWND handle, int rowcount)

 * Scrolls container up or down.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window (widget) to be scrolled.
 *       direction: DW_SCROLL_UP, DW_SCROLL_DOWN, DW_SCROLL_TOP or
 *                  DW_SCROLL_BOTTOM. (rows is ignored for last two)
 *       rows: The number of rows to be scrolled.
void API dw_container_scroll(HWND handle, int direction, long rows)

 * Starts a new query of a container.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window (widget) to be queried.
 *       flags: If this parameter is DW_CRA_SELECTED it will only
 *              return items that are currently selected.  Otherwise
 *              it will return all records in the container.
 * Returns:
 *       Pointer to data associated with first entry or NULL on error.
char * API dw_container_query_start(HWND handle, unsigned long flags)
    return NULL;

 * Continues an existing query of a container.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window (widget) to be queried.
 *       flags: If this parameter is DW_CRA_SELECTED it will only
 *              return items that are currently selected.  Otherwise
 *              it will return all records in the container.
 * Returns:
 *       Pointer to data associated with next entry or NULL on error or completion.
char * API dw_container_query_next(HWND handle, unsigned long flags)
    return NULL;

 * Cursors the item with the text speficied, and scrolls to that item.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window (widget) to be queried.
 *       text:  Text usually returned by dw_container_query().
void API dw_container_cursor(HWND handle, const char *text)

 * Cursors the item with the data speficied, and scrolls to that item.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window (widget) to be queried.
 *       data:  Data usually returned by dw_container_query().
void API dw_container_cursor_by_data(HWND handle, void *data)

 * Deletes the item with the text speficied.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window (widget).
 *       text:  Text usually returned by dw_container_query().
void API dw_container_delete_row(HWND handle, const char *text)

 * Deletes the item with the data speficied.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window (widget).
 *       data:  Data usually returned by dw_container_query().
void API dw_container_delete_row_by_data(HWND handle, void *data)

 * Optimizes the column widths so that all data is visible.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window (widget) to be optimized.
void API dw_container_optimize(HWND handle)

 * Inserts an icon into the taskbar.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Window handle that will handle taskbar icon messages.
 *       icon: Icon handle to display in the taskbar.
 *       bubbletext: Text to show when the mouse is above the icon.
void API dw_taskbar_insert(HWND handle, HICN icon, const char *bubbletext)

 * Deletes an icon from the taskbar.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Window handle that was used with dw_taskbar_insert().
 *       icon: Icon handle that was used with dw_taskbar_insert().
void API dw_taskbar_delete(HWND handle, HICN icon)

 * Obtains an icon from a module (or header in GTK).
 * Parameters:
 *          module: Handle to module (DLL) in OS/2 and Windows.
 *          id: A unsigned long id int the resources on OS/2 and
 *              Windows, on GTK this is converted to a pointer
 *              to an embedded XPM.
 * Returns:
 *       Handle to the created icon or NULL on error.
HICN API dw_icon_load(unsigned long module, unsigned long resid)
    return 0;

 * Obtains an icon from a file.
 * Parameters:
 *       filename: Name of the file, omit extention to have
 *                 DW pick the appropriate file extension.
 *                 (ICO on OS/2 or Windows, XPM on Unix)
 * Returns:
 *       Handle to the created icon or NULL on error.
HICN API dw_icon_load_from_file(const char *filename)
    return 0;

 * Obtains an icon from data.
 * Parameters:
 *       data: Data for the icon (ICO on OS/2 or Windows, XPM on Unix, PNG on Mac)
 *       len: Length of the passed in data.
 * Returns:
 *       Handle to the created icon or NULL on error.
HICN API dw_icon_load_from_data(const char *data, int len)
    return 0;

 * Frees a loaded icon resource.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to icon returned by dw_icon_load().
void API dw_icon_free(HICN handle)

 * Create a new MDI Frame to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id or 0L.
 * Returns:
 *       Handle to the created MDI widget or NULL on error.
HWND API dw_mdi_new(unsigned long cid)
    return 0;

 * Creates a splitbar window (widget) with given parameters.
 * Parameters:
 *       type: Value can be DW_VERT or DW_HORZ.
 *       topleft: Handle to the window to be top or left.
 *       bottomright:  Handle to the window to be bottom or right.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a splitbar window or NULL on failure.
HWND API dw_splitbar_new(int type, HWND topleft, HWND bottomright, unsigned long cid)
    return 0;

 * Sets the position of a splitbar (pecentage).
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: The handle to the splitbar returned by dw_splitbar_new().
 *       percent: The position of the splitbar.
void API dw_splitbar_set(HWND handle, float percent)

 * Gets the position of a splitbar (pecentage).
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: The handle to the splitbar returned by dw_splitbar_new().
 * Returns:
 *       Position of the splitbar (percentage).
float API dw_splitbar_get(HWND handle)
    return 0;

 * Create a bitmap object to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
 * Returns:
 *       Handle to the created bitmap widget or NULL on error.
HWND API dw_bitmap_new(ULONG cid)
    return 0;

 * Creates a pixmap with given parameters.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Window handle the pixmap is associated with.
 *       width: Width of the pixmap in pixels.
 *       height: Height of the pixmap in pixels.
 *       depth: Color depth of the pixmap.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a pixmap or NULL on failure.
HPIXMAP API dw_pixmap_new(HWND handle, unsigned long width, unsigned long height, int depth)
    return 0;

 * Creates a pixmap from a file.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Window handle the pixmap is associated with.
 *       filename: Name of the file, omit extention to have
 *                 DW pick the appropriate file extension.
 *                 (BMP on OS/2 or Windows, XPM on Unix)
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a pixmap or NULL on failure.
HPIXMAP API dw_pixmap_new_from_file(HWND handle, const char *filename)
    return 0;

 * Creates a pixmap from data in memory.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Window handle the pixmap is associated with.
 *       data: Source of the image data
 *                 (BMP on OS/2 or Windows, XPM on Unix)
 *       len: Length of data
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a pixmap or NULL on failure.
HPIXMAP API dw_pixmap_new_from_data(HWND handle, const char *data, int len)
    return 0;

 * Sets the transparent color for a pixmap.
 * Parameters:
 *       pixmap: Handle to a pixmap returned by
 *               dw_pixmap_new..
 *       color:  Transparent RGB color
 * Note: This is only necessary on platforms that
 *       don't handle transparency automatically
void API dw_pixmap_set_transparent_color( HPIXMAP pixmap, ULONG color )

 * Creates a pixmap from internal resource graphic specified by id.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Window handle the pixmap is associated with.
 *       id: Resource ID associated with requested pixmap.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to a pixmap or NULL on failure.
HPIXMAP API dw_pixmap_grab(HWND handle, ULONG resid)
    return 0;

 * Sets the font used by a specified pixmap.
 * Normally the pixmap font is obtained from the associated window handle.
 * However this can be used to override that, or for pixmaps with no window.
 * Parameters:
 *          pixmap: Handle to a pixmap returned by dw_pixmap_new() or
 *                  passed to the application via a callback.
 *          fontname: Name and size of the font in the form "size.fontname"
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE on success and DW_ERROR_GENERAL on failure.
int API dw_pixmap_set_font(HPIXMAP pixmap, const char *fontname)
    return DW_ERROR_GENERAL;

 * Destroys an allocated pixmap.
 * Parameters:
 *       pixmap: Handle to a pixmap returned by
 *               dw_pixmap_new..
void API dw_pixmap_destroy(HPIXMAP pixmap)

