view dwtest.c @ 293:315812516608

Changes to the key press handling, if the character is zero check the virtual key code. The virtual key code parameter will always be valid. Also print the character in hex so it can be seen in the test program.
author bsmith@81767d24-ef19-dc11-ae90-00e081727c95
date Tue, 25 Mar 2003 23:44:57 +0000
parents 0e6f09149eaa
children 5414d3d582e4
line wrap: on
line source

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "dw.h"

/* Select a fixed width font for our platform */
#ifdef __OS2__
#define FIXEDFONT "5.System VIO"
#elif defined(__WIN32__)
#define FIXEDFONT "10.Terminal"
#define FIXEDFONT "monospace 10"
#define FIXEDFONT "fixed"


unsigned long flStyle = DW_FCF_SYSMENU | DW_FCF_TITLEBAR |

HWND mainwindow,
     textbox1, textbox2, textboxA,

HPIXMAP text1pm,text2pm;

int font_width = 8;
int font_height=12;
int font_gap = 2;
int rows=100,width1=6,cols=80;
char *current_file = NULL;
int timerid;
int num_lines=0;
int max_linewidth=0;
int current_row=0,current_col=0;

char **lp;

/* This gets called when a part of the graph needs to be repainted. */
int DWSIGNAL text_expose(HWND hwnd, DWExpose *exp, void *data)
	int width,height;

	if ( hwnd == textbox1 )
		hpm = text1pm;
	else if ( hwnd == textbox2 )
		hpm = text2pm;
		return TRUE;

	width = DW_PIXMAP_WIDTH(hpm);
	height = DW_PIXMAP_HEIGHT(hpm);

	dw_pixmap_bitblt(hwnd, NULL, 0, 0, width, height, 0, hpm, 0, 0 );
	return TRUE;

void read_file( void )
	int i,len;
	fp = fopen( current_file, "r" );
	lp = (char **)calloc( 1000,sizeof(char *));
	/* should test for out of memory */
	for ( i = 0; i < 1000; i++ )
		lp[i] = (char *)calloc(1, 1025);
		if ( fgets( lp[i], 1024, fp ) == NULL )
		len = strlen( lp[i] );
		if ( len > max_linewidth )
			max_linewidth = len;
		if ( lp[i][len - 1] == '\n' )
			lp[i][len - 1] = '\0';
	num_lines = i;
	fclose( fp );
	dw_scrollbar_set_range(hscrollbar, max_linewidth, cols);
	dw_scrollbar_set_pos(hscrollbar, 0);
	dw_scrollbar_set_range(vscrollbar, num_lines, rows);
	dw_scrollbar_set_pos(vscrollbar, 0);

void draw_file( int row, int col )
	char buf[10];
	int i,y;
	char *pLine;

	if ( current_file )
		dw_draw_rect(0, text1pm, TRUE, 0, 0, DW_PIXMAP_WIDTH(text1pm), DW_PIXMAP_HEIGHT(text1pm));
		dw_draw_rect(0, text2pm, TRUE, 0, 0, DW_PIXMAP_WIDTH(text2pm), DW_PIXMAP_HEIGHT(text2pm));
		for ( i = 0;(i < rows) && (i+row < num_lines); i++)
			y = i*(font_height+font_gap);
			dw_color_foreground_set( i );
			sprintf( buf, "%6.6d", i+row );
			dw_draw_text( 0, text1pm, 0, y, buf);
			pLine = lp[i+row];
			dw_draw_text( 0, text2pm, 0, y, pLine+col );
		text_expose( textbox1, NULL, NULL);
		text_expose( textbox2, NULL, NULL);

int DWSIGNAL beep_callback(HWND window, void *data)
	dw_timer_disconnect( timerid );
	return TRUE;

int DWSIGNAL keypress_callback(HWND window, char ch, int vk, int state, void *data)
	FILE *fp = fopen("log", "a+");

		fprintf(fp,"got keypress %c 0x%x %d %d\n", ch, ch, vk, state);
	return 0;

int DWSIGNAL exit_callback(HWND window, void *data)
	return -1;

int DWSIGNAL test_callback(HWND window, void *data)
	if ( current_file )
		dw_free( current_file );
	return -1;

int DWSIGNAL browse_callback(HWND window, void *data)
	char *tmp;
	tmp = dw_file_browse("test string", NULL, "c", DW_FILE_OPEN );
	if ( tmp )
		if ( current_file )
			dw_free( current_file );
		current_file = tmp;
		dw_window_set_text( entryfield, current_file );
	return 0;

/* Callback to handle user selection of the scrollbar position */
void DWSIGNAL scrollbar_valuechanged(HWND hwnd, int value, void *data)
		HWND stext = (HWND)data;
		char tmpbuf[100];
		if ( hwnd == vscrollbar )
			current_row = value;
			current_col = value;
		sprintf(tmpbuf, "Row:%d Col:%d Lines:%d Cols:%d", current_row,current_col,num_lines,max_linewidth);
		dw_window_set_text(stext, tmpbuf);
		draw_file( current_row, current_col);

