view dw.hpp @ 2873:0bbfb19022e7

C++: GCC prior to 4.7 does not support the override keyword. So if using earlier versions of GCC, just remove override. This allows compilation on ancient GCC and GCC based Xcode. Also remove virtual from the application, I don't think it is needed and old GCC pukes on it when it is there.
author bsmith@81767d24-ef19-dc11-ae90-00e081727c95
date Mon, 19 Dec 2022 07:42:12 +0000
parents e62fc9b3b09c
children 585d0053b766
line wrap: on
line source

/* Dynamic Windows C++ Language Bindings 
 * Copyright 2022 Brian Smith
 * Requires a C++11 compatible compiler.

#ifndef _HPP_DW
#define _HPP_DW
#include <dw.h>

// Attempt to support compilers without nullptr type literal
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
#define DW_NULL nullptr
#define DW_NULL NULL

// Attempt to allow compilation on GCC older than 4.7
#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNuC__ < 5 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ < 7))
#define override

namespace DW 

// Base handle class which allows opaque access to 
// The base system handles
class Handle 
    void *handle;
    void SetHandle(void *newhandle) { handle = newhandle; }
    void *GetHandle() { return handle; }

// Widget class allows packing and style
class Widget : public Handle
    void SetHWND(HWND newhwnd) { 
        hwnd = newhwnd; 
        SetHandle(reinterpret_cast<void *>(newhwnd));
        // Save the C++ class pointer in the window data for later
        dw_window_set_data(hwnd, "_dw_classptr", this);
    HWND hwnd; 
    HWND GetHWND() { return hwnd; }
    int Unpack() { return dw_box_unpack(hwnd); }
    void SetStyle(unsigned long style, unsigned long mask) { dw_window_set_style(hwnd, style, mask); }
    void SetTooltip(char *bubbletext) { dw_window_set_tooltip(hwnd, bubbletext); }

// Box class is a packable object
class Box : public Widget
    void PackStart(Widget *item, int width, int height, int hsize, int vsize, int pad) { 
        dw_box_pack_start(hwnd, item ? item->GetHWND() : DW_NOHWND, width, height, hsize, vsize, pad); }
    void PackEnd(Widget *item, int width, int height, int hsize, int vsize, int pad) { 
        dw_box_pack_end(hwnd, item ? item->GetHWND() : DW_NOHWND, width, height, hsize, vsize, pad); }
    void PackAtIndex(Widget *item, int index, int width, int height, int hsize, int vsize, int pad) { 
        dw_box_pack_at_index(hwnd, item ? item->GetHWND() : DW_NOHWND, index, width, height, hsize, vsize, pad); }
    Widget *UnpackAtIndex(int index) { HWND widget = dw_box_unpack_at_index(hwnd, index);
        void *classptr = widget ? dw_window_get_data(widget, "_dw_classptr") : DW_NULL;
        return reinterpret_cast<Widget *>(classptr);

// TODO: Find a way to implement this cross platform...
// That way we can skip adding unused signal handlers
#define IsOverridden(a, b) true

// Top-level window class is packable
class Window : public Box
    void Setup() {	
        if(IsOverridden(Window::OnConfigure, this))
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_DELETE, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnDelete), this);
        if(IsOverridden(Window::OnConfigure, this))
            dw_signal_connect(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_CONFIGURE, DW_SIGNAL_FUNC(_OnConfigure), this);
    static int _OnDelete(HWND window, void *data) { return reinterpret_cast<Window *>(data)->OnDelete(); }
    static int _OnConfigure(HWND window, int width, int height, void *data) { return reinterpret_cast<Window *>(data)->OnConfigure(width, height); }
    // Constructors
    Window(HWND owner, const char *title, unsigned long style) { SetHWND(dw_window_new(owner, title, style)); Setup(); }
    Window(const char *title, unsigned long style) { SetHWND(dw_window_new(HWND_DESKTOP, title, style)); Setup(); }
    Window(unsigned long style) { SetHWND(dw_window_new(HWND_DESKTOP, "", style)); Setup(); }
    Window(const char *title) { SetHWND(dw_window_new(HWND_DESKTOP, title,  DW_FCF_SYSMENU | DW_FCF_TITLEBAR |
                        DW_FCF_TASKLIST | DW_FCF_SIZEBORDER | DW_FCF_MINMAX)); Setup(); }
    Window() { SetHWND(dw_window_new(HWND_DESKTOP, "", DW_FCF_SYSMENU | DW_FCF_TITLEBAR |
                        DW_FCF_TASKLIST | DW_FCF_SIZEBORDER | DW_FCF_MINMAX)); Setup(); }