 * Copies from one item to another.
 * Parameters:
 *       dest: Destination window handle.
 *       destp: Destination pixmap. (choose only one).
 *       xdest: X coordinate of destination.
 *       ydest: Y coordinate of destination.
 *       width: Width of area to copy.
 *       height: Height of area to copy.
 *       src: Source window handle.
 *       srcp: Source pixmap. (choose only one).
 *       xsrc: X coordinate of source.
 *       ysrc: Y coordinate of source.
void API dw_pixmap_bitblt(HWND dest, HPIXMAP destp, int xdest, int ydest, int width, int height, HWND src, HPIXMAP srcp, int xsrc, int ysrc)

 * Copies from one surface to another allowing for stretching.
 * Parameters:
 *       dest: Destination window handle.
 *       destp: Destination pixmap. (choose only one).
 *       xdest: X coordinate of destination.
 *       ydest: Y coordinate of destination.
 *       width: Width of the target area.
 *       height: Height of the target area.
 *       src: Source window handle.
 *       srcp: Source pixmap. (choose only one).
 *       xsrc: X coordinate of source.
 *       ysrc: Y coordinate of source.
 *       srcwidth: Width of area to copy.
 *       srcheight: Height of area to copy.
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE on success and DW_ERROR_GENERAL on failure.
int API dw_pixmap_stretch_bitblt(HWND dest, HPIXMAP destp, int xdest, int ydest, int width, int height, HWND src, HPIXMAP srcp, int xsrc, int ysrc, int srcwidth, int srcheight)
    return DW_ERROR_GENERAL;

 * Create a new calendar window (widget) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
 * Returns:
 *       Handle to the created calendar or NULL on error.
HWND API dw_calendar_new(ULONG cid)
    return 0;

 * Sets the current date of a calendar.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: The handle to the calendar returned by dw_calendar_new().
 *       year, month, day: To set the calendar to display.
void API dw_calendar_set_date(HWND handle, unsigned int year, unsigned int month, unsigned int day)

 * Gets the year, month and day set in the calendar widget.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: The handle to the calendar returned by dw_calendar_new().
 *       year: Variable to store the year or NULL.
 *       month: Variable to store the month or NULL.
 *       day: Variable to store the day or NULL.
void API dw_calendar_get_date(HWND handle, unsigned int *year, unsigned int *month, unsigned int *day)

 * Causes the embedded HTML widget to take action.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
 *       action: One of the DW_HTML_* constants.
void API dw_html_action(HWND handle, int action)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if(handle && (env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID htmlAction = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "htmlAction",
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, htmlAction, handle, action);

 * Render raw HTML code in the embedded HTML widget..
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
 *       string: String buffer containing HTML code to
 *               be rendered.
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE (0) on success.
int API dw_html_raw(HWND handle, const char *string)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if(handle && (env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // Construct a String
        jstring jstr = env->NewStringUTF(string);
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID htmlRaw = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "htmlRaw",
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, htmlRaw, handle, jstr);
        return DW_ERROR_NONE;
    return DW_ERROR_GENERAL;

 * Render file or web page in the embedded HTML widget..
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
 *       url: Universal Resource Locator of the web or
 *               file object to be rendered.
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE (0) on success.
int API dw_html_url(HWND handle, const char *url)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if(handle && (env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // Construct a String
        jstring jstr = env->NewStringUTF(url);
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID htmlLoadURL = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "htmlLoadURL",
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, htmlLoadURL, handle, jstr);
        return DW_ERROR_NONE;
    return DW_ERROR_GENERAL;

 * Executes the javascript contained in "script" in the HTML window.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the HTML window.
 *       script: Javascript code to execute.
 *       scriptdata: Data passed to the signal handler.
 * Notes: A DW_SIGNAL_HTML_RESULT event will be raised with scriptdata.
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE (0) on success.
int API dw_html_javascript_run(HWND handle, const char *script, void *scriptdata)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if(handle && (env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // Construct a String
        jstring jstr = env->NewStringUTF(script);
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID htmlJavascriptRun = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "htmlJavascriptRun",
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, htmlJavascriptRun, handle, jstr, (jlong)scriptdata);
        return DW_ERROR_NONE;
    return DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN;

 * Create a new HTML window (widget) to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
 * Returns:
 *       Handle to the created html widget or NULL on error.
HWND API dw_html_new(unsigned long cid)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID htmlNew = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "htmlNew",
        // Call the method on the object
        jobject result = env->NewWeakGlobalRef(env->CallObjectMethod(_dw_obj, htmlNew, (int)cid));
        return result;
    return 0;

 * Returns the current X and Y coordinates of the mouse pointer.
 * Parameters:
 *       x: Pointer to variable to store X coordinate or NULL.
 *       y: Pointer to variable to store Y coordinate or NULL.
void API dw_pointer_query_pos(long *x, long *y)

 * Sets the X and Y coordinates of the mouse pointer.
 * Parameters:
 *       x: X coordinate.
 *       y: Y coordinate.
void API dw_pointer_set_pos(long x, long y)

 * Create a menu object to be popped up.
 * Parameters:
 *       id: An ID to be used associated with this menu.
 * Returns:
 *       Handle to the created menu or NULL on error.
HMENUI API dw_menu_new(ULONG cid)
    return 0;

 * Create a menubar on a window.
 * Parameters:
 *       location: Handle of a window frame to be attached to.
 * Returns:
 *       Handle to the created menu bar or NULL on error.
HMENUI API dw_menubar_new(HWND location)
    return 0;

 * Destroys a menu created with dw_menubar_new or dw_menu_new.
 * Parameters:
 *       menu: Handle of a menu.
void API dw_menu_destroy(HMENUI *menu)

 * Deletes the menu item specified.
 * Parameters:
 *       menu: The handle to the  menu in which the item was appended.
 *       id: Menuitem id.
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE (0) on success or DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN on failure.
int API dw_menu_delete_item(HMENUI menux, unsigned long id)
    return DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN;

 * Pops up a context menu at given x and y coordinates.
 * Parameters:
 *       menu: The handle the the existing menu.
 *       parent: Handle to the window initiating the popup.
 *       x: X coordinate.
 *       y: Y coordinate.
void API dw_menu_popup(HMENUI *menu, HWND parent, int x, int y)

 * Adds a menuitem or submenu to an existing menu.
 * Parameters:
 *       menu: The handle the the existing menu.
 *       title: The title text on the menu item to be added.
 *       id: An ID to be used for message passing.
 *       flags: Extended attributes to set on the menu.
 *       end: If TRUE memu is positioned at the end of the menu.
 *       check: If TRUE menu is "check"able.
 *       submenu: Handle to an existing menu to be a submenu or NULL.
 * Returns:
 *       Handle to the created menu item or NULL on error.
HWND API dw_menu_append_item(HMENUI menux, const char *title, ULONG itemid, ULONG flags, int end, int check, HMENUI submenux)
    return 0;

 * Sets the state of a menu item check.
 * Deprecated; use dw_menu_item_set_state()
 * Parameters:
 *       menu: The handle the the existing menu.
 *       id: Menuitem id.
 *       check: TRUE for checked FALSE for not checked.
void API dw_menu_item_set_check(HMENUI menux, unsigned long itemid, int check)

 * Sets the state of a menu item.
 * Parameters:
 *       menu: The handle to the existing menu.
 *       id: Menuitem id.
void API dw_menu_item_set_state(HMENUI menux, unsigned long itemid, unsigned long state)

 * Create a notebook object to be packed.
 * Parameters:
 *       id: An ID to be used for getting the resource from the
 *           resource file.
 * Returns:
 *       Handle to the created notebook or NULL on error.
HWND API dw_notebook_new(ULONG cid, int top)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID notebookNew = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "notebookNew",
        // Call the method on the object
        jobject result = env->NewWeakGlobalRef(env->CallObjectMethod(_dw_obj, notebookNew, (int)cid, top));
        return result;
    return 0;