/* Handle size change of the main render window */
int DWSIGNAL configure_event(HWND hwnd, int width, int height, void *data)
	HPIXMAP old1 = text1pm, old2 = text2pm;
	int depth = dw_color_depth();

	rows = height / (font_height+font_gap);
	cols = width / font_width;

	/* Create new pixmaps with the current sizes */
	text1pm = dw_pixmap_new(textbox1, (font_width*(width1+1)), height+1, depth);
	text2pm = dw_pixmap_new(textbox2, width, height, depth);

	/* Destroy the old pixmaps */

	/* Update scrollbar ranges with new values */
	dw_scrollbar_set_range(hscrollbar, max_linewidth, cols);
	dw_scrollbar_set_range(vscrollbar, num_lines, rows);

	/* Redraw the window */
	draw_file( current_row, current_col);
	return TRUE;

void archive_add(void)
	HWND browsebutton, browsebox;

	lbbox = dw_box_new(BOXVERT, 10);

	dw_box_pack_start(notebookbox1, lbbox, 150, 70, TRUE, TRUE, 0);

	/* Archive Name */
	stext = dw_text_new("File to browse", 0);

	dw_window_set_style(stext, DW_DT_VCENTER, DW_DT_VCENTER);

	dw_box_pack_start(lbbox, stext, 130, 15, TRUE, TRUE, 2);

	browsebox = dw_box_new(BOXHORZ, 0);

	dw_box_pack_start(lbbox, browsebox, 0, 0, TRUE, TRUE, 0);

	entryfield = dw_entryfield_new("", 100L);

	dw_box_pack_start(browsebox, entryfield, 100, 15, TRUE, TRUE, 4);

	browsebutton = dw_button_new("Browse", 1001L);

	dw_box_pack_start(browsebox, browsebutton, 30, 15, TRUE, TRUE, 0);

	dw_window_set_color(browsebox, DW_CLR_PALEGRAY, DW_CLR_PALEGRAY);
	dw_window_set_color(stext, DW_CLR_BLACK, DW_CLR_PALEGRAY);

	/* Buttons */
	buttonbox = dw_box_new(BOXHORZ, 10);

	dw_box_pack_start(lbbox, buttonbox, 0, 0, TRUE, TRUE, 0);

	okbutton = dw_button_new("Turn Off Annoying Beep!", 1001L);

	dw_box_pack_start(buttonbox, okbutton, 130, 30, TRUE, TRUE, 2);

	cancelbutton = dw_button_new("Exit", 1002L);

	dw_box_pack_start(buttonbox, cancelbutton, 130, 30, TRUE, TRUE, 2);

	/* Set some nice fonts and colors */
	dw_window_set_color(lbbox, DW_CLR_DARKCYAN, DW_CLR_PALEGRAY);
	dw_window_set_color(buttonbox, DW_CLR_DARKCYAN, DW_CLR_PALEGRAY);
	dw_window_set_color(okbutton, DW_CLR_PALEGRAY, DW_CLR_DARKCYAN);

	dw_signal_connect(browsebutton, "clicked", DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(browse_callback), (void *)notebookbox1);
	dw_signal_connect(okbutton, "clicked", DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(beep_callback), (void *)notebookbox1);
	dw_signal_connect(cancelbutton, "clicked", DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(exit_callback), (void *)mainwindow);

void text_add(void)
	int depth = dw_color_depth();
	HWND vscrollbox;

	/* create a box to pack into the notebook page */
	pagebox = dw_box_new(BOXHORZ, 2);
	dw_box_pack_start( notebookbox2, pagebox, 0, 0, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
	/* now a status area under this box */
	status = dw_status_text_new("", 0);
	dw_box_pack_start( notebookbox2, status, 100, 20, TRUE, FALSE, 1);

	/* create render box for number pixmap */
	textbox1 = dw_render_new( 100 );
	dw_window_set_font(textbox1, FIXEDFONT);
	dw_font_text_extents(textbox1, NULL, "O", &font_width, &font_height);
	vscrollbox = dw_box_new(BOXVERT, 0);
	dw_box_pack_start(vscrollbox, textbox1, (font_width*(width1+1)), font_height*rows, FALSE, TRUE, 0);
	dw_box_pack_start(vscrollbox, 0, (font_width*(width1+1)), SCROLLBARWIDTH, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
	dw_box_pack_start(pagebox, vscrollbox, 0, 0, FALSE, TRUE, 0);

	/* create render box for gap pixmap */
	/* create box for filecontents and horz scrollbar */
	textboxA = dw_box_new( BOXVERT,0 );
	dw_box_pack_start( pagebox, textboxA, 0, 0, TRUE, TRUE, 0);

	/* create render box for filecontents pixmap */
	textbox2 = dw_render_new( 101 );
	dw_box_pack_start( textboxA, textbox2, 10, 10, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
	dw_window_set_font(textbox2, FIXEDFONT);
	/* create horizonal scrollbar */
	hscrollbar = dw_scrollbar_new(FALSE, 100, 50);
	dw_box_pack_start( textboxA, hscrollbar, 100, SCROLLBARWIDTH, TRUE, FALSE, 0);

