diff android/dw.cpp @ 2982:e6fb2558e29e

Android: Support for dw_html_javascript_add() and DW_SIGNAL_HTML_MESSAGE. Have to bump Android minimum API version to 26 (Oreo) for this to work. Not completely functional but I need change locations, it builds.
author bsmith@81767d24-ef19-dc11-ae90-00e081727c95
date Mon, 27 Mar 2023 00:40:17 +0000
parents 0577a97fe36d
children 81611e54ff1d
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/android/dw.cpp	Sun Mar 26 22:10:10 2023 +0000
+++ b/android/dw.cpp	Mon Mar 27 00:40:17 2023 +0000
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
  * (C) 2011-2023 Brian Smith <brian@dbsoft.org>
  * (C) 2011-2022 Mark Hessling <mark@rexx.org>
- * Requires Android API 23 (Marshmallow) or higher.
+ * Requires Android API 26 (Oreo) or higher.
@@ -251,9 +251,7 @@
 } DWSignalList;
 /* List of signals */
-#define SIGNALMAX 19
-static DWSignalList DWSignalTranslate[SIGNALMAX] = {
+static DWSignalList DWSignalTranslate[] = {
@@ -272,7 +270,9 @@
+        { 0,                                    "" }
 #define _DW_EVENT_PARAM_SIZE 10
@@ -475,6 +475,20 @@
+                /* HTML message event */
+            case _DW_EVENT_HTML_MESSAGE:
+            {
+                int (* API htmlmessagefunc)(HWND, char *, char *, void *) = (int (* API)(HWND, char *, char *, void *))handler->signalfunction;
+                char *name = (char *)params[1];
+                char *body = (char *)params[2];
+                retval = htmlmessagefunc(handler->window, name, body, handler->data);
+                if(name)
+                    free(name);
+                if(body)
+                    free(body);
+                break;
+            }
     return retval;
@@ -666,6 +680,25 @@
         env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(URI, uri);
+Java_org_dbsoft_dwindows_DWWebViewInterface_eventHandlerHTMLMessage(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz,
+                                                                    jobject obj1, jint message,
+                                                                    jstring htmlName, jstring htmlBody) {
+    const char *name = env->GetStringUTFChars(htmlName, nullptr);
+    const char *body = env->GetStringUTFChars(htmlBody, nullptr);
+    void *params[_DW_EVENT_PARAM_SIZE] = { nullptr, DW_POINTER(name ? strdup(name) : nullptr),
+                                           DW_POINTER(body ? strdup(body) : nullptr),
+                                           nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
+                                           DW_INT_TO_POINTER(message), nullptr };
+    _dw_event_handler(obj1, params);
+    if(name)
+        env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(htmlName, name);
+    if(body)
+        env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(htmlBody, body);
 typedef struct _dwprint
     int (*drawfunc)(HPRINT, HPIXMAP, int, void *);
@@ -885,12 +918,13 @@
 /* Finds the message number for a given signal name */
 ULONG _dw_findsigmessage(const char *signame)
-    int z;
-    for(z=0;z<SIGNALMAX;z++)
+    int z = 0;
+    while(DWSignalTranslate[z].message)
         if(strcasecmp(signame, DWSignalTranslate[z].name) == 0)
             return DWSignalTranslate[z].message;
+        z++;
     return 0L;
@@ -5277,6 +5311,38 @@
+ * Install a javascript function with name that can call native code.
+ * Parameters:
+ *       handle: Handle to the HTML window.
+ *       name: Javascript function name.
+ * Notes: A DW_SIGNAL_HTML_MESSAGE event will be raised with scriptdata.
+ * Returns:
+ *       DW_ERROR_NONE (0) on success.
+ */
+int API dw_html_javascript_add(HWND handle, const char *name)
+    JNIEnv *env;
+    int retval = DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN;
+    if(handle && name && (env = (JNIEnv *)pthread_getspecific(_dw_env_key)))
+    {
+        // Construct a String
+        jstring jstr = env->NewStringUTF(name);
+        // First get the class that contains the method you need to call
+        jclass clazz = _dw_find_class(env, DW_CLASS_NAME);
+        // Get the method that you want to call
+        jmethodID htmlJavascriptAdd = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "htmlJavascriptAdd",
+                                                       "(Landroid/webkit/WebView;Ljava/lang/String;)V");
+        // Call the method on the object
+        env->CallVoidMethod(_dw_obj, htmlJavascriptAdd, handle, jstr);
+        if(!_dw_jni_check_exception(env))
+            retval = DW_ERROR_NONE;
+        env->DeleteLocalRef(jstr);
+    }
+    return retval;
  * Create a new HTML window (widget) to be packed.
  * Parameters:
  *       id: An ID to be used with dw_window_from_id() or 0L.
@@ -8222,4 +8288,4 @@
 #ifdef __cplusplus
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