 * Adds a new page to specified notebook.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Window (widget) handle.
 *          flags: Any additional page creation flags.
 *          front: If TRUE page is added at the beginning.
 * Returns:
 *       ID of newly created notebook page.
unsigned long API dw_notebook_page_new(HWND handle, ULONG flags, int front)
    JNIEnv *env;
    unsigned long result = 0;

    if(handle && (env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID notebookPageNew = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "notebookPageNew",
        // Call the method on the object
        result = (unsigned long)env->CallLongMethod(_dw_obj, notebookPageNew, handle, (jlong)flags, front);
    return result;

 * Remove a page from a notebook.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the notebook widget.
 *          pageid: ID of the page to be destroyed.
void API dw_notebook_page_destroy(HWND handle, unsigned int pageid)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if(handle && pageid && (env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID notebookPageDestroy = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "notebookPageDestroy",
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, notebookPageDestroy, handle, (jlong)pageid);

 * Queries the currently visible page ID.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the notebook widget.
 * Returns:
 *       ID of visible notebook page.
unsigned long API dw_notebook_page_get(HWND handle)
    JNIEnv *env;
    unsigned long result = 0;

    if(handle && (env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key))) {
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID notebookPageGet = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "notebookPageGet",
        // Call the method on the object
        result = (unsigned long)env->CallLongMethod(_dw_obj, notebookPageGet, handle);
    return result;

 * Sets the currently visible page ID.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the notebook widget.
 *          pageid: ID of the page to be made visible.
void API dw_notebook_page_set(HWND handle, unsigned int pageid)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if(handle && pageid && (env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key))) {
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID notebookPageSet = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "notebookPageSet",
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, notebookPageSet, handle, (jlong)pageid);

 * Sets the text on the specified notebook tab.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Notebook handle.
 *          pageid: Page ID of the tab to set.
 *          text: Pointer to the text to set.
void API dw_notebook_page_set_text(HWND handle, ULONG pageid, const char *text)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // Construct a String
        jstring jstr = env->NewStringUTF(text);
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID notebookPageSetText = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "notebookPageSetText",
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, notebookPageSetText, handle, (jlong)pageid, jstr);

 * Sets the text on the specified notebook tab status area.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Notebook handle.
 *          pageid: Page ID of the tab to set.
 *          text: Pointer to the text to set.
void API dw_notebook_page_set_status_text(HWND handle, ULONG pageid, const char *text)

 * Packs the specified box into the notebook page.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Handle to the notebook to be packed.
 *          pageid: Page ID in the notebook which is being packed.
 *          page: Box handle to be packed.
void API dw_notebook_pack(HWND handle, ULONG pageid, HWND page)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if(handle && pageid && (env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID notebookPagePack = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "notebookPagePack",
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, notebookPagePack, handle, (jlong)pageid, page);

 * Create a new Window Frame.
 * Parameters:
 *       owner: The Owner's window handle or HWND_DESKTOP.
 *       title: The Window title.
 *       flStyle: Style flags.
 * Returns:
 *       Handle to the created window or NULL on error.
HWND API dw_window_new(HWND hwndOwner, const char *title, ULONG flStyle)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // Construct a String
        jstring jstr = env->NewStringUTF(title);
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID windowNew = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "windowNew",
        // Call the method on the object
        jobject result = env->NewWeakGlobalRef(env->CallObjectMethod(_dw_obj, windowNew, jstr, (int)flStyle));
        return result;
    return 0;

 * Call a function from the window (widget)'s context (typically the message loop thread).
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Window handle of the widget.
 *       function: Function pointer to be called.
 *       data: Pointer to the data to be passed to the function.
void API dw_window_function(HWND handle, void *function, void *data)

 * Changes the appearance of the mouse pointer.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to widget for which to change.
 *       cursortype: ID of the pointer you want.
void API dw_window_set_pointer(HWND handle, int pointertype)

 * Makes the window visible.
 * Parameters:
 *           handle: The window handle to make visible.
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE (0) on success.
int API dw_window_show(HWND handle)
    return DW_ERROR_GENERAL;

 * Makes the window invisible.
 * Parameters:
 *           handle: The window handle to hide.
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE (0) on success.
int API dw_window_hide(HWND handle)
    return DW_ERROR_GENERAL;

 * Sets the colors used by a specified window (widget) handle.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: The window (widget) handle.
 *          fore: Foreground color in DW_RGB format or a default color index.
 *          back: Background color in DW_RGB format or a default color index.
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE (0) on success.
int API dw_window_set_color(HWND handle, ULONG fore, ULONG back)
    return DW_ERROR_GENERAL;

 * Sets the border size of a specified window (widget) handle.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: The window (widget) handle.
 *          border: Size of the window border in pixels.
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE (0) on success.
int API dw_window_set_border(HWND handle, int border)
    return DW_ERROR_GENERAL;

 * Sets the style of a given window (widget).
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Window (widget) handle.
 *          style: Style features enabled or disabled.
 *          mask: Corresponding bitmask of features to be changed.
void API dw_window_set_style(HWND handle, ULONG style, ULONG mask)

 * Sets the current focus item for a window/dialog.
 * Parameters:
 *         handle: Handle to the dialog item to be focused.
 * Remarks:
 *          This is for use after showing the window/dialog.
void API dw_window_set_focus(HWND handle)

 * Sets the default focus item for a window/dialog.
 * Parameters:
 *         window: Toplevel window or dialog.
 *         defaultitem: Handle to the dialog item to be default.
 * Remarks:
 *          This is for use before showing the window/dialog.
void API dw_window_default(HWND handle, HWND defaultitem)

 * Sets window to click the default dialog item when an ENTER is pressed.
 * Parameters:
 *         window: Window (widget) to look for the ENTER press.
 *         next: Window (widget) to move to next (or click)
void API dw_window_click_default(HWND handle, HWND next)

 * Captures the mouse input to this window even if it is outside the bounds.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to receive mouse input.
void API dw_window_capture(HWND handle)

 * Releases previous mouse capture.
void API dw_window_release(void)

 * Changes a window's parent to newparent.
 * Parameters:
 *           handle: The window handle to destroy.
 *           newparent: The window's new parent window.
void API dw_window_reparent(HWND handle, HWND newparent)

 * Sets the font used by a specified window (widget) handle.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: The window (widget) handle.
 *          fontname: Name and size of the font in the form "size.fontname"
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE (0) on success.
int API dw_window_set_font(HWND handle, const char *fontname)
    return DW_ERROR_GENERAL;

 * Returns the current font for the specified window.
 * Parameters:
 *           handle: The window handle from which to obtain the font.
 * Returns:
 *       A malloc()ed font name string to be dw_free()ed or NULL on error.
char * API dw_window_get_font(HWND handle)
    return NULL;

/* Allows the user to choose a font using the system's font chooser dialog.
 * Parameters:
 *       currfont: current font
 * Returns:
 *       A malloced buffer with the selected font or NULL on error.
char * API dw_font_choose(const char *currfont)
    return NULL;

 * Sets the default font used on text based widgets.
 * Parameters:
 *           fontname: Font name in Dynamic Windows format.
void API dw_font_set_default(const char *fontname)

 * Destroys a window and all of it's children.
 * Parameters:
 *           handle: The window handle to destroy.
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE (0) on success.
int API dw_window_destroy(HWND handle)
    return DW_ERROR_GENERAL;

 * Gets the text used for a given window.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
 * Returns:
 *       The text associsated with a given window or NULL on error.
char * API dw_window_get_text(HWND handle)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        const char *utf8 = NULL;