	/* create vertical scrollbar */
	vscrollbox = dw_box_new(BOXVERT, 0);
	vscrollbar = dw_scrollbar_new(TRUE, 100, 50);
	dw_box_pack_start(vscrollbox, vscrollbar, SCROLLBARWIDTH, 100, FALSE, TRUE, 0);
	/* Pack an area of empty space 14x14 pixels */
	dw_box_pack_start(vscrollbox, 0, SCROLLBARWIDTH, SCROLLBARWIDTH, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
	dw_box_pack_start(pagebox, vscrollbox, 0, 0, FALSE, TRUE, 0);

	text1pm = dw_pixmap_new( textbox1, (font_width*(width1+1)), font_height*rows, depth );
	text2pm = dw_pixmap_new( textbox2, font_width*cols, font_height*rows, depth );

	dw_messagebox("DWTest", "Width: %d Height: %d\n", font_width, font_height);
	dw_draw_rect(0, text1pm, TRUE, 0, 0, font_width*width1, font_height*rows);
	dw_draw_rect(0, text2pm, TRUE, 0, 0, font_width*cols, font_height*rows);
	dw_signal_connect(textbox1, "expose_event", DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(text_expose), NULL);
	dw_signal_connect(textbox2, "expose_event", DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(text_expose), NULL);
	dw_signal_connect(textbox2, "configure_event", DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(configure_event), text2pm);
	dw_signal_connect(hscrollbar, "value_changed", DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(scrollbar_valuechanged), (void *)status);
	dw_signal_connect(vscrollbar, "value_changed", DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(scrollbar_valuechanged), (void *)status);
	dw_signal_connect(textbox1, "key_press_event", DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(keypress_callback), text1pm);
	dw_signal_connect(textbox2, "key_press_event", DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(keypress_callback), text2pm);

void tree_add(void)
	HWND t1,t2,t3;

	/* create a box to pack into the notebook page */
	treebox = dw_box_new(BOXHORZ, 2);
	dw_box_pack_start( notebookbox3, treebox, 500, 200, TRUE, TRUE, 0);

	/* now a tree area under this box */
	tree = dw_tree_new(0);
	dw_box_pack_start( notebookbox3, tree, 500, 200, TRUE, FALSE, 1);

	t1 = dw_tree_insert(tree, "tree item 1", 0, 0, 0 );
	t2 = dw_tree_insert(tree, "tree item 2", 0, 0, 0 );
	t3 = dw_tree_insert(tree, "tree item 3", 0, t2, 0 );

	dw_signal_connect(textbox1, "expose_event", DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(text_expose), NULL);
	dw_signal_connect(textbox2, "expose_event", DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(text_expose), NULL);
	dw_signal_connect(textbox2, "configure_event", DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(configure_event), text2pm);
	dw_signal_connect(hscrollbar, "value_changed", DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(scrollbar_valuechanged), (void *)status);
	dw_signal_connect(vscrollbar, "value_changed", DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(scrollbar_valuechanged), (void *)status);
	dw_signal_connect(textbox1, "key_press_event", DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(keypress_callback), text1pm);
	dw_signal_connect(textbox2, "key_press_event", DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(keypress_callback), text2pm);

/* Beep every second */
int DWSIGNAL timer_callback(void *data)
	dw_beep(200, 200);

	/* Return TRUE so we get called again */
	return TRUE;

 * Let's demonstrate the functionality of this library. :)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	ULONG notebookpage1;
	ULONG notebookpage2;
	ULONG notebookpage3;

	dw_init(TRUE, argc, argv);

	mainwindow = dw_window_new( HWND_DESKTOP, "dwindows test", flStyle | DW_FCF_SIZEBORDER | DW_FCF_MINMAX );

	notebookbox = dw_box_new( BOXVERT, 5 );
	dw_box_pack_start( mainwindow, notebookbox, 0, 0, TRUE, TRUE, 0);

	notebook = dw_notebook_new( 1, TRUE );
	dw_box_pack_start( notebookbox, notebook, 100, 100, TRUE, TRUE, 0);

	notebookbox1 = dw_box_new( BOXVERT, 5 );
	notebookpage1 = dw_notebook_page_new( notebook, 0, TRUE );
	dw_notebook_pack( notebook, notebookpage1, notebookbox1 );
	dw_notebook_page_set_text( notebook, notebookpage1, "first page");

	notebookbox2 = dw_box_new( BOXVERT, 5 );
	notebookpage2 = dw_notebook_page_new( notebook, 1, FALSE );
	dw_notebook_pack( notebook, notebookpage2, notebookbox2 );
	dw_notebook_page_set_text( notebook, notebookpage2, "second page");

	notebookbox3 = dw_box_new( BOXVERT, 5 );
	notebookpage3 = dw_notebook_page_new( notebook, 1, FALSE );
	dw_notebook_pack( notebook, notebookpage3, notebookbox3 );
	dw_notebook_page_set_text( notebook, notebookpage3, "third page");

	dw_signal_connect(mainwindow, "delete_event", DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(exit_callback), (void *)mainwindow);
	timerid = dw_timer_connect(1000, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(timer_callback), 0);
	dw_window_set_usize(mainwindow, 640, 480);


	return 0;