    // User functions
    void SetText(const char *text) { dw_window_set_text(hwnd, text); }
    void SetSize(unsigned long width, unsigned long height) { dw_window_set_size(hwnd, width, height); }
    int Show() { return dw_window_show(hwnd); }
    int Hide() { return dw_window_hide(hwnd); }
    void SetGravity(int horz, int vert) { dw_window_set_gravity(hwnd, horz, vert); }
    int Minimize() { return dw_window_minimize(hwnd); }
    int Raise() { return dw_window_raise(hwnd); }
    int Lower() { return dw_window_lower(hwnd); }
    // Our signal handler functions to be overriden...
    // If they are not overridden and an event is generated, remove the unused handler
    virtual int OnDelete() { dw_signal_disconnect_by_name(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_DELETE); return FALSE; }
    virtual int OnConfigure(int width, int height) { dw_signal_disconnect_by_name(hwnd, DW_SIGNAL_CONFIGURE); return FALSE; };

// Class for handling static text widget
class Text : public Widget
    Text(const char *text, unsigned long id) { SetHWND(dw_text_new(text, id)); }
    Text(const char *text) { SetHWND(dw_text_new(text, 0)); }
    Text(unsigned long id) { SetHWND(dw_text_new("", id)); }
    Text() { SetHWND(dw_text_new("", 0)); }
    void SetText(const char *text) { dw_window_set_text(hwnd, text); }
    int SetFont(const char *font) { return dw_window_set_font(hwnd, font); }
    char *GetFont() { return dw_window_get_font(hwnd); }

class App
    App() { }
    static App *_app;
// Allow the code to compile if handicapped on older compilers
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
    // Singletons should not be cloneable.
    App(App &other) = delete;
    // Singletons should not be assignable.
    void operator=(const App &) = delete;
    // Initialization functions for creating App
    static App *Init() { if(!_app) { _app = new App; dw_init(TRUE, 0, DW_NULL); } return _app; }
    static App *Init(const char *appid) { if(!_app) { _app = new App(); dw_app_id_set(appid, DW_NULL); dw_init(TRUE, 0, DW_NULL); } return _app; }
    static App *Init(const char *appid, const char *appname) { if(!_app) { _app = new App(); dw_app_id_set(appid, appname); dw_init(TRUE, 0, DW_NULL); } return _app; }
    static App *Init(int argc, char *argv[]) { if(!_app) { _app = new App(); dw_init(TRUE, argc, argv); } return _app; }
    static App *Init(int argc, char *argv[], const char *appid) { if(!_app) { _app = new App(); dw_app_id_set(appid, DW_NULL); dw_init(TRUE, argc, argv); } return _app; }
    static App *Init(int argc, char *argv[], const char *appid, const char *appname) { if(!_app) { _app = new App(); dw_app_id_set(appid, appname); dw_init(TRUE, argc, argv); } return _app; }

    void Main() { dw_main(); }
    void MainIteration() { dw_main_iteration(); }
    void MainQuit() { dw_main_quit(); }
    void Exit(int exitcode) { dw_exit(exitcode); }

// Static singleton reference declared outside of the class
App* App::_app = DW_NULL;

#if 0
// Class that allows drawing, either to screen or picture (pixmap)
class Drawable
    void DrawPoint(int x, int y);
    void DrawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
    void DrawPolygon(int flags, int x[], int y[]);
    void DrawRect(int fill, int x, int y, int width, int height);
    void DrawArc(int flags, int xorigin, int yorigin, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
    void DrawText(int x, int y, std::string text);
    int BitBltStretch(int xdest, int ydest, int width, int height, HWND src, int xsrc, int ysrc, int srcwidth, int srcheight);
    int BitBltStretch(int xdest, int ydest, int width, int height, HPIXMAP srcp, int xsrc, int ysrc, int srcwidth, int srcheight);
    void BitBlt(int xdest, int ydest, int width, int height, HWND src, int xsrc, int ysrc);
    void BitBlt(int xdest, int ydest, int width, int height, HPIXMAP srcp, int xsrc, int ysrc);

class Render : public Drawable, public Widget

class Pixmap : public Drawable, public Handle

} /* namespace DW */