        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID windowGetText = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "windowGetText",
        // Call the method on the object
        jstring result = (jstring)env->CallObjectMethod(_dw_obj, windowGetText, handle);
        // Get the UTF8 string result
            utf8 = env->GetStringUTFChars(result, 0);
        return utf8 ? strdup(utf8) : NULL;
    return NULL;

 * Sets the text used for a given window.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
 *       text: The text associsated with a given window.
void API dw_window_set_text(HWND handle, const char *text)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // Construct a String
        jstring jstr = env->NewStringUTF(text);
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID windowSetText = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "windowSetText",
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, windowSetText, handle, jstr);

 * Sets the text used for a given window's floating bubble help.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window (widget).
 *       bubbletext: The text in the floating bubble tooltip.
void API dw_window_set_tooltip(HWND handle, const char *bubbletext)

void _dw_window_set_enabled(HWND handle, jboolean state)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID windowSetEnabled = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "windowSetEnabled",
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, windowSetEnabled, handle, state);

 * Disables given window (widget).
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
void API dw_window_disable(HWND handle)
    _dw_window_set_enabled(handle, JNI_FALSE);

 * Enables given window (widget).
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
void API dw_window_enable(HWND handle)
    _dw_window_set_enabled(handle, JNI_TRUE);

 * Sets the bitmap used for a given static window.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
 *       id: An ID to be used to specify the icon,
 *           (pass 0 if you use the filename param)
 *       data: memory buffer containing image (Bitmap on OS/2 or
 *                 Windows and a pixmap on Unix, pass
 *                 NULL if you use the id param)
 *       len: Length of data passed
void API dw_window_set_bitmap_from_data(HWND handle, unsigned long cid, const char *data, int len)

 * Sets the bitmap used for a given static window.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
 *       id: An ID to be used to specify the icon,
 *           (pass 0 if you use the filename param)
 *       filename: a path to a file (Bitmap on OS/2 or
 *                 Windows and a pixmap on Unix, pass
 *                 NULL if you use the id param)
void API dw_window_set_bitmap(HWND handle, unsigned long resid, const char *filename)

 * Sets the icon used for a given window.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the window.
 *       icon: Handle to icon to be used.
void API dw_window_set_icon(HWND handle, HICN icon)

 * Gets the child window handle with specified ID.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Handle to the parent window.
 *       id: Integer ID of the child.
 * Returns:
 *       HWND of window with ID or NULL on error.
HWND API dw_window_from_id(HWND handle, int id)
    JNIEnv *env;
    HWND retval = 0;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID windowFromId = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "windowFromId",
        // Call the method on the object
        retval = env->CallObjectMethod(_dw_obj, windowFromId, handle, id);
    return retval;

 * Minimizes or Iconifies a top-level window.
 * Parameters:
 *           handle: The window handle to minimize.
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE (0) on success.
int API dw_window_minimize(HWND handle)
    return DW_ERROR_GENERAL;

/* Causes entire window to be invalidated and redrawn.
 * Parameters:
 *           handle: Toplevel window handle to be redrawn.
void API dw_window_redraw(HWND handle)

 * Makes the window topmost.
 * Parameters:
 *           handle: The window handle to make topmost.
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE (0) on success.
int API dw_window_raise(HWND handle)
    return DW_ERROR_GENERAL;

 * Makes the window bottommost.
 * Parameters:
 *           handle: The window handle to make bottommost.
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE (0) on success.
int API dw_window_lower(HWND handle)
    return DW_ERROR_GENERAL;

 * Sets the size of a given window (widget).
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Window (widget) handle.
 *          width: New width in pixels.
 *          height: New height in pixels.
void API dw_window_set_size(HWND handle, ULONG width, ULONG height)

 * Gets the size the system thinks the widget should be.
 * Parameters:
 *       handle: Window (widget) handle of the item to query.
 *       width: Width in pixels of the item or NULL if not needed.
 *       height: Height in pixels of the item or NULL if not needed.
void API dw_window_get_preferred_size(HWND handle, int *width, int *height)

 * Sets the gravity of a given window (widget).
 * Gravity controls which corner of the screen and window the position is relative to.
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Window (widget) handle.
 *          horz: DW_GRAV_LEFT (default), DW_GRAV_RIGHT or DW_GRAV_CENTER.
 *          vert: DW_GRAV_TOP (default), DW_GRAV_BOTTOM or DW_GRAV_CENTER.
void API dw_window_set_gravity(HWND handle, int horz, int vert)

 * Sets the position of a given window (widget).
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Window (widget) handle.
 *          x: X location from the bottom left.
 *          y: Y location from the bottom left.
void API dw_window_set_pos(HWND handle, LONG x, LONG y)

 * Sets the position and size of a given window (widget).
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Window (widget) handle.
 *          x: X location from the bottom left.
 *          y: Y location from the bottom left.
 *          width: Width of the widget.
 *          height: Height of the widget.
void API dw_window_set_pos_size(HWND handle, LONG x, LONG y, ULONG width, ULONG height)

 * Gets the position and size of a given window (widget).
 * Parameters:
 *          handle: Window (widget) handle.
 *          x: X location from the bottom left or NULL.
 *          y: Y location from the bottom left or NULL.
 *          width: Width of the widget or NULL.
 *          height: Height of the widget or NULL.
void API dw_window_get_pos_size(HWND handle, LONG *x, LONG *y, ULONG *width, ULONG *height)

 * Returns the width of the screen.
int API dw_screen_width(void)
    return 0;

 * Returns the height of the screen.
int API dw_screen_height(void)
    return 0;

/* This should return the current color depth. */
unsigned long API dw_color_depth_get(void)
    return 0;

 * Returns some information about the current operating environment.
 * Parameters:
 *       env: Pointer to a DWEnv struct.
void API dw_environment_query(DWEnv *env)
    strcpy(env->osName, "Unknown");

    strcpy(env->buildDate, __DATE__);
    strcpy(env->buildTime, __TIME__);
    env->DWMajorVersion = DW_MAJOR_VERSION;
    env->DWMinorVersion = DW_MINOR_VERSION;
    env->DWSubVersion = DW_SUB_VERSION;

    env->MajorVersion = 0; /* Operating system major */
    env->MinorVersion = 0; /* Operating system minor */
    env->MajorBuild = 0; /* Build versions... if available */
    env->MinorBuild = 0;

 * Emits a beep.
 * Parameters:
 *       freq: Frequency.
 *       dur: Duration.
void API dw_beep(int freq, int dur)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID doBeep = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "doBeep", "(I)V");
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, doBeep, dur);

/* Call this after drawing to the screen to make sure
 * anything you have drawn is visible.
void API dw_flush(void)

 * Add a named user data item to a window handle.
 * Parameters:
 *       window: Window handle to save data to.
 *       dataname: A string pointer identifying which data to be saved.
 *       data: User data to be saved to the window handle.
void API dw_window_set_data(HWND window, const char *dataname, void *data)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // Construct a String
        jstring jstr = env->NewStringUTF(dataname);
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID windowSetData = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "windowSetData",
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, windowSetData, window, jstr);

 * Gets a named user data item from a window handle.
 * Parameters:
 *       window: Window handle to get data from.
 *       dataname: A string pointer identifying which data to get.
 * Returns:
 *       Pointer to data or NULL if no data is available.
void * API dw_window_get_data(HWND window, const char *dataname)
    JNIEnv *env;
    void *retval = NULL;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // Construct a String
        jstring jstr = env->NewStringUTF(dataname);
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID windowGetData = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "windowGetData",
        // Call the method on the object
        retval = DW_INT_TO_POINTER(env->CallLongMethod(_dw_obj, windowGetData, window, jstr));
    return retval;

