view makefile.wpm @ 2778:1660b4ecb92f

Win/OS2: Remove the lib and dll folders and their placeholders. Update the Windows makefile to create plaform folders automatically. Package both x86 and x64 platforms into the zip.
author bsmith@81767d24-ef19-dc11-ae90-00e081727c95
date Tue, 28 Jun 2022 00:53:47 +0000
parents e113f9e46fbd
line wrap: on
line source

#   Auto-dependency information
OS22_H = $(%WATCOM)\h\os2
CFLAGS  = -i=os2 -i=$(OS22_H) -DUNICODE -bm -bt=OS2 -zq -d2 -bd -sg

.SUFFIXES: .obj .c
	wcc386 $(CFLAGS) $*.c

all:	dw.dll dwcompat.dll dwtest.exe

dwcompat.dll: dirent.obj dwcompat.obj
	wlink @os2\dwcompat.lnk name dwcompat.dll system os2v2_dll d a library $(TLKTLIB)\so32dll,$(TLKTLIB)\tcp32dll option implib=dwcompat option map option symf f $[@ f dwcompat

	wcc386 $(CFLAGS) os2\dirent.c

dw.dll: dw.obj
	wlink @os2\dw.lnk name dw.dll system os2v2_dll d a library $(TLKTLIB)\libuls,$(TLKTLIB)\libconv,$(TLKTLIB)\unikbd option implib=dw option map option symf f $[@

dw.obj: os2\dw.c
	wcc386 $(CFLAGS) os2\dw.c

dwtest.exe: dwtest.obj
	wlink name dwtest.exe system os2v2_pm d a library dw.lib option map option symf f $[@

	wcc386 /DOS2 -i=os2 -i=$(OS22_H) -bm -bt=OS2 -zq -d2 -sg dwtest.c

	@if exist *.obj del *.obj
	@if exist *.sym del *.sym
	@if exist *.map del *.map
	@if exist *.lib del *.lib
	@if exist *.dll del *.dll
	@if exist *.exe del *.exe