 * Add a callback to a timer event.
 * Parameters:
 *       interval: Milliseconds to delay between calls.
 *       sigfunc: The pointer to the function to be used as the callback.
 *       data: User data to be passed to the handler function.
 * Returns:
 *       Timer ID for use with dw_timer_disconnect(), 0 on error.
int API dw_timer_connect(int interval, void *sigfunc, void *data)
    JNIEnv *env;
    int retval = 0;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // Use a long paramater
        jlong longinterval = (jlong)interval;
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID timerConnect = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "timerConnect",
        // Call the method on the object
        retval = DW_POINTER_TO_INT(env->NewGlobalRef(env->CallObjectMethod(_dw_obj,
                                    timerConnect, longinterval, (jlong)sigfunc, (jlong)data)));
    return retval;

 * Removes timer callback.
 * Parameters:
 *       id: Timer ID returned by dw_timer_connect().
void API dw_timer_disconnect(int timerid)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if(timerid && (env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // Use a long parameter
        jobject timer = (jobject)timerid;
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID timerDisconnect = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "timerDisconnect",
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, timerDisconnect, timer);

 * Add a callback to a window event.
 * Parameters:
 *       window: Window handle of signal to be called back.
 *       signame: A string pointer identifying which signal to be hooked.
 *       sigfunc: The pointer to the function to be used as the callback.
 *       data: User data to be passed to the handler function.
void API dw_signal_connect(HWND window, const char *signame, void *sigfunc, void *data)
    dw_signal_connect_data(window, signame, sigfunc, NULL, data);

 * Add a callback to a window event with a closure callback.
 * Parameters:
 *       window: Window handle of signal to be called back.
 *       signame: A string pointer identifying which signal to be hooked.
 *       sigfunc: The pointer to the function to be used as the callback.
 *       discfunc: The pointer to the function called when this handler is removed.
 *       data: User data to be passed to the handler function.
void API dw_signal_connect_data(HWND window, const char *signame, void *sigfunc, void *discfunc, void *data)
    ULONG message = 0, msgid = 0;

    if(window && signame && sigfunc)
        if((message = _dw_findsigmessage(signame)) != 0)
            _dw_new_signal(message, window, (int)msgid, sigfunc, discfunc, data);

 * Removes callbacks for a given window with given name.
 * Parameters:
 *       window: Window handle of callback to be removed.
void API dw_signal_disconnect_by_name(HWND window, const char *signame)
    SignalHandler *prev = NULL, *tmp = DWRoot;
    ULONG message;

    if(!window || !signame || (message = _dw_findsigmessage(signame)) == 0)

        if(tmp->window == window && tmp->message == message)
            void (*discfunc)(HWND, void *) = (void (*)(HWND, void*))tmp->discfunction;

                discfunc(tmp->window, tmp->data);

                prev->next = tmp->next;
                tmp = prev->next;
                DWRoot = tmp->next;
                tmp = DWRoot;
            prev = tmp;
            tmp = tmp->next;

 * Removes all callbacks for a given window.
 * Parameters:
 *       window: Window handle of callback to be removed.
void API dw_signal_disconnect_by_window(HWND window)
    SignalHandler *prev = NULL, *tmp = DWRoot;

        if(tmp->window == window)
            void (*discfunc)(HWND, void *) = (void (*)(HWND, void*))tmp->discfunction;

                discfunc(tmp->window, tmp->data);

                prev->next = tmp->next;
                tmp = prev->next;
                DWRoot = tmp->next;
                tmp = DWRoot;
            prev = tmp;
            tmp = tmp->next;

 * Removes all callbacks for a given window with specified data.
 * Parameters:
 *       window: Window handle of callback to be removed.
 *       data: Pointer to the data to be compared against.
void API dw_signal_disconnect_by_data(HWND window, void *data)
    SignalHandler *prev = NULL, *tmp = DWRoot;

        if(tmp->window == window && tmp->data == data)
            void (*discfunc)(HWND, void *) = (void (*)(HWND, void*))tmp->discfunction;

                discfunc(tmp->window, tmp->data);

                prev->next = tmp->next;
                tmp = prev->next;
                DWRoot = tmp->next;
                tmp = DWRoot;
            prev = tmp;
            tmp = tmp->next;

void _dw_strlwr(char *buf)
    int z, len = strlen(buf);

        if(buf[z] >= 'A' && buf[z] <= 'Z')
            buf[z] -= 'A' - 'a';

/* Open a shared library and return a handle.
 * Parameters:
 *         name: Base name of the shared library.
 *         handle: Pointer to a module handle,
 *                 will be filled in with the handle.
int API dw_module_load(const char *name, HMOD *handle)
    int len;
    char *newname;
    char errorbuf[1025] = {0};

        return -1;

    if((len = strlen(name)) == 0)
        return   -1;

    /* Lenth + "lib" + ".so" + NULL */
    newname = (char *)malloc(len + 7);

        return -1;

    sprintf(newname, "", name);

    *handle = dlopen(newname, RTLD_NOW);
    if(*handle == NULL)
        strncpy(errorbuf, dlerror(), 1024);
        printf("%s\n", errorbuf);
        sprintf(newname, "", name);
        *handle = dlopen(newname, RTLD_NOW);


    return (NULL == *handle) ? -1 : 0;

/* Queries the address of a symbol within open handle.
 * Parameters:
 *         handle: Module handle returned by dw_module_load()
 *         name: Name of the symbol you want the address of.
 *         func: A pointer to a function pointer, to obtain
 *               the address.
int API dw_module_symbol(HMOD handle, const char *name, void**func)
    if(!func || !name)
        return   -1;

    if(strlen(name) == 0)
        return   -1;

    *func = (void*)dlsym(handle, name);
    return   (NULL == *func);

/* Frees the shared library previously opened.
 * Parameters:
 *         handle: Module handle returned by dw_module_load()
int API dw_module_close(HMOD handle)
        return dlclose(handle);
    return 0;

 * Returns the handle to an unnamed mutex semaphore.
HMTX API dw_mutex_new(void)
    HMTX mutex = (HMTX)malloc(sizeof(pthread_mutex_t));

    pthread_mutex_init(mutex, NULL);
    return mutex;

 * Closes a semaphore created by dw_mutex_new().
 * Parameters:
 *       mutex: The handle to the mutex returned by dw_mutex_new().
void API dw_mutex_close(HMTX mutex)

 * Tries to gain access to the semaphore, if it can't it blocks.
 * Parameters:
 *       mutex: The handle to the mutex returned by dw_mutex_new().
void API dw_mutex_lock(HMTX mutex)
    /* We need to handle locks from the main thread differently...
     * since we can't stop message processing... otherwise we
     * will deadlock... so try to acquire the lock and continue
     * processing messages in between tries.
#if 0 /* TODO: Not sure how to do this on Android yet */
    if(_dw_thread == pthread_self())
        while(pthread_mutex_trylock(mutex) != 0)
            /* Process any pending events */
                    g_main_context_iteration(NULL, FALSE);

 * Tries to gain access to the semaphore.
 * Parameters:
 *       mutex: The handle to the mutex returned by dw_mutex_new().
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE on success, DW_ERROR_TIMEOUT if it is already locked.
int API dw_mutex_trylock(HMTX mutex)
    if(pthread_mutex_trylock(mutex) == 0)
        return DW_ERROR_NONE;
    return DW_ERROR_TIMEOUT;

 * Reliquishes the access to the semaphore.
 * Parameters:
 *       mutex: The handle to the mutex returned by dw_mutex_new().
void API dw_mutex_unlock(HMTX mutex)

 * Returns the handle to an unnamed event semaphore.
HEV API dw_event_new(void)
    HEV eve = (HEV)malloc(sizeof(struct _dw_unix_event));

        return NULL;

    /* We need to be careful here, mutexes on Linux are
     * FAST by default but are error checking on other
     * systems such as FreeBSD and OS/2, perhaps others.
    pthread_mutex_init (&(eve->mutex), NULL);
    pthread_mutex_lock (&(eve->mutex));
    pthread_cond_init (&(eve->event), NULL);

    pthread_mutex_unlock (&(eve->mutex));
    eve->alive = 1;
    eve->posted = 0;

    return eve;

 * Resets a semaphore created by dw_event_new().
 * Parameters:
 *       eve: The handle to the event returned by dw_event_new().
int API dw_event_reset (HEV eve)
        return DW_ERROR_NON_INIT;

    pthread_mutex_lock (&(eve->mutex));
    pthread_cond_broadcast (&(eve->event));
    pthread_cond_init (&(eve->event), NULL);
    eve->posted = 0;
    pthread_mutex_unlock (&(eve->mutex));
    return DW_ERROR_NONE;

 * Posts a semaphore created by dw_event_new(). Causing all threads
 * waiting on this event in dw_event_wait to continue.
 * Parameters:
 *       eve: The handle to the event returned by dw_event_new().
int API dw_event_post (HEV eve)
        return DW_ERROR_NON_INIT;

    pthread_mutex_lock (&(eve->mutex));
    pthread_cond_broadcast (&(eve->event));
    eve->posted = 1;
    pthread_mutex_unlock (&(eve->mutex));
    return DW_ERROR_NONE;

 * Waits on a semaphore created by dw_event_new(), until the
 * event gets posted or until the timeout expires.
 * Parameters:
 *       eve: The handle to the event returned by dw_event_new().
int API dw_event_wait(HEV eve, unsigned long timeout)
    int rc;

        return DW_ERROR_NON_INIT;

    pthread_mutex_lock (&(eve->mutex));

        pthread_mutex_unlock (&(eve->mutex));
        return DW_ERROR_NONE;

    if(timeout != -1)
        struct timeval now;
        struct timespec timeo;

        gettimeofday(&now, 0);
        timeo.tv_sec = now.tv_sec + (timeout / 1000);
        timeo.tv_nsec = now.tv_usec * 1000;
        rc = pthread_cond_timedwait(&(eve->event), &(eve->mutex), &timeo);
        rc = pthread_cond_wait(&(eve->event), &(eve->mutex));

    pthread_mutex_unlock (&(eve->mutex));
        return DW_ERROR_NONE;
    if(rc == ETIMEDOUT)
        return DW_ERROR_TIMEOUT;
    return DW_ERROR_GENERAL;

 * Closes a semaphore created by dw_event_new().
 * Parameters:
 *       eve: The handle to the event returned by dw_event_new().
int API dw_event_close(HEV *eve)
    if(!eve || !(*eve))
        return DW_ERROR_NON_INIT;

    pthread_mutex_lock (&((*eve)->mutex));
    pthread_cond_destroy (&((*eve)->event));
    pthread_mutex_unlock (&((*eve)->mutex));
    pthread_mutex_destroy (&((*eve)->mutex));
    *eve = NULL;

    return DW_ERROR_NONE;

struct _dw_seminfo {
    int fd;
    int waiting;

static void _dw_handle_sem(int *tmpsock)
    fd_set rd;
    struct _dw_seminfo *array = (struct _dw_seminfo *)malloc(sizeof(struct _dw_seminfo));
    int listenfd = tmpsock[0];
    int bytesread, connectcount = 1, maxfd, z, posted = 0;
    char command;
    sigset_t mask;

    sigfillset(&mask); /* Mask all allowed signals */
    pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &mask, NULL);

    /* problems */
    if(tmpsock[1] == -1)

    array[0].fd = tmpsock[1];
    array[0].waiting = 0;

    /* Free the memory allocated in dw_named_event_new. */

        FD_SET(listenfd, &rd);
        int DW_UNUSED(result);

        maxfd = listenfd;

        /* Added any connections to the named event semaphore */
            if(array[z].fd > maxfd)
                maxfd = array[z].fd;

            FD_SET(array[z].fd, &rd);

        if(select(maxfd+1, &rd, NULL, NULL, NULL) == -1)

        if(FD_ISSET(listenfd, &rd))
            struct _dw_seminfo *newarray;
            int newfd = accept(listenfd, 0, 0);

            if(newfd > -1)
                /* Add new connections to the set */
                newarray = (struct _dw_seminfo *)malloc(sizeof(struct _dw_seminfo)*(connectcount+1));
                memcpy(newarray, array, sizeof(struct _dw_seminfo)*(connectcount));

                newarray[connectcount].fd = newfd;
                newarray[connectcount].waiting = 0;


                /* Replace old array with new one */
                array = newarray;

        /* Handle any events posted to the semaphore */
            if(FD_ISSET(array[z].fd, &rd))
                if((bytesread = read(array[z].fd, &command, 1)) < 1)
                    struct _dw_seminfo *newarray;

                    /* Remove this connection from the set */
                    newarray = (struct _dw_seminfo *)malloc(sizeof(struct _dw_seminfo)*(connectcount-1));
                        memcpy(newarray, &array[1], sizeof(struct _dw_seminfo)*(connectcount-1));
                        memcpy(newarray, array, sizeof(struct _dw_seminfo)*z);
                            memcpy(&newarray[z], &array[z+1], sizeof(struct _dw_seminfo)*(z-connectcount-1));

                    /* Replace old array with new one */
                    array = newarray;
                else if(bytesread == 1)
                        case 0:
                            /* Reset */
                            posted = 0;
                        case 1:
                            /* Post */
                            int s;
                            char tmp = (char)0;

                            posted = 1;

                                /* The semaphore has been posted so
                                 * we tell all the waiting threads to
                                 * continue.
                                    result = write(array[s].fd, &tmp, 1);
                        case 2:
                            /* Wait */
                            char tmp = (char)0;

                            array[z].waiting = 1;

                            /* If we are posted exit immeditately */
                                result = write(array[z].fd, &tmp, 1);
                        case 3:
                            /* Done Waiting */
                            array[z].waiting = 0;

/* Using domain sockets on unix for IPC */
/* Create a named event semaphore which can be
 * opened from other processes.
 * Parameters:
 *         eve: Pointer to an event handle to receive handle.
 *         name: Name given to semaphore which can be opened
 *               by other processes.
HEV API dw_named_event_new(const char *name)
    struct sockaddr_un un;
    int ev, *tmpsock = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*2);
    DWTID dwthread;

        return NULL;

    tmpsock[0] = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
    ev = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
    memset(&un, 0, sizeof(un));
    mkdir("/tmp/.dw", S_IWGRP|S_IWOTH);
    strcpy(un.sun_path, "/tmp/.dw/");
    strcat(un.sun_path, name);

    /* just to be safe, this should be changed
     * to support multiple instances.

    bind(tmpsock[0], (struct sockaddr *)&un, sizeof(un));
    listen(tmpsock[0], 0);
    connect(ev, (struct sockaddr *)&un, sizeof(un));
    tmpsock[1] = accept(tmpsock[0], 0, 0);

    if(tmpsock[0] < 0 || tmpsock[1] < 0 || ev < 0)
        if(tmpsock[0] > -1)
        if(tmpsock[1] > -1)
        if(ev > -1)
        return NULL;

    /* Create a thread to handle this event semaphore */
    pthread_create(&dwthread, NULL, (void *(*)(void *))_dw_handle_sem, (void *)tmpsock);
    return (HEV)DW_INT_TO_POINTER(ev);

/* Open an already existing named event semaphore.
 * Parameters:
 *         eve: Pointer to an event handle to receive handle.
 *         name: Name given to semaphore which can be opened
 *               by other processes.
HEV API dw_named_event_get(const char *name)
    struct sockaddr_un un;
    int ev = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
    if(ev < 0)
        return NULL;

    mkdir("/tmp/.dw", S_IWGRP|S_IWOTH);
    strcpy(un.sun_path, "/tmp/.dw/");
    strcat(un.sun_path, name);
    connect(ev, (struct sockaddr *)&un, sizeof(un));
    return (HEV)DW_INT_TO_POINTER(ev);

/* Resets the event semaphore so threads who call wait
 * on this semaphore will block.
 * Parameters:
 *         eve: Handle to the semaphore obtained by
 *              an open or create call.
int API dw_named_event_reset(HEV eve)
    /* signal reset */
    char tmp = (char)0;

    if(DW_POINTER_TO_INT(eve) < 0)
        return DW_ERROR_NONE;

    if(write(DW_POINTER_TO_INT(eve), &tmp, 1) == 1)
        return DW_ERROR_NONE;
    return DW_ERROR_GENERAL;

/* Sets the posted state of an event semaphore, any threads
 * waiting on the semaphore will no longer block.
 * Parameters:
 *         eve: Handle to the semaphore obtained by
 *              an open or create call.
int API dw_named_event_post(HEV eve)

    /* signal post */
    char tmp = (char)1;

    if(DW_POINTER_TO_INT(eve) < 0)
        return DW_ERROR_NONE;

    if(write(DW_POINTER_TO_INT(eve), &tmp, 1) == 1)
        return DW_ERROR_NONE;
    return DW_ERROR_GENERAL;

/* Waits on the specified semaphore until it becomes
 * posted, or returns immediately if it already is posted.
 * Parameters:
 *         eve: Handle to the semaphore obtained by
 *              an open or create call.
 *         timeout: Number of milliseconds before timing out
 *                  or -1 if indefinite.
int API dw_named_event_wait(HEV eve, unsigned long timeout)
    fd_set rd;
    struct timeval tv, *useme = NULL;
    int retval = 0;
    char tmp;

    if(DW_POINTER_TO_INT(eve) < 0)
        return DW_ERROR_NON_INIT;

    /* Set the timout or infinite */
    if(timeout != -1)
        tv.tv_sec = timeout / 1000;
        tv.tv_usec = timeout % 1000;

        useme = &tv;

    FD_SET(DW_POINTER_TO_INT(eve), &rd);

    /* Signal wait */
    tmp = (char)2;
    retval = write(DW_POINTER_TO_INT(eve), &tmp, 1);

    if(retval == 1)
        retval = select(DW_POINTER_TO_INT(eve)+1, &rd, NULL, NULL, useme);

    /* Signal done waiting. */
    tmp = (char)3;
    if(retval == 1)
        retval = write(DW_POINTER_TO_INT(eve), &tmp, 1);

    if(retval == 0)
        return DW_ERROR_TIMEOUT;
    else if(retval == -1)
        return DW_ERROR_INTERRUPT;

    /* Clear the entry from the pipe so
     * we don't loop endlessly. :)
    if(read(DW_POINTER_TO_INT(eve), &tmp, 1) == 1)
        return DW_ERROR_NONE;
    return DW_ERROR_GENERAL;

/* Release this semaphore, if there are no more open
 * handles on this semaphore the semaphore will be destroyed.
 * Parameters:
 *         eve: Handle to the semaphore obtained by
 *              an open or create call.
int API dw_named_event_close(HEV eve)
    /* Finally close the domain socket,
     * cleanup will continue in _dw_handle_sem.
    return DW_ERROR_NONE;

 * Generally an internal function called from a newly created
 * thread to setup the Dynamic Windows environment for the thread.
 * However it is exported so language bindings can call it when
 * they create threads that require access to Dynamic Windows.
void API _dw_init_thread(void)
    JNIEnv *env;

    _dw_jvm->AttachCurrentThread(&env, NULL);
    pthread_setspecific(_dw_env_key, env);

 * Generally an internal function called from a terminating
 * thread to cleanup the Dynamic Windows environment for the thread.
 * However it is exported so language bindings can call it when
 * they exit threads that require access to Dynamic Windows.
void API _dw_deinit_thread(void)

 * Setup thread independent color sets.
void _dwthreadstart(void *data)
    void (*threadfunc)(void *) = NULL;
    void **tmp = (void **)data;

    threadfunc = (void (*)(void *))tmp[0];

    /* Initialize colors */


    /* Free colors */

 * Allocates a shared memory region with a name.
 * Parameters:
 *         handle: A pointer to receive a SHM identifier.
 *         dest: A pointer to a pointer to receive the memory address.
 *         size: Size in bytes of the shared memory region to allocate.
 *         name: A string pointer to a unique memory name.
HSHM API dw_named_memory_new(void **dest, int size, const char *name)
    char namebuf[1025];
    struct _dw_unix_shm *handle = (struct _dw_unix_shm *)malloc(sizeof(struct _dw_unix_shm));

    mkdir("/tmp/.dw", S_IWGRP|S_IWOTH);
    snprintf(namebuf, 1024, "/tmp/.dw/%s", name);

    if((handle->fd = open(namebuf, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR)) < 0)
        return NULL;

    if(ftruncate(handle->fd, size))
        return NULL;

    /* attach the shared memory segment to our process's address space. */
    *dest = mmap(NULL, size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, handle->fd, 0);

    if(*dest == MAP_FAILED)
        *dest = NULL;
        return NULL;

    handle->size = size;
    handle->sid = getsid(0);
    handle->path = strdup(namebuf);

    return handle;

 * Aquires shared memory region with a name.
 * Parameters:
 *         dest: A pointer to a pointer to receive the memory address.
 *         size: Size in bytes of the shared memory region to requested.
 *         name: A string pointer to a unique memory name.
HSHM API dw_named_memory_get(void **dest, int size, const char *name)
    char namebuf[1025];
    struct _dw_unix_shm *handle = (struct _dw_unix_shm *)malloc(sizeof(struct _dw_unix_shm));

    mkdir("/tmp/.dw", S_IWGRP|S_IWOTH);
    snprintf(namebuf, 1024, "/tmp/.dw/%s", name);

    if((handle->fd = open(namebuf, O_RDWR)) < 0)
        return NULL;

    /* attach the shared memory segment to our process's address space. */
    *dest = mmap(NULL, size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, handle->fd, 0);

    if(*dest == MAP_FAILED)
        *dest = NULL;
        return NULL;

    handle->size = size;
    handle->sid = -1;
    handle->path = NULL;

    return handle;

 * Frees a shared memory region previously allocated.
 * Parameters:
 *         handle: Handle obtained from DB_named_memory_allocate.
 *         ptr: The memory address aquired with DB_named_memory_allocate.
int API dw_named_memory_free(HSHM handle, void *ptr)
    struct _dw_unix_shm *h = (struct _dw_unix_shm *)handle;
    int rc = munmap(ptr, h->size);

        /* Only remove the actual file if we are the
         * creator of the file.
        if(h->sid != -1 && h->sid == getsid(0))
    return rc;
 * Creates a new thread with a starting point of func.
 * Parameters:
 *       func: Function which will be run in the new thread.
 *       data: Parameter(s) passed to the function.
 *       stack: Stack size of new thread (OS/2 and Windows only).
DWTID API dw_thread_new(void *func, void *data, int stack)
    DWTID dwthread;
    void **tmp = (void **)malloc(sizeof(void *) * 2);
    int rc;

    tmp[0] = func;
    tmp[1] = data;

    rc = pthread_create(&dwthread, NULL, (void *(*)(void *))_dwthreadstart, (void *)tmp);
    if(rc == 0)
        return dwthread;

 * Ends execution of current thread immediately.
void API dw_thread_end(void)

 * Returns the current thread's ID.
DWTID API dw_thread_id(void)
    return (DWTID)pthread_self();

 * Initializes the Dynamic Windows engine.
 * Parameters:
 *           newthread: True if this is the only thread.
 *                      False if there is already a message loop running.
 *           argc: Passed in from main()
 *           argv: Passed in from main()
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE (0) on success.
int API dw_init(int newthread, int argc, char *argv[])
    return DW_ERROR_NONE;

 * Cleanly terminates a DW session, should be signal handler safe.
void API dw_shutdown(void)
    JNIEnv *env;

    if((env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
        // Get the method that you want to call
        jmethodID dwindowsShutdown = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "dwindowsShutdown",
        // Call the method on the object
        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, dwindowsShutdown);

 * Execute and external program in a seperate session.
 * Parameters:
 *       program: Program name with optional path.
 *       type: Either DW_EXEC_CON or DW_EXEC_GUI.
 *       params: An array of pointers to string arguements.
 * Returns:
 *       Process ID on success or DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN (-1) on error.
int API dw_exec(const char *program, int type, char **params)
    int ret = DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN;

    return ret;

 * Loads a web browser pointed at the given URL.
 * Parameters:
 *       url: Uniform resource locator.
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN (-1) on error; DW_ERROR_NONE (0) or a positive Process ID on success.
int API dw_browse(const char *url)
    return DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN;

 * Creates a new print object.
 * Parameters:
 *       jobname: Name of the print job to show in the queue.
 *       flags: Flags to initially configure the print object.
 *       pages: Number of pages to print.
 *       drawfunc: The pointer to the function to be used as the callback.
 *       drawdata: User data to be passed to the handler function.
 * Returns:
 *       A handle to the print object or NULL on failure.
HPRINT API dw_print_new(const char *jobname, unsigned long flags, unsigned int pages, void *drawfunc, void *drawdata)
    return NULL;

 * Runs the print job, causing the draw page callbacks to fire.
 * Parameters:
 *       print: Handle to the print object returned by dw_print_new().
 *       flags: Flags to run the print job.
 * Returns:
 *       DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN on error or DW_ERROR_NONE on success.
int API dw_print_run(HPRINT print, unsigned long flags)
    return DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN;

 * Cancels the print job, typically called from a draw page callback.
 * Parameters:
 *       print: Handle to the print object returned by dw_print_new().
void API dw_print_cancel(HPRINT print)

 * Creates a new system notification if possible.
 * Parameters:
 *         title: The short title of the notification.
 *         imagepath: Path to an image to display or NULL if none.
 *         description: A longer description of the notification,
 *                      or NULL if none is necessary.
 * Returns:
 *         A handle to the notification which can be used to attach a "clicked" event if desired,
 *         or NULL if it fails or notifications are not supported by the system.
 * Remarks:
 *          This will create a system notification that will show in the notifaction panel
 *          on supported systems, which may be clicked to perform another task.
HWND API dw_notification_new(const char *title, const char *imagepath, const char *description, ...)
    return 0;

 * Sends a notification created by dw_notification_new() after attaching signal handler.
 * Parameters:
 *         notification: The handle to the notification returned by dw_notification_new().
 * Returns:
 *         DW_ERROR_NONE on success, DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN on error or not supported.
int API dw_notification_send(HWND notification)
    return DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN;

 * Converts a UTF-8 encoded string into a wide string.
 * Parameters:
 *       utf8string: UTF-8 encoded source string.
 * Returns:
 *       Wide string that needs to be freed with dw_free()
 *       or NULL on failure.
wchar_t * API dw_utf8_to_wchar(const char *utf8string)
    size_t buflen = strlen(utf8string) + 1;
    wchar_t *temp = (wchar_t *)malloc(buflen * sizeof(wchar_t));
        mbstowcs(temp, utf8string, buflen);
    return temp;

 * Converts a wide string into a UTF-8 encoded string.
 * Parameters:
 *       wstring: Wide source string.
 * Returns:
 *       UTF-8 encoded string that needs to be freed with dw_free()
 *       or NULL on failure.
char * API dw_wchar_to_utf8(const wchar_t *wstring)
    size_t bufflen = 8 * wcslen(wstring) + 1;
    char *temp = (char *)malloc(bufflen);
        wcstombs(temp, wstring, bufflen);
    return temp;

 * Gets the state of the requested library feature.
 * Parameters:
 *       feature: The requested feature for example DW_FEATURE_DARK_MODE
 * Returns:
 *       DW_FEATURE_UNSUPPORTED if the library or OS does not support the feature.
 *       DW_FEATURE_DISABLED if the feature is supported but disabled.
 *       DW_FEATURE_ENABLED if the feature is supported and enabled.
 *       Other value greater than 1, same as enabled but with extra info.
int API dw_feature_get(DWFEATURE feature)
        case DW_FEATURE_HTML:                    /* Supports the HTML Widget */
        case DW_FEATURE_HTML_RESULT:             /* Supports the DW_SIGNAL_HTML_RESULT callback */
        case DW_FEATURE_DARK_MODE:               /* Supports Dark Mode user interface */
        case DW_FEATURE_NOTIFICATION:            /* Supports sending system notifications */
        case DW_FEATURE_UTF8_UNICODE:            /* Supports UTF8 encoded Unicode text */
        case DW_FEATURE_MLE_AUTO_COMPLETE:       /* Supports auto completion in Multi-line Edit boxes */
        case DW_FEATURE_MLE_WORD_WRAP:           /* Supports word wrapping in Multi-line Edit boxes */
        case DW_FEATURE_CONTAINER_STRIPE:        /* Supports striped line display in container widgets */
            return DW_FEATURE_ENABLED;
            return DW_FEATURE_UNSUPPORTED;

 * Sets the state of the requested library feature.
 * Parameters:
 *       feature: The requested feature for example DW_FEATURE_DARK_MODE
 *       state: DW_FEATURE_DISABLED, DW_FEATURE_ENABLED or any value greater than 1.
 * Returns:
 *       DW_FEATURE_UNSUPPORTED if the library or OS does not support the feature.
 *       DW_ERROR_NONE if the feature is supported and successfully configured.
 *       DW_ERROR_GENERAL if the feature is supported but could not be configured.
 * Remarks:
 *       These settings are typically used during dw_init() so issue before
 *       setting up the library with dw_init().
int API dw_feature_set(DWFEATURE feature, int state)
        /* These features are supported but not configurable */
        case DW_FEATURE_HTML:                    /* Supports the HTML Widget */
        case DW_FEATURE_HTML_RESULT:             /* Supports the DW_SIGNAL_HTML_RESULT callback */
        case DW_FEATURE_DARK_MODE:               /* Supports Dark Mode user interface */
        case DW_FEATURE_NOTIFICATION:            /* Supports sending system notifications */
        case DW_FEATURE_UTF8_UNICODE:            /* Supports UTF8 encoded Unicode text */
        case DW_FEATURE_MLE_AUTO_COMPLETE:       /* Supports auto completion in Multi-line Edit boxes */
        case DW_FEATURE_MLE_WORD_WRAP:           /* Supports word wrapping in Multi-line Edit boxes */
        case DW_FEATURE_CONTAINER_STRIPE:        /* Supports striped line display in container widgets */
            return DW_ERROR_GENERAL;
        /* These features are supported and configurable */
            return DW_FEATURE_UNSUPPORTED;

#ifdef __cplusplus